#include <MFn.h>
MFn encapsulates all API Function Set type identifiers used for RTTI in the API.
enum MFn::Type |
Definition of all API types.
kInvalid | |
kBase | |
kNamedObject | |
kModel | |
kDependencyNode | |
kAddDoubleLinear | |
kAffect | |
kAnimCurve | |
kAnimCurveTimeToAngular | |
kAnimCurveTimeToDistance | |
kAnimCurveTimeToTime | |
kAnimCurveTimeToUnitless | |
kAnimCurveUnitlessToAngular | |
kAnimCurveUnitlessToDistance | |
kAnimCurveUnitlessToTime | |
kAnimCurveUnitlessToUnitless | |
kResultCurve | |
kResultCurveTimeToAngular | |
kResultCurveTimeToDistance | |
kResultCurveTimeToTime | |
kResultCurveTimeToUnitless | |
kAngleBetween | |
kAudio | |
kBackground | |
kColorBackground | |
kFileBackground | |
kRampBackground | |
kBlend | |
kBlendTwoAttr | |
kBlendWeighted | |
kBlendDevice | |
kBlendColors | |
kBump | |
kBump3d | |
kCameraView | |
kChainToSpline | |
kChoice | |
kCondition | |
kContrast | |
kClampColor | |
kCreate | |
kAlignCurve | |
kAlignSurface | |
kAttachCurve | |
kAttachSurface | |
kAvgCurves | |
kAvgSurfacePoints | |
kAvgNurbsSurfacePoints | |
kBevel | |
kBirailSrf | |
kDPbirailSrf | |
kMPbirailSrf | |
kSPbirailSrf | |
kBoundary | |
kCircle | |
kCloseCurve | |
kClosestPointOnSurface | |
kCloseSurface | |
kCurveFromSurface | |
kCurveFromSurfaceBnd | |
kCurveFromSurfaceCoS | |
kCurveFromSurfaceIso | |
kCurveInfo | |
kDetachCurve | |
kDetachSurface | |
kExtendCurve | |
kExtendSurface | |
kExtrude | |
kFFblendSrf | |
kFFfilletSrf | |
kFilletCurve | |
kFitBspline | |
kFlow | |
kHardenPointCurve | |
kIllustratorCurve | |
kInsertKnotCrv | |
kInsertKnotSrf | |
kIntersectSurface | |
kNurbsTesselate | |
kNurbsPlane | |
kNurbsCube | |
kOffsetCos | |
kOffsetCurve | |
kPlanarTrimSrf | |
kPointOnCurveInfo | |
kPointOnSurfaceInfo | |
kPrimitive | |
kProjectCurve | |
kProjectTangent | |
kRBFsurface | |
kRebuildCurve | |
kRebuildSurface | |
kReverseCurve | |
kReverseSurface | |
kRevolve | |
kRevolvedPrimitive | |
kCone | |
kRenderCone | |
kCylinder | |
kSphere | |
kSkin | |
kStitchSrf | |
kSubCurve | |
kSurfaceInfo | |
kTextCurves | |
kTrim | |
kUntrim | |
kDagNode | |
kProxy | |
kUnderWorld | |
kTransform | |
kAimConstraint | |
kLookAt | |
kGeometryConstraint | |
kGeometryVarGroup | |
kAnyGeometryVarGroup | |
kCurveVarGroup | |
kMeshVarGroup | |
kSurfaceVarGroup | |
kIkEffector | |
kIkHandle | |
kJoint | |
kManipulator3D | |
kArrowManip | |
kAxesActionManip | |
kBallProjectionManip | |
kCircleManip | |
kScreenAlignedCircleManip | |
kCircleSweepManip | |
kConcentricProjectionManip | |
kCubicProjectionManip | |
kCylindricalProjectionManip | |
kDiscManip | |
kFreePointManip | |
kCenterManip | |
kLimitManip | |
kEnableManip | |
kFreePointTriadManip | |
kPropMoveTriadManip | |
kTowPointManip | |
kPolyCreateToolManip | |
kPolySplitToolManip | |
kGeometryOnLineManip | |
kCameraPlaneManip | |
kToggleOnLineManip | |
kStateManip | |
kIsoparmManip | |
kLineManip | |
kManipContainer | |
kAverageCurveManip | |
kBarnDoorManip | |
kBevelManip | |
kBlendManip | |
kButtonManip | |
kCameraManip | |
kCoiManip | |
kCpManip | |
kCreateCVManip | |
kCreateEPManip | |
kCurveEdManip | |
kCurveSegmentManip | |
kDirectionManip | |
kDofManip | |
kDropoffManip | |
kExtendCurveDistanceManip | |
kExtrudeManip | |
kIkSplineManip | |
kIkRPManip | |
kJointClusterManip | |
kLightManip | |
kMotionPathManip | |
kOffsetCosManip | |
kOffsetCurveManip | |
kProjectionManip | |
kPolyProjectionManip | |
kProjectionUVManip | |
kProjectionMultiManip | |
kProjectTangentManip | |
kPropModManip | |
kQuadPtOnLineManip | |
kRbfSrfManip | |
kReverseCurveManip | |
kReverseCrvManip | |
kReverseSurfaceManip | |
kRevolveManip | |
kRevolvedPrimitiveManip | |
kSpotManip | |
kSpotCylinderManip | |
kTriplanarProjectionManip | |
kTrsManip | |
kDblTrsManip | |
kPivotManip2D | |
kManip2DContainer | |
kPolyMoveUVManip | |
kPolyMappingManip | |
kPolyModifierManip | |
kPolyMoveVertexManip | |
kPolyVertexNormalManip | |
kTexSmudgeUVManip | |
kTexLatticeDeformManip | |
kTexLattice | |
kTexSmoothManip | |
kTrsTransManip | |
kTrsInsertManip | |
kTrsXformManip | |
kManipulator2D | |
kTranslateManip2D | |
kPlanarProjectionManip | |
kPointOnCurveManip | |
kTowPointOnCurveManip | |
kMarkerManip | |
kPointOnLineManip | |
kPointOnSurfaceManip | |
kTranslateUVManip | |
kRotateBoxManip | |
kRotateManip | |
kHandleRotateManip | |
kRotateLimitsManip | |
kScaleLimitsManip | |
kScaleManip | |
kScalingBoxManip | |
kScriptManip | |
kSphericalProjectionManip | |
kTextureManip3D | |
kToggleManip | |
kTranslateBoxManip | |
kTranslateLimitsManip | |
kTranslateManip | |
kTrimManip | |
kJointTranslateManip | |
kManipulator | |
kCirclePointManip | |
kDimensionManip | |
kFixedLineManip | |
kLightProjectionGeometry | |
kLineArrowManip | |
kPointManip | |
kTriadManip | |
kNormalConstraint | |
kOrientConstraint | |
kPointConstraint | |
kParentConstraint | |
kPoleVectorConstraint | |
kScaleConstraint | |
kTangentConstraint | |
kUnknownTransform | |
kWorld | |
kShape | |
kBaseLattice | |
kCamera | |
kCluster | |
kSoftMod | |
kCollision | |
kDummy | |
kEmitter | |
kField | |
kAir | |
kDrag | |
kGravity | |
kNewton | |
kRadial | |
kTurbulence | |
kUniform | |
kVortex | |
kGeometric | |
kCurve | |
kNurbsCurve | |
kNurbsCurveGeom | |
kDimension | |
kAngle | |
kAnnotation | |
kDistance | |
kArcLength | |
kRadius | |
kParamDimension | |
kDirectedDisc | |
kRenderRect | |
kEnvFogShape | |
kLattice | |
kLatticeGeom | |
kLocator | |
kDropoffLocator | |
kMarker | |
kOrientationMarker | |
kPositionMarker | |
kOrientationLocator | |
kTrimLocator | |
kPlane | |
kSketchPlane | |
kGroundPlane | |
kOrthoGrid | |
kSprite | |
kSurface | |
kNurbsSurface | |
kNurbsSurfaceGeom | |
kMesh | |
kMeshGeom | |
kRenderSphere | |
kFlexor | |
kClusterFlexor | |
kGuideLine | |
kLight | |
kAmbientLight | |
kNonAmbientLight | |
kAreaLight | |
kLinearLight | |
kNonExtendedLight | |
kDirectionalLight | |
kPointLight | |
kSpotLight | |
kParticle | |
kPolyToolFeedbackShape | |
kRigidConstraint | |
kRigid | |
kSpring | |
kUnknownDag | |
kDefaultLightList | |
kDeleteComponent | |
kDispatchCompute | |
kShadingEngine | |
kDisplacementShader | |
kDistanceBetween | |
kDOF | |
kDummyConnectable | |
kDynamicsController | |
kGeoConnectable | |
kExpression | |
kExtract | |
kFilter | |
kFilterClosestSample | |
kFilterEuler | |
kFilterSimplify | |
kGammaCorrect | |
kGeometryFilt | |
kBendLattice | |
kBlendShape | |
kBulgeLattice | |
kFFD | |
kFfdDualBase | |
kRigidDeform | |
kSculpt | |
kTweak | |
kWeightGeometryFilt | |
kClusterFilter | |
kSoftModFilter | |
kJointCluster | |
kWire | |
kGroupId | |
kGroupParts | |
kGuide | |
kHsvToRgb | |
kHyperGraphInfo | |
kHyperLayout | |
kHyperView | |
kIkSolver | |
kMCsolver | |
kPASolver | |
kSCsolver | |
kRPsolver | |
kSplineSolver | |
kIkSystem | |
kImagePlane | |
kLambert | |
kReflect | |
kBlinn | |
kPhong | |
kPhongExplorer | |
kLayeredShader | |
kLightInfo | |
kLeastSquares | |
kLightFogMaterial | |
kEnvFogMaterial | |
kLightList | |
kLightSource | |
kLuminance | |
kMakeGroup | |
kMaterial | |
kDiffuseMaterial | |
kLambertMaterial | |
kBlinnMaterial | |
kPhongMaterial | |
kLightSourceMaterial | |
kMaterialInfo | |
kMatrixAdd | |
kMatrixHold | |
kMatrixMult | |
kMatrixPass | |
kMatrixWtAdd | |
kMidModifier | |
kMidModifierWithMatrix | |
kPolyBevel | |
kPolyTweak | |
kPolyAppend | |
kPolyChipOff | |
kPolyCloseBorder | |
kPolyCollapseEdge | |
kPolyCollapseF | |
kPolyCylProj | |
kPolyDelEdge | |
kPolyDelFacet | |
kPolyDelVertex | |
kPolyExtrudeFacet | |
kPolyMapCut | |
kPolyMapDel | |
kPolyMapSew | |
kPolyMergeEdge | |
kPolyMergeFacet | |
kPolyMoveEdge | |
kPolyMoveFacet | |
kPolyMoveFacetUV | |
kPolyMoveUV | |
kPolyMoveVertex | |
kPolyMoveVertexUV | |
kPolyNormal | |
kPolyPlanProj | |
kPolyProj | |
kPolyQuad | |
kPolySmooth | |
kPolySoftEdge | |
kPolySphProj | |
kPolySplit | |
kPolySubdEdge | |
kPolySubdFacet | |
kPolyTriangulate | |
kPolyCreator | |
kPolyPrimitive | |
kPolyCone | |
kPolyCube | |
kPolyCylinder | |
kPolyMesh | |
kPolySphere | |
kPolyTorus | |
kPolyCreateFacet | |
kPolyUnite | |
kMotionPath | |
kMultilisterLight | |
kMultiplyDivide | |
kOldGeometryConstraint | |
kOpticalFX | |
kParticleAgeMapper | |
kParticleCloud | |
kParticleColorMapper | |
kParticleIncandecenceMapper | |
kParticleTransparencyMapper | |
kPartition | |
kPlace2dTexture | |
kPlace3dTexture | |
kPluginDependNode | Custom dependency nodes derived from MPxNode. |
kPlusMinusAverage | |
kPointMatrixMult | |
kPolySeparate | |
kPostProcessList | |
kProjection | |
kRecord | |
kRenderUtilityList | |
kReverse | |
kRgbToHsv | |
kRigidSolver | |
kSet | |
kTextureBakeSet | |
kVertexBakeSet | |
kSetRange | |
kShaderGlow | |
kShaderList | |
kShadingMap | |
kSamplerInfo | |
kShapeFragment | |
kSimpleVolumeShader | |
kSl60 | |
kSnapshot | |
kStoryBoard | |
kSummaryObject | |
kSuper | |
kControl | |
kSurfaceLuminance | |
kSurfaceShader | |
kTextureList | |
kTextureEnv | |
kEnvBall | |
kEnvCube | |
kEnvChrome | |
kEnvSky | |
kEnvSphere | |
kTexture2d | |
kBulge | |
kChecker | |
kCloth | |
kFileTexture | |
kFractal | |
kGrid | |
kMountain | |
kRamp | |
kStencil | |
kWater | |
kTexture3d | |
kBrownian | |
kCloud | |
kCrater | |
kGranite | |
kLeather | |
kMarble | |
kRock | |
kSnow | |
kSolidFractal | |
kStucco | |
kTxSl | |
kWood | |
kTime | |
kTimeToUnitConversion | |
kRenderSetup | |
kRenderGlobals | |
kRenderGlobalsList | |
kRenderQuality | |
kResolution | |
kHardwareRenderGlobals | |
kArrayMapper | |
kUnitConversion | |
kUnitToTimeConversion | |
kUseBackground | |
kUnknown | |
kVectorProduct | |
kVolumeShader | |
kComponent | |
kCurveCVComponent | |
kCurveEPComponent | |
kCurveKnotComponent | |
kCurveParamComponent | |
kIsoparmComponent | |
kPivotComponent | |
kSurfaceCVComponent | |
kSurfaceEPComponent | |
kSurfaceKnotComponent | |
kEdgeComponent | |
kLatticeComponent | |
kSurfaceRangeComponent | |
kDecayRegionCapComponent | |
kDecayRegionComponent | |
kMeshComponent | |
kMeshEdgeComponent | |
kMeshPolygonComponent | |
kMeshFrEdgeComponent | |
kMeshVertComponent | |
kMeshFaceVertComponent | |
kOrientationComponent | |
kSubVertexComponent | |
kMultiSubVertexComponent | |
kSetGroupComponent | |
kDynParticleSetComponent | |
kSelectionItem | |
kDagSelectionItem | |
kNonDagSelectionItem | |
kItemList | |
kAttribute | |
kNumericAttribute | |
kDoubleAngleAttribute | |
kFloatAngleAttribute | |
kDoubleLinearAttribute | |
kFloatLinearAttribute | |
kTimeAttribute | |
kEnumAttribute | |
kUnitAttribute | |
kTypedAttribute | |
kCompoundAttribute | |
kGenericAttribute | |
kLightDataAttribute | |
kMatrixAttribute | |
kFloatMatrixAttribute | |
kMessageAttribute | |
kPlugin | Custom Plug-in. |
kData | |
kComponentListData | |
kDoubleArrayData | |
kIntArrayData | |
kLatticeData | |
kMatrixData | |
kMeshData | |
kNurbsSurfaceData | |
kNurbsCurveData | |
kNumericData | |
kData2Double | |
kData2Float | |
kData2Int | |
kData2Short | |
kData3Double | |
kData3Float | |
kData3Int | |
kData3Short | |
kPluginData | Custom data types derived from MPxData. |
kPointArrayData | |
kSphereData | |
kStringData | |
kStringArrayData | |
kVectorArrayData | |
kSelectionList | |
kTransformGeometry | |
kCommEdgePtManip | |
kCommEdgeOperManip | |
kCommEdgeSegmentManip | |
kCommCornerManip | |
kCommCornerOperManip | |
kPluginDeformerNode | Custom deformer node derived from MPxDeformerNode. |
kTorus | |
kPolyBoolOp | |
kSingleShadingSwitch | |
kDoubleShadingSwitch | |
kTripleShadingSwitch | |
kNurbsSquare | |
kAnisotropy | |
kNonLinear | |
kDeformFunc | |
kDeformBend | |
kDeformTwist | |
kDeformSquash | |
kDeformFlare | |
kDeformSine | |
kDeformWave | |
kDeformBendManip | |
kDeformTwistManip | |
kDeformSquashManip | |
kDeformFlareManip | |
kDeformSineManip | |
kDeformWaveManip | |
kSoftModManip | |
kDistanceManip | |
kScript | |
kCurveFromMeshEdge | |
kCurveCurveIntersect | |
kNurbsCircular3PtArc | |
kNurbsCircular2PtArc | |
kOffsetSurface | |
kRoundConstantRadius | |
kRoundRadiusManip | |
kRoundRadiusCrvManip | |
kRoundConstantRadiusManip | |
kThreePointArcManip | |
kTwoPointArcManip | |
kTextButtonManip | |
kOffsetSurfaceManip | |
kImageData | |
kImageLoad | |
kImageSave | |
kImageNetSrc | |
kImageNetDest | |
kImageRender | |
kImageAdd | |
kImageDiff | |
kImageMultiply | |
kImageOver | |
kImageUnder | |
kImageColorCorrect | |
kImageBlur | |
kImageFilter | |
kImageDepth | |
kImageDisplay | |
kImageView | |
kImageMotionBlur | |
kMatrixFloatData | |
kSkinShader | |
kComponentManip | |
kSelectionListData | |
kObjectFilter | |
kObjectMultiFilter | |
kObjectNameFilter | |
kObjectTypeFilter | |
kObjectAttrFilter | |
kObjectRenderFilter | |
kObjectScriptFilter | |
kSelectionListOperator | |
kSubdiv | |
kPolyToSubdiv | |
kSkinClusterFilter | |
kCharacter | |
kCharacterOffset | |
kDagPose | |
kStitchAsNurbsShell | |
kExplodeNurbsShell | |
kNurbsBoolean | |
kStitchSrfManip | |
kForceUpdateManip | |
kPluginManipContainer | Custom manipulator containers derived from MPxManipContainer. |
kPolySewEdge | |
kPolyMergeVert | |
kPolySmoothFacet | |
kSmoothCurve | |
kGlobalStitch | |
kSubdivCVComponent | |
kSubdivEdgeComponent | |
kSubdivFaceComponent | |
kUVManip2D | |
kTranslateUVManip2D | |
kRotateUVManip2D | |
kScaleUVManip2D | |
kPolyTweakUV | |
kMoveUVShellManip2D | |
kPluginShape | Custom shapes (dependency nodes) derived from MPxSurfaceShape. |
kGeometryData | |
kSingleIndexedComponent | |
kDoubleIndexedComponent | |
kTripleIndexedComponent | |
kExtendSurfaceDistanceManip | |
kSquareSrf | |
kSquareSrfManip | |
kSubdivToPoly | |
kDynBase | |
kDynEmitterManip | |
kDynFieldsManip | |
kDynBaseFieldManip | |
kDynAirManip | |
kDynNewtonManip | |
kDynTurbulenceManip | |
kDynSpreadManip | |
kDynAttenuationManip | |
kDynArrayAttrsData | |
kPluginFieldNode | Custom dependency graph node representing a field derived from MPxFieldNode. |
kPluginEmitterNode | Custom dependency graph node representing an emitter derived from MPxEmitterNode. |
kPluginSpringNode | Custom dependency graph node representing a spring derived from MPxSpringNode. |
kDisplayLayer | |
kDisplayLayerManager | |
kPolyColorPerVertex | |
kCreateColorSet | |
kDeleteColorSet | |
kCopyColorSet | |
kBlendColorSet | |
kPolyColorMod | |
kPolyColorDel | |
kCharacterMappingData | |
kDynSweptGeometryData | |
kWrapFilter | |
kMeshVtxFaceComponent | |
kBinaryData | |
kAttribute2Double | |
kAttribute2Float | |
kAttribute2Short | |
kAttribute2Int | |
kAttribute3Double | |
kAttribute3Float | |
kAttribute3Short | |
kAttribute3Int | |
kReference | |
kBlindData | |
kBlindDataTemplate | |
kPolyBlindData | |
kPolyNormalPerVertex | |
kNurbsToSubdiv | |
kPluginIkSolver | Custom IK Solvers derived from MPxIkSolverNode. |
kInstancer | |
kMoveVertexManip | |
kStroke | |
kBrush | |
kStrokeGlobals | |
kPluginGeometryData | Custom container for arbitrary Geometry type derived from MPxGeometryData. |
kLightLink | |
kDynGlobals | |
kPolyReduce | |
kLodThresholds | |
kChooser | |
kLodGroup | |
kMultDoubleLinear | |
kFourByFourMatrix | |
kTowPointOnSurfaceManip | |
kSurfaceEdManip | |
kSurfaceFaceComponent | |
kClipScheduler | |
kClipLibrary | |
kSubSurface | |
kSmoothTangentSrf | |
kRenderPass | |
kRenderPassSet | |
kRenderLayer | |
kRenderLayerManager | |
kPassContributionMap | |
kPrecompExport | |
kPolyFlipEdge | |
kPolyExtrudeEdge | |
kAnimBlend | |
kAnimBlendInOut | |
kPolyAppendVertex | |
kUvChooser | |
kSubdivCompId | |
kVolumeAxis | |
kDeleteUVSet | |
kSubdHierBlind | |
kSubdBlindData | |
kCharacterMap | |
kLayeredTexture | |
kSubdivCollapse | |
kParticleSamplerInfo | |
kCopyUVSet | |
kCreateUVSet | |
kClip | |
kPolySplitVert | |
kSubdivData | |
kSubdivGeom | |
kUInt64ArrayData | |
kPolySplitEdge | |
kSubdivReverseFaces | |
kMeshMapComponent | |
kSectionManip | |
kXsectionSubdivEdit | |
kSubdivToNurbs | |
kEditCurve | |
kEditCurveManip | |
kCrossSectionManager | |
kCreateSectionManip | |
kCrossSectionEditManip | |
kDropOffFunction | |
kSubdBoolean | |
kSubdModifyEdge | |
kModifyEdgeCrvManip | |
kModifyEdgeManip | |
kScalePointManip | |
kTransformBoxManip | |
kSymmetryLocator | |
kSymmetryMapVector | |
kSymmetryMapCurve | |
kCurveFromSubdivEdge | |
kCreateBPManip | |
kModifyEdgeBaseManip | |
kSubdExtrudeFace | |
kSubdivSurfaceVarGroup | |
kSfRevolveManip | |
kCurveFromSubdivFace | |
kUnused1 | |
kUnused2 | |
kUnused3 | |
kUnused4 | |
kUnused5 | |
kUnused6 | |
kPolyTransfer | |
kPolyAverageVertex | |
kPolyAutoProj | |
kPolyLayoutUV | |
kPolyMapSewMove | |
kSubdModifier | |
kSubdMoveVertex | |
kSubdMoveEdge | |
kSubdMoveFace | |
kSubdDelFace | |
kSnapshotShape | |
kSubdivMapComponent | |
kJiggleDeformer | |
kGlobalCacheControls | |
kDiskCache | |
kSubdCloseBorder | |
kSubdMergeVert | |
kBoxData | |
kBox | |
kRenderBox | |
kSubdSplitFace | |
kVolumeFog | |
kSubdTweakUV | |
kSubdMapCut | |
kSubdLayoutUV | |
kSubdMapSewMove | |
kOcean | |
kVolumeNoise | |
kSubdAutoProj | |
kSubdSubdivideFace | |
kNoise | |
kAttribute4Double | |
kData4Double | |
kSubdPlanProj | |
kSubdTweak | |
kSubdProjectionManip | |
kSubdMappingManip | |
kHardwareReflectionMap | |
kPolyNormalizeUV | |
kPolyFlipUV | |
kHwShaderNode | |
kPluginHardwareShader | Custom hardware shader derived from MPxHardwareShader. |
kPluginHwShaderNode | Custom hardware shader derived from MPxHwShaderNode (old implementation). |
kSubdAddTopology | |
kSubdCleanTopology | |
kImplicitCone | |
kImplicitSphere | |
kRampShader | |
kVolumeLight | |
kOceanShader | |
kBevelPlus | |
kStyleCurve | |
kPolyCut | |
kPolyPoke | |
kPolyWedgeFace | |
kPolyCutManipContainer | |
kPolyCutManip | |
kPolyPokeManip | |
kFluidTexture3D | |
kFluidTexture2D | |
kPolyMergeUV | |
kPolyStraightenUVBorder | |
kAlignManip | |
kPluginTransformNode | Custom transform node derived from MPxTransform. |
kFluid | |
kFluidGeom | |
kFluidData | |
kSmear | |
kStringShadingSwitch | |
kStudioClearCoat | |
kFluidEmitter | |
kHeightField | |
kGeoConnector | |
kSnapshotPath | |
kPluginObjectSet | Custom sets (dependency nodes) derived from MPxObjectSet. |
kQuadShadingSwitch | |
kPolyExtrudeVertex | |
kPairBlend | |
kTextManip | |
kViewManip | |
kXformManip | |
kMute | |
kConstraint | |
kTrimWithBoundaries | |
kCurveFromMeshCoM | |
kFollicle | |
kHairSystem | |
kRemapValue | |
kRemapColor | |
kRemapHsv | |
kHairConstraint | |
kTimeFunction | |
kMentalRayTexture | |
kObjectBinFilter | |
kPolySmoothProxy | |
kPfxGeometry | |
kPfxHair | |
kHairTubeShader | |
kPsdFileTexture | |
kKeyframeDelta | |
kKeyframeDeltaMove | |
kKeyframeDeltaScale | |
kKeyframeDeltaAddRemove | |
kKeyframeDeltaBlockAddRemove | |
kKeyframeDeltaInfType | |
kKeyframeDeltaTangent | |
kKeyframeDeltaWeighted | |
kKeyframeDeltaBreakdown | |
kPolyMirror | |
kPolyCreaseEdge | |
kHikEffector | |
kHikSolver | |
kHikHandle | |
kProxyManager | |
kPolyAutoProjManip | |
kPolyPrism | |
kPolyPyramid | |
kPolySplitRing | |
kPfxToon | |
kToonLineAttributes | |
kPolyDuplicateEdge | |
kFacade | |
kMaterialFacade | |
kEnvFacade | |
kAISEnvFacade | |
kLineModifier | |
kPolyArrow | |
kPolyPrimitiveMisc | |
kPolyPlatonicSolid | |
kPolyPipe | |
kHikFloorContactMarker | |
kHikGroundPlane | |
kPolyComponentData | |
kPolyHelix | |
kCacheFile | |
kHistorySwitch | |
kClosestPointOnMesh | |
kTransferAttributes | |
kDynamicConstraint | |
kNComponent | |
kPolyBridgeEdge | |
kCacheableNode | |
kNucleus | |
kNBase | |
kCacheBase | |
kCacheBlend | |
kCacheTrack | |
kKeyframeRegionManip | |
kCurveNormalizerAngle | |
kCurveNormalizerLinear | |
kHyperLayoutDG | |
kPluginImagePlaneNode | Custom Image Plane classes derived from MPxImagePlane. |
kNCloth | |
kNParticle | |
kNRigid | |
kPluginParticleAttributeMapperNode | |
kContainer | |
kFloatVectorArrayData | |
kNObjectData | |
kNObject | |
kPluginConstraintNode | Custom constraint node derived from MPxConstraint. |
kAsset | |
kPolyEdgeToCurve | |
kAnimLayer | |
kBlendNodeBase | |
kBlendNodeBoolean | |
kBlendNodeDouble | |
kBlendNodeDoubleAngle | |
kBlendNodeDoubleLinear | |
kBlendNodeEnum | |
kBlendNodeFloat | |
kBlendNodeFloatAngle | |
kBlendNodeFloatLinear | |
kBlendNodeInt16 | |
kBlendNodeInt32 | |
kBlendNodeAdditiveScale | |
kBlendNodeAdditiveRotation | |
kPluginManipulatorNode | Custom manipulator node derived from MPxManipulatorNode. |
kNIdData | |
kFloatArrayData | |
kMembrane | |
kMergeVertsToolManip | |
kUint64SingleIndexedComponent | |
kPolyToolFeedbackManip | |
kPolySelectEditFeedbackManip | |
kWriteToFrameBuffer | |
kWriteToColorBuffer | |
kWriteToVectorBuffer | |
kWriteToDepthBuffer | |
kWriteToLabelBuffer | |
kStereoCameraMaster | Master node for a stereo camera rig. |
kLast | Defines the last entry. |
kAttribute2Long | Used for backward compatibility. |
kAttribute3Long | Used for backward compatibility. |
kData2Long | Used for backward compatibility. |
kData3Long | Used for backward compatibility. |
MFn::MFn | ( | ) |
Class Constructor
Creates an MFn. Initializes it as an invalid type.
Autodesk® Maya® 2009 © 1997-2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. |
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