The Animation Layer Editor includes three main menus:
The Layers menu contains the following items.
Create Layer Options
The Create Layer Options let you set which modes new layers will use. Select from the following options:
Sets new Override layers to Passthrough mode. See Override-Passthrough mode.
Sets new layers to Euler Rotation Accumulation mode. See Euler Rotation.
Sets new layers to Quaternion Rotation Accumulation mode. See Quaternion Rotation.
Sets new layers to Scale Multiply Accumulation mode. See Scale Multiply.
Sets new layers to Scale Additive Accumulation mode. See Scale Additive.
Adds attributes of the selected object(s) to the selected animation layer(s). See Add and remove attributes from animation layers.
Add Selected Objects
Opens the Add Objects To Animation Layers Options, letting you add groups of attributes to the layer. Select from the following options:
Merges the selected animation layers. See Merge animation layers.
Merge Layers >
Opens the Merge Layer Options. Select from the following options.
Merge To
Set which direction you want the merge to occur in the stack. Select from the following options:
Layers Hierarchy
Sets whether child layers have to be selected to be included in the merge. Select from the following options:
Result Layer Mode
Sets the mode of the result layer. Select from the following options:
Sets the result layer to Additive mode.
Sets the result layer to Override mode.
Sets the frequency with which Maya evaluates the animation layers and generates keys. See Sample By in the Bake Simulation Options.
See Smart Bake.
See Increase Fidelity.
Extracts any non-layered animation from selected objects onto a new layer. See Extract animation to or from an animation layer.
Extracts any non-layered animation for all objects in the scene onto a new layer. See Extract animation to or from an animation layer.
Lets you export a selected layer as a separate file. The exported file includes the layer node, its animation curves and blend nodes. See Import and export animation layers.
Opens the Relationship Editor for animation layer(s) so you can add and remove attributes. See Add and remove attributes from animation layers.
Deletes the selected layer(s) and all associated animation curves. See Delete or empty animation layers.
Layer Mode
Sets the main animation layer mode. (See Animation layer modes for more information.) Choose from the following options:
Sets the layer to Additive mode.
Sets the layer to Override mode.
Sets the layer to Override-Passthrough mode.
The Options menu contains the following items:
When this keying mode is active, keyframes are set only in animation layer(s) you have selected. Use this keying mode if you want to keep your workflow simple and manually select each animation layer to set keys on it.
If the attributes you are keying are not found in the selected animation layer, or if the selected layer is locked, no keyframes are set.
Each attribute can be keyed on only one layer at a time, so if you select more than one layer, Maya determines which of the selected layers receive keyframes.
For example, if the last selected layer in the stack does not contain one of the attributes you are keying, or if that layer is locked, Maya checks the next selected layer, and so on. If none of the selected layers includes the attribute, or if all selected layers are locked, no keyframes are set.
See also Keyframe objects on animation layers.
When this keying mode is active, Maya automatically determines which animation layer receives keyframes, regardless of which layer you have selected. Use this keying mode if you want Maya to place keyframes on the best layer automatically, without you manually selecting the layer first.
When you use this mode, Maya places keyframes on the last active layer for the object or attribute you are keying. The last active layer is the last layer in the stack that contains the keyed attribute and is currently unlocked.
If the last layer is locked, keyframes are set on the next active layer in the stack, and so on. If the selected object or attribute has no unlocked animation layers, keyframes are set on the BaseAnimation.
See also Keyframe objects on animation layers.
This is the default and recommended keying mode for animation layers, and it combines the functionality of the Key in Selected Layer(s) and Key in Last Active Layer(s) modes.
When you use this keying mode, keyframes are set on the animation layer you have selected. If no layers are selected, or if the selected layer does not contain the objects or attributes you are keying, Maya automatically places the keyframes on the last active layer in the stack. (The last active layer is the last layer in the stack that contains the keyed attribute and is currently unlocked.)
If the object or attribute being keyed has no unlocked animation layers, keyframes are set on the BaseAnimation.
See also Keyframe objects on animation layers.
For layers organized into hierarchies, this option sets how layers are selected when a parent layer is collapsed.
When on, a layer hierarchy is treated as a single layer if the parent layer is collapsed. Selecting the collapsed parent selects all child layers, and deselecting the collapsed parent deselects all child layers.
When off, child and parent layers are treated independently, so child layers can stay selected when their parent layer is collapsed. Selecting the collapsed parent does not select the child layers.
See also Animation layer hierarchy for more information on parent and child layers.
When on, animation curves are templated when you lock the associated animation layer. See Template the curves of locked animation layers.
Turns on ghosts for selected objects when any layer Ghost button is turned on. This is the default layer ghosting option. See also Display ghosts for layered animation.
Flips the display of animation layers in the stack.
By default, animation layers display bottom-to-top. This means the BaseAnimation bar is pushed toward the bottom of the pane as new layers are added at the top of the pane.
Reverse Layer Stack flips the stack display so that layers display top-to-bottom. New layers are added at the bottom of the pane.
The Show menu includes the following options:
Other Animation Tools
When you turn on From Layer Editor Show Options in the Graph Editor, Dope Sheet, or Time Slider, this menu lets you specify which animation layers display in those other animation tools. See also Filter the display of animation layers.
Select from the following options:
This option provides the same function as Show Namespace in the Render Layer Editor.