The XSI namespace defines a region where all API classes are declared. Namespaces are used to prevent global namespace pollution and name clashing. More...
Namespaces |
namespace | MATH |
All Math classes and functions defined in the C++ API are assigned to the MATH namespace which is nested under the XSI namespace. |
Classes |
class | ActionDelta |
The ActionDelta object tracks changes made
on a parameter that is part of a reference model. Every ActionDelta
contains one or more
ActionDeltaItem objects, each of which represents a single
change, or modification, to a referenced parameter. Each
ActionDelta object has a specific type (see siModificationDeltaType)
and each ActionDeltaItem it contains is of the same type. More... |
class | ActionDeltaItem |
The ActionDeltaItem object tracks changes
made on a parameter that is part of a reference model. Each
ActionDeltaItem represents a single change, or modification, to a
referenced parameter. So each time there a change to a static
value, an
FCurve, a
Constraint, an
Expression or a GroupRelation, a new ActionDeltaItem is
generated. More... |
class | ActionSource |
ActionSource class is a specialization of the
Source class, representing sources for action and shape
animation clips. More... |
class | AnimationSourceItem |
ActionSource contains a collection of animation source items,
which you can get at using ActionSource::GetItems.
The AnimationSourceItem class provides access to the animation
DataSource (for example, an
FCurve) and a target entity such as the
Parameter or Cluster
which the animation source drives. More... |
class | AnimationSource |
AnimationSource object represents a special kind of DataSource,
for example,
Expression, or
StaticSource. More... |
class | Annotation |
Annotation class is a specialized
X3DObject used for inserting text annotation in a scene.
More... |
class | Application |
The Application object represents the
running instance of the Softimage application and it is the top
most entity of the C++ API object hierarchy. Application contains
properties that return other Softimage objects such as the active
scene root. More... |
class | Argument |
Argument object represents an argument (or parameter)
of a Softimage
Command. For example, the DeleteObj command takes 1 argument
(InputObj ). More... |
class | ArgumentArray |
class | ArgumentHandler |
An argument handler is an object that helps
determine the value that is passed to a
Command. More... |
class | ArrayParameter |
An ArrayParameter
is a specialization of a
Parameter. More... |
class | CBase |
CBase is the base class of all API classes and provides access
to Softimage objects through generic
CRef objects. The class defines a runtime type information
sytem (RTTI) and
CRef attachment support for API classes. More... |
class | CBitArray |
This class encapsulates an array of binary
values represented as booleans, where true indicates a bit set to
ON and false indicates a bit set to OFF. More... |
class | CBoolArray |
The CBoolArray
is an uni-dimensional array of bool values. More... |
class | Camera |
The Camera
object represents a Softimage camera in a scene. More... |
class | CameraRig |
CameraRig object is a specialized
Null object that represents a hierarchy composed of a Camera
and its
X3DObject interest object. More... |
class | ChainBone |
The ChainBone
object is part of a skeleton chain. More... |
class | ChainEffector |
The ChainEffector
object is part of a skeleton chain. More... |
class | ChainElement |
ChainElement object represents a component of a skeleton chain.
More... |
class | ChainRoot |
The ChainRoot
object represents the root of a skeleton chain. More... |
class | Clip |
Clips are instances of animation and shape
actions (ActionSource),
audio and image sources (Source)
and compound clips (ClipContainer).
More... |
class | ClipContainer |
ClipContainer can represent either the
Mixer or a compound
Clip. Both can contain other Clips, Tracks and Transitions.
More... |
class | ClipEffect |
A ClipEffect represents the set of effects
associated with a
Clip. Each ClipEffect object contains one item corresponding to
MappedItem. More... |
class | ClipEffectItem |
ClipEffectItem is an expression which is bound to a
MappedItem of a
Clip. More... |
class | ClipRelation |
Clip relations are logical entities used to create a
bi-directional constraint between two clips, the master and slave
clip. More... |
class | Cluster |
A cluster represents a set of components on
Geometry. More... |
class | CClusterElementArray |
An array of cluster elements in a Cluster
object. More... |
class | ClusterProperty |
Represents a property of a cluster. More... |
class | CClusterPropertyElementArray |
An array of cluster property elements in a
ClusterProperty object.
More... |
class | CClusterPropertyBuilder |
Provides the services to accelerate the
process of creating new cluster properties on a geometry. More... |
struct | CColor |
This struct represents an RGBA color.
More... |
class | CColorArray |
CColorArray is a one-dimensional, zero-based array of CColor objects.
More... |
class | CComAPIHandler |
CComAPIHandler class implements a C++ wrapper for calling
automation objects (scripting objects) or objects implemented using
the Softimage Object Model (formerly called the COM
API). More... |
class | Command |
Represents a Softimage command (either
built-in or custom). This object encapsulates information on a
command such as the name, category, arguments, where it is
implemented etc. More... |
class | CommandArray |
This object represents a collection of
commands. More... |
class | ConstructionHistory |
class | Constraint |
Constraint object represents a constraint in the scene graph.
More... |
class | Context |
This is a general, flexible Context object
that is used for callbacks. Instances of this object are used to
pass information to the C++ API callbacks that implement a
PluginItem. More... |
class | ControlPoint |
The ControlPoint
of a
NurbsSurface or a
NurbsCurve. More... |
class | CControlPointRefArray |
An array of ControlPoint
object references representing the
NurbsCurve or
NurbsSurface control points. More... |
class | CustomOperator |
CustomOperator object represents a custom operator (ie., a
scripted or compiled operator) in the scene graph. More... |
class | CustomProperty |
CustomProperty class represents a custom parameter set property
object. A custom property holds a set of parameters which can be
created by the user or via scripting/programming. More... |
class | CDataArray |
This template class encapsulates the 1D data
arrays passed to custom node plug-ins during a graph evaluation.
The underlying data arrays are zero-based, the following types are
available: More... |
class | CDataArray< bool > |
This class is a specialization of a
CDataArray class of type bool . More... |
class | CDataArrayCustomType |
CDataArrayCustomType is used for storing binary data in a 1D
element array of type CDataArrayCustomType::TData. More... |
class | CDataArrayString |
CDataArrayString is used for storing wide character strings in
a 1D element array. More... |
class | CDataArray2D |
This template class encapsulates 2D data
arrays that are passed to custom node plug-ins during a graph
evaluation. The underlying data arrays are zero-based, the
following types are available: More... |
class | CDataArray2D< bool > |
This class is a specialization of a
CDataArray2D class of type bool . More... |
class | CDataArray2DCustomType |
CDataArray2DCustomType is used for storing binary data in a 2D
element array of type CDataArray2DCustomType::TData. More... |
class | CDataArray2DString |
CDataArray2DString is used for storing strings in a 2D element
array. More... |
class | Delta |
Delta object represents a 'diff' or list of modifications to a
reference model. More... |
class | Desktop |
The Desktop provides the services for
creating and accessing UI objects in Softimage. More... |
class | Dictionary |
class | Directed |
An object representing the interest of a
Light. More... |
class | CDoubleArray |
The CDoubleArray
is an uni-dimensional array of doubles. More... |
class | Edge |
Edge object gives access to the geometry edges of an
X3DObject's primitive. More... |
class | CEdgeRefArray |
Array of
Edge objects. More... |
class | Envelope |
An envelope is an object or hierarchy that
is assigned as a skin to a set of deformers such as IK
chains. Envelopes move and deform in response to the movement of
their deformers. In this way, for example, a character moves as you
animate its skeleton. More... |
class | EnvelopeWeight |
An envelope weight is a specialized kind of
ClusterProperty used to
store the weights for each point on an envelope. More... |
class | EventInfo |
EventInfo class contains the information on a particular event
such as its mute value, event handler, etc. More... |
class | Expression |
An expression string is a mathematical
formula that controls any animatable parameter. It may include
object and parameter names, mathematical operators, and tokens
representing functions or constants. More... |
class | Facet |
A facet is a generic concept used to
describe a Geometry's
NurbsSurface or
NurbsCurve. More... |
class | CFacetRefArray |
An array of
Facet objects representing all segments of the underlying
Geometry object. More... |
class | Factory |
This class represents a
Factory class and is used to create certain types of objects.
More... |
class | FCurve |
FCurve (function curve) class provides access to a set of
functions for getting and setting Softimage fcurve attributes, as
well as creating, retrieving, modifying and deleting fcurve keys.
More... |
class | FCurveKey |
This class represents a key on a function
curve (FCurve).
More... |
class | CFCurveKeyRefArray |
This class represents an array of keys on a
function curve (FCurve).
Duplicate keys are not allowed and a single array can only hold
keys from the same fcurve. More... |
class | FileReference |
The FileReference class represents a
reference to a file on disk. More... |
class | Filter |
The Filter object represents an instance of
a Softimage filter. Filters are used by Softimage interactive tools
and OM objects for validating the use of a set of objects in a
given context. Softimage already defines a set of native filters
available to users and can be extended with custom filter objects.
More... |
class | CFloatArray |
The CFloatArray
is an uni-dimensional array of floats. More... |
class | Framebuffer |
Framebuffer object controls the file output of a
RenderChannel object. It can be created using the Pass::CreateFramebuffer
function. More... |
class | Geometry |
Geometry class gives access to a X3DObject's geometry.
Geometry is the base class for specific geometry classes such
as PolygonMesh and
More... |
class | CGeometryAccessor |
The mesh geometry accessor provides an
optimized access to the data and cluster property values of a
geometry mesh object.
CGeometryAccessor is suitable for data export application as it
allows access to geometry data more quickly and efficiently than
the regular geometry API classes. More... |
class | GraphicDriver |
GraphicDriver class encapsulates the graphic driver currently
set for drawing hardware shaders. More... |
class | CGraphicSequencer |
CGraphicSequencer object offers several services to enable
custom rendering passes in the OpenGL viewport. More... |
class | GraphicSequencerContext |
This class represents the plug-in context
for the Graphic Sequencer (CGraphicSequencer).
More... |
class | GridData |
This object represents a 2-dimensional array
of data. The word Grid refers to the visual presentation
of 2-Dimensional data on a grid control (sometimes called a table
or spreadsheet control). The word Cell refers to a single
element of the array. More... |
class | GridWidget |
GridWidget object represents the user interface control that
shows a
GridData object inside a Property Page. More... |
class | Group |
The Group
class represents a collection of related objects. More... |
class | HairPrimitive |
This class represents the primitive of an
X3DObject used for simulating hair in Softimage and can be
accessed with X3DObject::GetActivePrimitive.
More... |
class | CHardwareAttribute |
Represents an attribute defined by hardware
shaders a.k.a real-time shaders.
CHardwareAttribute is typically used for defining standard
vertex semantics (siHardwareInputSemantic) used in shader languages
such as CgFX and HLSL.
CHardwareAttribute can also be used for defining shader
parameters of siShaderParameterType type. More... |
class | CHardwareAttributeArray |
CHardwareAttributeArray is an uni-dimensional array of
CHardwareAttribute. More... |
class | HardwareShaderContext |
This object is provided as the context
object in the execution callback of a hardware shader. More... |
class | HardwareSurface |
HardwareSurface class used for encapsulating a 2D shader
texture surface. More... |
class | ICEAttribute |
ICEAttribute object represents an attribute data set (a
collection of information used in the ICE system, such as Age,
PointPosition, NbrPolygons, etc.). More... |
class | CBaseICEAttributeDataArray |
Base class
CICEAttributeDataArray class for the
CICEAttributeDataArray and
CICEAttributeDataArray2D template classes. More... |
class | CICEAttributeDataArray |
This template class encapsulates
ICEAttribute data as a 1D array. CICEAttributeDataArray objects
are read-only and can be filled with the methods supplied with the
ICEAttribute class. CICEAttributeDataArray is zero-based and
can be one of the following types: More... |
class | CICEAttributeDataArray< bool > |
This class is a specialization of a
CICEAttributeDataArray class of type bool .
More... |
class | CICEAttributeDataArrayCustomType |
This class is a specialization of
CICEAttributeDataArray to give access to the
ICEAttribute data as a 1D array of type
siICENodeDataCustomType. CICEAttributeDataArrayCustomType
objects are read-only and can be filled with the methods supplied
with the
ICEAttribute class. More... |
class | CICEAttributeDataArrayString |
This class is a specialization of
CICEAttributeDataArray which allows access to the
ICEAttribute data as a 1D array of type
siICENodeDataString. CICEAttributeDataArrayString objects are
read-only and can be filled with the methods supplied with the
ICEAttribute class. More... |
class | CICEAttributeDataArray2D |
This template class encapsulates
ICEAttribute data as a 2D array. CICEAttributeDataArray2D
objects are read-only and can be filled with the methods supplied
with the
ICEAttribute class. CICEAttributeDataArray2D is zero-based and
can be one of the following types: More... |
class | CICEAttributeDataArray2DCustomType |
This class is a specialization of
CICEAttributeDataArray to give access to the
ICEAttribute data as a 2D array of type
siICENodeDataCustomType. CICEAttributeDataArray2DCustomType
objects are read-only and can be filled with the methods supplied
with the
ICEAttribute class. More... |
class | CICEAttributeDataArray2DString |
This class is a specialization of
CICEAttributeDataArray2D which allows access to the
ICEAttribute data as a 2D array of type
siICENodeDataString. CICEAttributeDataArray2DString objects are
read-only and can be filled with the methods supplied with the
ICEAttribute class. More... |
class | ICECompoundNode |
The ICECompoundNode
object represents a node sub-graph. More... |
class | ICEDataModifierNode |
ICEDataModifierNode object represents a SetData node in an ICE
graph. See the Softimage programmer guide for details on SetData.
More... |
class | ICEDataProviderNode |
ICEDataProviderNode object represents a GetDataNode in an ICE
graph. More... |
class | CICEGeometry |
Provides a read-only API for accessing the
data of a geometry object connected to a custom ICE node. More... |
class | ICENode |
The ICENode
object represents an effect node in the ICE graph. More... |
class | ICENodeContainer |
ICENodeContainer object represents the base class for
containers in a node graph. More... |
class | ICENodeContext |
ICENodeContext is used for
accessing/handling custom node graph data. Instances of this object
can pass information to the C++ API callbacks that implement the
custom node plug-in item. More... |
class | ICENodeDef |
ICENodeDef objects are used for describing a
unique custom ICENode
object. Instances of this object are used to register custom
objects with
PluginRegistrar::RegisterICENode. More... |
class | ICENodeInputPort |
ICENodeInputPort object represents the input port of an
More... |
class | ICENodeOutputPort |
ICENodeOutputPort object represents the output port of an
More... |
class | ICENodePort |
ICENodePort is the base class for ICENode
ports such as
ICENodeInputPort and
ICENodeOutputPort. More... |
class | CICEPortState |
CICEPortState is used for accessing the state of a custom
input port from the cb_ICENode_BeginEvaluate BeginEvaluate
callback. More... |
class | ICETree |
ICETree object represents a node graph and holds all the effect
nodes together. More... |
class | Image |
This class provides read-access to the
representation of an image in memory. More... |
class | ImageClip |
As of v4.0, this class is obsolete and is
replaced by
ImageClip2. More... |
class | ImageClip2 |
ImageClip2 object is an instance of an image
Source and is used as the container for applying composited
image effects. More... |
class | CIndexSet |
CIndexSet encapsulates an index set for indexing
CDataArray object types for the current evaluation. More... |
class | InputPort |
An InputPort
object represents an input port of an
Operator. More... |
class | Joint |
Joint object represents a Kinematic
Joint property of a ChainBone
or ChainEffector
object. More... |
class | Kinematics |
Kinematics object represents the kinematics property of an
X3DObject object. More... |
class | KinematicState |
KinematicState represents the current pose of an
X3DObject object whereas the base pose of an object is
represented by the
StaticKinematicState. More... |
class | CKnotArray |
An array of knot values representing the
NURBS curve or surface knots. More... |
class | Layer |
Layer is a self-contained collection of
SceneItem objects. It can be nested one level to provide
Layer Group
functionality. More... |
class | Layout |
Layout object represents an instance of a screen layout in
Softimage and gives access to the views attached to that layout.
The layout is read-only and cannot be edited or created with the
SDK. More... |
class | Library |
A library is a container of objects of the
same type. For example, a material library contains a list of
materials. More... |
class | Light |
Light object represents a Softimage light, such as a point
light or a spot light. More... |
class | LightRig |
LightRig object is a specialized
Rig object composed of a
Light and a
Null as its interest. Although a
LightRig is typically defined with a spot light, it can be
defined with any light preset. More... |
class | CLongArray |
The CLongArray
is an uni-dimensional array of LONG values. More... |
class | MappedItem |
A mapped item specifies the value driven by
a specific clip instance (for example, an object's parameter or its
geometry). More... |
class | Material |
Material object represents a material property of a
SceneItem object. More... |
class | MaterialLibrary |
The material library object is a specialized
source library for storing and sharing materials. More... |
class | MemoCamera |
The MemoCamera
class represents a memo camera control in a view. More... |
class | Menu |
Represents a custom menu in Softimage and
provides the basic support for creating them. More... |
class | MenuItem |
MenuItem object represents an individual item on a custom menu.
More... |
class | CMeshBuilder |
CMeshBuilder allows you to create polygon meshes from an
ordered array of vertex coordinates and polygon connections
(polygon to vertices). You can build the vertices and polygons by
providing all the data at once or you can build them incrementally
by providing the data in chunks. More... |
class | MetaShaderRendererDef |
Represents a custom renderer definition.
More... |
class | Mixer |
This represents the Animation Mixer, which
is nested directly under the
Model. The
Mixer object is a
ClipContainer and so provides access to the standard elements
of a mixer: its
Track objects,
Transition objects,
Clip objects, and
ClipRelation objects. More... |
class | Model |
Model object represents any Softimage model node, including
referenced models, and even the
Scene Root. Softimage models act as a container for objects
(usually hierarchies of objects) and many of their properties.
Models are a type of
X3DObject and as such can be positioned in space. A model can
contain objects, Groups, or other models. More... |
class | Null |
Null object is a specialized
X3DObject object and represents a point in space with no
dimensions. Nulls can be used to set constraints, organize objects
into hierarchies, and so on. More... |
class | NurbsCurve |
NurbsCurve object gives access to the geometry curves of an
X3DObject's primitive. More... |
class | CNurbsCurveRefArray |
An array of
NurbsCurve objects representing the curve in a curve list.
More... |
class | NurbsCurveList |
NurbsCurveList is a kind of
Geometry and is a collection of
NurbsCurve objects. More... |
struct | CNurbsCurveData |
This structure represents a data description
for a
NurbsCurve. More... |
class | CNurbsCurveDataArray |
CNurbsCurveDataArray is an uni-dimensional array of CNurbsCurveData.
More... |
struct | CTrimCurveData |
This structure represents a data description
for a TrimCurve. More... |
class | CTrimCurveDataArray |
CTrimCurveDataArray is an uni-dimensional array of CTrimCurveData.
More... |
struct | CNurbsSurfaceData |
This structure represents a data description
for a
NurbsSurface. More... |
class | CNurbsSurfaceDataArray |
CNurbsSurfaceDataArray is an uni-dimensional array of CNurbsSurfaceData
objects. More... |
class | NurbsSample |
NurbsSample object gives access to the NurbsSurfaceMesh
sample geometry. More... |
class | CNurbsSampleRefArray |
An array of
NurbsSample objects representing the sample points on a
NurbsSurface. More... |
class | NurbsSurface |
NurbsSurface object gives access to the X3DObject's nurbs
Geometry. More... |
class | CNurbsSurfaceRefArray |
An array of
NurbsSurface objects representing the surface in a nurbs
surface mesh. More... |
class | NurbsSurfaceMesh |
A NurbsSurfaceMesh is
a kind of
Geometry. More... |
class | OGLLight |
OGLLight object represents the OGL light properties of a
Light object. More... |
class | OGLMaterial |
This object represents the OpenGL properties
of a material object. More... |
class | OGLTexture |
OGLTexture object represents the OGL texture properties of a
material object. More... |
class | Operator |
Operator object represents an operator in the scene graph.
Objects or Parameters are connected to the operator via InputPorts
or OutputPorts. These ports are organized into port groups. The
port groups contain all ports that will be connected to parts of
the selected or picked object. For example, when the twistop Twist
operator is applied to a selected object the operator has ports
that read from the object's local
KinematicState and
Geometry and write to the result object's geometry. More... |
class | OperatorContext |
This class is provided as the context object
in the Operator update callback for a Self-Installed
CustomOperator object (see
PluginRegistrar::RegisterOperator). More... |
class | OutputPort |
An OutputPort
object represents an output port of an
Operator. More... |
class | Override |
This class represents an
Override override property. An override contains the parameters
that are used for replacing an object's parameter with another
value or a shader without removing the original object parameter.
More... |
class | CParameterRefArray |
An array of Parameters. More... |
class | Parameter |
Represents a parameter value within the
ProjectItem, for example, the angle parameter of the twist
operator. It is possible to create custom defined parameters on the
CustomProperty object. More... |
class | Particle |
Represents one particle in a particle cloud.
More... |
class | ParticleAttribute |
Represents a user-defined Particle
attribute, which is a custom parameter for particles originating
from a
ParticleType. More... |
class | ParticleCloud |
This class represents a Particle Cloud
in a Softimage scene. More... |
class | ParticleCloudPrimitive |
This class provides access to the collection
of particles that make up a ParticleCloud.
More... |
class | ParticleType |
Represents a particle type. A particle type
serves as a definition of the particles on the initial state of a
particle simulation. More... |
class | Partition |
Partition is a division of a
Pass, which behaves like a Group.
Partitions are used to organize scene elements within a
Pass. There are only two types of partitions: object and light.
Light partitions can only contain lights, and object partitions
can only contain geometric objects. More... |
class | Pass |
A render pass creates a picture layer of a
scene that can be composited with any other pass to create a
complete image. Passes also allow you to quickly re-render a single
layer without re-rendering the entire scene. Later you can
composite the rendered passes using the Softimage FX Tree, the
fully-integrated compositing and effects toolset, or another
compositing tool of your choice. More... |
class | PassContainer |
PassContainer object represents the pass container object found
in the scene. The pass container holds all the render passes in the
scene, the global render options and individual render options for
all installed rendering engines. More... |
class | PickBuffer |
This class provides access to a picking
buffer returned from ToolContent::GetPickBuffer. More... |
class | Plugin |
Plugin object holds read-only information on a particular
plug-in file registered in Softimage. More... |
class | PluginItem |
PluginItem class contains the information on each item of a
plug-in. More... |
class | PluginRegistrar |
This class provides functions for
registering a
PluginItem in Softimage. More... |
class | Point |
Point is a generic concept used to describe a Geometry's
Vertex or ControlPoint.
More... |
class | CPointRefArray |
An array of
Point objects that represent the points in the
Geometry. More... |
class | PointLocatorData |
A PointLocatorData object represents a
collection of point locators. A point locator is a geometric
surface coordinate, and represents a precise location on a
geometry. More... |
class | PolygonFace |
PolygonFace object gives access to the geometry polygons of an
X3DObject's primitive. More... |
class | CPolygonFaceRefArray |
An array of
PolygonFace objects representing the polygons in a polygon
mesh. More... |
class | PolygonMesh |
A PolygonMesh is a kind of
Geometry. More... |
class | PolygonNode |
PolygonNode object gives access to the X3DObject's polygon node
geometry. A polygon represents the edge junction of a polygon
object. More... |
class | CPolygonNodeRefArray |
An array of
PolygonNode objects representing the edge junction in a
polygon. More... |
class | Port |
A port is an input or output connection to
another object. More... |
class | PortGroup |
A portgroup is a group of Port
objects on an
Operator. The port group is a logical grouping of multiple port
connections that are normally scoped by an
X3DObject. A single portgroup can contain both InputPort
and OutputPort
objects. More... |
class | PPGEventContext |
This object is provided as the context
object in the PPGEvent callback for a Plugin-based
CustomProperty object (see
PluginRegistrar::RegisterProperty). More... |
class | PPGItem |
This object represents a component of the
user interface of a Property Page. More... |
class | PPGLayout |
The PPGLayout object represents the visual
appearance of an object's state when it is inspected.
(PPG is a common acronym for Property Page). The
layout makes it possible to group objects together, use special
controls, hide obsolete parameters, add Buttons and in general
create a presentation of an object's state that is pleasing to the
eye. More... |
class | Preferences |
Preferences object can be used to manage preferences in
Softimage. More... |
class | Primitive |
Represents the primitive object of a
X3DObject, a primitive is the basic form that is the building
block of modeling and animation. More... |
class | ProgressBar |
A progress bar is a control that indicates
the progress of a lengthy operation by displaying a colored bar
inside a horizontal rectangle. The length of the bar, in relation
to the length of the rectangle, corresponds to the percentage of
the operation that is complete. More... |
class | Project |
The Project object represents the active
Softimage project. It exposes information like the current scene
(see Project::GetActiveScene).
More... |
class | ProjectItem |
ProjectItem class represents the base content class in
Softimage from which all other content objects derive. Its major
feature is that it provides access to the parameters which
represent the state of the object. More... |
class | Property |
Property class represents the property of the following
entities: More... |
class | ProxyParameter |
ProxyParameter is a kind of
Parameter that can be created on a
CustomProperty which is "linked" with the value of another
Parameter somewhere else in the
Scene. More... |
class | CRef |
This class is used to reference Softimage
objects. Each instance of an CRef maintains a link with only one
single object at a time, it cannot refer to multiple objects. CRef
has no base or derived class hierarchy and only contains methods
for accessing the type of the underlying Softimage object. More... |
class | CRefArray |
CRefArray class holds generic
CRef objects and acts as a base class for other specialized
CRef array classes (CEdgeRefArray,
CFacetRefArray, etc...). Like
CRef class, the
CRefArray class also provides a runtime type information system
to help determining the object type during execution time. More... |
class | RenderChannel |
A render channel is a container for rendered
image data output. The channel describes what kind of data can be
recorded into it. More... |
class | Renderer |
This object is provided as the source object
available from the
RendererContext for a Plugin-based cus_render Custom Renderer
object. More... |
class | RendererImageFragment |
This abstract class needs to be implemented
by the rendering engine to provide image fragments to Softimage.
The fragment should be contained fully within the crop window given
in the RenderContext object's attribute list. More... |
class | RendererContext |
This object is provided as the context
object in the Renderer callbacks for a Plugin-based cus_render
Custom Renderer object. More... |
class | CRenderHairAccessor |
This class provides access to the render
hair information exposed by the hair primitive. This information
includes: the vertex positions of each generated render hair, the
root/tip radius values, the UVW, weight map and vertex color values
for each render hair root location. More... |
class | Rig |
Base class for object with an interest i.e.:
CameraRig and
LightRig. More... |
class | CRigidBodyAccessor |
The rigid body accessor provides an
optimized access to the data and property values of a rigid body
dynamics object.
CRigidBodyAccessor is suitable for data export applications as
it allows access to rigid body data more quickly and efficiently
than the regular API classes. More... |
class | CRigidConstraintAccessor |
The rigid constraint accessor provides an
optimized access to the data and property values of a rigid
constraint object.
CRigidConstraintAccessor is suitable for data export
applications as it allows access to rigid body data more quickly
and efficiently than the regular API classes. More... |
class | Sample |
Sample is a generic concept used to describe a
PolygonNode or
NurbsSample. More... |
class | CSampleRefArray |
Array of
Sample objects that represent the samples in the
Geometry. More... |
class | Scene |
The Scene object represents a Softimage
scene that is loaded in memory. More... |
class | SceneItem |
SceneItem object represents an object in the scene (that is,
something with properties) in Softimage from which all other scene
objects derive. More... |
class | SceneRenderProperty |
This object represents a scene render
property. The scene render property controls common render settings
for all passes in the scene and the render region. The property
allows to quickly change a common set of options, such as the
rendering engine, field rendering, motion blur and resolution, that
will apply to all rendering options that derive from it. The
property is a singleton and is only found under
"Passes.RenderOptions". More... |
class | Schematic |
Schematic class represents the
Schematic UI view and gives access to
SchematicNode objects. More... |
class | SchematicNode |
SchematicNode class represents a UI node as displayed in a
Schematic view. More... |
class | Segment |
Segment is a generic concept used to describe a PolygonMesh's
Edge. More... |
class | CSegmentRefArray |
An array of
Segment objects that represents all the segment sub-components
in the
Geometry. More... |
class | Selection |
The selection object represents the global
selection for the application. More... |
class | Shader |
The Shader object represents a node in the
render tree of an object. More... |
class | ShaderArrayParamDef |
Represents a definition for a shader
parameter (an instance a ShaderArrayParameter
object). More... |
class | ShaderArrayParameter |
Represents an array parameter for a
Shader. More... |
class | ShaderballOptions |
Represents the options for a shaderball
view. More... |
class | ShaderDef |
Represents a custom shader definition.
More... |
class | ShaderParamDef |
Represents the definition of a
ShaderParameter object. More... |
class | ShaderParamDefContainer |
Represents a set of ShaderParamDef,
ShaderArrayParamDef, and/or
ShaderStructParamDef objects. More... |
class | ShaderParamDefOptions |
Represents the advanced options for a shader
parameter definition (ShaderParamDef)
object. More... |
class | ShaderParameter |
Represents a shader parameter as a
specialization of the
Parameter interface on a
Shader. More... |
class | ShaderStructParamDef |
Represents the Structure specialization of a
shader parameter definition. More... |
class | ShapeClip |
ShapeClip is an instance of a shape key (source) at a
particular position along a shape track in the animation mixer.
More... |
class | ShapeKey |
ShapeKey represents a special ClusterProperty which is
used to store a specific geometry. ShapeKeys provide information
about how the shape of a cluster changes by either storing its
absolute value, an offset based on the object referential or values
base on the local reference frame of vertices. More... |
class | SimulationEnvironment |
SimulationEnvironment object represents a construct which is
used to define a simulation. For now
SimulationEnvironment objects are used only for RigidBody
simulations. A simulation environment is a set of connection
containers, one for each kind of element in the simulation: the
rigid body objects, the rigid body constraints and the forces.
More... |
class | SIObject |
SIObject derives from
CBase and acts as the base class for the Softimage Object Model
library. Unlike
CBase, this class provides some high-level services such as
object naming. It also provides accessors to the object parent and
to the
Application object. More... |
class | CSIObjectRefArray |
An array of SIObjects. More... |
class | Source |
Sources are references to data which are
instantiated. For example, a shape source becomes a
ShapeClip in the animation mixer when it is instantiated there.
More... |
class | StaticKinematicState |
StaticKinematicState object represents the base pose of an
object. Objects that have access to the
StaticKinematicState object include: More... |
class | StaticSource |
StaticSource object represents a constant value stored as an
AnimationSourceItem. When instantiated, the parameter value
takes on the value of the
StaticSource. A static pose is a kind of a
StaticSource. More... |
class | CStatus |
Encapsulates status data types for error
handling purpose. The class also exposes methods to query and set
the error code. More... |
class | CScriptErrorDescriptor |
This class extends the
CStatus object with additional error details if a Script Error
has occured. More... |
class | CString |
Character strings in the Softimage SDK are
represented with the CString class. CString consist of a
variable-length sequence of characters. The CString class can store
either wide characters (16-bit values) or ASCII ("char") characters
(8-bit values). More... |
class | CStringArray |
The CStringArray
is an uni-dimensional array of
CString objects. More... |
class | SubComponent |
Provides access to the subelements of an
Geometry. More... |
class | Texture |
Shader object which is a member of the
Texture Shaders family (siTextureShaderFamily). More... |
class | TextureLayer |
TextureLayer is an object which simplifies layering of shader
effects on top of shaders and materials. Each layer has a set of
properties which describe its characteristics (such as color,
mixing mode, scale factor) to specify how it will affect the shader
ports it drives. The order that layers appear under a container
indicates the order the layering is applied, similar to the way a
"mix N colors" shader node works. More... |
class | TextureLayerPort |
TextureLayerPort is an object used to describe which specific
shader and material parameters a
TextureLayer affects. Like shader connections, they indicate
what shader ports are being driven by the layer. More... |
class | CTime |
The CTime
class is a utility class for manipulating time. More... |
class | CTimeArray |
The CTimeArray
is an uni-dimensional array of CTime.
More... |
class | TimeControl |
TimeControl object represents the clip's Time Control property,
which is used to specify the time reference for a given
Clip object. More... |
class | TimerEvent |
TimerEvent represents a system timer and allows you to specify
the interval and the delay time at which a timer elapses. Timers in
Softimage are independent of the timeline clock and can be used to
produce recurrent work accurately. For example, you can implement
an autosave mechanism with a
TimerEvent. More... |
class | ToolContext |
ToolContext is used for accessing/handling
tool data. Instances of this object can pass information to the C++
API callbacks that implement the custom tool plug-in item. More... |
class | Track |
Track represents the container of clips used to sequence clips
in the
ClipContainer. More... |
class | Transition |
This object represents a transition between
two clips. A transition is an interpolation used to smooth passing
from the end of one clip to the beginning of another. More... |
class | Triangle |
Represents a triangle generated by a surface
tesselation. More... |
class | CTriangleRefArray |
An array of Triangle
objects that represents all the triangles in the
Geometry. More... |
class | TriangleVertex |
A TriangleVertex
represents a
Point of a Triangle
object. More... |
class | CTriangleVertexRefArray |
An array of TriangleVertex
objects that represents all points of a Triangle
object. More... |
class | UIObject |
UIObject is the base class for Softimage UI objects such as
UIPersistable and
MenuItem. This class has no specific functions. More... |
class | UIPersistable |
UIPersistable object is the base class for Softimage UI
persistable objects such as the View
Layout objects. More... |
class | UIToolkit |
Provides access to Softimage user interface
tools such as the
ProgressBar object and the MsgBox function. More... |
class | UpdateContext |
This object represents the operator update
context. It gives access to the operator and the evaluation time.
UpdateContext is only valid within the context of the Update()
function for operators that are based on a Preset and SPDL.
Self-Installed CustomOperators use the
OperatorContext object instead. More... |
class | CUserDataArray |
CUserDataArray is an uni-dimensional array used to store binary
CUserDataArray contains items of type CUserDataArray::Value
which holds the data set on a user data map property. More... |
class | UserDataBlob |
The UserDataBlob is a
Property that can be attached to many different parts of a
scene, for example Cameras, Lights, other X3DObjects and Clusters.
It allows a plug-in to read, write and persist binary user data as
part of a scene. More... |
class | UserDataMap |
The UserDataMap is a
Property that can be attached to any cluster. It permits the
storage of variable-length binary user data on the individual
components of a geometry. The data is stored as part of the scene
file and can be accessed via plug-ins using the C++ API. More... |
class | CUtils |
This is an intrinsic object that provides
general utility methods. More... |
struct | CUV |
This structure represents a UV coordinate.
More... |
class | CUVArray |
The CUVArray is
an uni-dimensional array of CUV. More... |
class | UVProperty |
UVProperty is a kind of ClusterProperty object
used for storing and accessing the UV information of a cluster.
More... |
class | CValue |
CValue object provides the convenience of a loosely typed
variable inside a strictly typed language like C++. More... |
class | CValueArray |
The CValueArray
is an uni-dimensional array of
CValue. More... |
class | ValueMap |
Represents a special container to hold
key-value pairs, similar to an associative array. More... |
class | Vertex |
Vertex object gives access to the geometry vertices of an
Primitive. A
Vertex is the object PolygonMesh specifics of
Point object. More... |
class | CVertexRefArray |
Represents an array of
Vertex objects. More... |
struct | CVertexColor |
This structure represents a vertex RGBA
color. Unlike CColor, each component
value of
CVertexColor is a byte. More... |
class | CVertexColorArray |
CVertexColorArray is an uni-dimensional array of
CVertexColor objects. More... |
class | View |
The View
object represents an instance of a view in Softimage. More... |
class | ViewContext |
The ViewContext
object serves 2 functions for Custom Displays: More... |
class | CSelectionChangeNotification |
class | CValueChangeNotification |
class | CTimeChangeNotification |
Holds information about a time change Event.
More... |
class | CWindowNotification |
Holds information about a change in window
position. More... |
class | CObjectAddedNotification |
class | CObjectRemovedNotification |
class | X3DObject |
X3DObject object represents a basic 3D object of a scene in
Softimage. More... |
Typedefs |
typedef enum XSI::siErrorValueEnum | siErrorValueEnum |
enum XSI::siDefaultTimeFormat |
siDefaultTimeFormat |
enum XSI::siDisplayTimeFormat |
siDisplayTimeFormat |
typedef enum XSI::siFilterMode | siFilterMode |
typedef enum XSI::siDeltaMode | siDeltaMode |
enum XSI::siTextureEffectsComputation |
siTextureEffectsComputation |
typedef enum XSI::siRefMode | siRefMode |
typedef enum XSI::siCenterMode | siCenterMode |
typedef enum XSI::siAxesFilter | siAxesFilter |
typedef enum XSI::siUVWAxesFilter | siUVWAxesFilter |
typedef enum XSI::siTransformFilter | siTransformFilter |
typedef enum XSI::siParameterFilter | siParameterFilter |
enum XSI::siPSetRelationship |
siPSetRelationship |
typedef enum XSI::siPropagationType | siPropagationType |
typedef enum XSI::siDupHierarchy | siDupHierarchy |
typedef enum XSI::siDupHistory | siDupHistory |
typedef enum XSI::siDupParent | siDupParent |
typedef enum XSI::siDupGroup | siDupGroup |
typedef enum XSI::siDupProperty | siDupProperty |
typedef enum XSI::siDupAnimation | siDupAnimation |
typedef enum XSI::siDupConstraint | siDupConstraint |
enum XSI::siDupTextureSupport |
siDupTextureSupport |
typedef enum XSI::siDupSelection | siDupSelection |
typedef enum XSI::siDupTransform | siDupTransform |
typedef enum XSI::siKeyboardState | siKeyboardState |
typedef enum XSI::siInspectMode | siInspectMode |
enum XSI::siInspectBrowseMode |
siInspectBrowseMode |
typedef enum XSI::siSourceType | siSourceType |
typedef enum XSI::siBranchFlag | siBranchFlag |
typedef enum XSI::siOperationMode | siOperationMode |
enum XSI::siGeneratorInputsDisposalMode |
siGeneratorInputsDisposalMode |
enum XSI::siComponentVisibilityMode |
siComponentVisibilityMode |
enum XSI::siActionWhenLocalMaterialsOverlap |
siActionWhenLocalMaterialsOverlap |
enum XSI::siSplitPolygonType |
siSplitPolygonType |
typedef enum XSI::siSelectionUpdate | siSelectionUpdate |
typedef enum XSI::siTxtCreationType | siTxtCreationType |
enum XSI::siTxtDefaultCreationType |
siTxtDefaultCreationType |
typedef enum XSI::siTxtProjType | siTxtProjType |
typedef enum XSI::siTxtProjPlane | siTxtProjPlane |
enum XSI::siTxtProjFitMethod |
siTxtProjFitMethod |
enum XSI::siChangeUVInputActions |
siChangeUVInputActions |
typedef enum XSI::siAlignModes | siAlignModes |
typedef enum XSI::siWeightPresets | siWeightPresets |
typedef enum XSI::siCutClipOptions | siCutClipOptions |
typedef enum XSI::siEditClipOptions | siEditClipOptions |
typedef enum XSI::siPresetLocation | siPresetLocation |
typedef enum XSI::siVariantType | siVariantType |
enum XSI::siParamClassification |
siParamClassification |
typedef enum XSI::siMaterialPorts | siMaterialPorts |
typedef enum XSI::siShadingModel | siShadingModel |
typedef enum XSI::siShaderType | siShaderType |
enum XSI::siShaderOutputType |
siShaderOutputType |
enum XSI::siShaderParameterType |
siShaderParameterType |
enum XSI::siShaderParameterDataType |
siShaderParameterDataType |
enum XSI::siShaderReferenceFilterType |
siShaderReferenceFilterType |
enum XSI::siShaderballDimension |
siShaderballDimension |
enum XSI::siShaderPropertyFilterType |
siShaderPropertyFilterType |
typedef enum XSI::siLightType | siLightType |
typedef enum XSI::siCnxGroupType | siCnxGroupType |
typedef enum XSI::siCnxSetType | siCnxSetType |
typedef enum XSI::siPartitionType | siPartitionType |
typedef enum XSI::siLockLevel | siLockLevel |
typedef enum XSI::siLockType | siLockType |
typedef enum XSI::siTags | siTags |
typedef enum XSI::siGeometryType | siGeometryType |
typedef enum XSI::siBoundingVolume | siBoundingVolume |
typedef enum XSI::siPortType | siPortType |
enum XSI::siModificationType |
siModificationType |
enum XSI::siModificationMixerType |
siModificationMixerType |
typedef enum XSI::siModelResolution | siModelResolution |
typedef enum XSI::siParameterScope | siParameterScope |
typedef enum XSI::siSequenceType | siSequenceType |
typedef enum XSI::siSequenceMode | siSequenceMode |
typedef enum XSI::siEffectInputType | siEffectInputType |
typedef enum XSI::siNeighborType | siNeighborType |
typedef enum XSI::siNavigDirection | siNavigDirection |
enum XSI::siNavigationDirection |
siNavigationDirection |
enum XSI::siNavigationFilter |
siNavigationFilter |
enum XSI::siNavigationSubFilter |
siNavigationSubFilter |
typedef enum XSI::siViewType | siViewType |
enum XSI::si2DChainAlignType |
si2DChainAlignType |
typedef enum XSI::siChainBoneType | siChainBoneType |
typedef enum XSI::siConnectionType | siConnectionType |
typedef enum XSI::siAxisType | siAxisType |
enum XSI::siKnotParameterization |
siKnotParameterization |
typedef enum XSI::siMappingRuleType | siMappingRuleType |
typedef enum XSI::siNurbsDirection | siNurbsDirection |
typedef enum XSI::siNurbsFormat | siNurbsFormat |
enum XSI::siInstallationPath |
siInstallationPath |
enum XSI::siShapeInstanceMode |
siShapeInstanceMode |
enum XSI::siShapeReferenceMode |
siShapeReferenceMode |
typedef enum XSI::siShapeContent | siShapeContent |
enum XSI::siConstructionMode |
siConstructionMode |
typedef enum XSI::siResolutionPlane | siResolutionPlane |
enum XSI::siTextureProjectionType |
siTextureProjectionType |
typedef enum XSI::siUVTextureType | siUVTextureType |
typedef enum XSI::siCapabilities | siCapabilities |
typedef enum XSI::siFCurveType | siFCurveType |
enum XSI::siFCurveExtrapolation |
siFCurveExtrapolation |
enum XSI::siFCurveKeyConstraint |
siFCurveKeyConstraint |
enum XSI::siFCurveKeyInterpolation |
siFCurveKeyInterpolation |
enum XSI::siFCurveKeySelectionMode |
siFCurveKeySelectionMode |
enum XSI::siFCurveInterpolation |
siFCurveInterpolation |
enum XSI::siFCurveSmoothFilterType |
siFCurveSmoothFilterType |
enum XSI::siUpdateContextState |
siUpdateContextState |
typedef enum XSI::siArgumentFlags | siArgumentFlags |
typedef enum XSI::siCommandCategory | siCommandCategory |
enum XSI::siImportShareOptions |
siImportShareOptions |
typedef enum XSI::siEventID | siEventID |
enum XSI::siSelectionChangeType |
siSelectionChangeType |
typedef enum XSI::siRenderFieldType | siRenderFieldType |
enum XSI::siRenderingErrorType |
siRenderingErrorType |
enum XSI::siSubdivisionRuleType |
siSubdivisionRuleType |
enum XSI::siNavigateComponentType |
siNavigateComponentType |
enum XSI::siParticleRenderType |
siParticleRenderType |
enum XSI::siFCurveEditorAttribute |
siFCurveEditorAttribute |
typedef enum XSI::siSeverityType | siSeverityType |
enum XSI::siCustomCompiledOpFlags |
siCustomCompiledOpFlags |
typedef enum XSI::siChannelAction | siChannelAction |
typedef enum XSI::siSelectMode | siSelectMode |
enum XSI::siTransientExplorerFilter |
siTransientExplorerFilter |
typedef enum XSI::siClassID | siClassID |
enum XSI::siBlendInPresetModes |
siBlendInPresetModes |
enum XSI::siBlendInTextureLayersModes |
siBlendInTextureLayersModes |
enum XSI::siShaderCnxPointType |
siShaderCnxPointType |
typedef enum XSI::siAddonItemType | siAddonItemType |
enum XSI::siGridWidgetColumnType |
siGridWidgetColumnType |
enum XSI::siGridSelectionMode |
siGridSelectionMode |
enum XSI::siTxtContourStretchingMethod |
siTxtContourStretchingMethod |
typedef enum XSI::siExplorerScope | siExplorerScope |
typedef enum XSI::siTimeState | siTimeState |
typedef enum XSI::siDisplayCallback | siDisplayCallback |
typedef enum XSI::siXGSClassType | siXGSClassType |
typedef enum XSI::siXGSFlag | siXGSFlag |
typedef enum XSI::siXGSPassFlag | siXGSPassFlag |
typedef enum XSI::siXGSStateType | siXGSStateType |
typedef enum XSI::siViewMode | siViewMode |
enum XSI::siParticleAttributeType |
siParticleAttributeType |
enum XSI::siAssetStorageType |
siAssetStorageType |
enum XSI::siSourceStorageType |
siSourceStorageType |
typedef enum XSI::siAssetStatus | siAssetStatus |
typedef enum XSI::siActionStatus | siActionStatus |
typedef enum XSI::siFilterType | siFilterType |
enum XSI::siCommandCapabilities |
siCommandCapabilities |
typedef enum XSI::siSeverity | siSeverity |
typedef enum XSI::siMsgBoxFlags | siMsgBoxFlags |
enum XSI::siMsgButtonPressed |
siMsgButtonPressed |
typedef enum XSI::siViewState | siViewState |
typedef enum XSI::siToolbarControl | siToolbarControl |
enum XSI::siTimeReferenceType |
siTimeReferenceType |
typedef enum XSI::siImageRatio | siImageRatio |
enum XSI::siTimeControlExtrapolationType |
siTimeControlExtrapolationType |
typedef enum XSI::siMenuItemStyle | siMenuItemStyle |
enum XSI::siMenuAnchorPoints |
siMenuAnchorPoints |
typedef enum XSI::siPortFlags | siPortFlags |
enum XSI::siWindowChangeState |
siWindowChangeState |
typedef enum XSI::siFileType | siFileType |
typedef enum XSI::siClusterType | siClusterType |
enum XSI::siClusterPropertyType |
siClusterPropertyType |
enum XSI::siCurveIsopointManipMode |
siCurveIsopointManipMode |
enum XSI::siCurveKnotTangentAlignment |
siCurveKnotTangentAlignment |
typedef enum XSI::siRBDEngine | siRBDEngine |
enum XSI::siKeyableAttributeType |
siKeyableAttributeType |
enum XSI::siClosestLocationMethod |
siClosestLocationMethod |
enum XSI::siNormalComputationMethod |
siNormalComputationMethod |
enum XSI::siLineIntersectionType |
siLineIntersectionType |
typedef enum XSI::siImageBitDepth | siImageBitDepth |
enum XSI::siImageChannelType |
siImageChannelType |
enum XSI::siImageChannelFilter |
siImageChannelFilter |
enum XSI::siVolumeCenterMethod |
siVolumeCenterMethod |
enum XSI::siBoundingCapsuleMethod |
siBoundingCapsuleMethod |
typedef enum XSI::siSourcePathType | siSourcePathType |
typedef enum XSI::siModelKind | siModelKind |
typedef enum XSI::siViewport | siViewport |
enum XSI::siRenderRegionDisplayType |
siRenderRegionDisplayType |
enum XSI::siModificationDeltaType |
siModificationDeltaType |
enum XSI::siNodePortDataInsertionLocation |
siNodePortDataInsertionLocation |
typedef enum XSI::siPPGEventID | siPPGEventID |
enum XSI::siRenderProcessType |
siRenderProcessType |
typedef enum XSI::siRenderQueryType | siRenderQueryType |
enum XSI::siRenderQualityType |
siRenderQualityType |
enum XSI::siRenderPropertyType |
siRenderPropertyType |
enum XSI::siRenderShutterType |
siRenderShutterType |
enum XSI::siRenderFrameSource |
siRenderFrameSource |
enum XSI::siDragAndDropAction |
siDragAndDropAction |
enum XSI::siAnnotationImportance |
siAnnotationImportance |
enum XSI::siICEAttributeCategory |
siICEAttributeCategory |
enum XSI::siICENodeThreadingModel |
siICENodeThreadingModel |
typedef enum XSI::siICEShapeType | siICEShapeType |
typedef enum XSI::siRenderVerbosity | siRenderVerbosity |
enum XSI::siTimeTransportSeekMode |
siTimeTransportSeekMode |
typedef enum XSI::siGraphicDriver | siGraphicDriver |
enum XSI::siHardwareSurfaceDimension |
siHardwareSurfaceDimension |
typedef enum XSI::siResourceSharing | siResourceSharing |
enum XSI::siHardwareInputSemantic |
siHardwareInputSemantic |
enum XSI::siCollapseLayersPlottingType |
siCollapseLayersPlottingType |
enum XSI::siMaterialConflictAction |
siMaterialConflictAction |
enum XSI::siHWShaderVersionID |
siHWShaderVersionID |
typedef enum XSI::siXGSContextFlag | siXGSContextFlag |
typedef enum XSI::siXGSRenderFlag | siXGSRenderFlag |
enum XSI::siCustomDisplayFlags |
siCustomDisplayFlags |
enum XSI::siComponentDataType |
siComponentDataType |
enum XSI::siComponentDataContext |
siComponentDataContext |
enum XSI::siComponentDataStructure |
siComponentDataStructure |
enum XSI::siRenderChannelType |
siRenderChannelType |
typedef enum XSI::siICENodeDataType | siICENodeDataType |
enum XSI::siICENodeStructureType |
siICENodeStructureType |
enum XSI::siICENodeContextType |
siICENodeContextType |
enum XSI::siAutoCompleteMode |
siAutoCompleteMode |
enum XSI::siTextEditorCapability |
siTextEditorCapability |
typedef enum XSI::siViewportFeature | siViewportFeature |
enum XSI::siTimeTransportPlaybackMode |
siTimeTransportPlaybackMode |
enum XSI::siTimeTransportState |
siTimeTransportState |
enum XSI::siToolCapabilities |
siToolCapabilities |
typedef enum XSI::siToolCursor | siToolCursor |
typedef enum XSI::siAlignment | siAlignment |
typedef enum XSI::siSnapType | siSnapType |
typedef enum XSI::siPickMode | siPickMode |
typedef enum XSI::siPickType | siPickType |
typedef enum XSI::siPasteUVsMode | siPasteUVsMode |
typedef enum XSI::siSetValueMode | siSetValueMode |
Enumerations |
enum | siErrorValueEnum { siErrCancelled = 0x4c7L } |
enum | siDefaultTimeFormat
{ siDefaultFILM24 = 7, siDefaultPAL25 = 8, siDefaultNTSC30 = 10, siDefaultUserTimeFormat = 11, siDefault30 = 19 } |
enum | siDisplayTimeFormat
{ siDisplayMilliSeconds = 2, siDisplayFILM24 = 7, siDisplayPAL25 = 8, siDisplayNTSCDF = 9, siDisplayNTSC30 = 10, siDisplaySampleRate = 12 } |
enum | siFilterMode
{ siQuickSearch = 0, siSearchFamilies = 1, siSearchObjects = 2, siFullSearch = 3 } |
enum | siDeltaMode
{ siAbsolute = 0, siRelative = 1 } |
enum | siTextureEffectsComputation
{ siTextureComputeTransformation = 1, siTextureComputeCropping = 2, siTextureComputeUVRemap = 4, siTextureComputeFlip = 8, siTextureComputeRepeats = 16, siTextureComputeAlternate = 32, siTextureComputeWrapping = 64 } |
enum | siRefMode
{ siGlobal = 1, siLocal = 2, siObjCtr = 3, siView = 4, siParent = 6, siPlane = 7, siPivot = 8, siAdd = 70, siGlobalCOG = 17, siLocalCOG = 18, siObjectCOG = 19, siViewCOG = 20, siParentCOG = 22, siPlaneCOG = 23, siPivotCOG = 24, siAddCOG = 86, siGlobalSym = 2049, siLocalSym = 2050, siObjectSym = 2051, siViewSym = 2052, siParentSym = 2054, siPlaneSym = 2055, siPivotSym = 2056, siAddSym = 2118, siGlobalSymCOG = 2065, siLocalSymCOG = 2066, siObjectSymCOG = 2067, siViewSymCOG = 2068, siParentSymCOG = 2070, siPlaneSymCOG = 2071, siPivotSymCOG = 2072, siAddSymCOG = 2134 } |
enum | siCenterMode
{ siObj = 0, siCtr = 1 } |
enum | siAxesFilter
{ siX = 1, siY = 2, siXY = 3, siZ = 4, siXZ = 5, siYZ = 6, siXYZ = 7 } |
enum | siUVWAxesFilter
{ siU = 1, siV = 2, siUV = 3, siW = 4, siUW = 5, siVW = 6, siUVW = 7 } |
enum | siTransformFilter
{ siScl = 1, siRot = 2, siTrn = 4, siSR = 8, siST = 16, siRT = 32, siSRT = 64 } |
enum | siParameterFilter
{ siNoParam = 0, siMarkedParam = 1, siAnimatedParam = 3, siSelectedParam = 4, siScalingParam = 5, siRotationParam = 6, siTranslationParam = 7, siTransformParam = 8, siAllParam = 128 } |
enum | siPSetRelationship
{ siContainedPSet = 1, siSharedPSet = 2, siLocalPSet = 4, siObjectPSet = 8, siPortPSet = 16, siParameterPSet = 32 } |
enum | siPropagationType
{ siDefaultPropagation = 0, siBranchPropagation = 1, siNodePropagation = 2 } |
enum | siDupHierarchy
{ siNodeDuplicate = 0, siBranchDuplicate = 1, siDefaultDuplicate = 3 } |
enum | siDupHistory
{ siCurrentHistory = 0, siOriginalHistory = 1, siDuplicateHistory = 2, siSharedHistory = 3 } |
enum | siDupParent
{ siNoParent = 0, siSharedParent = 1, siNewNullParent = 2 } |
enum | siDupGroup
{ siNoGrouping = 0, siShareGrouping = 1 } |
enum | siDupProperty
{ siDuplicateProperties = 0, siSharedProperties = 1, siNoProperties = 2 } |
enum | siDupAnimation
{ siDuplicateAnimation = 0, siNoAnimation = 1, siDupAnimationCopySource = 2 } |
enum | siDupConstraint
{ siDuplicateConstraints = 0, siShareConstraints = 1, siNoConstraints = 2 } |
enum | siDupTextureSupport
{ siDuplicateSelectedTextureSupports = 0, siDuplicateTextureSupports = 1, siShareTextureSupports = 2, siFreezeAllProjections = 3 } |
enum | siDupSelection
{ siSetSelection = 0, siNoSelection = 1, siAddToSelection = 2 } |
enum | siDupTransform
{ siGlobalXForm = 0, siApplyRepeatXForm = 1 } |
enum | siKeyboardState
{ siShiftMask = 1, siCtrlMask = 2, siAltMask = 4 } |
enum | siInspectMode
{ siRecycle = 1, siFollow = 2, siLock = 3, siModal = 4, siLockAndForceNew = 5 } |
enum | siInspectBrowseMode
{ siNext = 1, siPrevious = 2, siLast = 3, siFirst = 4 } |
enum | siSourceType
{ siFCurveSource = 1, siExpressionSource = 2, siAnySource = 4, siMixerSource = 8, siConstraintSource = 16, siScriptedOperatorSource = 32, siShapeAnimationSource = 64 } |
enum | siBranchFlag
{ siNode = 0, siBranch = 1, siUnspecified = 3, siNotSelected = 4 } |
enum | siOperationMode
{ siPersistentOperation = 0, siImmediateOperation = 1 } |
enum | siGeneratorInputsDisposalMode
{ siKeepGenOpInputs = 0, siHideGenOpInputs = 1, siDeleteGenOpInputs = 2 } |
enum | siComponentVisibilityMode
{ siIgnoreComponentVisibility = 0, siCheckComponentVisibility = 1 } |
enum | siActionWhenLocalMaterialsOverlap
{ siPromptUser = 0, siRemoveFromSelectedClusters = 1, siRemoveFromExistingClusters = 2, siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap = 3, siJustReturnExistingClusters = 4 } |
enum | siSplitPolygonType
{ siByTheVertices = 0, siByTheEdgesMidPoints = 1, siCross = 2, siDiamond = 3 } |
enum | siSelectionUpdate
{ siLeaveSelection = 0, siCleanSelection = 1, siUpdateSelection = 2 } |
enum | siTxtCreationType
{ siTxtPlanarXY = 0, siTxtPlanarXZ = 1, siTxtPlanarYZ = 2, siTxtCylindrical = 3, siTxtSpherical = 4, siTxtSpatial = 5, siTxtCamera = 6, siTxtUV = 7, siTxtLollipop = 8, siTxtPureImplicit = 9, siTxtCubic = 10, siTxtUniqueUV = 11 } |
enum | siTxtDefaultCreationType
{ siTxtDefaultPlanarXY = 0, siTxtDefaultPlanarXZ = 1, siTxtDefaultPlanarYZ = 2, siTxtDefaultCylindrical = 3, siTxtDefaultSpherical = 4, siTxtDefaultSpatial = 5, siTxtDefaultCubic = 6, siTxtDefaultLollipop = 8 } |
enum | siTxtProjType
{ siProjPlanar = 0, siProjCylindrical = 1, siProjSpherical = 2, siProjLollipop = 3, siProjSpatial = 4, siProjCubic = 5 } |
enum | siTxtProjPlane
{ siPlaneXY = 0, siPlaneXZ = 1, siPlaneYZ = 2 } |
enum | siTxtProjFitMethod
{ siRelDefault = 0, siRelBestFit = 1, siRelObject = 2, siRelWorld = 3, siRelObjectPosObject = 4, siRelWorldPosObject = 5 } |
enum | siChangeUVInputActions
{ siChangeUVInputActionSwim = 0, siChangeUVInputActionStick = 1, siChangeUVInputActionReproject = 2 } |
enum | siAlignModes
{ siAlignGMIN = 0, siAlignGMIDDLE = 1, siAlignGMAX = 2, siAlignFMIN = 3, siAlignFMIDDLE = 4, siAlignFMAX = 5 } |
enum | siWeightPresets
{ siWeightEaseIn = 1, siWeightEaseOut = 2, siWeightLinearEaseIn = 3, siWeightLinearEaseOut = 4, siWeightExponentialIn = 5, siWeightExponentialOut = 6, siWeightGaussian = 7, siWeightGaussianReverse = 8, siWeightSquare = 9, siWeightSquareReverse = 10, siWeightOscillate = 11, siWeightConstant = 12, siWeightFlipX = 13, siWeightFlipY = 14 } |
enum | siCutClipOptions
{ siCut = 1, siTrimBefore = 2, siTrimAfter = 3 } |
enum | siEditClipOptions
{ siClipNudge = 1, siClipSlip = 2, siClipTrim = 3, siClipScale = 4, siClipStartAt = 5, siClipEndAt = 6, siClipScaleTo = 7 } |
enum | siPresetLocation
{ siDefaultLocation = 0, siFactory = 1, siUser = 2, siWorkgroup = 3, siProject = 4 } |
enum | siVariantType
{ siEmpty = 0, siInt2 = 2, siInt4 = 3, siFloat = 4, siDouble = 5, siString = 8, siDispatch = 9, siBool = 11, siUnknown = 13, siByte = 16, siUByte = 17, siUInt2 = 18, siUInt4 = 19, siInt = 22, siUInt = 23, siWStr = 31 } |
enum | siParamClassification
{ siClassifVisualization = 1, siClassifPositioning = 2, siClassifAppearance = 4 , siClassifUnknown = 32768 } |
enum | siMaterialPorts
{ siMaterialPortSurface = 1, siMaterialPortVolume = 2, siMaterialPortEnvironment = 3, siMaterialPortContour = 4, siMaterialPortDisplacement = 5, siMaterialPortShadow = 6, siMaterialPortPhoton = 7, siMaterialPortPhotonVol = 8, siMaterialPortBumpMap = 9 } |
enum | siShadingModel
{ siUndefinedShadingModel = -1, siShadingModelConstant = 0, siShadingModelLambert = 1, siShadingModelBlinn = 2, siShadingModelPhong = 3, siShadingModelShadow = 4, siShadingModelColorVertex = 5 } |
enum | siShaderType
{ siShaderUnknown = 0, siShader = 1, siShaderCompound = 2, siShaderComment = 3 } |
enum | siShaderOutputType
{ siUnknownOutputType = 0, siBooleanOutputType = 1, siIntegerOutputType = 2, siScalarOutputType = 3, siColorOutputType = 4, siVectorOutputType = 5, siTextureSpaceOutputType = 6, siTextureOutputType = 7, siStringOutputType = 8, siFilenameOutputType = 9, siLensOutputType = 10, siLightOutputType = 11, siMaterialOutputType = 12, siModelOutputType = 13, siLightmapOutputType = 20 } |
enum | siShaderParameterType
{ siUnknownParameterType = 0, siArrayParameterType = 25, siBooleanParameterType = 1, siColorParameterType = 4, siColor3ParameterType = 29, siCustomParameterType = 28, siDataParameterType = 14, siGradientParameterType = 26, siIntegerParameterType = 2, siLensParameterType = 10, siLightParameterType = 11, siLightmapParameterType = 20, siMaterialParameterType = 12, siMatrixParameterType = 15, siMatrix3ParameterType = 24, siModelParameterType = 13, siProfileCurveParameterType = 21, siQuaternionParameterType = 27, siRealTimeParameterType = 16, siReferenceParameterType = 17, siScalarParameterType = 3, siShaderReferenceParameterType = 18, siStringParameterType = 8, siStructParameterType = 19, siTextureParameterType = 7, siTextureSpaceParameterType = 6, siVectorParameterType = 5, siVector2ParameterType = 22, siVector4ParameterType = 23 } |
enum | siShaderParameterDataType
{ siShaderDataTypeUnknown = -1, siShaderDataTypeBoolean = 0, siShaderDataTypeInteger = 1, siShaderDataTypeScalar = 2, siShaderDataTypeVector2 = 3, siShaderDataTypeVector3 = 4, siShaderDataTypeVector4 = 5, siShaderDataTypeQuaternion = 6, siShaderDataTypeMatrix33 = 7, siShaderDataTypeMatrix44 = 8, siShaderDataTypeColor3 = 9, siShaderDataTypeColor4 = 10, siShaderDataTypeString = 11 , siShaderDataTypeProfileCurve = 17, siShaderDataTypeGradient = 18, siShaderDataTypeLightProfile = 19 , siShaderDataTypeImage = 33 , siShaderDataTypeStructure = 64, siShaderDataTypeArray = 65 } |
enum | siShaderReferenceFilterType
{ siUnknownReferenceFilter = 0, siObjectReferenceFilter = 1, siCameraReferenceFilter = 2, siLightReferenceFilter = 3, siMaterialReferenceFilter = 4, siShaderReferenceFilter = 5, siGeometryReferenceFilter = 6, siUserDataBlobReferenceFilter = 7 } |
enum | siShaderballDimension
{ siShaderballDimUndefined = 0, siShaderballDimParametric = 1, siShaderballDimSpatial = 2, siShaderballDimParticle = 4, siShaderballDimAll = 7 } |
enum | siShaderPropertyFilterType
{ siAnyPropertyFilter = 0, siAnyVertexMapPropertyFilter = 1, siUVPropertyFilter = 2, siCAVPropertyFilter = 3, siWeightMapPropertyFilter = 4, siTextureMapPropertyFilter = 5, siNormalPropertyFilter = 6 } |
enum | siLightType
{ siLightPoint = 0, siLightInfinite = 1, siLightSpot = 2, siLightSun = 3, siUndefinedLightType = 4 } |
enum | siCnxGroupType { siCreatedObjects = 1 } |
enum | siCnxSetType
{ siGroupLevel = 0, siPortLevel = 1 } |
enum | siPartitionType
{ siUnknownPartition = 0, siObjectPartition = 1, siLightPartition = 2 } |
enum | siLockLevel
{ siLockLevelNone = 0, siLockLevelConstruction = 1, siLockLevelAnimation = 2, siLockLevelManipulation = 4, siLockLevelNavigation = 8, siLockLevelAll = 0xffff } |
enum | siLockType
{ siLockTypeNone = 0, siLockTypeSystem = 1, siLockTypeUser = 2, siLockTypeRefModel = 3, siLockTypeOverride = 4, siLockTypeAll = 0xffff } |
enum | siTags
{ siTagNone = 0, siTag1 = 1, siTag2 = 2, siTag3 = 4, siTag4 = 8, siTag5 = 16, siTag6 = 32, siTag7 = 64, siTag8 = 128, siTag9 = 256, siTag10 = 512, siTagAll = 0xffff } |
enum | siGeometryType
{ siNurbsSurfaceMesh = 0, siNurbsCurveList = 1, siPolygonMesh = 2, siPointCloud = 3 } |
enum | siBoundingVolume { siBoundingBox = 0 } |
enum | siPortType
{ siPortInput = 0, siPortOutput = 1 } |
enum | siModificationType
{ siModificationTypeNone = 0, siModificationTypeStaticPosition = 1, siModificationTypeFCurves = 2, siModificationTypeExpression = 4, siModificationTypeConstraints = 8, siModificationTypeAddProp = 16, siModificationTypeAnimMixer = 32, siModificationTypeGroup = 64, siModificationTypeInstance = 128, siModificationTypeOtherConnections = 256, siModificationTypeOperators = 512, siModificationTypeClusters = 1024, siModificationTypeClusterProperties = 2048, siModificationTypeAll = 65535 } |
enum | siModificationMixerType
{ siModificationMixerNone = 0, siModificationMixerAnimation = 1, siModificationMixerShape = 2, siModificationMixerAudio = 4, siModificationMixerCache = 8, siModificationMixerTypeAll = 65535 } |
enum | siModelResolution
{ siModelResolutionOffLoaded = 0, siModelResolutionLowRes = 1, siModelResolutionMediumRes = 2, siModelResolutionHighRes = 3 } |
enum | siParameterScope
{ siInputParameters = 1, siAnimatedParameters = 2, siAllAnimatedParameters = 3 } |
enum | siSequenceType
{ siMarkedParams = 1, siAnimParams = 2, siAllAnimParams = 3 } |
enum | siSequenceMode
{ siFCurves = 1, siFCurvesAnimationSources = 2, siFCurvesClips = 3, siAnimationSources = 4, siClips = 5 } |
enum | siEffectInputType
{ siSelectedParams = 1, siAllParamsInClip = 2, siPoseOffsetClip = 3 } |
enum | siNeighborType
{ siAdjacent = 1, siGrow = 2, siNextCompo = 3, siPrevCompo = 4, siFirstCompo = 5, siLastCompo = 6 } |
enum | siNavigDirection
{ siNavigUp = 0, siNavigDown = 1, siNavigLeft = 2, siNavigRight = 3, siNavigFirst = 4, siNavigLast = 5 } |
enum | siNavigationDirection
{ siParentNode = 1, siChildNode = 2, siNextNode = 3, siPreviousNode = 4, siFirstNode = 5, siLastNode = 6 } |
enum | siNavigationFilter
{ siNavigationFilterScene = 1, siNavigationFilter3DObject = 2, siNavigationFilterOperator = 3, siNavigationFilterPrimitive = 4, siNavigationFilterProperty = 5, siNavigationFilterCluster = 6, siNavigationFilterObjectSubElems = 7, siNavigationFilterGroup = 8, siNavigationFilterGenericComObject = 9, siNavigationFilterAll = 10, siNavigationFilterSame = 11 } |
enum | siNavigationSubFilter
{ siNavigationSubFilterAll = 0, siNavigationSubFilterSame = 1 } |
enum | siViewType
{ siNoView = 0, siViewUser = 1, siViewTop = 2, siViewLeft = 3, siViewRight = 4 } |
enum | si2DChainAlignType
{ si2DChainTop = 0, si2DChainFront = 1, si2DChainRight = 2, si2DChainNormalRadian = 3, si2DChainNormalDegree = 4 } |
enum | siChainBoneType
{ siChainBoneUndefined = 0, siChainBonePin = 1, siChainBoneBallJoint = 2 } |
enum | siConnectionType
{ siReadConnection = 1, siWriteConnection = 2, siReadWriteConnection = 3 } |
enum | siAxisType
{ siXAxis = 1, siYAxis = 2, siZAxis = 3 } |
enum | siKnotParameterization
{ siUniformParameterization = 0, siNonUniformParameterization = 1, siChordLengthParameterization = 2, siCentripetalParameterization = 3 } |
enum | siMappingRuleType
{ siConnectionMappingRule = 0, siValueMappingRule = 1 } |
enum | siNurbsDirection
{ siUDirection = 0, siVDirection = 1 } |
enum | siNurbsFormat
{ siSINurbs = 0, siIGESNurbs = 1 } |
enum | siInstallationPath
{ siProjectPath = 0, siUserPath = 1, siWorkgroupPath = 2, siFactoryPath = 3, siAddonPath = 4, siUserAddonPath = 5, siWorkgroupAddonPath = 6, siUnknownPath = 7, siCustomPath = 9 } |
enum | siShapeInstanceMode
{ siShapeInstanceOnlyMode = 0, siShapeMixedWeightMode = 1, siShapeTransitionMode = 2, siShapeTransitionCardinalMode = 3, siShapeBlendedWeightMode = 4 } |
enum | siShapeReferenceMode
{ siShapeLocalReferenceMode = 0, siShapeObjectReferenceMode = 1, siShapeAbsoluteReferenceMode = 2 } |
enum | siShapeContent
{ , siShapeContentPrimaryShape = 1, siShapeContentSecondaryShape = 2, siShapeContentAllDeforms = 3 } |
enum | siConstructionMode
{ siConstructionModeModeling = 0, siConstructionModePrimaryShape = 1, siConstructionModeAnimation = 2, siConstructionModeSecondaryShape = 3, siConstructionModeDefault = 4 } |
enum | siResolutionPlane
{ siDefaultResolutionPlane = 0, siPreferredAxisPlane = 1, siUpVectorPlane = 2 } |
enum | siTextureProjectionType
{ siTexturePlanarXY = 0, siTexturePlanarXZ = 1, siTexturePlanarYZ = 2, siTextureCylindrical = 3, siTextureSpherical = 4, siTextureSpatial = 5, siTextureCamera = 6, siTextureUV = 7, siTextureLollipop = 8, siTexturePureImplicit = 9 } |
enum | siUVTextureType
{ siUVTexturePlanarXY = 0, siUVTexturePlanarXZ = 1, siUVTexturePlanarYZ = 2, siUVTextureCylindrical = 3, siUVTextureSpherical = 4, siUVTextureSpatial = 5, siUVTextureLollipop = 6 } |
enum | siCapabilities
{ siAnimatable = 1, siReadOnly = 2, siPersistable = 4, siNotInspectable = 8, siSilent = 16, siNotPresetPersistable = 128, siTexturable = 256, siKeyable = 2048, siNonKeyableVisible = 4096 } |
enum | siFCurveType
{ siUnknownFCurve = 0, siDefaultFCurve = 0, siBooleanFCurve = 10, siIntegerFCurve = 15, siStandardFCurve = 20, siRawDataFCurve = 30, siQuaternionFCurve = 40 } |
enum | siFCurveExtrapolation
{ siConstantExtrapolation = 1, siLinearExtrapolation = 2, siPeriodicExtrapolation = 3, siPeriodicRelativeExtrapolation = 4 } |
enum | siFCurveKeyConstraint
{ siParameterConstraint = 1, siLeftRightValuesConstraint = 2, siG1ContinuousConstraint = 4, siLeftRightTangentDirectionConstraint = 8, siLeftRightTangentLengthConstraint = 16, siLockConstraint = 32, siHorizontalTangentConstraint = 64, siExtremumHorizontalTangentConstraint = 128, siZeroLengthTangentConstraint = 512, siSameLengthTangentConstraint = 1024, siNeighborTangentConstraint = 2048, siMirrorTangentConstraint = 4096, siAutoPlateauTangentConstraint = 8192, siAdjustedTangentConstraint = 8448 } |
enum | siFCurveKeyInterpolation
{ siDefaultKeyInterpolation = 0, siConstantKeyInterpolation = 1, siLinearKeyInterpolation = 2, siCubicKeyInterpolation = 3 } |
enum | siFCurveKeySelectionMode
{ siSetKeySelection = 1, siAddToKeySelection = 2, siRemoveFromKeySelection = 3, siToggleKeySelection = 4 } |
enum | siFCurveInterpolation
{ siDefaultInterpolation = 0, siConstantInterpolation = 1, siLinearInterpolation = 2, siCubicInterpolation = 3 } |
enum | siFCurveSmoothFilterType
{ siFCurveAverageFilterType = 1, siFCurveGaussianFilterType = 2 } |
enum | siUpdateContextState
{ siUpdateContextNormalEval = 0, siUpdateContextRenderEval = 1 } |
enum | siArgumentFlags
{ siArgumentInput = 2, siArgumentOutput = 4, siArgumentInputOutput = 6 } |
enum | siCommandCategory |
enum | siImportShareOptions |
enum | siEventID
{ siOnBeginNewScene = 542179328, siOnEndNewScene = 542179329, siOnBeginSceneOpen = 542179330, siOnEndSceneOpen = 542179331, siOnBeginSceneSave = 542179332, siOnEndSceneSave = 542179333, siOnBeginSceneSaveAs = 542179334, siOnEndSceneSaveAs = 542179335, siOnTerminate = 542179336, siOnSelectionChange = 542179337, siOnBeginFrame = 542179338, siOnEndFrame = 542179339, siOnBeginSequence = 542179340, siOnEndSequence = 542179341, siOnKeyUp = 542179342, siOnKeyDown = 542179343, siOnValueChange = 542179344, siOnTimeChange = 542179345, siOnWindowEvent = 542179346, siOnBeginFileExport = 542179347, siOnEndFileExport = 542179348, siOnBeginFileImport = 542179349, siOnEndFileImport = 542179350, siOnStartup = 542179351, siOnSourcePathChange = 542179352, siOnObjectAdded = 542179353, siOnObjectRemoved = 542179354, siOnTimer = 542179355, siOnBeginSceneSave2 = 542179356, siOnEndSceneSave2 = 542179357, siOnCloseScene = 542179358, siOnActivate = 542179359, siOnMaximize = 542179360, siOnMinimize = 542179361, siOnChangeProject = 542179362, siOnRefModelModSave = 542179363, siOnBeginRefModelModLoad = 542179364, siOnEndRefModelModLoad = 542179365, siOnCustomFileImport = 542179366, siOnCustomFileExport = 542179367, siOnDragAndDrop = 542179368, siOnBeginPassChange = 542179369, siOnEndPassChange = 542179370, siOnStartAnimation = 542179371, siOnStopAnimation = 542179372, siOnRefModelLoad = 542179373, siOnConnectShader = 542179374, siOnDisconnectShader = 542179375, siOnAddShaderPort = 542179376, siOnRemoveShaderPort = 542179377, siOnCreateShader = 542179378, siOnCreateShaderDef = 542179379, siOnCustomShaderExport = 542179380, siOnRenderAbort = 542179381, siOnBeginScrubbing = 542179382, siOnEndScrubbing = 542179383, siOnEndCommand = 542181329, siOnBeginCommand = 542181331 } |
enum | siSelectionChangeType
{ siAddedToSelection = 0, siRemovedFromSelection = 1 } |
enum | siRenderFieldType
{ siRenderFieldNone = 0, siRenderFieldOdd = 1, siRenderFieldEven = 2 } |
enum | siRenderingType
{ siRenderSequence = 0, siRenderFramePreview = 1 } |
enum | siRenderingErrorType { siRenderNoError = 0 } |
enum | siSubdivisionRuleType
{ siCatmullClark = 0, siXSIDooSabin = 2, siLinearSubdivision = 3 } |
enum | siNavigateComponentType
{ siNextComponent = 0, siPreviousComponent = 1, siFirstComponent = 2, siLastComponent = 3 } |
enum | siParticleRenderType
{ siBillboardType = 0, siSphereType = 1, siBlobType = 2 } |
enum | siFCurveEditorAttribute
{ siRegionStartFrame = 0, siRegionEndFrame = 1, siRegionMin = 2, siRegionMax = 3 } |
enum | siSeverityType
{ siFatalMsg = 1, siErrorMsg = 2, siWarningMsg = 4, siInfoMsg = 8, siVerboseMsg = 16, siCommentMsg = 32 } |
enum | siCustomCompiledOpFlags { siDLLLoadingUnloading = 1 } |
enum | siChannelAction
{ siChannelActionNone = 0, siChannelActionDrive = 1, siChannelActionCommand = 2, siChannelActionSpecial = 3 } |
enum | siSelectMode
{ siSelectDefault = 0, siSelectNode = 1, siSelectBranch = 2, siSelectTree = 3, siSelectModel = 4 } |
enum | siTransientExplorerFilter
{ siSEFilterAllNodes = 0, siSEFilterAllNodesNoParams = 1, siSEFilterGeometryOperators = 2, siSEFilterObjectsOnly = 3, siSEFilterAllProperties = 4, siSEFilterPropertiesAndPrimitives = 5, siSEFilterMaterialsAndShaders = 6, siSEFilterModelsOnly = 7, siSEFilterGroupsOnly = 8, siSEFilterImageClips = 9 } |
enum | siClassID
{ siObjectID = 0, siUnknownClassID = 0, siSIObjectID = 1, siOGLMaterialID = 2, siOGLTextureID = 3, siOGLLightID = 4, siApplicationID = 5, siArgumentID = 6, siCommandID = 7, siClipID = 8, siShapeClipID = 9, siSubComponentID = 10, siFacetID = 11, siNurbsSurfaceID = 12, siPointID = 13, siControlPointID = 14, siNurbsCurveControlPointID = 15, siNurbsCurveListControlPointID = 16, siNurbsSurfaceControlPointID = 17, siNurbsCurveID = 18, siSampleID = 19, siNurbsSampleID = 20, siPolygonNodeID = 21, siGeometryID = 22, siNurbsSurfaceMeshID = 23, siNurbsCurveListID = 24, siPolygonMeshID = 25, siSegmentID = 26, siConnectionPointID = 27, siConstructionHistoryID = 28, siDictionaryID = 29, siEventInfoID = 30, siFCurveID = 31, siNestedFCurveID = 32, siFCurveKeyID = 33, siFileBrowserID = 34, siImageID = 35, siMappedItemID = 36, siPortID = 37, siInputPortID = 38, siSelectionID = 39, siStaticSourceID = 40, siTriangleID = 41, siTriangleVertexID = 42, siUpdateContextID = 43, siParameterID = 44, siCompoundParameterID = 45, siProjectID = 46, siProjectItemID = 47, siActionSourceID = 48, siExpressionID = 49, siImageClipID = 50, siSceneID = 51, siShaderID = 52, siOperatorID = 53, siEnvelopeID = 54, siPrimitiveID = 55, siParticleCloudPrimitiveID = 56, siPropertyID = 57, siClusterPropertyID = 58, siConstraintID = 59, siConstraintWithUpVectorID = 60, siCustomPropertyID = 61, siJointID = 62, siKinematicsID = 63, siMaterialID = 64, siStaticKinematicStateID = 65, siSceneItemID = 66, siClusterID = 67, siGroupID = 68, siLayerID = 69, siPassID = 70, siUserGroupID = 71, siX3DObjectID = 72, siParticleCloudID = 73, siModelID = 74, siChainElementID = 75, siChainRootID = 76, siChainBoneID = 77, siChainEffectorID = 78, siDirectedID = 79, siCameraID = 80, siLightID = 81, siNullID = 82, siRigID = 83, siCameraRigID = 84, siLightRigID = 85, siKinematicStateID = 86, siTrackID = 87, siUserDataMapID = 88, siFxTreeID = 89, siFxOperatorID = 90, siTriangleCollectionID = 91, siTriangleVertexCollectionID = 92, siSampleCollectionID = 93, siPolygonNodeCollectionID = 94, siPointCollectionID = 95, siFacetCollectionID = 97, siVertexID = 98, siVertexCollectionID = 99, siEdgeID = 100, siEdgeCollectionID = 101, siPolygonFaceID = 102, siPolygonFaceCollectionID = 103, siDataSourceID = 104, siAnimationSourceID = 105, siOutputPortID = 106, siProxyParameterID = 107, siDeviceCollectionID = 108, siDeviceID = 109, siChannelID = 110, siKnotCollectionID = 111, siControlPointCollectionID = 112, siNurbsCurveCollectionID = 113, siNurbsSurfaceCollectionID = 114, siNurbsSampleCollectionID = 115, siTextureID = 116, siUserDataBlobID = 117, siParticleID = 118, siAddonID = 119, siPPGLayoutID = 120, siPPGItemID = 121, siPreferencesID = 122, siParticleTypeID = 123, siParticleAttributeID = 124, siGridDataID = 125, siTextureLayerID = 126, siTextureLayerPortID = 127, siCustomOperatorID = 128, siPortGroupID = 129, siDesktopID = 130, siLayoutID = 131, siUIObjectID = 132, siUIPersistableID = 133, siViewID = 134, siArrayParameterID = 135, siViewContextID = 137, siContextID = 138, siPPGEventContextID = 139, siClipEffectID = 140, siClipEffectItemID = 141, siShapeKeyID = 142, siSourceID = 143, siTimeControlID = 144, siTransitionID = 145, siAnimationSourceItemID = 146, siClipContainerID = 147, siArgumentHandlerID = 148, siMenuID = 149, siMenuItemID = 150, siPluginID = 151, siPluginItemID = 152, siPluginRegistrarID = 153, siFilterID = 154, siUIToolkitID = 155, siProgressBarID = 156, siParamDefID = 157, siFactoryID = 158, siCommandCollectionID = 159, siArgumentCollectionID = 160, siGraphicSequencerContextID = 161, siClipRelationID = 162, siMixerID = 163, siLibraryID = 164, siSimulationEnvironmentID = 165, siGridWidgetID = 166, siGeometryAccessorID = 167, siEnvelopeWeightID = 168, siMeshBuilderID = 169 , siFileReferenceID = 171, siClusterPropertyBuilderID = 172, siMaterialLibraryID = 173, siHairPrimitiveID = 174, siRenderHairAccessorID = 175, siPointLocatorDataID = 176, siCollectionItemID = 177, siOperatorContextID = 178, siPointCloudID = 179, siRigidBodyAccessorID = 180, siRigidConstraintAccessorID = 181, siDeltaID = 182, siActionDeltaID = 183, siActionDeltaItemID = 184, siTimerEventID = 185, siPassContainerID = 186, siRenderChannelID = 187, siSceneRenderPropertyID = 188, siFramebufferID = 189, siRendererContextID = 190, siRendererID = 191, siTimeTransportID = 192, siTimeTransportContextID = 193, siICENodeID = 194, siICECompoundNodeID = 195, siICENodePortID = 196, siICETreeID = 197, siICENodeContainerID = 198, siICENodeInputPortID = 199, siICENodeOutputPortID = 200, siICEDataProviderNodeID = 201, siICEDataModifierNodeID = 202, siICENodeDefID = 203, siICENodeContextID = 204, siICEAttributeID = 205, siPartitionID = 206, siOverrideID = 207, siHardwareShaderContextID = 208, siValueMapID = 209, siShaderParamDefID = 210, siShaderParamDefOptionsID = 211, siShaderballOptionsID = 212, siShaderParamDefContainerID = 213, siMetaShaderRendererDefID = 214, siShaderDefID = 215, siShaderStructParamDefID = 216, siShaderArrayParamDefID = 217, siShaderParameterID = 218, siShaderArrayItemParameterID = 219, siShaderArrayParameterID = 220, siShaderCompoundParameterID = 221, siRenderTreeNodeID = 222, siShaderBaseID = 223, siShaderContainerID = 224, siShaderCompoundID = 225, siShaderCommentID = 226, siShaderDefManagerID = 227, siHardwareSurfaceID = 228, siGraphicDriverID = 229, siHairGeometryID = 230, siPointCloudGeometryID = 231, siSchematicNodeID = 232, siSchematicID = 233, siSchematicNodeCollectionID = 234, siUVPropertyID = 235, siToolContextID = 236, siPickBufferID = 237, siAnnotationID = 250, siMemoCameraID = 238, siMemoCameraCollectionID = 239 } |
enum | siBlendInPresetModes
{ siBlendInPreset = 0, siReplaceAndBlendInPreset = 1, siReplaceNoBlend = 2 } |
enum | siBlendInTextureLayersModes
{ siBlendInTextureLayers = 0, siReplaceAndBlendInTextureLayers = 1, siReplaceAndNoBlendInTextureLayers = 2 } |
enum | siShaderCnxPointType
{ siShaderCnxPointNone = 0, siShaderCnxPointBasePorts = 1, siShaderCnxPointTextureLayerPorts = 2, siShaderCnxPointAll = 65535 } |
enum | siAddonItemType |
enum | siGridWidgetColumnType
{ siColumnStandard = 0, siColumnBool = 1, siColumnCombo = 2 } |
enum | siGridSelectionMode
{ siSelectionCell = 0, siSelectionHeader = 1, siSelectionNone = 2 } |
enum | siTxtContourStretchingMethod
{ siContourStretchingWalkingOnMesh = 0, siContourStretchingSpatialDistance = 1, siContourStretchingReqularQuads = 2, siContourStretchingProjectionOnSurface = 3 } |
enum | siExplorerScope
{ siExplorerScopeDefault = 0, siExplorerScopeProject = 1, siExplorerScopePreferences = 2, siExplorerScopeScene = 3, siExplorerScopeLayers = 4, siExplorerScopePasses = 5, siExplorerScopeEnvironments = 6, siExplorerScopeParTypes = 7, siExplorerScopeSelection = 8, siExplorerScopeCustom = 9, siExplorerScopeCurrentLayer = 10, siExplorerScopeCurrentPass = 11, siExplorerScopeCurrentEnvironment = 12, siExplorerScopeCurrentParType = 13, siExplorerScopeSourcesClips = 14, siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsAnimation = 15, siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsAudio = 16, siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsImages = 17, siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsMaterials = 18, siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsModels = 19, siExplorerScopeCommands = 20 } |
enum | siTimeState
{ siTimeStateNull = 0, siTimeStateStop = 0x1, siTimeStatePreStop = 0x2, siTimeStatePlay = 0x4, siTimeStatePrePlay = 0x8, siTimeStateRecord = 0x10, siTimeStatePreRecord = 0x20, siTimeStateFast = 0x40, siTimeStatePreFast = 0x80, siTimeStatePreRoll = 0x100, siTimeStateStep = 0x200, siTimeStatePostStep = 0x400, siTimeStatePause = 0x800, siTimeStatePrePause = 0x1000, siTimeStateSeek = 0x2000, siTimeNotifyTime = 0x4000, siTimeNotifyScrub = 0x10000, siTimeNotifySeek = 0x20000, siTimeNotifyPortChange = 0x40000, siTimeNotifyFrameDrop = 0x80000 } |
enum | siDisplayCallback
{ siUndefined = 0, siPreBeginFrame = 1, siBeginFrame = 2, siPostBeginFrame = 3, siPrePass = 4, siPass = 5, siPostPass = 6, siPreEndFrame = 7, siEndFrame = 8, siPostEndFrame = 9, siRenderFrame = 10 } |
enum | siXGSClassType { siXGSPluginManager = 0 } |
enum | siXGSFlag
{ siInactive = 0, siActive = 1 } |
enum | siXGSPassFlag
{ siInsertBefore = 0, siInsertAfter = 1, siInsertBeforeAll = 2, siInsertAfterAll = 3 } |
enum | siXGSStateType
{ siXGSUnknown = 0, siXGSInteger = 1, siXGSFloat = 2, siXGSHandle = 3, siXGSVector4 = 4, siXGSMatrix4 = 5 } |
enum | siViewMode
{ siAll = 0, siBoundingBoxMode = 12, siWireframe = 13, siDepthCue = 14, siHiddenLineRemoval = 15, siConstant = 16, siShaded = 17, siTextured = 18, siTexturedDecal = 19, siCustom = 20, siRealtimePortMaterial = 21 } |
enum | siParticleAttributeType
{ siPAVector4 = 0, siPAVector3 = 1, siPAFloat = 2, siPAInt = 3, siPAULong = 4, siPAUShort = 5, siPABool = 6, siPAUndefined = 7 } |
enum | siAssetStorageType
{ siAssetStorageTypeInternal = 0, siAssetStorageTypeExternalDotXSIBin = 1, siAssetStorageTypeExternalDotXSIText = 2, siAssetStorageTypeExternalBin = 3, siAssetStorageTypeExternalXSIA = 4 } |
enum | siSourceStorageType
{ siSourceStorageTypeInternal = 0, siSourceStorageTypeExternalDotXSIBin = 1, siSourceStorageTypeExternalDotXSIText = 2, siSourceStorageTypeExternalBin = 3 } |
enum | siAssetStatus
{ siAssetStatusOffloaded = 0, siAssetStatusPartiallyLoaded = 1, siAssetStatusLoaded = 2 } |
enum | siActionStatus
{ siActionStatusOffloaded = 0, siActionStatusPartiallyLoaded = 1, siActionStatusLoaded = 2 } |
enum | siFilterType
{ siFilterUndefined = 0, siFilterObject = 1, siFilter3DObject = 2, siFilterProperty = 3, siFilterSubComponentEdge = 4, siFilterSubComponentPoint = 5, siFilterSubComponentPolygon = 6, siFilterSubComponentKnot = 7 } |
enum | siCommandCapabilities |
enum | siSeverity
{ siFatal = 1, siError = 2, siWarning = 4, siInfo = 8, siVerbose = 16, siComment = 32 } |
enum | siMsgBoxFlags
{ siMsgOkOnly = 0, siMsgOkCancel = 1, siMsgAbortRetryIgnore = 2, siMsgYesNoCancel = 3, siMsgYesNo = 4, siMsgRetryCancel = 5, siMsgCritical = 16, siMsgQuestion = 32, siMsgExclamation = 48, siMsgInformation = 64, siMsgDefaultButton1 = 0, siMsgDefaultButton2 = 256, siMsgDefaultButton3 = 512 } |
enum | siMsgButtonPressed
{ siMsgOk = 1, siMsgCancel = 2, siMsgAbort = 3, siMsgRetry = 4, siMsgIgnore = 5, siMsgYes = 6, siMsgNo = 7 } |
enum | siViewState
{ siNormal = 0, siClosed = 1, siMinimized = 2 } |
enum | siToolbarControl
{ siTBCtrlBlankSeparator = 0, siTBCtrlGroupHeader = 1, siTBCtrlLineBreak = 2, siTBCtrlMenu = 3, siTBCtrlPreset = 4, siTBCtrlLineSeparator = 5 } |
enum | siTimeReferenceType
{ siOriginalClip = 0, siExtrapolatedClip = 1 } |
enum | siImageRatio
{ siImageRatio1x1 = 0, siImageRatio2x1 = 1, siImageRatio4x1 = 2, siImageRatio8x1 = 3, siImageRatio16x1 = 4, siImageRatioThumbnail = 5 } |
enum | siTimeControlExtrapolationType
{ siTimeControlExtrapolationNone = 0, siTimeControlExtrapolationHold = 1, siTimeControlExtrapolationCycle = 2, siTimeControlExtrapolationBounce = 3 } |
enum | siMenuItemStyle
{ siMenuItemUndefined = 0, siMenuItem = ( siMenuItemUndefined + 1 ), siMenuItemSubmenu = ( siMenuItem + 1 ), siMenuItemSeparator = ( siMenuItemSubmenu + 1 ), siMenuItemSection = ( siMenuItemSeparator + 1 ) } |
enum | siMenuAnchorPoints
{ siMenuUndefinedID = 0, siMenuTbGetPrimitiveCurveID = 1, siMenuTbGetPrimitivePolygonMeshBasicID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitiveCurveID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPrimitivePolygonMeshHedronID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitivePolygonMeshBasicID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPrimitivePolygonMeshID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitivePolygonMeshHedronID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPrimitiveSurfaceID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitivePolygonMeshID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPrimitiveImplicitCurveID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitiveSurfaceID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPrimitiveImplicitID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitiveImplicitCurveID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPrimitiveControlObjectID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitiveImplicitID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPrimitiveModelID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitiveControlObjectID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPrimitiveID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitiveModelID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetCameraID = ( siMenuTbGetPrimitiveID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetLightID = ( siMenuTbGetCameraID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetMaterialID = ( siMenuTbGetLightID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetMaterialBasicID = ( siMenuTbGetMaterialID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetMaterialSimpleID = ( siMenuTbGetMaterialBasicID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetMaterialRealTimeID = ( siMenuTbGetMaterialSimpleID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPropertyID = ( siMenuTbGetMaterialRealTimeID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPropertyTextureProjectionID = ( siMenuTbGetPropertyID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPropertyTextureMapID = ( siMenuTbGetPropertyTextureProjectionID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPropertyTextureID = ( siMenuTbGetPropertyTextureMapID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPropertyUserDataMapID = ( siMenuTbGetPropertyTextureID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPropertyMapPaintID = ( siMenuTbGetPropertyUserDataMapID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetPropertyPSetID = ( siMenuTbGetPropertyMapPaintID + 1 ), siMenuTbDeformSpatialID = ( siMenuTbGetPropertyPSetID + 1 ), siMenuTbDeformID = ( siMenuTbDeformSpatialID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateSkeletonID = ( siMenuTbDeformID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateSkeletonDrawID = ( siMenuTbCreateSkeletonID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateSkeletonInspectID = ( siMenuTbCreateSkeletonDrawID + 1 ), siMenuTbModelCreateCurveID = 100, siMenuTbModelCreateSurfaceMeshID = ( siMenuTbModelCreateCurveID + 1 ), siMenuTbModelCreatePolygonMeshID = ( siMenuTbModelCreateSurfaceMeshID + 1 ), siMenuTbModelCreateModelID = ( siMenuTbModelCreatePolygonMeshID + 1 ), siMenuTbModelCreateTextID = ( siMenuTbModelCreateModelID + 1 ), siMenuTbModelModifyComponentID = ( siMenuTbModelCreateTextID + 1 ), siMenuTbModelModifyCurveID = ( siMenuTbModelModifyComponentID + 1 ), siMenuTbModelModifySurfaceMeshID = ( siMenuTbModelModifyCurveID + 1 ), siMenuTbModelModifyPolygonMeshID = ( siMenuTbModelModifySurfaceMeshID + 1 ), siMenuTbModelModifyModelID = ( siMenuTbModelModifyPolygonMeshID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterID = 200, siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterCustomPSetID = ( siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterCustomParamID = ( siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterCustomPSetID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterExpressionID = ( siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterCustomParamID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterProxyID = ( siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterExpressionID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateCreateCurveID = ( siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterProxyID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateCreatePathID = ( siMenuTbAnimateCreateCurveID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateCreateCharacterID = ( siMenuTbAnimateCreatePathID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateDeformShapeID = ( siMenuTbAnimateCreateCharacterID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateDeformShapeKeyID = ( siMenuTbAnimateDeformShapeID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateDeformEnvelopeID = ( siMenuTbAnimateDeformShapeKeyID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateActionsStoreID = ( siMenuTbAnimateDeformEnvelopeID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateActionsApplyID = ( siMenuTbAnimateActionsStoreID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateActionsTemplatesID = ( siMenuTbAnimateActionsApplyID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateToolsPlotID = ( siMenuTbAnimateActionsTemplatesID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateToolsDevicesID = ( siMenuTbAnimateToolsPlotID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateToolsImportID = ( siMenuTbAnimateToolsDevicesID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateToolsExportID = ( siMenuTbAnimateToolsImportID + 1 ), siMenuTbAnimateToolsMotorID = ( siMenuTbAnimateToolsExportID + 1 ), siMenuTbRenderRegionID = 300, siMenuTbRenderPreviewID = ( siMenuTbRenderRegionID + 1 ), siMenuTbRenderRenderID = ( siMenuTbRenderPreviewID + 1 ), siMenuTbRenderExportMIID = ( siMenuTbRenderRenderID + 1 ), siMenuTbRenderPassEditID = ( siMenuTbRenderExportMIID + 1 ), siMenuTbRenderPassEditNewPassID = ( siMenuTbRenderPassEditID + 1 ), siMenuTbRenderPassPartitionID = ( siMenuTbRenderPassEditNewPassID + 1 ), siMenuTbRenderExportID = ( siMenuTbRenderPassPartitionID + 1 ), siMenuTbICEParticlesCreateID = 320, siMenuTbICEParticlesOnEmissionID = ( siMenuTbICEParticlesCreateID + 1 ), siMenuTbICEParticlesAfterEmissionID = ( siMenuTbICEParticlesOnEmissionID + 1 ), siMenuTbICEParticlesForceID = ( siMenuTbICEParticlesAfterEmissionID + 1 ), siMenuTbICEParticlesCollisionID = ( siMenuTbICEParticlesForceID + 1 ), siMenuTbICEParticlesSimulationID = ( siMenuTbICEParticlesCollisionID + 1 ), siMenuTbICEParticlesModelLibraryID = ( siMenuTbICEParticlesSimulationID + 1 ), siMenuTbICEDeformCreateID = 340, siMenuTbICEDeformSimulateID = ( siMenuTbICEDeformCreateID + 1 ), siMenuTbICEKinematicsEffectsID = 360, siMenuTbICEKinematicsConstrainID = ( siMenuTbICEKinematicsEffectsID + 1 ), siMenuTbICECrowdFXActorsID = 380, siMenuTbICECrowdFXSimulationID = ( siMenuTbICECrowdFXActorsID + 1 ), siMenuTbGetForceID = 400, siMenuTbCreateParticlesID = ( siMenuTbGetForceID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateParticlesFluidID = ( siMenuTbCreateParticlesID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateParticlesExplosionID = ( siMenuTbCreateParticlesFluidID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateParticlesNewPTypeID = ( siMenuTbCreateParticlesExplosionID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateRigidBodyID = ( siMenuTbCreateParticlesNewPTypeID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateRigidBodyConstraintID = ( siMenuTbCreateRigidBodyID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateClothID = ( siMenuTbCreateRigidBodyConstraintID + 1 ), siMenuTbModifyParticlesID = ( siMenuTbCreateClothID + 1 ), siMenuTbModifyRigidBodyID = ( siMenuTbModifyParticlesID + 1 ), siMenuTbModifyEnvironmentID = ( siMenuTbModifyRigidBodyID + 1 ), siMenuTbCreateSoftBodyID = ( siMenuTbModifyEnvironmentID + 1 ), siMenuTbICECreateID = ( siMenuTbCreateSoftBodyID + 1 ), siMenuTbICEEditID = ( siMenuTbICECreateID + 1 ), siMenuMainFileSceneID = 1000, siMenuMainFileProjectID = ( siMenuMainFileSceneID + 1 ), siMenuMainFileExportID = ( siMenuMainFileProjectID + 1 ), siMenuMainFileImportID = ( siMenuMainFileExportID + 1 ), siMenuMainWindowID = ( siMenuMainFileImportID + 1 ), siMenuMainHelpID = ( siMenuMainWindowID + 1 ), siMenuMainApplicationID = ( siMenuMainHelpID + 1 ), siMenuMainApplicationPropertySetsID = ( siMenuMainApplicationID + 1 ), siMenuMainApplicationLayoutsID = ( siMenuMainApplicationPropertySetsID + 1 ), siMenuMainApplicationViewsID = ( siMenuMainApplicationLayoutsID + 1 ), siMenuMainApplicationToolbarsID = ( siMenuMainApplicationViewsID + 1 ), siMenuMainApplicationCommandsID = ( siMenuMainApplicationToolbarsID + 1 ), siMenuMainApplicationKeyMappingsID = ( siMenuMainApplicationCommandsID + 1 ), siMenuMainApplicationPreferencesID = ( siMenuMainApplicationKeyMappingsID + 1 ), siMenuMainTopLevelID = ( siMenuMainApplicationPreferencesID + 1 ), siMenuMainFileCrosswalkID = ( siMenuMainTopLevelID + 1 ), siMenuMCPSelectTopID = 2000, siMenuMCPSelectBottomID = ( siMenuMCPSelectTopID + 1 ), siMenuMCPSelectExploreBtnID = ( siMenuMCPSelectBottomID + 1 ), siMenuMCPSelectSelBtnContextID = ( siMenuMCPSelectExploreBtnID + 1 ), siMenuMCPTransformTopID = ( siMenuMCPSelectSelBtnContextID + 1 ), siMenuMCPTransformBottomID = ( siMenuMCPTransformTopID + 1 ), siMenuMCPSnapID = ( siMenuMCPTransformBottomID + 1 ), siMenuMCPConstrainID = ( siMenuMCPSnapID + 1 ), siMenuMCPEditID = ( siMenuMCPConstrainID + 1 ), siMenuMCPAnimationID = ( siMenuMCPEditID + 1 ), siMenuMCPPlaybackID = ( siMenuMCPAnimationID + 1 ), siMenuVMViewTypeID = 3000, siMenuVMCameraID = ( siMenuVMViewTypeID + 1 ), siMenuVMVisibilityID = ( siMenuVMCameraID + 1 ), siMenuVMDisplayID = ( siMenuVMVisibilityID + 1 ), siMenu3DViewClusterContextID = 3100, siMenu3DViewComponentContextID = ( siMenu3DViewClusterContextID + 1 ), siMenu3DViewComponentEditContextID = ( siMenu3DViewComponentContextID + 1 ), siMenu3DViewGeneralContextID = ( siMenu3DViewComponentEditContextID + 1 ), siMenu3DViewObjectContextID = ( siMenu3DViewGeneralContextID + 1 ), siMenu3DViewObjectEditContextID = ( siMenu3DViewObjectContextID + 1 ), siMenu3DViewObjectGroupContextID = ( siMenu3DViewObjectEditContextID + 1 ), siMenu3DViewObjectMeshContextID = ( siMenu3DViewObjectGroupContextID + 1 ), siMenu3DViewObjectSelectContextID = ( siMenu3DViewObjectMeshContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEGeneralContextID = 3200, siMenuSELayersContextID = ( siMenuSEGeneralContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEPassesContextID = ( siMenuSELayersContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEPartitionsContextID = ( siMenuSEPassesContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEObjectContextID = ( siMenuSEPartitionsContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEGroupContextID = ( siMenuSEObjectContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEAnimContextID = ( siMenuSEGroupContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEClusterContextID = ( siMenuSEAnimContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEOperatorContextID = ( siMenuSEClusterContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEConstraintContextID = ( siMenuSEOperatorContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEPreferenceContextID = ( siMenuSEConstraintContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEMaterialContextID = ( siMenuSEPreferenceContextID + 1 ), siMenuSEModelContextID = ( siMenuSEMaterialContextID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrPluginFileID = 3300, siMenuPluginMgrTreeFileID = ( siMenuPluginMgrPluginFileID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextPluginID = ( siMenuPluginMgrTreeFileID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextPluginLocationID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextPluginID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextUserRootID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextPluginLocationID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextFactoryRootID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextUserRootID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextWorkgroupRootID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextFactoryRootID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextAddonID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextWorkgroupRootID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextCustomLocationID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextAddonID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrSPDLFileID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextCustomLocationID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextSPDLID = ( siMenuPluginMgrSPDLFileID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextSPDLLocationID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextSPDLID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextPluginItemID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextSPDLLocationID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextViewLocationID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextPluginItemID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextViewID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextViewLocationID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextToolbarLocationID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextViewID + 1 ), siMenuPluginMgrContextToolbarID = ( siMenuPluginMgrContextToolbarLocationID + 1 ), siMenuWorkgroupMgrFileID = 3350, siMenuWorkgroupMgrContextID = ( siMenuWorkgroupMgrFileID + 1 ), siMenuScriptEditContextID = 3400, siMenuScriptHistoryContextID = 3401, siMenuFCurveEditorTopLevelID = 3500, siMenuFCurveEditorFileID = ( siMenuFCurveEditorTopLevelID + 1 ), siMenuFCurveEditorEditID = ( siMenuFCurveEditorFileID + 1 ), siMenuFCurveEditorViewID = ( siMenuFCurveEditorEditID + 1 ), siMenuFCurveEditorKeysID = ( siMenuFCurveEditorViewID + 1 ), siMenuFCurveEditorCurvesID = ( siMenuFCurveEditorKeysID + 1 ), siMenuFCurveEditorSelectID = ( siMenuFCurveEditorCurvesID + 1 ), siMenuPropertyPageContextID = 3600, siMenuPropertyPageAnimContextID = ( siMenuPropertyPageContextID + 1 ), siMenuShapeManagerEditID = 3700, siMenuShapeManagerCreateContextSingleSelectionID = ( siMenuShapeManagerEditID + 1 ), siMenuShapeManagerCreateContextMultiSelectionID = ( siMenuShapeManagerCreateContextSingleSelectionID + 1 ), siMenuShapeManagerAnimateContextSingleSelectionID = ( siMenuShapeManagerCreateContextMultiSelectionID + 1 ), siMenuShapeManagerAnimateContextMultiSelectionID = ( siMenuShapeManagerAnimateContextSingleSelectionID + 1 ), siMenuShapeManagerAnimateID = ( siMenuShapeManagerAnimateContextMultiSelectionID + 1 ), siMenuRenderRegionContextID = 3800, siMenuMaterialPanelMaterialID = 3900, siMenuTextureEditorToolsID = 4000, siMenuRenderTreeToolsID = 4100, siMenuICEViewToolsID = ( siMenuRenderTreeToolsID + 1 ), siMenuRTNodeContextID = ( siMenuICEViewToolsID + 1 ), siMenuICENodeContextID = ( siMenuRTNodeContextID + 1 ), siMenuICENodePortContextID = ( siMenuICENodeContextID + 1 ), siMenuRenderTreeTopLevelID = ( siMenuICENodePortContextID + 1 ), siMenuICEViewTopLevelID = ( siMenuRenderTreeTopLevelID + 1 ), siMenuTextEditorWidgetEditID = 4200, siMenuTextEditorContextID = ( siMenuTextEditorWidgetEditID + 1 ), siMenuTextureSpaceProjectionID = 4300, siMenuSchematicViewID = 4400, siMenuSchematicViewContextID = 4401, siMenuSchematicNodeContextID = 4402, siMenuSchematicViewTopLevelID = 4403, siMenuSceneLayerManagerLayersID = 4500, siMenuSceneLayerManagerContextID = ( siMenuSceneLayerManagerLayersID + 1 ), siMenuMaterialManagerTopLevelID = 4600, siMenuAnimMixerEditID = 4700, siMenuAnimMixerViewID = ( siMenuAnimMixerEditID + 1 ), siMenuAnimMixerTrackID = ( siMenuAnimMixerViewID + 1 ), siMenuAnimMixerClipID = ( siMenuAnimMixerTrackID + 1 ), siMenuAnimMixerMixID = ( siMenuAnimMixerClipID + 1 ), siMenuAnimMixerEffectID = ( siMenuAnimMixerMixID + 1 ), siMenuShaderCodeEditContextID = 4800, siMenuWeightEditorFileID = 10000, siMenuWeightEditorEditID = 10001, siMenuWeightEditorViewID = 10002 } |
enum | siPortFlags
{ siDefaultPort = 0, siOptionalInputPort = 16, siCreatedOutputPort = 256, siBranchGroupPort = 1024 } |
enum | siWindowChangeState
{ siWindowSize = 1, siWindowPaint = 2, siWindowSetFocus = 3, siWindowLostFocus = 4 } |
enum | siFileType
{ siFileTypeDefault = 0, siFileTypeScene = 1, siFileTypeModel = 2, siFileTypeImage = 3, siFileTypeAudio = 4, siFileTypeSI3D = 5, siFileTypeScript = 6, siFileTypeFcurve = 7, siFileTypeExpression = 8, siFileTypeRenderPicture = 9, siFileTypeAction = 10, siFileTypeShader = 11, siFileTypeBackup = 12, siFileTypeMI = 13, siFileTypeIgnore = 14, siFileTypeSimulation = 15, siFileTypeReferencedModel = 16, siFileTypeQuery = 17, siFileTypeSynoptic = 18, siFileTypeDotXSI = 19, siFileTypeRenderMap = 20, siFileTypeAddon = 21, siFileTypeMatLib = 22, siFileTypeThumbnail = 23, siFileTypeMixer = 24, siFileTypeIges = 25, siFileTypeComposites = 26, siFileTypeDelta = 27, siFileTypeCache = 28, siFileTypeICECompounds = 29, siFileTypeRTCompounds = 30, siFileTypeCustom = 31, siFileTypeLast = 32 } |
enum | siClusterType
{ siClusterVertexType = 0, siClusterNodeType = 1, siClusterEdgeType = 2, siClusterPolygonType = 3 } |
enum | siClusterPropertyType
{ siClusterPropertyEnvelopeWeightType = 0, siClusterPropertyShapeKeyType = 1, siClusterPropertyWeightMapType = 2, siClusterPropertyUVType = 3, siClusterPropertyVertexColorType = 4, siClusterPropertyUserNormalType = 5, siClusterPropertyUserMotionType = 6 } |
enum | siCurveIsopointManipMode |
enum | siCurveKnotTangentAlignment
{ siCurveKnotAlignFwdTangentWithBwd = 0, siCurveKnotAlignBwdTangentWithFwd = 1, siCurveKnotAlignFwdAndBwdTangentsTogether = 2, siCurveKnotLinearizeNextSegment = 3, siCurveKnotLinearizePrevSegment = 4, siCurveKnotLinearizeBothSegments = 5, siCurveKnotLinearizeInterSegments = 6, siCurveKnotMakeCorner = 7 } |
enum | siRBDEngine
{ siPhysXEngine = 0, siOpenDynamicsEngine = 1 } |
enum | siKeyableAttributeType
{ siKeyableAttributeClear = 0, siKeyableAttributeKeyable = 1, siKeyableAttributeNonKeyableVisible = 2 } |
enum | siClosestLocationMethod { , siClosestSurfaceRaycastIntersection = 3 } |
enum | siNormalComputationMethod |
enum | siLineIntersectionType
{ siSemiLineIntersection = 0, siLineIntersection = 1, siSegmentIntersection = 2 } |
enum | siImageBitDepth
{ siImageBitDepthUnknown = -1, siImageBitDepthInteger1 = 0, siImageBitDepthInteger2 = 1, siImageBitDepthInteger4 = 2, siImageBitDepthInteger8 = 3, siImageBitDepthInteger16 = 4, siImageBitDepthInteger32 = 5, siImageBitDepthFloat16 = 20, siImageBitDepthFloat32 = 21 } |
enum | siImageChannelType
{ siImageRGBAChannelType = 0, siImageRGBChannelType = 1, siImageAlphaChannelType = 2, siImageIntensityChannelType = 3, siImageRGBEChannelType = 4, siImageDepthChannelType = 5, siImageNormalChannelType = 6, siImageMotionChannelType = 7, siImageTagChannelType = 8 } |
enum | siImageChannelFilter
{ siImageRGBAChannelFilter = 1, siImageRGBChannelFilter = 2, siImageColorChannelFilter = 3, siImageAlphaChannelFilter = 4, siImageIntensityChannelFilter = 8, siImageRGBEChannelFilter = 16, siImageDepthChannelFilter = 32, siImageNormalChannelFilter = 64, siImageMotionChannelFilter = 128, siImageTagChannelFilter = 256, siImageChannelFilterAll = 511 } |
enum | siVolumeCenterMethod
{ siVolumeCenterMethodCOG = 0, siVolumeCenterMethodBBoxCenter = 1, siVolumeCenterMethodObjectCenter = 2 } |
enum | siBoundingCapsuleMethod
{ siBoundingCapsuleMethodXAxis = 0, siBoundingCapsuleMethodYAxis = 1, siBoundingCapsuleMethodZAxis = 2, siBoundingCapsuleMethodBestAxis = 3 } |
enum | siSourcePathType
{ siSourcePathImageSource = 0, siSourcePathWritableImageSource = 1, siSourcePathModelSource = 3 } |
enum | siModelKind
{ siModelKind_Regular = 0, siModelKind_Reference = 1, siModelKind_Instance = 2 } |
enum | siViewport
{ siViewportFocussed = -3, siViewportCurrent = -2, siViewportAll = -1, siViewportA = 0, siViewportB = 1, siViewportC = 2, siViewportD = 3 } |
enum | siRenderRegionDisplayType
{ siRenderRegionDisplayRGBA = 0, siRenderRegionDisplayRGB = 1, siRenderRegionDisplayAlpha = 2, siRenderRegionDisplayRed = 3, siRenderRegionDisplayGreen = 4, siRenderRegionDisplayBlue = 5 } |
enum | siModificationDeltaType
{ siModificationDeltaActiveResolution = 0, siModificationDeltaRemoveAnimation = 1, siModificationDeltaConstraint = 2, siModificationDeltaUpVectorConstraint = 3, siModificationDeltaOperator = 4, siModificationDeltaExpression = 5, siModificationDeltaStaticValue = 6, siModificationDeltaFCurve = 7, siModificationDeltaGroupRelation = 8, siModificationDeltaCluster = 9, siModificationDeltaClusterProperty = 10, siModificationDeltaProperty = 11 } |
enum | siNodePortDataInsertionLocation
{ siNodePortDataInsertionLocationBegining = 0, siNodePortDataInsertionLocationEnd = ( siNodePortDataInsertionLocationBegining + 1 ), siNodePortDataInsertionLocationBefore = ( siNodePortDataInsertionLocationEnd + 1 ), siNodePortDataInsertionLocationAfter = ( siNodePortDataInsertionLocationBefore + 1 ) } |
enum | siPPGEventID { siUndefinedPPGEvent = 0 } |
enum | siRenderProcessType
{ siRenderProcessRender = 0, siRenderProcessExportArchive = 1, siRenderProcessExportObjectArchive = 2, siRenderProcessGenerateRenderMap = 3 } |
enum | siRenderQueryType
{ , siRenderQueryArchiveProxies = 1, siRenderQueryArchiveBBox = 2, siRenderQueryArchiveFrameRange = 3, siRenderQueryDisplayBitDepths = 4, siRenderQueryWantDirtyList = 5 } |
enum | siRenderQualityType
{ siRenderQualityTypeLowest = 0, siRenderQualityTypeLow = 1, siRenderQualityTypeMedium = 2, siRenderQualityTypeHigh = 3, siRenderQualityTypeHighest = 4 } |
enum | siRenderPropertyType { siRenderPropertyOptions = 0 } |
enum | siRenderShutterType
{ siRenderShutterCenterOnFrame = 0, siRenderShutterEndOnFrame = 1, siRenderShutterStartOnFrame = 2 } |
enum | siRenderFrameSource
{ siRenderFrameSourceFrameRange = 0, siRenderFrameSourceFrameSet = 1, siRenderFrameSourceTimeline = 2, siRenderFrameSourceGlobalOptions = 3 } |
enum | siDragAndDropAction
{ siSourceDragAction = 0, siSourceDropAction = 0x1 } |
enum | siAnnotationImportance
{ siAnnotationLow = 0, siAnnotationNormal = 1, siAnnotationHigh = 2 } |
enum | siICEAttributeCategory
{ siICEAttributeCategoryUnknown = 0, siICEAttributeCategoryBuiltin = 1, siICEAttributeCategoryCustom = 2 } |
enum | siICENodeThreadingModel
{ siICENodeUnknownThreading = 0, siICENodeSingleThreading = 1, siICENodeMultiThreading = 2, siICENodeMultiEvaluationPhase = 3 } |
enum | siICEShapeType
{ siICEShapeUnknown = -1, siICEShapePoint = 0, siICEShapeSegment = 1, siICEShapeDisc = 2, siICEShapeRectangle = 3, siICEShapeSphere = 4, siICEShapeBox = 5, siICEShapeCylinder = 6, siICEShapeCapsule = 7, siICEShapeCone = 8, siICEShapeBlob = 9, siICEShapeInstance = 128, siICEShapeReference = 129 } |
enum | siRenderVerbosity
{ siRenderVerbosityOff = 0, siRenderVerbosityOn = 1, siRenderVerbosityDefault = 2 } |
enum | siTimeTransportSeekMode
{ siTTScrubActive = 0, siTTScrubInactive = 1, siTTScrubJog = 2 } |
enum | siGraphicDriver
{ siNullGraphicDriver = 0, siOpenGL20 = 1, siOpenGL30 = 2, siDirectX9 = 3, siDirectX10 = 4 } |
enum | siHardwareSurfaceDimension
{ siDefaultDimension = 0, si1D = 1, si2D = 2, si3D = 3, siRectangle = 4, siCube = 5 } |
enum | siResourceSharing
{ siSharedResource = 0, siExclusiveResource = 1 } |
enum | siHardwareInputSemantic
{ siHardwareSemanticPosition = 0, siHardwareSemanticNormal = 1, siHardwareSemanticColor0 = 2, siHardwareSemanticColor1 = 3, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord0 = 4, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord1 = 5, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord2 = 6, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord3 = 7, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord4 = 8, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord5 = 9, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord6 = 10, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord7 = 11, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord8 = 12, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord9 = 13, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord10 = 14, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord11 = 15, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord12 = 16, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord13 = 17, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord14 = 18, siHardwareSemanticTexcoord15 = 19, siHardwareSemanticAttr0 = 20, siHardwareSemanticAttr1 = 21, siHardwareSemanticAttr2 = 22, siHardwareSemanticAttr3 = 23, siHardwareSemanticAttr4 = 24, siHardwareSemanticAttr5 = 25, siHardwareSemanticAttr6 = 26, siHardwareSemanticAttr7 = 27, siHardwareSemanticAttr8 = 28, siHardwareSemanticAttr9 = 29, siHardwareSemanticAttr10 = 30, siHardwareSemanticAttr11 = 31, siHardwareSemanticAttr12 = 32, siHardwareSemanticAttr13 = 33, siHardwareSemanticAttr14 = 34, siHardwareSemanticAttr15 = 35, siHardwareSemanticFogcoord = 36, siHardwareSemanticPsize = 37, siHardwareSemanticTangent = 38, siHardwareSemanticBinormal = 39, siHardwareSemanticWeight = 40, siHardwareSemanticIndice = 41, siHardwareSemanticTessfactor = 42, siHardwareSemanticDepth = 43, siHardwareSemanticSample = 44, siHardwareSemanticMax = 45 } |
enum | siCollapseLayersPlottingType
{ siDefaultPlottingType = 0, siPreserveAnimation = 1, siPreserveTangentHandles = 2 } |
enum | siMaterialConflictAction
{ siDefaultAction = 0, siShareMaterial = 1, siCopyMaterial = 2 } |
enum | siHWShaderVersionID { siHWShaderV1 = 4 } |
enum | siXGSContextFlag
{ siXGSContextNormal = ( 1L << 1 ), siXGSContextCapture = ( 1L << 2 ), siXGSContextHWRender = ( 1L << 3 ) } |
enum | siXGSRenderFlag
{ siRenderDefault = ( 1L << 1 ), siRenderUnsorted = ( 1L << 2 ), siRenderSorted = ( 1L << 3 ), siRenderSortedNear = ( 1L << 4 ), siRenderSortedCenter = ( 1L << 5 ), siRenderSortedFar = ( 1L << 6 ), siRenderSortFront = ( 1L << 7 ), siRenderSelected = ( 1L << 8 ), siTexEnvReplace = ( 1L << 9 ), siRenderNoRTSOverride = ( 1L << 10 ) } |
enum | siCustomDisplayFlags
{ siSupportCommandMap = ( 1L << 1 ), siWindowNotifications = ( 1L << 2 ) } |
enum | siComponentDataType
{ siComponentDataTypeBool = ( 1L << 0 ), siComponentDataTypeLong = ( 1L << 1 ), siComponentDataTypeFloat = ( 1L << 2 ), siComponentDataTypeVector2 = ( 1L << 3 ), siComponentDataTypeVector3 = ( 1L << 4 ), siComponentDataTypeVector4 = ( 1L << 5 ), siComponentDataTypeQuaternion = ( 1L << 6 ), siComponentDataTypeMatrix33 = ( 1L << 7 ), siComponentDataTypeMatrix44 = ( 1L << 8 ), siComponentDataTypeColor4 = ( 1L << 9 ), siComponentDataTypeRotation3 = ( 1L << 14 ), siComponentDataTypeShape = ( 1L << 15 ), siComponentDataTypeIcon = ( 1L << 17 ) } |
enum | siComponentDataContext
{ siComponentDataContextSingleton = ( 1L << 0 ), siComponentDataContextComponent0D = ( 1L << 1 ), siComponentDataContextComponent1D = ( 1L << 2 ), siComponentDataContextComponent2D = ( 1L << 3 ), siComponentDataContextComponent0D2D = ( 1L << 4 ) } |
enum | siComponentDataStructure
{ siComponentDataStructureSingle = ( 1L << 0 ), siComponentDataStructureDynamicArray = ( 1L << 1 ) } |
enum | siRenderChannelType
{ siRenderChannelUnknownType = 0, siRenderChannelColorType = 1, siRenderChannelGrayscaleType = 2, siRenderChannelDepthType = 3, siRenderChannelNormalVectorType = 4, siRenderChannelVectorType = 5, siRenderChannelLabelType = 6 } |
enum | siICENodeDataType
{ siICENodeDataBool = ( 1L << 0 ), siICENodeDataLong = ( 1L << 1 ), siICENodeDataFloat = ( 1L << 2 ), siICENodeDataVector2 = ( 1L << 3 ) , siICENodeDataGeometry = ( 1L << 10 ), siICENodeDataLocation = ( 1L << 11 ), siICENodeDataExecute = ( 1L << 12 ), siICENodeDataReference = ( 1L << 13 ) , siICENodeDataCustomType = ( 1L << 16 ), siICENodeDataString = ( 1L << 17 ), siICENodeDataIcon = ( 1L << 18 ), siICENodeDataValue = ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( siICENodeDataBool | siICENodeDataLong ) | siICENodeDataFloat ) | siICENodeDataVector2 ) | siICENodeDataVector3 ) | siICENodeDataVector4 ) | siICENodeDataQuaternion ) | siICENodeDataRotation ) | siICENodeDataMatrix33 ) | siICENodeDataMatrix44 ) | siICENodeDataColor4 ) | siICENodeDataShape ) | siICENodeDataIcon ) | siICENodeDataCustomType ) | siICENodeDataString ), siICENodeDataInterface = siICENodeDataGeometry, siICENodeDataMultiComp = ( ( ( ( ( ( ( siICENodeDataVector2 | siICENodeDataVector3 ) | siICENodeDataVector4 ) | siICENodeDataQuaternion ) | siICENodeDataRotation ) | siICENodeDataMatrix33 ) | siICENodeDataMatrix44 ) | siICENodeDataColor4 ), siICENodeDataArithmeticSupport = ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( siICENodeDataLong | siICENodeDataFloat ) | siICENodeDataVector2 ) | siICENodeDataVector3 ) | siICENodeDataVector4 ) | siICENodeDataQuaternion ) | siICENodeDataRotation ) | siICENodeDataMatrix33 ) | siICENodeDataMatrix44 ), siICENodeDataAny = ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( siICENodeDataBool | siICENodeDataLong ) | siICENodeDataFloat ) | siICENodeDataVector2 ) | siICENodeDataVector3 ) | siICENodeDataVector4 ) | siICENodeDataQuaternion ) | siICENodeDataRotation ) | siICENodeDataMatrix33 ) | siICENodeDataMatrix44 ) | siICENodeDataColor4 ) | siICENodeDataShape ) | siICENodeDataGeometry ) | siICENodeDataLocation ) | siICENodeDataReference ) | siICENodeDataExecute ) | siICENodeDataCustomType ) | siICENodeDataString ) | siICENodeDataIcon ) } |
enum | siICENodeStructureType
{ siICENodeStructureSingle = ( 1L << 0 ), siICENodeStructureArray = ( 1L << 1 ), siICENodeStructureAny = ( siICENodeStructureSingle | siICENodeStructureArray ) } |
enum | siICENodeContextType
{ siICENodeContextSingleton = ( 1L << 0 ), siICENodeContextComponent0D = ( 1L << 1 ), siICENodeContextComponent1D = ( 1L << 2 ), siICENodeContextComponent2D = ( 1L << 3 ), siICENodeContextComponent0D2D = ( 1L << 4 ), siICENodeContextElementGenerator = ( 1L << 5 ), siICENodeContextSingletonOrComponent0D = ( siICENodeContextSingleton | siICENodeContextComponent0D ), siICENodeContextSingletonOrComponent1D = ( siICENodeContextSingleton | siICENodeContextComponent1D ), siICENodeContextSingletonOrComponent2D = ( siICENodeContextSingleton | siICENodeContextComponent2D ), siICENodeContextSingletonOrComponent0D2D = ( siICENodeContextSingleton | siICENodeContextComponent0D2D ), siICENodeContextSingletonOrElementGenerator = ( siICENodeContextSingleton | siICENodeContextElementGenerator ), siICENodeContextComponent0DOr1DOr2D = ( ( siICENodeContextComponent0D | siICENodeContextComponent1D ) | siICENodeContextComponent2D ), siICENodeContextNotSingleton = ( ( ( ( siICENodeContextComponent0D | siICENodeContextComponent1D ) | siICENodeContextComponent2D ) | siICENodeContextComponent0D2D ) | siICENodeContextElementGenerator ), siICENodeContextAny = ( ( ( ( ( siICENodeContextSingleton | siICENodeContextComponent0D ) | siICENodeContextComponent1D ) | siICENodeContextComponent2D ) | siICENodeContextComponent0D2D ) | siICENodeContextElementGenerator ) } |
enum | siAutoCompleteMode
{ siNone = 0, siKeywords = ( 1L << 1 ), siCommands = ( 1L << 2 ) } |
enum | siTextEditorCapability
{ siNoSaveLoad = 0, siCanSave = ( 1L << 1 ), siCanLoad = ( 1L << 2 ) } |
enum | siViewportFeature { siHardwareRendering = ( 1L << 0 ) } |
enum | siTimeTransportPlaybackMode
{ siTTPlaybackNormal = 0, siTTPlaybackSlideShow = 0x2 } |
enum | siTimeTransportState
{ siTTStateStop = 0x1, siTTStatePlay = 0x4, siTTStateSeek = 0x2000, siTTStateTimeChange = 0x4000, siTTStateContextChange = 0x8000, siTTStateScrubChange = 0x10000, siTTStateSeekChange = 0x20000, siTTStateDeviceChange = 0x40000, siTTStateFrameDropChange = 0x80000 } |
enum | siToolCapabilities |
enum | siToolCursor
{ siArrowCursor = 0, siCrossCursor = 1, siHandCursor = 2, siPenCursor = 3, siDropperCursor = 4, siSelectCursor = 5, siTranslateCursor = 6, siRotateCursor = 7, siScaleCursor = 8, siZoomCursor = 9, siDragXYCursor = 10, siDragXCursor = 11, siDragYCursor = 12, siDotCursor = 13 } |
enum | siAlignment
{ siLeftAlign = 0, siCenterAlign = 1, siRightAlign = 2, siTopAlign = 0, siBottomAlign = 2 } |
enum | siSnapType
{ siSnapNone = 0L, siSnapPoint = 0x1L, siSnapKnot = 0x2L, siSnapCenter = 0x4L, siSnapMidPoint = 0x8L, siSnapBBox = 0x20L, siSnap0D = 0xffffL, siSnapEdge = 0x10000L, siSnapCurve = 0x20000L, siSnapUIsocurve = 0x40000L, siSnapVIsocurve = 0x80000L, siSnapBoundary = 0x100000L, siSnap1D = 0xff0000L, siSnapFace = 0x1000000L, siSnapSurface = 0x2000000L, siSnap2D = 0x3f000000L, siSnapGrid = 0x40000000L } |
enum | siPickMode
{ siPickSingleObject = 0, siPickSingleSubComponent = 1, siPickMultipleObjects = 2, siPickMultipleSubComponents = 3 } |
enum | siPickType
{ siPickRectangle = 1, siPickRaycast = 2, siPickLasso = 3, siPickFreeform = 4, siPickRectangleRaycast = 6 } |
enum | siPasteUVsMode
{ , siPasteUVsUsingSourceIndices = 1, siPasteUVsUsingTargetIndices = 2 } |
enum | siSetValueMode
{ siSetValueModeAbsolute = 0, siSetValueModeAdditive = 1, siSetValueModeAddPercentage = 2 } |
Functions |
CRef | ConvertObject (void *in_pAuto) |
void * | ConvertObject (const CRef &in_obj) |
bool | operator== (CStatus::Code lhs, const CStatus &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (CStatus::Code lhs, const CStatus &rhs) |
CString | operator+ (const wchar_t *in_pwstr, const CString &in_refStr) |
CString | operator+ (const wchar_t in_wchar, const CString &in_refStr) |
CString | operator+ (const char *in_pstr, const CString &in_refStr) |
CString | operator+ (const char in_char, const CString &in_refStr) |
bool | operator== (const double lhs, const CTime &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (const double lhs, const CTime &rhs) |
Variables |
const wchar_t * | siBoundaryFilter |
const wchar_t * | siCameraFilter |
const wchar_t * | siChainElementFilter |
const wchar_t * | siClusterFilter |
const wchar_t * | siConstraintFilter |
const wchar_t * | siControlFilter |
const wchar_t * | siCurveFilter |
const wchar_t * | siEdgeFilter |
const wchar_t * | siEffectorFilter |
const wchar_t * | siGenericObjectFilter |
const wchar_t * | siGeometryFilter |
const wchar_t * | siGroupFilter |
const wchar_t * | siImplicitFilter |
const wchar_t * | siIsopointFilter |
const wchar_t * | siKnotFilter |
const wchar_t * | siLatticeFilter |
const wchar_t * | siLayerFilter |
const wchar_t * | siLightFilter |
const wchar_t * | siLightPartitionFilter |
const wchar_t * | siModelFilter |
const wchar_t * | siNullFilter |
const wchar_t * | siObjectFilter |
const wchar_t * | siObjectPartitionFilter |
const wchar_t * | siOperatorFilter |
const wchar_t * | siPointCloudFilter |
const wchar_t * | siPointFilter |
const wchar_t * | siPolygonFilter |
const wchar_t * | siPolyMeshFilter |
const wchar_t * | siPrimitiveFilter |
const wchar_t * | siPropertyFilter |
const wchar_t * | siSceneFilter |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFilter |
const wchar_t * | siSkeletonJointFilter |
const wchar_t * | siSubComponentFilter |
const wchar_t * | siSubSurfaceFilter |
const wchar_t * | siSurfaceCurveFilter |
const wchar_t * | siSurfaceMeshFilter |
const wchar_t * | siTextureControlFilter |
const wchar_t * | siTrimCurveFilter |
const wchar_t * | siUIsolineFilter |
const wchar_t * | siVIsolineFilter |
const wchar_t * | siUKnotCurveFilter |
const wchar_t * | siVKnotCurveFilter |
const wchar_t * | siWaveFilter |
const wchar_t * | siAutoInspect |
const wchar_t * | siCompensationFlag |
const wchar_t * | siCustomCommandLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siCustomOperatorLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siDisplayCallbackLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siDisplayLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siDisplayPassLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siEventLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siFilterLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siMenuLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siPropertyLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siRTShaderLibCache |
const wchar_t * | siScrCommandLogEnabled |
const wchar_t * | siScrCommandLogFileName |
const wchar_t * | siScrCommandLogMaxSize |
const wchar_t * | siScrCommandLogToFile |
const wchar_t * | siScrCommandLogUnlimitedSize |
const wchar_t * | siScrLanguage |
const wchar_t * | siScrMessageLogEnabled |
const wchar_t * | siScrRealTimeMessagingEnabled |
const wchar_t * | siTimeDisplayFormatDisplayAsFrames |
const wchar_t * | siTimeDisplayFormatDisplayUserFormat |
const wchar_t * | siTimeDisplayFormatUserFormat |
const wchar_t * | siTimeFormatDefaultFrameFormat |
const wchar_t * | siTimeFormatDefaultFrameRate |
const wchar_t * | siTransformAxisMode |
const wchar_t * | siTransformRefMode |
const wchar_t * | siUILayoutDefault |
const wchar_t * | siAnimationKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siClusterKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siConstraintKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siControlObjectKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siConverterKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siCurrentKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siCurveKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siCustomPSetKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siDeformKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siDynamicsKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siExpressionsKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siGeneralKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siGeneratorKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siGeometryKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siHairKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siIKKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siKinematicsKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siMeshKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siMixerKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siModelingKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siOperatorsKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siParticleKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siPrimitiveKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siProjectionKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siRenderingKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siSimulationKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siSurfaceKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siTopologyEditorKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siTopologyKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siViewingKeyword |
const wchar_t * | siBoundaryCluster |
const wchar_t * | siEdgeCluster |
const wchar_t * | siFaceCluster |
const wchar_t * | siIsoLineUCluster |
const wchar_t * | siIsoLineVCluster |
const wchar_t * | siIsoPointCluster |
const wchar_t * | siKnotCluster |
const wchar_t * | siKnotCurveUCluster |
const wchar_t * | siKnotCurveVCluster |
const wchar_t * | siPolygonCluster |
const wchar_t * | siPolygonNodeCluster |
const wchar_t * | siSampledPointCluster |
const wchar_t * | siSubCurveCluster |
const wchar_t * | siSubSurfaceCluster |
const wchar_t * | siSurfaceCurveCluster |
const wchar_t * | siTrimCurveCluster |
const wchar_t * | siVertexCluster |
const wchar_t * | si0DComponentFamily |
const wchar_t * | si1DComponentFamily |
const wchar_t * | si2DComponentFamily |
const wchar_t * | si3DObjectFamily |
const wchar_t * | siAssignmentOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t * | siCameraFamily |
const wchar_t * | siChainElementFamily |
const wchar_t * | siClusterableComponentFamily |
const wchar_t * | siClusterFamily |
const wchar_t * | siConstraintFamily |
const wchar_t * | siContourContrastShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siContourShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siContourStoreShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siControlObjectFamily |
const wchar_t * | siControlObjectNurbsTextureFamily |
const wchar_t * | siControlObjectTextureFamily |
const wchar_t * | siControlObjectTextureProjectionFamily |
const wchar_t * | siConverterOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t * | siCurveFamily |
const wchar_t * | siDeformOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t * | siDisplacementShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siEnvironmentShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siFxOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t * | siGeneratorOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t * | siGeometryFamily |
const wchar_t * | siGeometryShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siGroupFamily |
const wchar_t * | siImageOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t * | siImplicitGeometryFamily |
const wchar_t * | siKineInfoFamily |
const wchar_t * | siLatticeFamily |
const wchar_t * | siLensShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siLightPhotonShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siLightPrimitiveFamily |
const wchar_t * | siLightShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siMarkerOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t * | siMaterialFamily |
const wchar_t * | siMaterialShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siMeshFamily |
const wchar_t * | siNullPrimitiveFamily |
const wchar_t * | siNurbsCurveListFamily |
const wchar_t * | siNurbsSurfaceMeshFamily |
const wchar_t * | siOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t * | siOutputShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siParticleControlObjectFamily |
const wchar_t * | siParticleFamily |
const wchar_t * | siPassFamily |
const wchar_t * | siPatchNetworkFamily |
const wchar_t * | siPhotonShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siPlanarObjectFamily |
const wchar_t * | siPointCloudFamily |
const wchar_t * | siPropertyFamily |
const wchar_t * | siRealTimeShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siShadowShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siSubComponentFamily |
const wchar_t * | siSurfaceCurveFamily |
const wchar_t * | siSurfaceFamily |
const wchar_t * | siTextureShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | siTopologyOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t * | siVirtualComponentFamily |
const wchar_t * | siVirtualCurveFamily |
const wchar_t * | siVolumeShaderFamily |
const wchar_t * | si2PntCnsType |
const wchar_t * | si3DObjectType |
const wchar_t * | si3PntCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siActionClipType |
const wchar_t * | siActionType |
const wchar_t * | siAddEdgeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siAddMeshPntOpType |
const wchar_t * | siAddNurbsCrvPntOpType |
const wchar_t * | siAddNurbsSrfPntOpType |
const wchar_t * | siAddPntMiddleCrvType |
const wchar_t * | siAddPntMiddleSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siAmbientLightingType |
const wchar_t * | siArcPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siAttractorCtrlType |
const wchar_t * | siAutoCageAssignOpType |
const wchar_t * | siAutoEnvAssignOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBallJointCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siBasePathCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siBendOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBevelOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBirail2GenOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBirailOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBlasterOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBlendCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBlendSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBooleanGenOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBooleanSrfTopoOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBPlaneCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siBridgeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBrushPropertiesType |
const wchar_t * | siBulgeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siBVolCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siCageDeformOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCamDispType |
const wchar_t * | siCameraLensFlareType |
const wchar_t * | siCameraPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siCameraRootPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siCameraTxtOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCamVisType |
const wchar_t * | siCapOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCenterOpType |
const wchar_t * | siChainBonePrimType |
const wchar_t * | siChainEffPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siChainRootPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siCirclePrimType |
const wchar_t * | siCleanCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCleanSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siClothOpType |
const wchar_t * | siClothPropType |
const wchar_t * | siCloudPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siClsColorType |
const wchar_t * | siClsCtrOpType |
const wchar_t * | siClsKeyType |
const wchar_t * | siClsKeyWgtMapOpType |
const wchar_t * | siClsPoseType |
const wchar_t * | siClsShapeCombinerOpType |
const wchar_t * | siClsUVSpaceTxtType |
const wchar_t * | siCoBBoxSclOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCollapseOpType |
const wchar_t * | siConePrimType |
const wchar_t * | siCoPoseFCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCopyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCopyShapeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCopyUVWOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCreatePolyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvCreationOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvCtrlOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvCutOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvDeformOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvListAggregatePrimType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvListPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvListToMeshOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvNetOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvOpenCloseOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvReparamOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCrvShiftOpType |
const wchar_t * | siCubePrimType |
const wchar_t * | siCustomParamSet |
const wchar_t * | siCycleUVWType |
const wchar_t * | siCylinderPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siDeformBySpineOp2Type |
const wchar_t * | siDeformBySpineOpType |
const wchar_t * | siDeformOpType |
const wchar_t * | siDeleteCompOpType |
const wchar_t * | siDelPntCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siDGlowType |
const wchar_t * | siDirCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siDiscPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siDisplayType |
const wchar_t * | siDissolveCompOpType |
const wchar_t * | siDistanceOpType |
const wchar_t * | siDistCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siDodecahedronPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siDragCtrlPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siEddyCtrlPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siEditPolyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siEmissionPropType |
const wchar_t * | siEnvelopOpType |
const wchar_t * | siEnvSelClsOpType |
const wchar_t * | siEnvWgtType |
const wchar_t * | siExplosionOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtendCrv2PntOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtendToCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtractCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtractCrvSegOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtractPolyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtractSubCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtrude2ProfsOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtrudeCompAxisOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtrudeComponentOpType |
const wchar_t * | siExtrusionOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFanType |
const wchar_t * | siFilletCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFilletSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFillHoleOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFilterEdgeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFilterPolyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFitCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFitSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFlipUVWOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFluidOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFoldOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFourSidedOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFurOpType |
const wchar_t * | siFurPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siFurPropType |
const wchar_t * | siFurSimOpType |
const wchar_t * | siGeneratorOpType |
const wchar_t * | siGeomApproxType |
const wchar_t * | siGeoShaderPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siGeoTxtOpType |
const wchar_t * | siGlobalType |
const wchar_t * | siGravityCtrlType |
const wchar_t * | siGridPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siGroup |
const wchar_t * | siGroupType |
const wchar_t * | siHealOpType |
const wchar_t * | siHealUVWOpType |
const wchar_t * | siIcosahedronPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siImageClipType |
const wchar_t * | siImageCropOpType |
const wchar_t * | siImageFXOpType |
const wchar_t * | siImageObjectType |
const wchar_t * | siImageSourceOpType |
const wchar_t * | siImageSourceType |
const wchar_t * | siInsertCrvKnotOpType |
const wchar_t * | siInsSrfKnotOpType |
const wchar_t * | siIntersectSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siInvCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siInvertPolyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siInvisiblePolygonsClusterName |
const wchar_t * | siInvSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siKineChainPropType |
const wchar_t * | siKineChainType |
const wchar_t * | siKineCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siKineInfoType |
const wchar_t * | siKineJointType |
const wchar_t * | siLatticeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siLatticePrimType |
const wchar_t * | siLayersType |
const wchar_t * | siLightLensFlareType |
const wchar_t * | siLightPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siLineCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siLocalType |
const wchar_t * | siLoftOpType |
const wchar_t * | siMapCompOpType |
const wchar_t * | siMarkHardEdgeVertexOpType |
const wchar_t * | siMaterialType |
const wchar_t * | siMergeCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siMergeMeshOpType |
const wchar_t * | siMergeSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siMeshLocalSubdivisionOpType |
const wchar_t * | siMeshSubdivOpType |
const wchar_t * | siMeshSubdivWithCenterOpType |
const wchar_t * | siMixerAnimClipType |
const wchar_t * | siMixerAnimTrackType |
const wchar_t * | siMixerAudioClipType |
const wchar_t * | siMixerAudioTrackType |
const wchar_t * | siMixerPropType |
const wchar_t * | siMixerShapeClipType |
const wchar_t * | siMixerShapeTrackType |
const wchar_t * | siMixerType |
const wchar_t * | siModelClipType |
const wchar_t * | siModelNullPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siModelType |
const wchar_t * | siMotionBlurType |
const wchar_t * | siMoveComponentOpType |
const wchar_t * | siNPntCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siNullPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siNurbsToMeshOpType |
const wchar_t * | siObjClsCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siObstaclePropType |
const wchar_t * | siOctahedronPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siOffsetClsOpType |
const wchar_t * | siOffsetCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siOffsetSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siOpenCloseSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siOriCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siOverrideType |
const wchar_t * | siParDecayType |
const wchar_t * | siParObstExtSparksType |
const wchar_t * | siParticleEventType |
const wchar_t * | siParticlesOpType |
const wchar_t * | siPathCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siPinJointCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siPlaneCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siPointCloudPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siPolyMeshPNetOpType |
const wchar_t * | siPolyMeshType |
const wchar_t * | siPosCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siPoseCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siProjectCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siProportionalOpType |
const wchar_t * | siPropVolumeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siPushOpType |
const wchar_t * | siQStretchOpType |
const wchar_t * | siRandomizeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siRefPlaneType |
const wchar_t * | siRelaxUVWOpType |
const wchar_t * | siRemoveCrvKnotOpType |
const wchar_t * | siRemSrfKnotOpType |
const wchar_t * | siRenderMapType |
const wchar_t * | siRevolutionOpType |
const wchar_t * | siRotoscopeType |
const wchar_t * | siSceneAmbienceType |
const wchar_t * | siSceneColorsType |
const wchar_t * | siSclCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siSCMFixerOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSCMTopologyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siScriptedOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSetEdgeCreaseValueOpType |
const wchar_t * | siShapeActionCompoundClipType |
const wchar_t * | siShapeActionType |
const wchar_t * | siVisemeActionType |
const wchar_t * | siShearOpType |
const wchar_t * | siShrinkWrapOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSkelCtrlOpPropType |
const wchar_t * | siSmoothEnvelopeWgtOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSnapBoundOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSnapCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSnipSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSoftBodyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSpherePrimType |
const wchar_t * | siSpineDefOp2Type |
const wchar_t * | siSpineDefOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSpineWgtMapOp3Type |
const wchar_t * | siSpineWgtMapOp4Type |
const wchar_t * | siSpiralPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siSplitEdgeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSplitPolyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSpotInterestPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siSpotRootPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siSquarePrimType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfCrvInverseOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfCrvShiftOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfCtrlOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfDefOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfMeshPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfPQOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfReparamOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfShiftOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfSubdivisionOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSrfUVCtrlOpType |
const wchar_t * | siStandInPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siStartOffsetOpType |
const wchar_t * | siStitchCrvToCrvOpType |
const wchar_t * | siStitchCrvToSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siStitchSrfOpType |
const wchar_t * | siStrokeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSubCompType |
const wchar_t * | siSubdivEdgeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSubdivPolyOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSwapSrfUVOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSymmetrizePolygon |
const wchar_t * | siSymmetryCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siSymmetryMapOpType |
const wchar_t * | siSymmetryMapType |
const wchar_t * | siSynopticViewType |
const wchar_t * | siTaperOpType |
const wchar_t * | siTetrahedronPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siTextToCrvListOpType |
const wchar_t * | siTorusPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siTrajCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siTransformSetupType |
const wchar_t * | siTurbulenceCtrlPrimType |
const wchar_t * | siTwistOpType |
const wchar_t * | siTxtMapType |
const wchar_t * | siTxtOpType |
const wchar_t * | siTxtSupportType |
const wchar_t * | siUpVctCnsType |
const wchar_t * | siUserMotionType |
const wchar_t * | siUserNormalType |
const wchar_t * | siUVProjDefType |
const wchar_t * | siVertexcolorType |
const wchar_t * | siVisibilityType |
const wchar_t * | siVolumeDeformType |
const wchar_t * | siVolumicLightSceneType |
const wchar_t * | siVolumicLightType |
const wchar_t * | siVortexCtrlType |
const wchar_t * | siVtxColPainterOpType |
const wchar_t * | siVtxColPropOpType |
const wchar_t * | siWaveCtrlType |
const wchar_t * | siWaveOpType |
const wchar_t * | siWeldEdgesOpType |
const wchar_t * | siWeldPntOpType |
const wchar_t * | siWgtMapCnxOpType |
const wchar_t * | siWgtMapOpType |
const wchar_t * | siWgtMapsMixOpType |
const wchar_t * | siWgtMapType |
const wchar_t * | siWgtPainterOpType |
const wchar_t * | siWindType |
const wchar_t * | siWtStrokeOpType |
const wchar_t * | siUIHelpID |
const wchar_t * | siUILanguage |
const wchar_t * | siUILogic |
const wchar_t * | siFilter3DObjectType |
const wchar_t * | siFilterPropertyType |
const wchar_t * | siClipAnimationLayerType |
const wchar_t * | siClipAudioType |
const wchar_t * | siClipCacheType |
const wchar_t * | siClipImageType |
const wchar_t * | siClipMixerType |
const wchar_t * | siTrackAnimationLayerType |
const wchar_t * | siTrackAudioType |
const wchar_t * | siTrackCacheType |
const wchar_t * | siTrackShapeType |
const wchar_t * | siAnimCompoundAnimItem |
const wchar_t * | siConstraintAnimItem |
const wchar_t * | siExpressionAnimItem |
const wchar_t * | siFCurveAnimItem |
const wchar_t * | siShapeCompoundAnimItem |
const wchar_t * | siShapeKeyAnimItem |
const wchar_t * | siStaticValueAnimItem |
const wchar_t * | siCompoundMappedItem |
const wchar_t * | siShapeCompoundMappedItem |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterActionNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterAllNodeTypes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterAnimatableNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterAnimatedNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterClusterNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterGroupNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterKeywordAll |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterKeywordAnimation |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterKeywordCustom |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterKeywordGeneral |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterKeywordKinematics |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterKeywordModeling |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterKeywordRendering |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterKeywordViewing |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterMaterialNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterMiscellaneousNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterModelNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterObjectNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterOperatorNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterParameterNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterPrimitiveNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterPropertyNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterSceneNodes |
const wchar_t * | siSEFilterShaderNodes |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeRGBA |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeRGB |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeRGBE |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeAlpha |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeIntensity |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeDepth |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeNormal |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeMotion |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeVector |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypePoint |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeLabel |
const wchar_t * | siImageDataTypeBitMask |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetAll |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetCustom |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetGeneral |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetModeling |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetAnimation |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetKinematics |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetRendering |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetViewing |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetLocalTransform |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetPosition |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetPositionX |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetPositionY |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetPositionZ |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetRotation |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetRotationX |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetRotationY |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetRotationZ |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetScaling |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetScalingX |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetScalingY |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetScalingZ |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterPresetColor |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTaggedAll |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged1 |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged2 |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged3 |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged4 |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged5 |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged6 |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged7 |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged8 |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged9 |
const wchar_t * | siATFilterTagged10 |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siWritableImageAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siWritableImageTypeAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siRenderTreeNodeColorRAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siRenderTreeNodeColorGAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siRenderTreeNodeColorBAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siUseRenderTreeLayoutPortDisplayNamesAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siRecompileMetaSLOnValueChange |
const wchar_t * | siCAVTangentsAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siCAVBinormalsAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siHWShaderVersionAttribute |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyCntContrast |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyCntMat |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyCntStore |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyData |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyEnvironment |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyGeometry |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyLens |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyLight |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyLightmap |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyOutput |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyPhenomMat |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyPhotonLight |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyPhotonMat |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyPhotonVolume |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyShadowMat |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyState |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilySurfaceMat |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyTexture |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyVolume |
const wchar_t * | siShaderFamilyRTShader |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexColor |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexTangent |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexBinormal |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexTexCoord |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexWeightMap |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexPointVelocity |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexOrientation |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexAge |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexRadius |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexID |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexFog |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexWeight |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexIndice |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexTessfactor |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexDepth |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexSample |
const wchar_t * | siHardwareVertexAuto |
const wchar_t * | siICERenderPropSuffixUWrap |
const wchar_t * | siICERenderPropSuffixVWrap |
const wchar_t * | siICERenderPropSuffixWWrap |
const wchar_t * | siICERenderPropSuffixTransform |
const wchar_t * | siICERenderPropSuffixIsHomogeneous |
const wchar_t * | siICERenderPropSuffixSmoothWhenSubd |
The XSI namespace defines a region where all API classes are declared. Namespaces are used to prevent global namespace pollution and name clashing.
All API classes defined in the C++ API are assigned to the XSI namespace. Members of the XSI namespace can be identified explicitly with the symbol XSI for code clarity. To simplify the code however, namespace members can be referenced without the namespace symbol by using the C++ using directive.
// namespace qualification XSI::CSIObject myObj; // CSIObject referenced without explicit qualification using namespace XSI; CSIObject myObj;
typedef enum XSI::siErrorValueEnum siErrorValueEnum |
Error constants. To use with Err object.
typedef enum XSI::siDefaultTimeFormat siDefaultTimeFormat |
Time format values which are used by siTimeFormatDefaultFrameFormat <object idref="UserPreference">.
typedef enum XSI::siDisplayTimeFormat siDisplayTimeFormat |
Time format values which are used by siTimeDisplayFormatUserFormat <object idref="UserPreference">.
typedef enum XSI::siFilterMode siFilterMode |
Different modes for SIFilter command
typedef enum XSI::siDeltaMode siDeltaMode |
Delta transformation modes for transformation commands (Translate, Rotate, Scale)
Texture effects bit flags, to be used in conjunction with <object idref="Texture.GetTransformValues">
typedef enum XSI::siRefMode siRefMode |
Reference transformation modes for transformation commands
(Translate, Rotate, Scale).
Note: "COG" indicates an additional translation about the
Centre-Of-Geometry. "Sym" indicates a symmetrical translation.
These indicators can also be used in combination.
typedef enum XSI::siCenterMode siCenterMode |
Center transformation modes for transformation commands.
typedef enum XSI::siAxesFilter siAxesFilter |
Axes filters for transformation commands (Translate, Rotate,
Note: This flag is only used for absolute transformations.
typedef enum XSI::siUVWAxesFilter siUVWAxesFilter |
Axes filters for transformation commands (TranslateUVW, RotateUVW, ScaleUVW)
typedef enum XSI::siTransformFilter siTransformFilter |
Transformation type filters (Translation, Rotation, Scaling)
typedef enum XSI::siParameterFilter siParameterFilter |
Parameter filter (Marked, Animated, Scaling, Rotation, Translation, Weight, etc..)
typedef enum XSI::siPSetRelationship siPSetRelationship |
Parent-child parameter set relationships
typedef enum XSI::siPropagationType siPropagationType |
Property propagation types
typedef enum XSI::siDupHierarchy siDupHierarchy |
Hierarchy options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siDupHistory siDupHistory |
History options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siDupParent siDupParent |
Parenting options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siDupGroup siDupGroup |
Grouping options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siDupProperty siDupProperty |
Property options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siDupAnimation siDupAnimation |
Animation options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siDupConstraint siDupConstraint |
Constraint options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siDupTextureSupport siDupTextureSupport |
Texture Support options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siDupSelection siDupSelection |
Selection options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siDupTransform siDupTransform |
Transform options for duplication commands.
typedef enum XSI::siKeyboardState siKeyboardState |
Keyboard modifier states
typedef enum XSI::siInspectMode siInspectMode |
Inspection Dialog Modes
typedef enum XSI::siInspectBrowseMode siInspectBrowseMode |
Constants that define the way to browse the inspection history
typedef enum XSI::siSourceType siSourceType |
Animation Source Types
typedef enum XSI::siBranchFlag siBranchFlag |
The branch flag is used to determine whether we are referring to the object as a node or as a branch.
typedef enum XSI::siOperationMode siOperationMode |
The operation mode is used to determine if we are in immediate mode or persistent mode
This mode is used to determine if we should keep, hide or delete the inputs after a generator is applied
typedef enum XSI::siComponentVisibilityMode siComponentVisibilityMode |
This mode is used to determine if the command should only apply to visible components
This indicates what to do when local materials overlap
typedef enum XSI::siSplitPolygonType siSplitPolygonType |
Split type for polygons
typedef enum XSI::siSelectionUpdate siSelectionUpdate |
Constants that define the different options for updating selection list when working with topology operators.
typedef enum XSI::siTxtCreationType siTxtCreationType |
Texture creation type constants. To use with the texturing commands.
typedef enum XSI::siTxtDefaultCreationType siTxtDefaultCreationType |
Default texture creation type constants. To use with the texturing commands.
typedef enum XSI::siTxtProjType siTxtProjType |
Texture projection type constants. To use with the texturing commands.
typedef enum XSI::siTxtProjPlane siTxtProjPlane |
Texture projection plane constants. To use with the texturing commands.
typedef enum XSI::siTxtProjFitMethod siTxtProjFitMethod |
Texture support positioning constants. To use with the texturing commands.
typedef enum XSI::siChangeUVInputActions siChangeUVInputActions |
Actions for the ChangeUVInput command
typedef enum XSI::siAlignModes siAlignModes |
Modes for the align command
typedef enum XSI::siWeightPresets siWeightPresets |
Presets for the PresetWeight command
typedef enum XSI::siCutClipOptions siCutClipOptions |
Cut options for the <command idref="CutClip"> command.
typedef enum XSI::siEditClipOptions siEditClipOptions |
Edit clip options for the EditClip command
typedef enum XSI::siPresetLocation siPresetLocation |
Preset locations
typedef enum XSI::siVariantType siVariantType |
The variant type determines the kind of value that can be stored
in a parameter.
Note: Only a subset of these types are fully supported and
recommended for use: these are siString, siBool, siDouble, siFloat,
siInt4, siInt2, siUInt4, siUInt2, siByte, and siUByte. (See
<link idref="DataTypes"> for more information).
typedef enum XSI::siParamClassification siParamClassification |
This determines the classification of a <object idref="Parameter"> to give Softimage some hint about its purpose. In most cases it is acceptable to use the default, siClassifUnknown.
typedef enum XSI::siMaterialPorts siMaterialPorts |
Port choice for the <command idref="SIGetMaterialShader"> command
typedef enum XSI::siShadingModel siShadingModel |
Defines the material shading model
typedef enum XSI::siShaderType siShaderType |
Defines the shader type
typedef enum XSI::siShaderOutputType siShaderOutputType |
Defines the output shader parameter types
typedef enum XSI::siShaderParameterType siShaderParameterType |
These represent the shader parameter data types for instantated
Note: For shader parameter definitions, the <object
idref="siShaderParameterDataType"> values are used instead.
typedef enum XSI::siShaderParameterDataType siShaderParameterDataType |
Defines the <object idref="Shader"> parameter type for a
<object idref="Parameter"> object belonging to <object
idref="Shader">, <object idref="Material">, <object
idref="Light"> or <object idref="Camera">.
Shader parameter types only apply to parameters that support
the <object idref="siCapabilities#siTexturable"> capability.
This can be tested using the <object
idref="Parameter.Capabilities"> property. The output type of a
shader can be checked using the <object
idref="Shader.OutputType"> property.
Note: Each data type, apart from <object
idref="siShaderParameterDataType#siShaderDataTypeUnknown">, has
also an equivalent string name that can be used to create shader
parameter definitions using type strings, instead of this enum.
Custom port types can't be registered using those built-in string
names. The string names are shown in brackets after each type's
Defines the types of filters when creating a shader parameter definition of type reference(<object idref="siShaderParameterDataType#siShaderDataTypeReference">). When you call the SetAttribute method, pass <object idref="siShaderParameterAttribute#siReferenceFilterAttribute"> in the first parameter and one of these values in the second parameter.
typedef enum XSI::siShaderballDimension siShaderballDimension |
Defines the flags for Shaderball Dimension used by the <object idref="ShaderballOptions"> object.
Defines the types of filters when creating a shader parameter definition of type property look-up(<object idref="siShaderParameterDataType#siShaderDataTypeProperty">). When you call the SetAttribute method, pass <object idref="siShaderParameterAttribute#siPropertyFilterAttribute"> in the first parameter and one of these values in the second parameter.
typedef enum XSI::siLightType siLightType |
Defines the types of light
typedef enum XSI::siCnxGroupType siCnxGroupType |
Types of groups in connection sets
typedef enum XSI::siCnxSetType siCnxSetType |
Types of connection sets
typedef enum XSI::siPartitionType siPartitionType |
Types of <object idref="Partition">s.
typedef enum XSI::siLockLevel siLockLevel |
Levels of lock. Each level is a bit field.
typedef enum XSI::siLockType siLockType |
Type of lock owner. The lock owner type indicated who or why an object is locked, Users can modify only the locks of type siLockTypeUser.
typedef enum XSI::siTags siTags |
These are the different levels of tags
typedef enum XSI::siGeometryType siGeometryType |
Type of geometry
typedef enum XSI::siBoundingVolume siBoundingVolume |
Types of bounding volumes
typedef enum XSI::siPortType siPortType |
Enumerates the different kinds of ports.
typedef enum XSI::siModificationType siModificationType |
Type of modification on a referenced model. This is a bit field, so many values can be combined.
typedef enum XSI::siModificationMixerType siModificationMixerType |
Type of mixer modification on a referenced model. This is a bit field, so many values can be combined.
typedef enum XSI::siModelResolution siModelResolution |
Resolution description of a file for a referenced model.
Used by the AddModelSource, SetResolutionOfRefModels, and
SIAddModelSource commands.
typedef enum XSI::siParameterScope siParameterScope |
Type of parameters to gather from the input Object List.
Note: This enum replaces the obsolete siSequenceType enum as of
typedef enum XSI::siSequenceType siSequenceType |
Type of input objects for the Sequence feature.
typedef enum XSI::siSequenceMode siSequenceMode |
Mode to use for the Sequence feature
typedef enum XSI::siEffectInputType siEffectInputType |
Type of input objects for clip effect features
typedef enum XSI::siNeighborType siNeighborType |
Types of neighboring for the deprecated <object idref="Geometry_V1">.
typedef enum XSI::siNavigDirection siNavigDirection |
Modes for the SelectNeighborObj command
typedef enum XSI::siNavigationDirection siNavigationDirection |
Direction of the next Node
typedef enum XSI::siNavigationFilter siNavigationFilter |
Direction of the next Node
typedef enum XSI::siNavigationSubFilter siNavigationSubFilter |
Sub-type of node wanted
typedef enum XSI::siViewType siViewType |
Type of views. This type is obsolete, you must use <object idref="si2DChainAlignType"> instead.
typedef enum XSI::si2DChainAlignType si2DChainAlignType |
Defines the types of alignment used for creating a 2D
Note: Use this enum instead of the obsolete siViewType enum.
typedef enum XSI::siChainBoneType siChainBoneType |
Type of chain bones.
typedef enum XSI::siConnectionType siConnectionType |
Operator connection types
typedef enum XSI::siAxisType siAxisType |
Bitmask for types of axes
typedef enum XSI::siKnotParameterization siKnotParameterization |
Type of knot parameterization type for NurbsCurves.
typedef enum XSI::siMappingRuleType siMappingRuleType |
Types of mapping rules.
typedef enum XSI::siNurbsDirection siNurbsDirection |
Types of nurbs direction parameters.
typedef enum XSI::siNurbsFormat siNurbsFormat |
Types of nurbs format.
typedef enum XSI::siInstallationPath siInstallationPath |
Installation path directories.
typedef enum XSI::siShapeInstanceMode siShapeInstanceMode |
Shape key instantiation mode.
typedef enum XSI::siShapeReferenceMode siShapeReferenceMode |
Shape key reference mode.
typedef enum XSI::siShapeContent siShapeContent |
Indicates which deforms will be stored in the created shape.
typedef enum XSI::siConstructionMode siConstructionMode |
The construction mode indicates the purpose of the deformations.
typedef enum XSI::siResolutionPlane siResolutionPlane |
Resolution Plane Type for Chain joints
typedef enum XSI::siTextureProjectionType siTextureProjectionType |
Texture creation type constants. To use with the texturing commands.
typedef enum XSI::siUVTextureType siUVTextureType |
UV generation type used by the texture operator, used only if siTextureProjectionType:siTextureUV is specified as the projection type.
typedef enum XSI::siCapabilities siCapabilities |
Determines the capabilities of a parameter. They can be combined by adding them: for example, to have a parameter animatable (1) and persistable (4), use 5.
typedef enum XSI::siFCurveType siFCurveType |
Types of function curves (fcurves)
typedef enum XSI::siFCurveExtrapolation siFCurveExtrapolation |
The extrapolation of an <object idref="FCurve"> determines its shape before the first <object idref="FCurveKey"> and after the last <object idref="FCurveKey">. Extrapolation extends the curve's ends based on the position of these two keys.
typedef enum XSI::siFCurveKeyConstraint siFCurveKeyConstraint |
Function curve key constraints. The last seven tangent
constraints apply only to standard function curves.
FCurve key constraints can be set and retrieved via the
<object idref="FCurveKey.Constraint"> property.
The constraints are not mutally exclusive for example if you have
the siParameterConstraint set and clear the siLockConstraint you
will also clear the siParameterConstraint. You cannot set
constraints on a raw function curve. They will be ignored.
typedef enum XSI::siFCurveKeyInterpolation siFCurveKeyInterpolation |
Specifies the interpolation type for a specific key on an fcurve. The interpolation determines how the value is evaluated between <object idref="FCurveKey">s.
typedef enum XSI::siFCurveKeySelectionMode siFCurveKeySelectionMode |
Specifies the mode for changing the <object idref="FCurveKey"> selection.
typedef enum XSI::siFCurveInterpolation siFCurveInterpolation |
The interpolation of an <object idref="FCurve"> determines how values are evaluated between its <object idref="FCurveKey">s. This is very similar to the <object idref="siFCurveKeyInterpolation"> enum.
typedef enum XSI::siFCurveSmoothFilterType siFCurveSmoothFilterType |
Specifies the kind of filter used for smoothing function curves.
typedef enum XSI::siUpdateContextState siUpdateContextState |
Information on the context in which a plug-in is being evaluated.
typedef enum XSI::siArgumentFlags siArgumentFlags |
Information on the direction of an argument indicating how it is
passed to or from a command.
Note: Output and InOut arguments are not supported by some script
languages, including JScript. For this reason only siArgumentInput
is supported on custom <object idref="Command">s.
typedef enum XSI::siCommandCategory siCommandCategory |
Custom (v1.0) <object idref="Command">s can be defined
from a pre-defined category. Each category specifies the base
arguments of a command and the location of the menu item for that
command in Softimage. Softimage automatically installs a menu item
for each command created for a specific category.
You can retrieve the type of category specified using either
<object idref="SIObject.Categories"> or <object
idref="Command.Category"> but you cannot define custom
categories for this type of command. For that you need to use the
alternative and more powerful, way to create custom commands and
add them to <object idref="Menu">s: via the self-installing
plug-in APIs.
typedef enum XSI::siImportShareOptions siImportShareOptions |
Defines the option flags when importing a model or merging a scene.
typedef enum XSI::siEventID siEventID |
This enumerator provides the identifiers for the Softimage events, they can be used for implementing C++ event handlers in order to identify the events fired by Softimage.
typedef enum XSI::siSelectionChangeType siSelectionChangeType |
Specifies the type of operation performed to update the selection.
typedef enum XSI::siRenderFieldType siRenderFieldType |
Specifies the render field setting.
typedef enum XSI::siRenderingErrorType siRenderingErrorType |
Specifies the type of rendering error.
typedef enum XSI::siSubdivisionRuleType siSubdivisionRuleType |
Specifies the subdivision rule used for an approximated geometry selection.
typedef enum XSI::siNavigateComponentType siNavigateComponentType |
Direction type for navigating geometry components.
typedef enum XSI::siParticleRenderType siParticleRenderType |
Enumeration of particle render types
typedef enum XSI::siFCurveEditorAttribute siFCurveEditorAttribute |
Enumeration of the different attributes that are available on the FCurveEditor object.
typedef enum XSI::siSeverityType siSeverityType |
Determines the severity types of a message implemented with the C++ API. They can be combined.
typedef enum XSI::siCustomCompiledOpFlags siCustomCompiledOpFlags |
Information which is passed to the custom compiled operators through its Init and Term functions.
typedef enum XSI::siChannelAction siChannelAction |
A device driver contains a set of channels that can be configured. This enumeration is the type of action to perform for a channel.
typedef enum XSI::siSelectMode siSelectMode |
Specifies how to select objects in a hierarchy.
typedef enum XSI::siTransientExplorerFilter siTransientExplorerFilter |
Specifies the filter to use in a transient explorer.
typedef enum XSI::siClassID siClassID |
The class ID of Softimage objects. This enumerator is used by the C++ API to manage references between the object model and C++. For example, the CRef::IsA function uses the class ID to determine whether or not the class type is compatible with the underlying reference object.
typedef enum XSI::siBlendInPresetModes siBlendInPresetModes |
This enumeration type specifies how the BlendInPresets command will apply the new shaders to the parameters selected by the command.
This enumeration type specifies how the texture-layer blending commands will apply the new shaders to the parameters selected by the command.
typedef enum XSI::siShaderCnxPointType siShaderCnxPointType |
This enumeration type specifies what kind of shader port connections you are interested in when using the <command idref="RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint"> command.
typedef enum XSI::siAddonItemType siAddonItemType |
This enumeration type specifies the type of item supported by add-ons. Depending on which type you use with the <object idref="Addon.AddItem"> method, you need to supply only a name, or a path and file name, or you may be able to use either as indicated below.
typedef enum XSI::siGridWidgetColumnType siGridWidgetColumnType |
Types of Columns supported by siControlGrid (see <object idref="siPPGControlType">and <object idref="GridData.SetColumnType">)
typedef enum XSI::siGridSelectionMode siGridSelectionMode |
Selection Mode for the cells of the GridWidget, see siUIGridSelectionMode in <object idref="siPPGItemAttribute">.
Polygon cluster contour stretching method used to generate texture coordinates as part of the <command idref="GenerateUVSetByContourStretching"> and <command idref="ModifyUVSetByContourStretching"> commands.
typedef enum XSI::siExplorerScope siExplorerScope |
The list of scopes supported by the Scene Explorer.
typedef enum XSI::siTimeState siTimeState |
States for the time change notification <link idref="CTimeChangeNotification" file="cpp_ref">for <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Displays</article>.
typedef enum XSI::siDisplayCallback siDisplayCallback |
Types of display callbacks defined for the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
typedef enum XSI::siXGSClassType siXGSClassType |
Type of object passed to an Open <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article> callback.
typedef enum XSI::siXGSFlag siXGSFlag |
Flags for <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article> callbacks.
typedef enum XSI::siXGSPassFlag siXGSPassFlag |
Pass flags for <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="legacy">Graphic Sequencer</article> callbacks.
typedef enum XSI::siXGSStateType siXGSStateType |
XGS state types defined for the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
typedef enum XSI::siViewMode siViewMode |
Viewport display modes used by the <link idref="CGraphicSequencer" file="cpp_ref"> classfor the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
typedef enum XSI::siParticleAttributeType siParticleAttributeType |
The available types for user defined per particle <object idref="ParticleAttribute">.
typedef enum XSI::siAssetStorageType siAssetStorageType |
This is the enumeration of the different ways an asset in
Softimage can be stored. Assets can be either <object
idref="ActionSource"> objects or deltas.
Note: This enum replaces the obsolete siSourceStorageType enum.
typedef enum XSI::siSourceStorageType siSourceStorageType |
This enum has been replaced by <object idref="siAssetStorageType">.
typedef enum XSI::siAssetStatus siAssetStatus |
This is an enumeration of how an asset in Softimage can be
treated when stored externally. Assets can be either <object
idref="ActionSource"> objects or deltas.
Note: This enum replaces the obsolete siActionStatus enum.
typedef enum XSI::siActionStatus siActionStatus |
This enum has been replaced by <object idref="siAssetStatus">.
typedef enum XSI::siFilterType siFilterType |
Specifies the different type of filters that are used for implementing and categorizing custom <object idref="Filter">s. Custom filters of types siFilter3DObject, siFilterSubComponentEdge, siFilterSubComponentPoint, siFilterSubComponentPolygon and siFilterProperty are automatically added to the Main Command Panel filter menus and integrated with the selection tool.
typedef enum XSI::siCommandCapabilities siCommandCapabilities |
Determines the capabilities of a command.
typedef enum XSI::siSeverity siSeverity |
Determines the severity types of a message implemented in a scripting language. They can be combined.
typedef enum XSI::siMsgBoxFlags siMsgBoxFlags |
Flags values supported by the <object idref="XSIUIToolkit.MsgBox"> command. These are identical the arguments supported by the VBScript MsgBox() and Win32 ::MessageBox() functions.
typedef enum XSI::siMsgButtonPressed siMsgButtonPressed |
Return values from <object idref="XSIUIToolkit.MsgBox"> that indicates which button was pressed by the user.
typedef enum XSI::siViewState siViewState |
Specifies the view state information of the <object idref="View"> object, such as whether the view is closed, whether the view is minimized, and whether the view is in a normal state.
typedef enum XSI::siToolbarControl siToolbarControl |
Types of toolbar controls to use when building a toolbar. Toolbar controls help you to tweak the appearance of your toolbar by adding some cosmetic features, such as separators and line breaks.
typedef enum XSI::siTimeReferenceType siTimeReferenceType |
Specifies the type of time applicability of a <object idref="ClipEffect"> on a <object idref="Clip">.
typedef enum XSI::siImageRatio siImageRatio |
Specifies a reduction to apply to an image. For example a 800x400 image reduced by a 4x1 ratio will have a resolution of 200x100.
The siTimeControlExtrapolationType determines how a <object idref="Clip"> contributes to the animation outside of the frames on which it is defined.
typedef enum XSI::siMenuItemStyle siMenuItemStyle |
Specifies the style of a menu item.
typedef enum XSI::siMenuAnchorPoints siMenuAnchorPoints |
Identifies the location of a custom menu.
typedef enum XSI::siPortFlags siPortFlags |
This enum specifies the operator port flags. These flags are used to determine the behaviour and characteristics of the port.
typedef enum XSI::siWindowChangeState siWindowChangeState |
This enum specifies what has changed during a <link idref="CWindowNotification" file="cpp_ref"> for the <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Display Host</article>.
typedef enum XSI::siFileType siFileType |
This enum is used to determine the type of a file for the <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginFileExport">OnBeginFileExport</article>, <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginFileImport">OnBeginFileImport</article>, <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndFileExport">OnEndFileExport</article>, <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndFileImport">OnEndFileImport</article>, <article idref="ctxt_siOnCustomFileExport">OnCustomFileExport</article>, and <article idref="ctxt_siOnCustomFileImport">OnCustomFileImport</article> events.
typedef enum XSI::siClusterType siClusterType |
This enum specifies the type of clusters in Softimage.
typedef enum XSI::siClusterPropertyType siClusterPropertyType |
This enum specifies the type of cluster properties in Softimage.
typedef enum XSI::siCurveIsopointManipMode siCurveIsopointManipMode |
This enum specifies the mode of manipulation of a curve isopoint in Softimage.
This enum specifies the type of alignment for a tangent of a curve knot in Softimage.
typedef enum XSI::siRBDEngine siRBDEngine |
Specifies the rigid body dynamics engine used for simulation. There can be only one rigid body dynamics engine per <object idref="SimulationEnvironment">.
typedef enum XSI::siKeyableAttributeType siKeyableAttributeType |
Keyable attribute types
typedef enum XSI::siClosestLocationMethod siClosestLocationMethod |
Indicates the method to use for finding closest locations on a geometry.
typedef enum XSI::siNormalComputationMethod siNormalComputationMethod |
Indicates the method to use for computing normals on a geometry. These only apply to <object idref="PolygonMesh"> objects (for <object idref="NurbsSurfaceMesh"> the normal is always the exact surface normal).
typedef enum XSI::siLineIntersectionType siLineIntersectionType |
Type of line to use when intersecting a line with a geometry
typedef enum XSI::siImageBitDepth siImageBitDepth |
This enumeration lists the allowed bit depths for each channel of an image with the specified channel types. Not all bit depths are allowed for all channel types.
typedef enum XSI::siImageChannelType siImageChannelType |
This enum lists the allowed channel types in writable images and framebuffers.
typedef enum XSI::siImageChannelFilter siImageChannelFilter |
This enumeration lists the allowed filters for user-selectable channel types in the UI.
typedef enum XSI::siVolumeCenterMethod siVolumeCenterMethod |
Indicates the method to use for calculating the center of a bounding volume.
typedef enum XSI::siBoundingCapsuleMethod siBoundingCapsuleMethod |
Indicates the method to use for calculating the long axis of a bounding cylinder.
typedef enum XSI::siSourcePathType siSourcePathType |
Specifies the source path being set for the <article idref="ctxt_siOnSourcePathChange">OnSourcePathChange</article> event.
typedef enum XSI::siModelKind siModelKind |
Describes whether <object idref="Model"> is referenced, local (regular) or an instance.
typedef enum XSI::siViewport siViewport |
Used as a convenient list of identifiers for the different viewports of the view manager. The first three are special identifiers for commands and methods that use the enumeration and do not refer to a specific viewport.
typedef enum XSI::siRenderRegionDisplayType siRenderRegionDisplayType |
This enumeration represents the list of display types for the render region. These display types affect any framebuffer being viewed.
typedef enum XSI::siModificationDeltaType siModificationDeltaType |
Type of delta modification on a referenced model.
Specifies the relative location where new node ports will be added.
typedef enum XSI::siPPGEventID siPPGEventID |
Defines the possible actions that trigger calling the <article idref="cb_Property_PPGEvent" file="../custom/">PPGEvent</article> callback function.
typedef enum XSI::siRenderProcessType siRenderProcessType |
The process types that a rendering engine can perform. These types are used both when a render engine is registered, to indicate to Softimage which process type it can perform, and when the render engine's <article idref="cb_Renderer_Process">Process</article> callback is called to indicate which type of processing Softimage wants it to perform at that point.
typedef enum XSI::siRenderQueryType siRenderQueryType |
Query codes that a rendering engine needs to respond to if it
supports object archives and stand-ins, via registering itself with
a <object
process type, and multiple display bit depths.
These query codes are used in conjunction with the renderer
<article idref="callbacks#cb_Renderer_Query">query
callback</article> and have no meaning outside of it since
the query results are returned through specific context
typedef enum XSI::siRenderQualityType siRenderQualityType |
Quality levels that a rendering engine's renderer properties can
be set to, or queried for.
These quality levels are used in conjunction with the renderer
<article idref="callbacks#cb_Renderer_Quality">quality
callback</article> and have no meaning outside of it since
the quality levels are used through a specific context
typedef enum XSI::siRenderPropertyType siRenderPropertyType |
When a render engine registers, it provides a list of specific
properties that Softimage should create for it.
Note: At this time, only the render options property is
typedef enum XSI::siRenderShutterType siRenderShutterType |
Controls when the camera's shutter opens and closes when generating motion blur for render.
typedef enum XSI::siRenderFrameSource siRenderFrameSource |
Controls how the render frame list is computed for passes. This enum can also be used for scene render options, but siRenderFrameSourceGlobalOptions is an invalid value.
typedef enum XSI::siDragAndDropAction siDragAndDropAction |
Possible actions for the drag and drop notification.
typedef enum XSI::siAnnotationImportance siAnnotationImportance |
Sets the importance of an annotation message.
typedef enum XSI::siICEAttributeCategory siICEAttributeCategory |
Describes how the <object idref="ICEAttribute"> data is defined.
typedef enum XSI::siICENodeThreadingModel siICENodeThreadingModel |
Defines the threading models available for <link idref="ICENode" file="cpp"> evaluation.
typedef enum XSI::siICEShapeType siICEShapeType |
Defines the particle shape types for rendering.
typedef enum XSI::siRenderVerbosity siRenderVerbosity |
This enum specifies the render verbosity settings used when rendering or exporting passes.
typedef enum XSI::siTimeTransportSeekMode siTimeTransportSeekMode |
Softimage TimeTransport seek modes.
typedef enum XSI::siGraphicDriver siGraphicDriver |
Enumerates the supported graphics drivers.
Defines the dimension of a hardware surface.
typedef enum XSI::siResourceSharing siResourceSharing |
Defines the sharing capability of a resource.
typedef enum XSI::siHardwareInputSemantic siHardwareInputSemantic |
Describes the standard vertex attribute hardware slot for a Realtime Shader.
Indicates the plotting type to use when collapsing animation layers
typedef enum XSI::siMaterialConflictAction siMaterialConflictAction |
This indicates the action to perform when there is a conflict with a material
typedef enum XSI::siHWShaderVersionID siHWShaderVersionID |
Declares the supported hardware shader versions.
typedef enum XSI::siXGSContextFlag siXGSContextFlag |
Context flags for the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
typedef enum XSI::siXGSRenderFlag siXGSRenderFlag |
XGS render flags for the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
typedef enum XSI::siCustomDisplayFlags siCustomDisplayFlags |
Determines the behavior and look of a <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Display</article>.
typedef enum XSI::siComponentDataType siComponentDataType |
Specifies the type of component data (vector3, boolean, color, etc.) on an <object idref="ICEAttribute">.
typedef enum XSI::siComponentDataContext siComponentDataContext |
Specifies the context of component data (points, edges, etc.) on an <object idref="ICEAttribute">.
typedef enum XSI::siComponentDataStructure siComponentDataStructure |
Specifies the structure of component data (single element or dynamic array) on an <object idref="ICEAttribute">.
typedef enum XSI::siRenderChannelType siRenderChannelType |
Types of data allowed for render channels. All channel types, apart from the custom type, are interpreted by Softimage for display viewing.
typedef enum XSI::siICENodeDataType siICENodeDataType |
Defines the types of data that can be associated to a ICE node port connection.
typedef enum XSI::siICENodeStructureType siICENodeStructureType |
Defines the way data are structured for ICE node connections: single data or dynamic array.
typedef enum XSI::siICENodeContextType siICENodeContextType |
Defines the element set associated with the data for ICE node connections. In other words, which elements will be evaluated.
typedef enum XSI::siAutoCompleteMode siAutoCompleteMode |
Determines the behavior of the auto-complete feature for a text editor widget control (see <object idref="siPPGControlType#siControlTextEditor">).
typedef enum XSI::siTextEditorCapability siTextEditorCapability |
Determines the availability of the File menu functions for a
text editor widget control (<object
idref="siPPGControlType#siControlTextEditor">). By default, if
you display the toolbar (explicitly set the <object
idref="siPPGItemAttribute#siUIToolbar"> attribute to true),
every function (entry) in the menu will be enabled. However, you
can disable the loading and saving functions by setting the
<object idref="siPPGItemAttribute#siUICapability"> attribute
to one of these values.
Note: Using these values does not affect the Edit menu at all nor
does it change the availability of the rest of the File menu
functions (Recent Files,
Preferences, and Print).
typedef enum XSI::siViewportFeature siViewportFeature |
Defines the supported features for a custom viewport.
Softimage TimeTransport playback types.
typedef enum XSI::siTimeTransportState siTimeTransportState |
Softimage TimeTransport states.
typedef enum XSI::siToolCapabilities siToolCapabilities |
Various flags that affect tool behaviour.
typedef enum XSI::siToolCursor siToolCursor |
ToolContext cursors.
typedef enum XSI::siAlignment siAlignment |
ToolContext text/menu alignment.
typedef enum XSI::siSnapType siSnapType |
ToolContext snapping type flags.
typedef enum XSI::siPickMode siPickMode |
ToolContext picking mode flags.
typedef enum XSI::siPickType siPickType |
ToolContext picking type flags.
typedef enum XSI::siPasteUVsMode siPasteUVsMode |
This indicates how UVs copied from one object are pasted ontoa different object with the same topology.
typedef enum XSI::siSetValueMode siSetValueMode |
This indicates the mathematical mode when setting a new value to a current value.
enum siErrorValueEnum |
Error constants. To use with Err object.
siErrCancelled |
Command was cancelled. |
enum siDefaultTimeFormat |
Time format values which are used by siTimeFormatDefaultFrameFormat <object idref="UserPreference">.
enum siDisplayTimeFormat |
Time format values which are used by siTimeDisplayFormatUserFormat <object idref="UserPreference">.
enum siFilterMode |
Different modes for SIFilter command
enum siDeltaMode |
Delta transformation modes for transformation commands (Translate, Rotate, Scale)
Texture effects bit flags, to be used in conjunction with <object idref="Texture.GetTransformValues">
siTextureComputeTransformation |
Uses the transformation of the Texture projection definition. |
siTextureComputeCropping |
Uses the Image effect applied to the image clip. |
siTextureComputeUVRemap |
Remaps the UVW domains using the data stored into the Advanced tab of the texture shader. |
siTextureComputeFlip |
Uses the Flip information on the image clipto swap the UV values. |
siTextureComputeRepeats |
Uses the repeat information of the texture shader.This flag applies to polygon mesh objects only. Artifacts may appear if the texture ends in the middle of a polygon. |
siTextureComputeAlternate |
Only applies if the Repeat is on. Uses the alternate flag stored on the texture shader. This flag applies to polygon mesh objects only. |
siTextureComputeWrapping |
Uses the flags stored on the Texture projection definition.This flag applies to polygon mesh objects only. Artifacts may appear if the texture ends in the middle of a polygon. |
enum siRefMode |
Reference transformation modes for transformation commands
(Translate, Rotate, Scale).
Note: "COG" indicates an additional translation about the
Centre-Of-Geometry. "Sym" indicates a symmetrical translation.
These indicators can also be used in combination.
siGlobal |
Global (world) relative movement or position |
siLocal |
Local movement relative to center of each object/component |
siObjCtr |
By Reference movement relative to center of referenced object or an absolute position where 0,0,0 is the center of the referenced object. This corresponds to Ref mode on the MCP panel. |
siView |
By Reference movement relative to the view. |
siParent |
Object/Parent movement is relative to the center of the parent (for an object) or the object (for a component). |
siPlane |
By Reference movement relative to the active reference plane. This corresponds to Plane mode on the MCP panel. |
siPivot |
Object/Pivot movement is relative to the object's pivot. If the object has not pivot or neutral pose, siPivot is the same as siParent. |
siAdd |
Additive rotation when manipulating (rotation only) |
siGlobalCOG |
Global + COG |
siLocalCOG |
Local + COG |
siObjectCOG |
Object + COG |
siViewCOG |
View + COG |
siParentCOG |
Parent + COG |
siPlaneCOG |
Plane + COG |
siPivotCOG |
Pivot + COG |
siAddCOG |
Add + COG |
siGlobalSym |
Global + Sym |
siLocalSym |
Local + Sym |
siObjectSym |
Object + Sym |
siViewSym |
View + Sym |
siParentSym |
Parent + Sym |
siPlaneSym |
Plane + Sym |
siPivotSym |
Pivot + Sym |
siAddSym |
Add + Sym |
siGlobalSymCOG |
Global + Sym + COG |
siLocalSymCOG |
Local + Sym + COG |
siObjectSymCOG |
Object + Sym + COG |
siViewSymCOG |
View + Sym + COG |
siParentSymCOG |
Parent + Sym + COG |
siPlaneSymCOG |
Plane + Sym + COG |
siPivotSymCOG |
Pivot + Sym + COG |
siAddSymCOG |
Add + Sym + COG |
enum siCenterMode |
enum siAxesFilter |
enum siUVWAxesFilter |
enum siTransformFilter |
enum siParameterFilter |
Parameter filter (Marked, Animated, Scaling, Rotation, Translation, Weight, etc..)
siNoParam |
No Parameter |
siMarkedParam |
Marked Parameters |
siAnimatedParam |
Animated Parameters |
siSelectedParam |
Selected Parameters |
siScalingParam |
Scaling Parameters |
siRotationParam |
Rotation Parameters |
siTranslationParam |
Translation Parameters |
siTransformParam |
All Transform Parameters |
siAllParam |
All Parameters |
enum siPSetRelationship |
Parent-child parameter set relationships
siContainedPSet |
Child is contained as part of parent (for example, Kinematics) |
siSharedPSet |
Child is an inherited PSet |
siLocalPSet |
Child is a local PSet |
siObjectPSet |
Child is a member of the parent (for example, Object in Group) |
siPortPSet |
Child is connected to the parent PSet (for example, Shader/Operator) |
siParameterPSet |
Child is a leaf component part of the parent (for example, Object.Name). (not implemented) |
enum siPropagationType |
Property propagation types
enum siDupHierarchy |
enum siDupHistory |
History options for duplication commands.
enum siDupParent |
enum siDupGroup |
enum siDupProperty |
Property options for duplication commands.
enum siDupAnimation |
enum siDupConstraint |
Constraint options for duplication commands.
enum siDupTextureSupport |
Texture Support options for duplication commands.
siDuplicateSelectedTextureSupports |
Projection definition is linked to a duplicated texture support object if the object was selected for duplication, shared otherwise |
siDuplicateTextureSupports |
Texture support object is duplicated for each projection |
siShareTextureSupports |
Texture support object is shared by the duplicated projections |
siFreezeAllProjections |
Duplicated projections are frozen and disconnected from the texture support object |
enum siDupSelection |
Selection options for duplication commands.
enum siDupTransform |
enum siKeyboardState |
enum siInspectMode |
enum siInspectBrowseMode |
Constants that define the way to browse the inspection history
enum siSourceType |
Animation Source Types
siFCurveSource |
Include fcurves |
siExpressionSource |
Include expressions |
siAnySource |
Any source |
siMixerSource |
Mixer source |
siConstraintSource |
Constraint source |
siScriptedOperatorSource |
Scripted operator source |
siShapeAnimationSource |
Shape animation source |
enum siBranchFlag |
enum siOperationMode |
This indicates what to do when local materials overlap
enum siSplitPolygonType |
Split type for polygons
enum siSelectionUpdate |
enum siTxtCreationType |
Texture creation type constants. To use with the texturing commands.
siTxtPlanarXY |
XY Planar projection. |
siTxtPlanarXZ |
XZ Planar projection. |
siTxtPlanarYZ |
YZ Planar projection. |
siTxtCylindrical |
Cylindrical projection. |
siTxtSpherical |
Spherical projection. |
siTxtSpatial |
Spatial projection. |
siTxtCamera |
Camera projection. |
siTxtUV |
UV projection. |
siTxtLollipop |
Lollipop projection. |
siTxtPureImplicit |
Purely implicit projection. |
siTxtCubic |
Cubic projection. |
siTxtUniqueUV |
Unique UV projection. |
Default texture creation type constants. To use with the texturing commands.
enum siTxtProjType |
Texture projection type constants. To use with the texturing commands.
enum siTxtProjPlane |
Texture projection plane constants. To use with the texturing commands.
enum siTxtProjFitMethod |
Texture support positioning constants. To use with the texturing commands.
Actions for the ChangeUVInput command
enum siAlignModes |
Modes for the align command
enum siWeightPresets |
Presets for the PresetWeight command
enum siCutClipOptions |
enum siEditClipOptions |
enum siPresetLocation |
enum siVariantType |
The variant type determines the kind of value that can be stored
in a parameter.
Note: Only a subset of these types are fully supported and
recommended for use: these are siString, siBool, siDouble, siFloat,
siInt4, siInt2, siUInt4, siUInt2, siByte, and siUByte. (See
<link idref="DataTypes"> for more information).
siEmpty |
no type |
siInt2 |
2 bytes signed integer number (-32768..32767) |
siInt4 |
4 bytes signed integer number (-2147483648..2147483647) (See <link idref="Long">) |
siFloat |
<link idref="Float">: single precision real number (-3.402823466e+38F..3.402823466e+38F) |
siDouble |
<link idref="Double">: double precision real number (-1.7976931348623158e+308..1.7976931348623158e+308) |
siString |
Text represented as a BSTR. See <link idref="String">. |
siDispatch |
dispatch object. This is an object which exposes methods and properties to scripting. This is the variant type of all objects in the Object Model. |
siBool |
<link idref="Boolean"> |
siUnknown |
Pointer to a COM object. This object cannot be manipulated from scripting and such an object is not normally exposed in the Object Model. |
siByte |
byte (-128..127) |
siUByte |
unsigned byte (0..255) |
siUInt2 |
2 bytes unsigned integer number (0..65535) |
siUInt4 |
4 bytes unsigned integer number (0..4294967295) |
siInt |
signed machine integer. This variant type is not supported, use siInt4 instead. |
siUInt |
unsigned machine integer. This variant type is not supported, use siUInt4 instead. |
siWStr |
Null-terminated wide character string. This variant type is rarely encountered because siString is the recommended representation for all Softimage strings. |
This determines the classification of a <object idref="Parameter"> to give Softimage some hint about its purpose. In most cases it is acceptable to use the default, siClassifUnknown.
siClassifVisualization |
Parameter affects the UI visualization of an object (ex: level of detail) |
siClassifPositioning |
Parameter affects the location, size and position of an object (ex: scaling) |
siClassifAppearance |
Parameter affects the visual appearance of the default representation of an object (ex: color) |
siClassifUnknown |
Default classification for normal parameters. |
enum siMaterialPorts |
Port choice for the <command idref="SIGetMaterialShader"> command
enum siShadingModel |
Defines the material shading model
enum siShaderType |
enum siShaderOutputType |
Defines the output shader parameter types
These represent the shader parameter data types for instantated
Note: For shader parameter definitions, the <object
idref="siShaderParameterDataType"> values are used instead.
siUnknownParameterType |
Unknown parameter type |
siArrayParameterType |
Array shader parameter type |
siBooleanParameterType |
Boolean shader parameter type |
siColorParameterType |
Color RGBA shader parameter type |
siColor3ParameterType |
Color RGB shader parameter type |
siCustomParameterType |
Custom shader parameter type |
siDataParameterType |
Data shader parameter type |
siGradientParameterType |
Gradient shader parameter type |
siIntegerParameterType |
Integer shader parameter type |
siLensParameterType |
Lens shader parameter type |
siLightParameterType |
Light shader parameter type |
siLightmapParameterType |
Lightmap shader parameter type |
siMaterialParameterType |
Material shader parameter type |
siMatrixParameterType |
Transform matrix 4x4 shader parameter type |
siMatrix3ParameterType |
Transform matrix 3x3 shader parameter type |
siModelParameterType |
Model parameter type, maps shader output type that can write to geometry shader. |
siProfileCurveParameterType |
Profile curve parameter type. |
siQuaternionParameterType |
Quaterninon shader parameter type |
siRealTimeParameterType |
Realtime shader parameter type |
siReferenceParameterType |
Reference shader parameter type, input type only. |
siScalarParameterType |
Scalar shader parameter type; <link idref="Float"> |
siShaderReferenceParameterType |
Shader reference shader parameter type |
siStringParameterType |
String shader parameter type |
siStructParameterType |
Struct shader parameter type |
siTextureParameterType |
Texture shader parameter type; normally a <object idref="ImageClip"> object (in the object model) or ImageClip2 class (in the C++ API). |
siTextureSpaceParameterType |
Texturespace shader parameter type; ; such as a vertexcolor, UV texture, weightmap <object idref="ClusterProperty"> object or a texture map <object idref="Property">. |
siVectorParameterType |
Vector3d shader parameter type |
siVector2ParameterType |
Vector2d shader parameter type |
siVector4ParameterType |
Vector4d shader parameter type |
Defines the <object idref="Shader"> parameter type for a
<object idref="Parameter"> object belonging to <object
idref="Shader">, <object idref="Material">, <object
idref="Light"> or <object idref="Camera">.
Shader parameter types only apply to parameters that support
the <object idref="siCapabilities#siTexturable"> capability.
This can be tested using the <object
idref="Parameter.Capabilities"> property. The output type of a
shader can be checked using the <object
idref="Shader.OutputType"> property.
Note: Each data type, apart from <object
idref="siShaderParameterDataType#siShaderDataTypeUnknown">, has
also an equivalent string name that can be used to create shader
parameter definitions using type strings, instead of this enum.
Custom port types can't be registered using those built-in string
names. The string names are shown in brackets after each type's
Defines the types of filters when creating a shader parameter definition of type reference(<object idref="siShaderParameterDataType#siShaderDataTypeReference">). When you call the SetAttribute method, pass <object idref="siShaderParameterAttribute#siReferenceFilterAttribute"> in the first parameter and one of these values in the second parameter.
siUnknownReferenceFilter |
Unknown filter. |
siObjectReferenceFilter |
Any X3DObject. |
siCameraReferenceFilter |
Any camera primitive. |
siLightReferenceFilter |
Any light primitive. |
siMaterialReferenceFilter |
Any material. |
siShaderReferenceFilter |
Any shader. |
siGeometryReferenceFilter |
Any geometric primitive. |
siUserDataBlobReferenceFilter |
Any userdata blob. |
Defines the flags for Shaderball Dimension used by the <object idref="ShaderballOptions"> object.
siShaderballDimUndefined |
Undefined. |
siShaderballDimParametric |
Supports Parametric Shaderballs. |
siShaderballDimSpatial |
Supports Spatial Shaderballs. |
siShaderballDimParticle |
Supports Particle Shaderballs. |
siShaderballDimAll |
Supports all dimensions. |
Defines the types of filters when creating a shader parameter definition of type property look-up(<object idref="siShaderParameterDataType#siShaderDataTypeProperty">). When you call the SetAttribute method, pass <object idref="siShaderParameterAttribute#siPropertyFilterAttribute"> in the first parameter and one of these values in the second parameter.
siAnyPropertyFilter |
Any property. |
siAnyVertexMapPropertyFilter |
Any vertex map property. |
siUVPropertyFilter |
Texture projection property. |
siCAVPropertyFilter |
Color-at-Vertices property. |
siWeightMapPropertyFilter |
Weightmap property. |
siTextureMapPropertyFilter |
Texture map property. |
siNormalPropertyFilter |
Normal property. |
enum siLightType |
Defines the types of light
siLightPoint |
Point light |
siLightInfinite |
Infinite light |
siLightSpot |
Spot light |
siLightSun |
Sun light |
siUndefinedLightType |
Undefined light |
enum siCnxGroupType |
enum siCnxSetType |
enum siPartitionType |
Types of <object idref="Partition">s.
siUnknownPartition |
Unknown partition |
siObjectPartition |
Object partition |
siLightPartition |
Light partition |
enum siLockLevel |
Levels of lock. Each level is a bit field.
enum siLockType |
Type of lock owner. The lock owner type indicated who or why an object is locked, Users can modify only the locks of type siLockTypeUser.
enum siTags |
These are the different levels of tags
enum siGeometryType |
Type of geometry
siNurbsSurfaceMesh |
Nurbs surface |
siNurbsCurveList |
Nurbs curve |
siPolygonMesh |
Mesh surface |
siPointCloud |
Point cloud |
enum siBoundingVolume |
enum siPortType |
enum siModificationType |
Type of modification on a referenced model. This is a bit field, so many values can be combined.
siModificationTypeNone |
None |
siModificationTypeStaticPosition |
Static Posistion |
siModificationTypeFCurves |
Animation FCurves |
siModificationTypeExpression |
Expressions |
siModificationTypeConstraints |
Constraints |
siModificationTypeAddProp |
Adding properties |
siModificationTypeAnimMixer |
Adding Animation mixer |
siModificationTypeGroup |
Groups |
siModificationTypeInstance |
Instances |
siModificationTypeOtherConnections |
Other connections |
siModificationTypeOperators |
Operators |
siModificationTypeClusters |
Clusters |
siModificationTypeClusterProperties |
Cluster Properties |
siModificationTypeAll |
All types |
Type of mixer modification on a referenced model. This is a bit field, so many values can be combined.
enum siModelResolution |
Resolution description of a file for a referenced model.
Used by the AddModelSource, SetResolutionOfRefModels, and
SIAddModelSource commands.
siModelResolutionOffLoaded |
Model not loaded |
siModelResolutionLowRes |
Low resolution |
siModelResolutionMediumRes |
Medium resolution |
siModelResolutionHighRes |
High resolution |
enum siParameterScope |
Type of parameters to gather from the input Object List.
Note: This enum replaces the obsolete siSequenceType enum as of
enum siSequenceType |
enum siSequenceMode |
enum siEffectInputType |
enum siNeighborType |
enum siNavigDirection |
Direction of the next Node
enum siNavigationFilter |
Direction of the next Node
enum siViewType |
enum si2DChainAlignType |
Defines the types of alignment used for creating a 2D
Note: Use this enum instead of the obsolete siViewType enum.
enum siChainBoneType |
enum siConnectionType |
Operator connection types
enum siAxisType |
enum siMappingRuleType |
enum siNurbsDirection |
enum siNurbsFormat |
enum siInstallationPath |
Installation path directories.
siProjectPath |
Project directory path. |
siUserPath |
User directory path. |
siWorkgroupPath |
Workgroup directory path. See <object idref="XSIApplication.Workgroups">. |
siFactoryPath |
Factory directory path. |
siAddonPath |
Add-on directory path. |
siUserAddonPath |
User Add-on directory path. |
siWorkgroupAddonPath |
Workgroup Add-on directory path. |
siUnknownPath |
Unknown installation path. |
siCustomPath |
The custom plug-in directory path. This value maps to the XSI_PLUGINS environment variable which may contain multiple folders. |
enum siShapeInstanceMode |
Shape key instantiation mode.
enum siShapeReferenceMode |
enum siShapeContent |
enum siConstructionMode |
The construction mode indicates the purpose of the deformations.
enum siResolutionPlane |
Texture creation type constants. To use with the texturing commands.
siTexturePlanarXY |
XY Planar projection. |
siTexturePlanarXZ |
XZ Planar projection. |
siTexturePlanarYZ |
YZ Planar projection. |
siTextureCylindrical |
Cylindrical projection. |
siTextureSpherical |
Spherical projection. |
siTextureSpatial |
Spatial projection. |
siTextureCamera |
Camera projection. |
siTextureUV |
UV projection. |
siTextureLollipop |
Lollipop projection. |
siTexturePureImplicit |
Purely implicit projection. |
enum siUVTextureType |
UV generation type used by the texture operator, used only if siTextureProjectionType:siTextureUV is specified as the projection type.
enum siCapabilities |
Determines the capabilities of a parameter. They can be combined by adding them: for example, to have a parameter animatable (1) and persistable (4), use 5.
siAnimatable |
Animatable |
siReadOnly |
Cannot be written to |
siPersistable |
Is saved with its parameter set |
siNotInspectable |
Does not show up in the UI |
siSilent |
For internal use only. Do not use. |
siNotPresetPersistable |
Will not be saved in presets |
siTexturable |
Parameter supports connection to rendering node |
siKeyable |
Parameter is visible in 'Keying Panel' and keyable |
siNonKeyableVisible |
Parameter is only visible in 'Keying Panel' |
enum siFCurveType |
Types of function curves (fcurves)
siUnknownFCurve |
Unknown fcurve type |
siDefaultFCurve |
Use the fcurve type associated with parameter type |
siBooleanFCurve |
Boolean fcurve mapping a double parameter to {0, 1}. |
siIntegerFCurve |
Integer fcurve. |
siStandardFCurve |
FCurve mapping a double parameter to a double value. |
siRawDataFCurve |
Raw data fcurve. |
siQuaternionFCurve |
Quaternion fcurve. |
The extrapolation of an <object idref="FCurve"> determines its shape before the first <object idref="FCurveKey"> and after the last <object idref="FCurveKey">. Extrapolation extends the curve's ends based on the position of these two keys.
Function curve key constraints. The last seven tangent
constraints apply only to standard function curves.
FCurve key constraints can be set and retrieved via the
<object idref="FCurveKey.Constraint"> property.
The constraints are not mutally exclusive for example if you have
the siParameterConstraint set and clear the siLockConstraint you
will also clear the siParameterConstraint. You cannot set
constraints on a raw function curve. They will be ignored.
Specifies the interpolation type for a specific key on an fcurve. The interpolation determines how the value is evaluated between <object idref="FCurveKey">s.
Specifies the mode for changing the <object idref="FCurveKey"> selection.
The interpolation of an <object idref="FCurve"> determines how values are evaluated between its <object idref="FCurveKey">s. This is very similar to the <object idref="siFCurveKeyInterpolation"> enum.
Specifies the kind of filter used for smoothing function curves.
enum siUpdateContextState |
enum siArgumentFlags |
Information on the direction of an argument indicating how it is
passed to or from a command.
Note: Output and InOut arguments are not supported by some script
languages, including JScript. For this reason only siArgumentInput
is supported on custom <object idref="Command">s.
enum siCommandCategory |
Custom (v1.0) <object idref="Command">s can be defined
from a pre-defined category. Each category specifies the base
arguments of a command and the location of the menu item for that
command in Softimage. Softimage automatically installs a menu item
for each command created for a specific category.
You can retrieve the type of category specified using either
<object idref="SIObject.Categories"> or <object
idref="Command.Category"> but you cannot define custom
categories for this type of command. For that you need to use the
alternative and more powerful, way to create custom commands and
add them to <object idref="Menu">s: via the self-installing
plug-in APIs.
enum siImportShareOptions |
Defines the option flags when importing a model or merging a scene.
enum siEventID |
This enumerator provides the identifiers for the Softimage events, they can be used for implementing C++ event handlers in order to identify the events fired by Softimage.
siOnBeginNewScene |
OnBeginNewScene event identifier. Fired when a new scene is created. |
siOnEndNewScene |
OnEndNewScene event identifier. Fired when a new scene is created. |
siOnBeginSceneOpen |
OnBeginSceneOpen event identifier. Fired after a user clicks OK in the Load Scene dialog box. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginSceneOpen">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnEndSceneOpen |
OnEndSceneOpen event identifier. Fired after the scene is loaded. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndSceneOpen">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnBeginSceneSave |
OnBeginSceneSave event identifier. Fired when a scene is saved. |
siOnEndSceneSave |
OnEndSceneSave event identifier. Fired when a scene is saved. |
siOnBeginSceneSaveAs |
OnBeginSceneSaveAs event identifier. Fired when a scene is saved using File > Save As. Fired after the scene is loaded. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginSceneSaveAs">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnEndSceneSaveAs |
OnEndSceneSaveAs event identifier. Fired when a scene is saved using File > Save As. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndSceneSaveAs">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnTerminate |
OnTerminate event identifier. Fired when Softimage exits. |
siOnSelectionChange |
OnSelectionChange event identifier. Fired when the selection lists change. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnSelectionChange">Context Attributes</article> for this event. This event is supported only by the <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Display Host</article>. |
siOnBeginFrame |
OnBeginFrame event identifier. Fired when a frame is rendered. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginFrame">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnEndFrame |
OnEndFrame event identifier. Fired when a frame is rendered. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndFrame">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnBeginSequence |
OnBeginSequence event identifier. Fired before the first OnBeginFrame event when a sequence is rendered. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginSequence">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnEndSequence |
OnEndSequence event identifier. Fired after the last OnEndFrame event when a sequence is rendered. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndSequence">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnKeyUp |
OnKeyUp event identifier. Fired when a user releases a key. OnKeyUp is not fired if the window with the focus handles keyboard events. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnKeyUp">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnKeyDown |
OnKeyDown event identifier. Fired when a user presses a key. OnKeyDown is not fired if the window with the focus handles keyboard events. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnKeyDown">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnValueChange |
OnValueChange event identifier. Fired when a parameter value or scene object is changed. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnValueChange">Context Attributes</article> for this event.Note: This event is a regular Softimage event but is also supported by the <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Display Host</article>. |
siOnTimeChange |
OnTimeChange event identifier. Fired when the time line changes. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnTimeChange">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnWindowEvent |
OnWindowEvent event identifier. Fired when a custom display changes position or get refreshed. This event is supported only by the <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Display Host</article>. |
siOnBeginFileExport |
OnBeginFileExport event identifier. This event occurs at the beginning of a file export. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginFileExport">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnEndFileExport |
OnEndFileExport event identifier. This event occurs at the end of a file export. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndFileExport">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnBeginFileImport |
OnBeginFileImport event identifier. This event occurs at the beginning of a file import. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginFileImport">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnEndFileImport |
OnEndFileImport event identifier. This event occurs at the end of a file import. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndFileImport">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnStartup |
OnStartup event identifier. Fired when Softimage starts. |
siOnSourcePathChange |
OnSourcePathChange event identifier. Fired when a Softimage source path is changed. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnSourcePathChange">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnObjectAdded |
OnObjectAdded event identifier. Fired when an object has been added to the scene. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnObjectAdded">Context Attributes</article> for this event.Note: Prior to v6.5 this was only available for the <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Display Host</article>. |
siOnObjectRemoved |
OnObjectRemoved event identifier. Fired when an object has been removed from the scene. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnObjectRemoved">Context Attributes</article> for this event.Note: Prior to v6.5 this was only available for the <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Display Host</article>. |
siOnTimer |
OnTimer event identifier. Fired when a timer elapses. |
siOnBeginSceneSave2 |
OnBeginSceneSave2 event identifier. Same as siOnBeginSceneSave except this version allows you to pass in the full path name of the scene via <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginSceneSave2">Context Attributes</article>. |
siOnEndSceneSave2 |
OnEndSceneSave2 event identifier. Same as siOnEndSceneSave except this version allows you to pass in the full path name of the scene via <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndSceneSave2">Context Attributes</article>. |
siOnCloseScene |
OnCloseScene event identifier. Fired when a scene is closing. This event occurs before a new scene or a new project is created, or before a scene is loaded. |
siOnActivate |
OnActivate event identifier. Fired when the Softimage application is activated or deactivated. The Softimage application is activated when a window belonging to a different application than Softimage is about to be deactivated. This results typically from a user action such as changing the focus or closing the window. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnActivate">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnMaximize |
OnMaximize event identifier. Fired when the Softimage application window is maximized. The Maximize action activates the application which therefore triggers an siOnActivate event with a state set to true. |
siOnMinimize |
OnMinimize event identifier. Fired when the Softimage application window is minimized. The Minimize action de-activates the application which therefore triggers an siOnActivate event with a state set to false. |
siOnChangeProject |
OnChangeProject event identifier. Fired when the project changes in Softimage. This can occur when one of the following actions takes place: - a new project is created - a project is activated - a new scene is loaded - during a crash recovery operation Note: The event is not fired when a project gets closed due to Softimage terminating. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnChangeProject">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnRefModelModSave |
OnRefModelModSave event identifier. Fired just before saving the modification of the current reference model resolution. |
siOnBeginRefModelModLoad |
OnRefModelPostLoad event identifier. Fired just before loading the modification of the current reference model resolution. |
siOnEndRefModelModLoad |
OnEndRefModelModLoad event identifier. Fired just after loading the modification of the current reference model resolution. |
siOnCustomFileImport |
OnCustomFileImport event identifier. Fired when importing an asset with a custom file-extension. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnCustomFileImport">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnCustomFileExport |
OnCustomFileExport event identifier. Fired when exporting an asset with a custom file-extension. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnCustomFileExport">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnDragAndDrop |
OnDragAndDrop event identifier. Fired when a source is dragged over or dropped in a view and no default Softimage handlers dealt with it. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnDragAndDrop">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnBeginPassChange |
OnBeginPassChange event identifier. Fired before a renderpass is changed. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginPassChange">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnEndPassChange |
OnEndPassChange event identifier. Fired after a renderpass has been changed. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndPassChange">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnStartAnimation |
OnStartAnimation event identifier. Fired when animation playback has been started with the timeline play button or animation scrubbing has been started. The event can also be fired when one of these commands has been executed: <command idref="PlayBackwards">, <command idref="PlayBackwardsFromEnd">, <command idref="PlayForwards">, <command idref="PlayForwardsFromStart">, <command idref="PlayFrame">, <command idref="PlayRealTime">, or <command idref="PlayRealTimeFromStart">. Note: This event has no specific attributes. |
siOnStopAnimation |
siOnStopAnimation event identifier. Fired after animation playback has been stopped with the timeline play button or animation scrubbing has been stopped. The event can also be fired after one of these commands has been executed: <command idref="PlaybackStop">, <command idref="PlayBackwards">, <command idref="PlayBackwardsFromEnd">, <command idref="PlayForwards">, <command idref="PlayForwardsFromStart">, <command idref="PlayFrame">, <command idref="PlayRealTime">, or <command idref="PlayRealTimeFromStart">. Note: This event has no specific attributes. |
siOnRefModelLoad |
OnRefModelLoad event identifier. Fired before the current resolution gets loaded for a referenced model |
siOnConnectShader |
OnConnectShader event identifier. Fired after a shader port is connected. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnConnectShader">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnDisconnectShader |
OnDisconnectShader event identifier. Fired after a shader port is disconnected. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnDisconnectShader">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnAddShaderPort |
OnAddShaderPort event identifier. Not implemented. |
siOnRemoveShaderPort |
OnRemoveShaderPort event identifier. Not implemented. |
siOnCreateShader |
OnCreateShader event identifier. Fired after a shader is created. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnCreateShader">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnCreateShaderDef |
OnCreateShaderDef event identifier. Fired after a shader definition is created. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnCreateShaderDef">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnCustomShaderExport |
siOnCustomShaderExport event identifier. Fired when exporting a shader or shader tree in the RenderTree with a custom file-extension. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnCustomShaderExport">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnRenderAbort |
OnRenderAbort event identifier. Fired when a render sequence has been aborted by the user. The event can also be sent when a render region job is re-executed as a result of a scene change. |
siOnBeginScrubbing |
OnBeginScrubbing event identifier. Fired before setting a parameter value(s) with a PPG slider control. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginScrubbing">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnEndScrubbing |
OnEndScrubbing event identifier. Fired after a parameter value(s) have been changed with a slider control. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndScrubbing">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnEndCommand |
OnEndCommand event identifier. Fired when a <object idref="Command"> terminates. This event is fired for top-level commands only, sub-commands executed while a top-level command is running will not trigger this event. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndCommand">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
siOnBeginCommand |
OnBeginCommand event identifier. Fired before a <object idref="Command"> is executed. This event is fired for top-level commands only, sub-commands executed while a top-level command is running will not trigger this event. See the list of available <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginCommand">Context Attributes</article> for this event. |
enum siRenderFieldType |
enum siRenderingType |
enum siRenderingErrorType |
enum siParticleRenderType |
Enumeration of the different attributes that are available on the FCurveEditor object.
enum siSeverityType |
Determines the severity types of a message implemented with the C++ API. They can be combined.
enum siChannelAction |
A device driver contains a set of channels that can be configured. This enumeration is the type of action to perform for a channel.
enum siSelectMode |
Specifies how to select objects in a hierarchy.
Specifies the filter to use in a transient explorer.
enum siClassID |
The class ID of Softimage objects. This enumerator is used by the C++ API to manage references between the object model and C++. For example, the CRef::IsA function uses the class ID to determine whether or not the class type is compatible with the underlying reference object.
siObjectID |
Generic object id. |
siUnknownClassID |
Unknown object id. |
siSIObjectID |
SIObject object id. |
siOGLMaterialID |
OGLMaterial object id. |
siOGLTextureID |
OGLTexture object id. |
siOGLLightID |
OGLLight object id. |
siApplicationID |
Application object id. |
siArgumentID |
Argument object id. |
siCommandID |
Command object id. |
siClipID |
Clip object id. |
siShapeClipID |
ShapeClip object id. |
siSubComponentID |
SubComponent object id. |
siFacetID |
Facet object id. |
siNurbsSurfaceID |
NurbsSurfaceFace object id. |
siPointID |
Point object id. |
siControlPointID |
ControlPoint object id. |
siNurbsCurveControlPointID |
NurbsCurveControlPoint object id. |
siNurbsCurveListControlPointID |
NurbsCurveListControlPoint object id. |
siNurbsSurfaceControlPointID |
NurbsSurfaceControlPoint object id. |
siNurbsCurveID |
NurbsCurve object id. |
siSampleID |
Sample object id. |
siNurbsSampleID |
NurbsSample object id. |
siPolygonNodeID |
PolygonNode object id. |
siGeometryID |
Geometry object id. |
siNurbsSurfaceMeshID |
NurbsSurfaceMesh object id. |
siNurbsCurveListID |
NurbsCurveList object id. |
siPolygonMeshID |
PolygonMesh object id. |
siSegmentID |
Segment object id. |
siConnectionPointID |
ConnectionPoint object id. |
siConstructionHistoryID |
ConstructionHistory object id. |
siDictionaryID |
Dictionary object id. |
siEventInfoID |
EventInfo object id. |
siFCurveID |
FCurve object id. |
siNestedFCurveID |
NestedFCurve object id. |
siFCurveKeyID |
FCurveKey object id. |
siFileBrowserID |
FileBrowser object id. |
siImageID |
Image object id. |
siMappedItemID |
MappedItem object id. |
siPortID |
Port object id. |
siInputPortID |
InputPort object id. |
siSelectionID |
Selection object id. |
siStaticSourceID |
StaticSource object id. |
siTriangleID |
Triangle object id. |
siTriangleVertexID |
TriangleVertex object id. |
siUpdateContextID |
UpdateContext object id. |
siParameterID |
Parameter object id. |
siCompoundParameterID |
CompoundParameter object id. |
siProjectID |
Project object id. |
siProjectItemID |
ProjectItem object id. |
siActionSourceID |
ActionSource object id. |
siExpressionID |
Expression object id. |
siImageClipID |
ImageClip object id. |
siSceneID |
Scene object id. |
siShaderID |
Shader object id. |
siOperatorID |
Operator object id. |
siEnvelopeID |
Envelope object id. |
siPrimitiveID |
Primitive object id. |
siParticleCloudPrimitiveID |
ParticleCloudPrimitive object id. |
siPropertyID |
Property object id. |
siClusterPropertyID |
ClusterProperty object id. |
siConstraintID |
Constraint object id. |
siConstraintWithUpVectorID |
ConstraintWithUpVector object id. |
siCustomPropertyID |
CustomProperty object id. |
siJointID |
Joint object id. |
siKinematicsID |
Kinematics object id. |
siMaterialID |
Material object id. |
siStaticKinematicStateID |
StaticKinematicState object id. |
siSceneItemID |
SceneItem object id. |
siClusterID |
Cluster object id. |
siGroupID |
Group object id. |
siLayerID |
Layer object id. |
siPassID |
Pass object id. |
siUserGroupID |
UserGroup object id. |
siX3DObjectID |
X3DObject object id. |
siParticleCloudID |
ParticleCloud object id. |
siModelID |
Model object id. |
siChainElementID |
ChainElement object id. |
siChainRootID |
ChainRoot object id. |
siChainBoneID |
ChainBone object id. |
siChainEffectorID |
ChainEffector object id. |
siDirectedID |
Directed object id. |
siCameraID |
Camera object id. |
siLightID |
Light object id. |
siNullID |
Null object id. |
siRigID |
Rig object id. |
siCameraRigID |
CameraRig object id. |
siLightRigID |
LightRigobject id. |
siKinematicStateID |
KinematicState object id. |
siTrackID |
Track object id. |
siUserDataMapID |
UserDataMap object id. |
siFxTreeID |
FxTree object id. |
siFxOperatorID |
FxOperator object id. |
siTriangleCollectionID |
TriangleCollection object id. |
siTriangleVertexCollectionID |
TriangleVertexCollection object id. |
siSampleCollectionID |
SampleCollection object id. |
siPolygonNodeCollectionID |
PolygonNodeCollection object id. |
siPointCollectionID |
PointCollection object id. |
siFacetCollectionID |
FacetCollection object id. |
siVertexID |
Vertex object id. |
siVertexCollectionID |
VertexCollection object id. |
siEdgeID |
Edge object id. |
siEdgeCollectionID |
EdgeCollection object id. |
siPolygonFaceID |
PolygonFace object id. |
siPolygonFaceCollectionID |
PolygonFaceCollection object id. |
siDataSourceID |
DataSource object id. |
siAnimationSourceID |
AnimationSource object id. |
siOutputPortID |
OuptputPort object id. |
siProxyParameterID |
Proxy Parameter object id. |
siDeviceCollectionID |
Device collection object id. |
siDeviceID |
Device object id. |
siChannelID |
Channel object id. |
siKnotCollectionID |
KnotCollection object id. |
siControlPointCollectionID |
ControlPointCollection object id. |
siNurbsCurveCollectionID |
NurbsCurveCollection object id. |
siNurbsSurfaceCollectionID |
NurbsSurfaceCollection object id. |
siNurbsSampleCollectionID |
NurbsSampleCollection object id. |
siTextureID |
Texture object id. |
siUserDataBlobID |
UserDataBlob object id. |
siParticleID |
Particle object id. |
siAddonID |
Addon object id. |
siPPGLayoutID |
PPGLayout object id. |
siPPGItemID |
PPGItem object id. |
siPreferencesID |
Preferences object id. |
siParticleTypeID |
ParticleType object id. |
siParticleAttributeID |
ParticleAttribute object id. |
siGridDataID |
GridData object id. |
siTextureLayerID |
TextureLayer object id. |
siTextureLayerPortID |
TextureLayerPort object id. |
siCustomOperatorID |
CustomOperator object id. |
siPortGroupID |
PortGroup object id. |
siDesktopID |
Desktop object id. |
siLayoutID |
Layout object id. |
siUIObjectID |
UIObject object id. |
siUIPersistableID |
UIPersistable object id. |
siViewID |
View object id. |
siArrayParameterID |
ArrayParameter object id. |
siViewContextID |
X3DObject object id. |
siContextID |
Context object id. |
siPPGEventContextID |
PPGEventContext id. |
siClipEffectID |
ClipEffect object id. |
siClipEffectItemID |
ClipEffectItem object id. |
siShapeKeyID |
ShapeKey object id. |
siSourceID |
Source object id. |
siTimeControlID |
TimeControl object id. |
siTransitionID |
Transition object id. |
siAnimationSourceItemID |
AnimationSourceItem object id. |
siClipContainerID |
ClipContainer object id. |
siArgumentHandlerID |
Argument Handler object id. |
siMenuID |
Menu object id. |
siMenuItemID |
MenuItem object id. |
siPluginID |
Plugin object id. |
siPluginItemID |
PluginItem object id. |
siPluginRegistrarID |
PluginRegistrar object id. |
siFilterID |
Filter object id. |
siUIToolkitID |
UIToolkit object id. |
siProgressBarID |
ProgressBar object id. |
siParamDefID |
ParamDef object id. |
siFactoryID |
Factory object id. |
siCommandCollectionID |
Command object id. |
siArgumentCollectionID |
Argument Collection id. |
siGraphicSequencerContextID |
Graphic Sequencer Core id. |
siClipRelationID |
ClipRelation object id. |
siMixerID |
Mixer object id. |
siLibraryID |
Library id. |
siSimulationEnvironmentID |
SimulationEnvironment object id. |
siGridWidgetID |
GridWidget object id. |
siGeometryAccessorID |
Geometry accessor object id. |
siEnvelopeWeightID |
EnvelopeWeight property object id. |
siMeshBuilderID |
MeshBuilder object id. |
siFileReferenceID |
X3DObject object id. |
siClusterPropertyBuilderID |
ClusterPropertyBuilder object id. |
siMaterialLibraryID |
MaterialLibrary id. |
siHairPrimitiveID |
HairPrimitive object id. |
siRenderHairAccessorID |
RenderHairAccessor object id. |
siPointLocatorDataID |
PointLocatorData object id. |
siCollectionItemID |
CollectionItem object id. |
siOperatorContextID |
Operator context object id. |
siPointCloudID |
PointCloud object id. |
siRigidBodyAccessorID |
RigidBodyAccessor object id. |
siRigidConstraintAccessorID |
RigidConstraintAccessor object id. |
siDeltaID |
Delta object id. |
siActionDeltaID |
ActionDelta object id. |
siActionDeltaItemID |
ActionDeltaItem object id. |
siTimerEventID |
TimerEvent object id. |
siPassContainerID |
PassContainer object id. |
siRenderChannelID |
RenderChannel object id. |
siSceneRenderPropertyID |
SceneRenderProperty object id. |
siFramebufferID |
Framebuffer object id. |
siRendererContextID |
RendererContext object id. |
siRendererID |
Renderer object id. |
siTimeTransportID |
Do not use. |
siTimeTransportContextID |
Do not use. |
siICENodeID |
ICENode object id. |
siICECompoundNodeID |
ICECompoundNode object id. |
siICENodePortID |
ICENodePort object id. |
siICETreeID |
ICETree object id. |
siICENodeContainerID |
ICENodeContainer object id. |
siICENodeInputPortID |
ICENodeInputPort object id. |
siICENodeOutputPortID |
ICENodeOutputPort object id. |
siICEDataProviderNodeID |
ICEDataProviderNode object id. |
siICEDataModifierNodeID |
ICEDataModifierNode object id. |
siICENodeDefID |
ICENodeDef object id. |
siICENodeContextID |
ICENodeContext object id. |
siICEAttributeID |
ICEAttribute object id. |
siPartitionID |
Partition object id. |
siOverrideID |
Override object id. |
siHardwareShaderContextID | |
siValueMapID |
ValueMap object id. |
siShaderParamDefID |
ShaderParamDef object id. |
siShaderParamDefOptionsID |
ShaderParamDefOptions object id. |
siShaderballOptionsID |
ShaderballOptions object id. |
siShaderParamDefContainerID |
ShaderParamDefContainer object id. |
siMetaShaderRendererDefID |
MetaShaderRendererDef object id. |
siShaderDefID |
ShaderDef object id. |
siShaderStructParamDefID |
ShaderStructParamDef object id. |
siShaderArrayParamDefID |
ShaderArrayParamDef object id. |
siShaderParameterID |
ShaderParameter object id. |
siShaderArrayItemParameterID |
ShaderArrayItemParameter object id. |
siShaderArrayParameterID |
ShaderArrayParameter object id. |
siShaderCompoundParameterID |
ShaderCompoundParameter object id. |
siRenderTreeNodeID |
RenderTreeNode object id. |
siShaderBaseID |
ShaderBase object id. |
siShaderContainerID |
ShaderContainer object id. |
siShaderCompoundID |
ShaderCompound object id. |
siShaderCommentID |
ShaderComment object id. |
siShaderDefManagerID |
ShaderDefManager object id. |
siHardwareSurfaceID |
HardwareSurface object id. |
siGraphicDriverID |
Graphic Driver object id. |
siHairGeometryID |
HairGeometry object id. |
siPointCloudGeometryID |
PointCloudGeometry object id. |
siSchematicNodeID |
SchematicNode object id. |
siSchematicID |
Schematic object id. |
siSchematicNodeCollectionID |
SchematicNodeCollection object id. |
siUVPropertyID |
UVProperty property object id. |
siToolContextID |
ToolContext object id. |
siPickBufferID |
PickBuffer object id. |
siAnnotationID |
Annotation object id. |
siMemoCameraID |
MemoCamera object id. |
siMemoCameraCollectionID |
MemoCameraCollection object id. |
enum siBlendInPresetModes |
This enumeration type specifies how the BlendInPresets command will apply the new shaders to the parameters selected by the command.
This enumeration type specifies how the texture-layer blending commands will apply the new shaders to the parameters selected by the command.
enum siShaderCnxPointType |
This enumeration type specifies what kind of shader port connections you are interested in when using the <command idref="RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint"> command.
enum siAddonItemType |
This enumeration type specifies the type of item supported by add-ons. Depending on which type you use with the <object idref="Addon.AddItem"> method, you need to supply only a name, or a path and file name, or you may be able to use either as indicated below.
Types of Columns supported by siControlGrid (see <object idref="siPPGControlType">and <object idref="GridData.SetColumnType">)
enum siGridSelectionMode |
Selection Mode for the cells of the GridWidget, see siUIGridSelectionMode in <object idref="siPPGItemAttribute">.
Polygon cluster contour stretching method used to generate texture coordinates as part of the <command idref="GenerateUVSetByContourStretching"> and <command idref="ModifyUVSetByContourStretching"> commands.
siContourStretchingWalkingOnMesh |
Texture coordinates obtained by accumulated distance from contours while walking along mesh edges. |
siContourStretchingSpatialDistance |
Texture coordinates obtained by accumulated spatial distance from contours to the mesh vertices. |
siContourStretchingReqularQuads |
Texture coordinates obtained by accumulated distances along grid lines obtained from contours. |
siContourStretchingProjectionOnSurface |
Texture coordinates obtained by projection on a parameteric surface built from contours. |
enum siExplorerScope |
The list of scopes supported by the Scene Explorer.
siExplorerScopeDefault |
Default scope. |
siExplorerScopeProject |
Project (Content Container) scope. |
siExplorerScopePreferences |
Preferences scope. |
siExplorerScopeScene |
Scene scope. |
siExplorerScopeLayers |
Layers scope. |
siExplorerScopePasses |
Passes scope. |
siExplorerScopeEnvironments |
Environments scope. |
siExplorerScopeParTypes |
The Particle Types scope is no longer supported. |
siExplorerScopeSelection |
Selection scope. |
siExplorerScopeCustom |
Custom scope. |
siExplorerScopeCurrentLayer |
Current Layer scope. |
siExplorerScopeCurrentPass |
Current Pass scope. |
siExplorerScopeCurrentEnvironment |
The Current Environment scope is no longer supported. |
siExplorerScopeCurrentParType |
Current Particle Type scope. |
siExplorerScopeSourcesClips |
Sources and Clips scope. |
siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsAnimation |
Sources and Clips (Animation Only) scope. |
siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsAudio |
Sources and Clips (Audio Only) scope. |
siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsImages |
Sources and Clips (Images Only) scope. |
siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsMaterials |
Sources and Clips (Materials Only) scope. |
siExplorerScopeSourcesClipsModels |
The Sources and Clips (Models Only) scope is no longer supported. |
siExplorerScopeCommands |
The Commands scope is no longer supported. |
enum siTimeState |
States for the time change notification <link idref="CTimeChangeNotification" file="cpp_ref">for <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Displays</article>.
siTimeStateNull |
Null state. |
siTimeStateStop |
Stop state. |
siTimeStatePreStop |
Pre-Stop state. |
siTimeStatePlay |
Play state. |
siTimeStatePrePlay |
Pre-Play state. |
siTimeStateRecord |
Record state. |
siTimeStatePreRecord |
Pre-Record state. |
siTimeStateFast |
Fast state. |
siTimeStatePreFast |
Pre-Fast state. |
siTimeStatePreRoll |
Pre-Roll state. |
siTimeStateStep |
Step state. |
siTimeStatePostStep |
Post-Step state. |
siTimeStatePause |
Pause state. |
siTimeStatePrePause |
Pre-Pause state. |
siTimeStateSeek |
Seek state. |
siTimeNotifyTime |
Time notification. |
siTimeNotifyScrub |
Scrub notification. |
siTimeNotifySeek |
Seek notification. |
siTimeNotifyPortChange |
Port Change notification. |
siTimeNotifyFrameDrop |
Frame Drop notification. |
enum siDisplayCallback |
Types of display callbacks defined for the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
enum siXGSClassType |
enum siXGSFlag |
enum siXGSPassFlag |
Pass flags for <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="legacy">Graphic Sequencer</article> callbacks.
enum siXGSStateType |
XGS state types defined for the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
enum siViewMode |
Viewport display modes used by the <link idref="CGraphicSequencer" file="cpp_ref"> classfor the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
The available types for user defined per particle <object idref="ParticleAttribute">.
enum siAssetStorageType |
This is the enumeration of the different ways an asset in
Softimage can be stored. Assets can be either <object
idref="ActionSource"> objects or deltas.
Note: This enum replaces the obsolete siSourceStorageType enum.
enum siSourceStorageType |
This enum has been replaced by <object idref="siAssetStorageType">.
enum siAssetStatus |
This is an enumeration of how an asset in Softimage can be
treated when stored externally. Assets can be either <object
idref="ActionSource"> objects or deltas.
Note: This enum replaces the obsolete siActionStatus enum.
enum siActionStatus |
This enum has been replaced by <object idref="siAssetStatus">.
enum siFilterType |
Specifies the different type of filters that are used for implementing and categorizing custom <object idref="Filter">s. Custom filters of types siFilter3DObject, siFilterSubComponentEdge, siFilterSubComponentPoint, siFilterSubComponentPolygon and siFilterProperty are automatically added to the Main Command Panel filter menus and integrated with the selection tool.
Determines the capabilities of a command.
enum siSeverity |
Determines the severity types of a message implemented in a scripting language. They can be combined.
enum siMsgBoxFlags |
Flags values supported by the <object idref="XSIUIToolkit.MsgBox"> command. These are identical the arguments supported by the VBScript MsgBox() and Win32 ::MessageBox() functions.
enum siMsgButtonPressed |
enum siViewState |
enum siToolbarControl |
Types of toolbar controls to use when building a toolbar. Toolbar controls help you to tweak the appearance of your toolbar by adding some cosmetic features, such as separators and line breaks.
siTBCtrlBlankSeparator |
Blank separator |
siTBCtrlGroupHeader |
Group header |
siTBCtrlLineBreak |
Line break |
siTBCtrlMenu |
Cascading command menu button |
siTBCtrlPreset |
Cascading command preset menu button |
siTBCtrlLineSeparator |
Line separator |
enum siTimeReferenceType |
enum siImageRatio |
Specifies a reduction to apply to an image. For example a 800x400 image reduced by a 4x1 ratio will have a resolution of 200x100.
siImageRatio1x1 |
Full resolution issue. |
siImageRatio2x1 |
Image reduced to 1/2 resolution (e.g. 1/4 the memory consumption). |
siImageRatio4x1 |
Image reduced to 1/4 resolution. |
siImageRatio8x1 |
Image reduced to 1/8 resolution. |
siImageRatio16x1 |
Image reduced to 1/16 resolution. |
siImageRatioThumbnail |
Image reduced to Thumbnail resolution. |
The siTimeControlExtrapolationType determines how a <object idref="Clip"> contributes to the animation outside of the frames on which it is defined.
enum siMenuItemStyle |
enum siMenuAnchorPoints |
Identifies the location of a custom menu.
siMenuUndefinedID |
Undefined menu id. |
siMenuTbGetPrimitiveCurveID |
Get > Primitive > Curve menu. |
siMenuTbGetPrimitivePolygonMeshBasicID |
Basic section (Cone, Cube, ..., Torus) in the Get > Primitive > Polygon Mesh menu. |
siMenuTbGetPrimitivePolygonMeshHedronID |
Hedron section (Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, ..., Rhombicosidodecahedron) in the Get > Primitive > Polygon Mesh menu. |
siMenuTbGetPrimitivePolygonMeshID |
Get > Primitive > Polygon Mesh menu. |
siMenuTbGetPrimitiveSurfaceID |
Get > Primitive > Surface menu. |
siMenuTbGetPrimitiveImplicitCurveID |
Curve section (Arc, Circle, ..., Square) in the Get > Primitive > Implicit menu. |
siMenuTbGetPrimitiveImplicitID |
Get > Primitive > Implicit menu. |
siMenuTbGetPrimitiveControlObjectID |
Get > Primitive > Control Object menu. |
siMenuTbGetPrimitiveModelID | |
siMenuTbGetPrimitiveID |
Get > Primitive menu. |
siMenuTbGetCameraID | |
siMenuTbGetLightID | |
siMenuTbGetMaterialID |
Get > Material menu. |
siMenuTbGetMaterialBasicID |
Basic (Phong, Lambert, ..., Toon) section in the Get > Material menu. |
siMenuTbGetMaterialSimpleID |
Simple section in the Get > Material menu. |
siMenuTbGetMaterialRealTimeID |
Realtime section (OGL Combined,...) in the Get > Material menu. |
siMenuTbGetPropertyID |
Get > Property menu. |
siMenuTbGetPropertyTextureProjectionID | |
siMenuTbGetPropertyTextureMapID | |
siMenuTbGetPropertyTextureID | |
siMenuTbGetPropertyUserDataMapID |
Get > Property > User Data Map menu. |
siMenuTbGetPropertyMapPaintID |
Get > Property > Map Paint Tools menu. |
siMenuTbGetPropertyPSetID |
Property section (Ultimapper, TextProp, ..., Tangent) in the Get > Property menu. |
siMenuTbDeformSpatialID |
Spatial section (Bend, Bulge, ..., Fold) in the Modify > Deform menu. |
siMenuTbDeformID |
dify > Deform menu. |
siMenuTbCreateSkeletonID |
Create > Skeleton menu. |
siMenuTbCreateSkeletonDrawID |
Draw section (2D Chain, 3D Chain) in the Create > Skeleton menu. |
siMenuTbCreateSkeletonInspectID |
Inspect section (Inspect Chain Properties) in the Create > Skeleton menu. |
siMenuTbModelCreateCurveID |
Create > Curve menu (Model toolbar). |
siMenuTbModelCreateSurfaceMeshID |
Create > Surf. Mesh menu. |
siMenuTbModelCreatePolygonMeshID |
Create > Poly. Mesh menu. |
siMenuTbModelCreateModelID |
Create > Model menu. |
siMenuTbModelCreateTextID |
Create > Text menu. |
siMenuTbModelModifyComponentID |
Modify > Component menu. |
siMenuTbModelModifyCurveID |
Modify > Curve menu. |
siMenuTbModelModifySurfaceMeshID |
Modify > Surf. Mesh menu. |
siMenuTbModelModifyPolygonMeshID |
Modify > Poly. Mesh menu. |
siMenuTbModelModifyModelID |
Modify > Model menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterID |
Create > Parameter menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterCustomPSetID |
Custom Property Wizard section in the Create > Parameter menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterCustomParamID | |
siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterExpressionID |
Expression section in the Create > Parameter menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateCreateParameterProxyID | |
siMenuTbAnimateCreateCurveID |
Create > Curve menu (Animate toolbar). |
siMenuTbAnimateCreatePathID |
Create > Path menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateCreateCharacterID |
Create > Character menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateDeformShapeID |
Deform > Shape menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateDeformShapeKeyID |
Shape Key section in the Deform > Shape menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateDeformEnvelopeID |
Deform > Envelope menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateActionsStoreID |
Actions > Store menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateActionsApplyID |
Actions > Apply menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateActionsTemplatesID |
Actions > Templates menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateToolsPlotID |
Tools > Plot menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateToolsDevicesID |
Tools > Devices menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateToolsImportID |
Import section in the Tools > Import/Export menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateToolsExportID |
Export section in the Tools > Import/Export menu. |
siMenuTbAnimateToolsMotorID |
MOTOR section in the Tools > Import/Export menu. |
siMenuTbRenderRegionID |
Render > Region menu. |
siMenuTbRenderPreviewID |
Obsolete - menu no longer exists. |
siMenuTbRenderRenderID |
Render > Render menu. |
siMenuTbRenderExportMIID |
Obsolete - renamed siMenuTbRenderExportID. |
siMenuTbRenderPassEditID |
Render > Pass > Edit menu. |
siMenuTbRenderPassEditNewPassID | |
siMenuTbRenderPassPartitionID | |
siMenuTbRenderExportID |
Render > Export menu. |
siMenuTbICEParticlesCreateID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEParticlesOnEmissionID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEParticlesAfterEmissionID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEParticlesForceID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEParticlesCollisionID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEParticlesSimulationID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEParticlesModelLibraryID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEDeformCreateID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEDeformSimulateID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEKinematicsEffectsID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICEKinematicsConstrainID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICECrowdFXActorsID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbICECrowdFXSimulationID |
Menu the ICE module toolbar |
siMenuTbGetForceID |
Get > Force menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbCreateParticlesID |
Create > Particles menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbCreateParticlesFluidID |
Create > Particles > Fluid menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbCreateParticlesExplosionID |
Create > Particles > Explosion menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbCreateParticlesNewPTypeID |
Create > Particles > New Particle Type menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbCreateRigidBodyID |
Create > Rigid Body menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbCreateRigidBodyConstraintID |
Create > Rigid Body > Rigid Constraint menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbCreateClothID |
Create > Cloth menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbModifyParticlesID |
Modify > Particles menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbModifyRigidBodyID |
Modify > Rigid Body menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbModifyEnvironmentID |
Modify > Environment menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbCreateSoftBodyID |
Create > Soft Body menu (Simulate toolbar). |
siMenuTbICECreateID |
ICE > Particles > Create menu (ICE toolbar). |
siMenuTbICEEditID |
ICE > Particles > Simulation menu (ICE toolbar). |
siMenuMainFileSceneID |
Scene section in the File menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainFileProjectID |
Project section in the File menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainFileExportID |
File > Export menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainFileImportID |
File > Import menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainWindowID |
Windows menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainHelpID |
Help menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainApplicationID |
Do not use. The Application menu was removed in Softimage v5.0. Existing menus that use this anchor point are added to the View menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainApplicationPropertySetsID |
Do not use. The Application menu was removed in Softimage v5.0. Existing menus that use this anchor point are added to the View menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainApplicationLayoutsID |
Do not use. The Application menu was removed in Softimage v5.0. Existing menus that use this anchor point are added to the View > Layouts menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainApplicationViewsID |
Do not use. The Application menu was removed in Softimage v5.0. Existing menus that use this anchor point are added to the View menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainApplicationToolbarsID |
Do not use. The Application menu was removed in Softimage v5.0. Existing menus that use this anchor point are added to the View menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainApplicationCommandsID |
Do not use. The Application menu was removed in Softimage v5.0. Existing menus that use this anchor point are added to the View menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainApplicationKeyMappingsID |
Do not use. The Application menu was removed in Softimage v5.0. Existing menus that use this anchor point are added to the View menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainApplicationPreferencesID |
Do not use. The Application menu was removed in Softimage v5.0. Existing menus that use this anchor point are added to the Preferences section of the File menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMainTopLevelID |
The main menu bar. Menus registered with this identifier are added to the Softimage main menu bar as top-level menus. |
siMenuMainFileCrosswalkID |
File > Crosswalk menu on the main menu bar. |
siMenuMCPSelectTopID |
Top of Select menu in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPSelectBottomID |
Bottom of Select menu in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPSelectExploreBtnID |
Explore menu in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPSelectSelBtnContextID |
Context menu displayed when a user right-clicks the Selection button in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPTransformTopID |
Top of Transform menu in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPTransformBottomID |
Bottom of Transform menu in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPSnapID |
Snap menu in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPConstrainID |
Constrain menu in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPEditID |
Edit menu in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPAnimationID |
Animation menu in the MCP. |
siMenuMCPPlaybackID |
Playback menu in the MCP. |
siMenuVMViewTypeID |
View type menu in the View Manager. See <article idref="ViewManagerAttributes">View Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuVMCameraID |
Camera menu in the View Manager. See <article idref="ViewManagerAttributes">View Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuVMVisibilityID |
Visibility menu in the View Manager. See <article idref="ViewManagerAttributes">View Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuVMDisplayID |
Display menu in the View Manager. See <article idref="ViewManagerAttributes">View Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenu3DViewClusterContextID |
Context menu for a cluster in a 3D view. |
siMenu3DViewComponentContextID |
Context menu for subcomponents (such as points, edges, and polygons) in a 3D view. |
siMenu3DViewComponentEditContextID |
Edit section of the context menu for subcomponents in a 3D view. |
siMenu3DViewGeneralContextID |
Context menu displayed when a user right-clicks a blank area of a 3D view. |
siMenu3DViewObjectContextID |
Context menu for an object in a 3D view. |
siMenu3DViewObjectEditContextID |
Edit section of the context menu for an object in a 3D view. |
siMenu3DViewObjectGroupContextID |
Group section of the context menu for an object in a 3D view. |
siMenu3DViewObjectMeshContextID |
Mesh section of the context menu for an object in a 3D view. |
siMenu3DViewObjectSelectContextID |
Select section of the context menu for an object in a 3D view. |
siMenuSEGeneralContextID |
Context menu displayed when a user right-clicks an object (such as a Property, Parameter, or Primtive) that does not have a specific context menu. |
siMenuSELayersContextID |
Context menu displayed for Layer objects in the Scene Explorer. |
siMenuSEPassesContextID |
Context menu displayed for Pass objects in the Scene Explorer. |
siMenuSEPartitionsContextID |
Context menu displayed for Partition objects in the Scene Explorer. |
siMenuSEObjectContextID |
Context menu displayed for 3D objects in the Scene Explorer. |
siMenuSEGroupContextID | |
siMenuSEAnimContextID |
Context menu displayed for animated parameters in the Scene Explorer. |
siMenuSEClusterContextID | |
siMenuSEOperatorContextID | |
siMenuSEConstraintContextID |
Context menu displayed for constraints in the Scene Explorer. |
siMenuSEPreferenceContextID |
Context menu displayed for preferences in the Scene Explorer. |
siMenuSEMaterialContextID | |
siMenuSEModelContextID | |
siMenuPluginMgrPluginFileID |
File menu on the Plug-ins and Items tabs of the Plug-in Manager. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrTreeFileID |
File menu on the Tree tab of the Plug-in Manager. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextPluginID |
Context menu for plug-ins listed on the Tree and Plug-ins tabs of the Plugin Manager. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextPluginLocationID |
Context menu in the Plug-in Manager for an add-on or other location where plug-ins can be stored. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextUserRootID |
Context menu for the User Root node in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextFactoryRootID |
Context menu for the Factory Root node in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextWorkgroupRootID |
Context menu for the Workgroup Root node in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextAddonID |
Context menu for the add-ons listed in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextCustomLocationID |
Context menu for the Root node of a custom folder in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrSPDLFileID |
File menu on the SPDLs tab of the Plug-in Manager. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextSPDLID |
Context menu for the plug-ins listed on the SPDLs tab of the Plugin Manager. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextSPDLLocationID |
Context menu for the SPDLs Root node in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextPluginItemID |
Context menu for the plug-ins listed on the Items tab of the Plugin Manager. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextViewLocationID |
Context menu for the Views Root node in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextViewID |
Context menu for view plug-ins listed in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextToolbarLocationID |
Context menu for the Toolbars Root node in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPluginMgrContextToolbarID |
Context menu for the toolbar plug-ins listed in the plug-in tree. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuWorkgroupMgrFileID |
File menu on the Workgroups tab of the Plug-in Manager. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuWorkgroupMgrContextID |
Context menu for a selected workgroup. See <article idref="PluginManagerAttributes">Plug-in Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuScriptEditContextID |
Context menu for the editing pane of a script editor or a text editor. See <article idref="ScriptEditorAttributes">Script Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuScriptHistoryContextID |
Context menu for the history pane of a script editor. See <article idref="ScriptHistoryAttributes">Script History Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuFCurveEditorTopLevelID |
Menus registered with this identifier are added to the FCurve Editor toolbar as top-level menus. See <article idref="FCurveEditorAttributes">FCurve Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuFCurveEditorFileID |
File menu in the FCurve Editor. See <article idref="FCurveEditorAttributes">FCurve Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuFCurveEditorEditID |
Edit menu in the FCurve Editor. See <article idref="FCurveEditorAttributes">FCurve Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuFCurveEditorViewID |
View menu in the FCurve Editor. See <article idref="FCurveEditorAttributes">FCurve Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuFCurveEditorKeysID |
Keys menu in the FCurve Editor. See <article idref="FCurveEditorAttributes">FCurve Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuFCurveEditorCurvesID |
Curves menu in the FCurve Editor. See <article idref="FCurveEditorAttributes">FCurve Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuFCurveEditorSelectID |
Select menu in the FCurve Editor. See <article idref="FCurveEditorAttributes">FCurve Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuPropertyPageContextID | |
siMenuPropertyPageAnimContextID |
Context menu displayed for animatable parameters in a Property Page. |
siMenuShapeManagerEditID |
Edit menu in the Shape Manager. See <article idref="ShapeManagerAttributes">Shape Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuShapeManagerCreateContextSingleSelectionID |
Context menu for the Create tab of the Shape Manager when a single shape is selected. See <article idref="ShapeManagerAttributes">Shape Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuShapeManagerCreateContextMultiSelectionID |
Context menu for the Create tab of the Shape Manager when multiple shapes are selected. See <article idref="ShapeManagerAttributes">Shape Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuShapeManagerAnimateContextSingleSelectionID |
Context menu for the Animate tab of the Shape Manager when only a single shape is selected. See <article idref="ShapeManagerAttributes">Shape Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuShapeManagerAnimateContextMultiSelectionID |
Context menu for the Animate tab of the Shape Manager when multiple shapes are selected. See <article idref="ShapeManagerAttributes">Shape Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuShapeManagerAnimateID |
Animate menu in the Shape Manager. See <article idref="ShapeManagerAttributes">Shape Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuRenderRegionContextID |
Context menu for the Render Region. |
siMenuMaterialPanelMaterialID | |
siMenuTextureEditorToolsID |
Tools menu in the Texture Editor. See <article idref="TextureEditorAttributes">Texture Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuRenderTreeToolsID |
Tools menu in the RenderTree. See <article idref="RenderTreeAttributes">Render Tree Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuICEViewToolsID |
Tools menu in the ICE view. See <article idref="RenderTreeAttributes">ICE Tree Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuRTNodeContextID |
Context menu displayed for shader/materials in the RenderTree. See <article idref="RenderTreeAttributes">Render Tree Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuICENodeContextID |
Context menu displayed for ICE Nodes in the ICE view. See <article idref="RenderTreeAttributes">ICE Tree Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuICENodePortContextID |
Context menu displayed for ICE Node Ports in the ICE view. See <article idref="RenderTreeAttributes">ICE Tree Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuRenderTreeTopLevelID |
The RenderTree main toolbar. Menus registered with this identifier are added to the RenderTree toolbar as top-level menus. See <article idref="RenderTreeAttributes">Render Tree Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuICEViewTopLevelID |
The ICE view main toolbar. Menus registered with this identifier are added to the ICE view toolbar as top-level menus. See <article idref="RenderTreeAttributes">ICE Tree Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuTextEditorWidgetEditID |
Edit menu in the Text Editor Widget. See <article idref="ScriptEditorAttributes">Text Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuTextEditorContextID |
Context menu in the edit pane of a Text Editor Widget. See <article idref="ScriptEditorAttributes">Text Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuTextureSpaceProjectionID | |
siMenuSchematicViewID | |
siMenuSchematicViewContextID |
Context menu for the Schematic when clicking in the background. |
siMenuSchematicNodeContextID | |
siMenuSchematicViewTopLevelID |
Menus registered with this identifier are added to the Schematic view toolbar as top-level menus. |
siMenuSceneLayerManagerLayersID | |
siMenuSceneLayerManagerContextID |
Context menu displayed for layer rows in the Scene Layer Manager. |
siMenuMaterialManagerTopLevelID |
Material Manager main toolbar. Menus registered with this identifier are added to the Material Manager toolbar as top-level menus. See <article idref="MaterialManagerAttributes">Material Manager Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuAnimMixerEditID |
Edit menu in the Animation Mixer. See <article idref="AnimationMixerAttributes">Animation Mixer Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuAnimMixerViewID |
View menu in the Animation Mixer. See <article idref="AnimationMixerAttributes">Animation Mixer Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuAnimMixerTrackID |
Track menu in the Animation Mixer. See <article idref="AnimationMixerAttributes">Animation Mixer Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuAnimMixerClipID |
Clip menu in the Animation Mixer. See <article idref="AnimationMixerAttributes">Animation Mixer Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuAnimMixerMixID |
Mix menu in the Animation Mixer. See <article idref="AnimationMixerAttributes">Animation Mixer Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuAnimMixerEffectID |
Effect menu in the Animation Mixer. See <article idref="AnimationMixerAttributes">Animation Mixer Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuShaderCodeEditContextID | |
siMenuWeightEditorFileID |
File menu in the Weight Editor. See <article idref="WeightEditorAttributes">Weight Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuWeightEditorEditID |
Edit menu in the Weight Editor. See <article idref="WeightEditorAttributes">Weight Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
siMenuWeightEditorViewID |
View menu in the Weight Editor. See <article idref="WeightEditorAttributes">Weight Editor Attributes</article> for a list of attributes you can use with this custom menu hook. |
enum siPortFlags |
This enum specifies the operator port flags. These flags are used to determine the behaviour and characteristics of the port.
enum siWindowChangeState |
This enum specifies what has changed during a <link idref="CWindowNotification" file="cpp_ref"> for the <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Display Host</article>.
enum siFileType |
This enum is used to determine the type of a file for the <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginFileExport">OnBeginFileExport</article>, <article idref="ctxt_siOnBeginFileImport">OnBeginFileImport</article>, <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndFileExport">OnEndFileExport</article>, <article idref="ctxt_siOnEndFileImport">OnEndFileImport</article>, <article idref="ctxt_siOnCustomFileExport">OnCustomFileExport</article>, and <article idref="ctxt_siOnCustomFileImport">OnCustomFileImport</article> events.
siFileTypeDefault |
Unknown type. |
siFileTypeScene | |
siFileTypeModel | |
siFileTypeImage | |
siFileTypeAudio |
Audio. |
siFileTypeSI3D |
SI3D scenes. |
siFileTypeScript |
Script. |
siFileTypeFcurve |
Animation file. |
siFileTypeExpression | |
siFileTypeRenderPicture |
Rendered Pictures. |
siFileTypeAction |
Action files (.eani). |
siFileTypeShader |
Shader file. |
siFileTypeBackup |
Scene Backup. |
siFileTypeMI |
Mental Image (.mi) file. |
siFileTypeIgnore |
Internal info. |
siFileTypeSimulation |
Simulation cache. |
siFileTypeReferencedModel |
Referenced model. |
siFileTypeQuery |
Query. |
siFileTypeSynoptic |
Synoptic. |
siFileTypeDotXSI |
dotXSI. |
siFileTypeRenderMap |
Render Map. |
siFileTypeAddon |
Addon. |
siFileTypeMatLib | |
siFileTypeThumbnail |
Thumbnail. |
siFileTypeMixer |
Mixer (.mixer). |
siFileTypeIges |
siFileTypeComposites | |
siFileTypeDelta | |
siFileTypeCache |
Cache file. |
siFileTypeICECompounds |
ICE Compound file. |
siFileTypeRTCompounds |
RT Compound file. |
siFileTypeCustom |
Custom. |
siFileTypeLast |
Number of items total. |
enum siClusterType |
This enum specifies the type of cluster properties in Softimage.
siClusterPropertyEnvelopeWeightType |
Vertex cluster property envelope weight type. |
siClusterPropertyShapeKeyType |
Vertex cluster property Shape Key type. |
siClusterPropertyWeightMapType |
Vertex cluster property Weight Map type. |
siClusterPropertyUVType |
Node cluster property UV type. |
siClusterPropertyVertexColorType |
Node cluster property vertex color type. |
siClusterPropertyUserNormalType |
Node cluster property user normal type. |
siClusterPropertyUserMotionType |
Vertex cluster property User Motion type. |
This enum specifies the mode of manipulation of a curve isopoint in Softimage.
This enum specifies the type of alignment for a tangent of a curve knot in Softimage.
enum siRBDEngine |
Indicates the method to use for computing normals on a geometry. These only apply to <object idref="PolygonMesh"> objects (for <object idref="NurbsSurfaceMesh"> the normal is always the exact surface normal).
Type of line to use when intersecting a line with a geometry
enum siImageBitDepth |
This enumeration lists the allowed bit depths for each channel of an image with the specified channel types. Not all bit depths are allowed for all channel types.
enum siImageChannelType |
This enum lists the allowed channel types in writable images and framebuffers.
enum siImageChannelFilter |
This enumeration lists the allowed filters for user-selectable channel types in the UI.
enum siVolumeCenterMethod |
Indicates the method to use for calculating the long axis of a bounding cylinder.
enum siSourcePathType |
Specifies the source path being set for the <article idref="ctxt_siOnSourcePathChange">OnSourcePathChange</article> event.
enum siModelKind |
Describes whether <object idref="Model"> is referenced, local (regular) or an instance.
enum siViewport |
Used as a convenient list of identifiers for the different viewports of the view manager. The first three are special identifiers for commands and methods that use the enumeration and do not refer to a specific viewport.
This enumeration represents the list of display types for the render region. These display types affect any framebuffer being viewed.
Type of delta modification on a referenced model.
siModificationDeltaActiveResolution |
Store the active resolution of a sub-reference model. |
siModificationDeltaRemoveAnimation |
Store animation removals on the current reference model. |
siModificationDeltaConstraint |
Store <object idref="Constraint">s. |
siModificationDeltaUpVectorConstraint |
Store up vector constraints. |
siModificationDeltaOperator |
Store <object idref="Operator">s. |
siModificationDeltaExpression |
Store <object idref="Expression">s. |
siModificationDeltaStaticValue |
Store static values. |
siModificationDeltaFCurve |
Store <object idref="FCurve">s. |
siModificationDeltaGroupRelation |
Store group relations (Objects added to a group, a layer or a pass). |
siModificationDeltaCluster |
Clusters on Geometry. |
siModificationDeltaClusterProperty | |
siModificationDeltaProperty |
Added Properties. |
Specifies the relative location where new node ports will be added.
enum siPPGEventID |
enum siRenderProcessType |
The process types that a rendering engine can perform. These types are used both when a render engine is registered, to indicate to Softimage which process type it can perform, and when the render engine's <article idref="cb_Renderer_Process">Process</article> callback is called to indicate which type of processing Softimage wants it to perform at that point.
enum siRenderQueryType |
Query codes that a rendering engine needs to respond to if it
supports object archives and stand-ins, via registering itself with
a <object
process type, and multiple display bit depths.
These query codes are used in conjunction with the renderer
<article idref="callbacks#cb_Renderer_Query">query
callback</article> and have no meaning outside of it since
the query results are returned through specific context
enum siRenderQualityType |
Quality levels that a rendering engine's renderer properties can
be set to, or queried for.
These quality levels are used in conjunction with the renderer
<article idref="callbacks#cb_Renderer_Quality">quality
callback</article> and have no meaning outside of it since
the quality levels are used through a specific context
enum siRenderPropertyType |
enum siRenderShutterType |
Controls when the camera's shutter opens and closes when generating motion blur for render.
enum siRenderFrameSource |
Controls how the render frame list is computed for passes. This enum can also be used for scene render options, but siRenderFrameSourceGlobalOptions is an invalid value.
enum siDragAndDropAction |
Possible actions for the drag and drop notification.
siSourceDragAction |
Drag source validation. |
siSourceDropAction |
Source drop. |
Defines the threading models available for <link idref="ICENode" file="cpp"> evaluation.
enum siICEShapeType |
Defines the particle shape types for rendering.
siICEShapeUnknown |
Unknown type. |
siICEShapePoint |
Point type. |
siICEShapeSegment |
Segment type. |
siICEShapeDisc |
Disc type. |
siICEShapeRectangle |
Unknown type. |
siICEShapeSphere |
Sphere type. |
siICEShapeBox |
Box type. |
siICEShapeCylinder |
Cylinder type. |
siICEShapeCapsule |
Capsule type. |
siICEShapeCone |
Cone type. |
siICEShapeBlob |
Blob type. |
siICEShapeInstance |
Instance type. |
siICEShapeReference |
Reference type. |
enum siRenderVerbosity |
This enum specifies the render verbosity settings used when rendering or exporting passes.
enum siGraphicDriver |
enum siResourceSharing |
Describes the standard vertex attribute hardware slot for a Realtime Shader.
This indicates the action to perform when there is a conflict with a material
enum siHWShaderVersionID |
enum siXGSContextFlag |
Context flags for the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
enum siXGSRenderFlag |
XGS render flags for the <article idref="cus_graphicsequencer" file="../custom/">Graphic Sequencer</article>.
enum siCustomDisplayFlags |
Determines the behavior and look of a <article idref="cus_displayhost" file="../custom/">Custom Display</article>.
enum siComponentDataType |
Specifies the type of component data (vector3, boolean, color, etc.) on an <object idref="ICEAttribute">.
Specifies the context of component data (points, edges, etc.) on an <object idref="ICEAttribute">.
enum siRenderChannelType |
Types of data allowed for render channels. All channel types, apart from the custom type, are interpreted by Softimage for display viewing.
enum siICENodeDataType |
Defines the types of data that can be associated to a ICE node port connection.
enum siICENodeContextType |
Defines the element set associated with the data for ICE node connections. In other words, which elements will be evaluated.
enum siAutoCompleteMode |
Determines the availability of the File menu functions for a
text editor widget control (<object
idref="siPPGControlType#siControlTextEditor">). By default, if
you display the toolbar (explicitly set the <object
idref="siPPGItemAttribute#siUIToolbar"> attribute to true),
every function (entry) in the menu will be enabled. However, you
can disable the loading and saving functions by setting the
<object idref="siPPGItemAttribute#siUICapability"> attribute
to one of these values.
Note: Using these values does not affect the Edit menu at all nor
does it change the availability of the rest of the File menu
functions (Recent Files,
Preferences, and Print).
enum siViewportFeature |
enum siTimeTransportState |
Softimage TimeTransport states.
siTTStateStop |
Stop |
siTTStatePlay |
Play |
siTTStateSeek |
Seek |
siTTStateTimeChange |
Time change |
siTTStateContextChange |
Context change |
siTTStateScrubChange |
Scrub change |
siTTStateSeekChange |
Seek change |
siTTStateDeviceChange |
Device change |
siTTStateFrameDropChange |
Frame drop change |
enum siToolCapabilities |
Various flags that affect tool behaviour.
enum siToolCursor |
ToolContext cursors.
siArrowCursor |
Standard arrow cursor. |
siCrossCursor |
Crosshair cursor. |
siHandCursor |
Pointing hand cursor. |
siPenCursor |
Pen cursor. |
siDropperCursor |
Eye dropper cursor. |
siSelectCursor |
Selection cursor. |
siTranslateCursor |
Translate cursor. |
siRotateCursor |
Rotate cursor. |
siScaleCursor |
Scale cursor. |
siZoomCursor |
Magnifying glass cursor. |
siDragXYCursor |
4-way arrow cursor. |
siDragXCursor |
Horizontal arrow cursor. |
siDragYCursor |
Vertical arrow cursor. |
siDotCursor |
Small dot cursor. |
enum siAlignment |
ToolContext text/menu alignment.
enum siSnapType |
ToolContext snapping type flags.
enum siPickMode |
ToolContext picking mode flags.
enum siPickType |
ToolContext picking type flags.
enum siPasteUVsMode |
enum siSetValueMode |
This indicates the mathematical mode when setting a new value to a current value.
CRef XSI::ConvertObject | ( | void * | in_pAuto | ) |
Converts an XSI Automation (XSI Object Model) object to a CRef object.
in_pAuto | IDispatch pointer to an XSI Automation object model interface (see CValue::DataType) |
void* XSI::ConvertObject | ( | const CRef & | in_obj | ) |
Converts a CRef object to an XSI Automation (XSI Object Model) object. The returned pointer can be used to communicate with the object model.
The returned object pointer has been reference counted, and the caller is responsible for calling IDispatch::Release().
in_obj | A constant CRef object to convert. |
bool XSI::operator== | ( | CStatus::Code | lhs, |
const CStatus & | rhs | ||
) |
The equality operator that takes a Code on the left side and a CStatus object on the right side.
lhs | status code |
rhs | status object |
bool XSI::operator!= | ( | CStatus::Code | lhs, |
const CStatus & | rhs | ||
) |
The inequality operator that takes a Code on the left side and a CStatus object on the right side.
lhs | status code |
rhs | status object |
CString XSI::operator+ | ( | const wchar_t * | in_pwstr, |
const CString & | in_refStr | ||
) |
Addition operator
CString XSI::operator+ | ( | const wchar_t | in_wchar, |
const CString & | in_refStr | ||
) |
Addition operator
CString XSI::operator+ | ( | const char * | in_pstr, |
const CString & | in_refStr | ||
) |
Addition operator
CString XSI::operator+ | ( | const char | in_char, |
const CString & | in_refStr | ||
) |
Addition operator
bool XSI::operator== | ( | const double | lhs, |
const CTime & | rhs | ||
) |
Equality operator (takes a CTime::Format on the left side and a CTime object on the right side).
lhs | time format |
rhs | time object |
bool XSI::operator!= | ( | const double | lhs, |
const CTime & | rhs | ||
) |
Inequality operator (takes a CTime::Format on the left side and a CTime object on the right side).
lhs | time format |
rhs | time object |
const wchar_t* siBoundaryFilter |
Filters by boundaries (on active NURBS objects)
const wchar_t* siCameraFilter |
Filters by cameras
const wchar_t* siChainElementFilter |
Filters by chain elements
const wchar_t* siClusterFilter |
Filters by clusters
const wchar_t* siConstraintFilter |
Filters by constraints
const wchar_t* siControlFilter |
Filters by control objects
const wchar_t* siCurveFilter |
Filters by curves
const wchar_t* siEdgeFilter |
Filters by edges (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siEffectorFilter |
Filters by chain effectors
const wchar_t* siGenericObjectFilter |
Filters by any object
const wchar_t* siGeometryFilter |
Filters by any type of geometric 3D object
const wchar_t* siGroupFilter |
Filters by groups
const wchar_t* siImplicitFilter |
Filters by implicit primitives
const wchar_t* siIsopointFilter |
Filters by isopoints (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siKnotFilter |
Filters by knots (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siLatticeFilter |
Filters by implicit lattices
const wchar_t* siLayerFilter |
Filters by layers
const wchar_t* siLightFilter |
Filters by lights
const wchar_t* siLightPartitionFilter |
Filters by light partitions
const wchar_t* siModelFilter |
Filters by models
const wchar_t* siNullFilter |
Filters by nulls
const wchar_t* siObjectFilter |
Filters by 3D objects only
const wchar_t* siObjectPartitionFilter |
Filters by object partitions
const wchar_t* siOperatorFilter |
Filters by operators
const wchar_t* siPointCloudFilter |
Filters by point clouds
const wchar_t* siPointFilter |
Filters by points
const wchar_t* siPolygonFilter |
Filters by polygons
const wchar_t* siPolyMeshFilter |
Filters by polygon meshes
const wchar_t* siPrimitiveFilter |
Filters by primitives
const wchar_t* siPropertyFilter |
Filters by properties
const wchar_t* siSceneFilter |
Filters by scenes
const wchar_t* siShaderFilter |
Filters by shaders.
const wchar_t* siSkeletonJointFilter |
Filters by skeleton joint properties
const wchar_t* siSubComponentFilter |
Filters by subcomponents
const wchar_t* siSubSurfaceFilter |
Filters by subsurfaces (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siSurfaceCurveFilter |
Filters by surface curves (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siSurfaceMeshFilter |
Filters by surface meshes
const wchar_t* siTextureControlFilter |
Filters by texture controls
const wchar_t* siTrimCurveFilter |
Filters by trim curves (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siUIsolineFilter |
Filters by U isolines (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siVIsolineFilter |
Filters by V isolines (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siUKnotCurveFilter |
Filters by U knot curves (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siVKnotCurveFilter |
Filters by V knot curves (on active 3D objects)
const wchar_t* siWaveFilter |
Filters by wave controls
const wchar_t* siAutoInspect |
TRUE to force the property dialogs to automatically pop up on object creation. Corresponds to User Preferences > Interaction > General > Automatically Popup Property Editors on Node Creation in the User Interface. Note: This preference cannot be changed permanently via scripting. See <article idref="script_editor_RunningScripts#AutoInspect" file="files">Property Editor Automatic Inspection</article> for more information.
const wchar_t* siCompensationFlag |
Toggle the Comp button in the Constrain panel. Possible values are: 0 = off 1 = on Corresponds to Constrain < Compensation in the main-menu.
const wchar_t* siCustomCommandLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the custom command library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile an add-on library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siCustomOperatorLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the custom operator library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile an add-on library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siDisplayCallbackLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the custom display callback library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siDisplayLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the custom view library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siDisplayPassLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the custom display pass library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siEventLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the event library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile an add-on library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siFilterLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the custom filter library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siMenuLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the custom menu library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siPropertyLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the custom property library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile a plug-in library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siRTShaderLibCache |
This preference enables or disables the Realtime shader library cache. Disabling the cache allows developers to recompile an add-on library without having to unload it explicitly. Disabling a cache can drastically affect the performance of Softimage, therefore it is recommended to disable it only in the context of add-ons development. For performance reasons, the state of the cache is not persisted with the scene. By default the cache is enabled at startup, therefore users have to disable it at each session.
const wchar_t* siScrCommandLogEnabled |
Set to True to enable command execution logging in the scripting history window.
const wchar_t* siScrCommandLogFileName |
Use this user preference to specify the name of the file to use for logging commands and messages. Use siSrcCommandLogToFile to enable logging to file.
const wchar_t* siScrCommandLogMaxSize |
Use this user preference to get and set the maximum size for the scripting command/message log.
const wchar_t* siScrCommandLogToFile |
Set to True to log the scripting command/message to a file. Use siSrcCommandLogFileName to specify the log file name.
const wchar_t* siScrCommandLogUnlimitedSize |
Set to True to allow the scripting command/message log to be of an unlimited size.
const wchar_t* siScrLanguage |
Use this user preference to get and set the preferred scripting language. Possible values are: "VBScript" "JScript" "PerlScript" "Python"
const wchar_t* siScrMessageLogEnabled |
Set to True to enable message logging in the scripting history window.
const wchar_t* siScrRealTimeMessagingEnabled |
Set to True to enable real-time message logging in the scripting history window. Messages are delivered immediately as they arrive instead of reported at the end of the command execution.
const wchar_t* siTimeDisplayFormatDisplayAsFrames |
Set to True to display time as frame.
const wchar_t* siTimeDisplayFormatDisplayUserFormat |
Set to True to use the default frame format or false for a user selected format for display purposes.
const wchar_t* siTimeDisplayFormatUserFormat |
Use this user preference to specify the user display frame format. The value will be corresponding to <object idref="siDisplayTimeFormat">.
const wchar_t* siTimeFormatDefaultFrameFormat |
Use this user preference to specify the default frame format. The value will be corresponding to <object idref="siDefaultTimeFormat">.
const wchar_t* siTimeFormatDefaultFrameRate |
Use this user preference to access the default frame rate.
const wchar_t* siTransformAxisMode |
Set the Transformation Axis Mode. The values to provide are actually bitmasks with bit zero for X, bit one for Y, and bit two for Z.
const wchar_t* siTransformRefMode |
Set the Transformation Reference Mode. See <object idref="siRefMode"> for a list of possible values.
const wchar_t* siUILayoutDefault |
Use this user preference to specify the default current layout that will be used when starting Softimage.
const wchar_t* siAnimationKeyword |
Animation property sets
const wchar_t* siClusterKeyword |
Cluster property sets
const wchar_t* siConstraintKeyword |
Constraint property sets
const wchar_t* siControlObjectKeyword |
ControlObject property sets
const wchar_t* siConverterKeyword |
Converter property sets
const wchar_t* siCurrentKeyword |
Reuse keywords in property page dialog
const wchar_t* siCurveKeyword |
Curve property sets
const wchar_t* siCustomPSetKeyword |
CustomPSet property sets
const wchar_t* siDeformKeyword |
Deform property sets
const wchar_t* siDynamicsKeyword |
Dynamics property sets
const wchar_t* siExpressionsKeyword |
Expressions property sets
const wchar_t* siGeneralKeyword |
General property sets
const wchar_t* siGeneratorKeyword |
Generator property sets
const wchar_t* siGeometryKeyword |
Geometry property sets
const wchar_t* siHairKeyword |
Hair property sets
const wchar_t* siIKKeyword |
IK property sets
const wchar_t* siKinematicsKeyword |
Kinematics property sets
const wchar_t* siMeshKeyword |
Mesh property sets
const wchar_t* siMixerKeyword |
Mixer property sets
const wchar_t* siModelingKeyword |
Modeling property sets
const wchar_t* siOperatorsKeyword |
Operators property sets
const wchar_t* siParticleKeyword |
Particle property sets
const wchar_t* siPrimitiveKeyword |
Primitive property sets
const wchar_t* siProjectionKeyword |
Projection property sets
const wchar_t* siRenderingKeyword |
Rendering property sets
const wchar_t* siSimulationKeyword |
Simulation property sets
const wchar_t* siSurfaceKeyword |
Surface property sets
const wchar_t* siTopologyEditorKeyword |
Topology Editor property sets
const wchar_t* siTopologyKeyword |
Topology property sets
const wchar_t* siViewingKeyword |
Viewing property sets
const wchar_t* siBoundaryCluster |
boundary cluster
const wchar_t* siEdgeCluster |
edge cluster
const wchar_t* siFaceCluster |
face cluster
const wchar_t* siIsoLineUCluster |
iso line U cluster
const wchar_t* siIsoLineVCluster |
iso line V cluster
const wchar_t* siIsoPointCluster |
iso point cluster
const wchar_t* siKnotCluster |
knot cluster
const wchar_t* siKnotCurveUCluster |
knot curve U cluster
const wchar_t* siKnotCurveVCluster |
knot curve V cluster
const wchar_t* siPolygonCluster |
polygon cluster
const wchar_t* siPolygonNodeCluster |
polygon node cluster
const wchar_t* siSampledPointCluster |
sampled point cluster
const wchar_t* siSubCurveCluster |
subcurve cluster
const wchar_t* siSubSurfaceCluster |
subsurface cluster
const wchar_t* siSurfaceCurveCluster |
surface curve cluster
const wchar_t* siTrimCurveCluster |
trim curve cluster
const wchar_t* siVertexCluster |
vertex cluster
const wchar_t* si0DComponentFamily |
0D Component family
const wchar_t* si1DComponentFamily |
1D Component family
const wchar_t* si2DComponentFamily |
2D Component family
const wchar_t* si3DObjectFamily |
3D Object family
const wchar_t* siAssignmentOperatorFamily |
Assignment operator family
const wchar_t* siCameraFamily |
Camera family
const wchar_t* siChainElementFamily |
Chain Element family
const wchar_t* siClusterableComponentFamily |
Clusterable Component family
const wchar_t* siClusterFamily |
Cluster family
const wchar_t* siConstraintFamily |
Constraint property family
const wchar_t* siContourContrastShaderFamily |
Contour Contrast shader family
const wchar_t* siContourShaderFamily |
Contour shader family
const wchar_t* siContourStoreShaderFamily |
Contour Store shader family
const wchar_t* siControlObjectFamily |
Control Object family
const wchar_t* siControlObjectNurbsTextureFamily |
Control Object Nurbs Texture family
const wchar_t* siControlObjectTextureFamily |
Control Object Texture family
const wchar_t* siControlObjectTextureProjectionFamily |
Control Object Texture Projection family
const wchar_t* siConverterOperatorFamily |
Converter operator family
const wchar_t* siCurveFamily |
Curve Geometry family
const wchar_t* siDeformOperatorFamily |
Deform operator family
const wchar_t* siDisplacementShaderFamily |
Displacement shader family
const wchar_t* siEnvironmentShaderFamily |
Environment shader family
const wchar_t* siFxOperatorFamily |
Fx Operator family
const wchar_t* siGeneratorOperatorFamily |
Generator operator family
const wchar_t* siGeometryFamily |
Geometry family
const wchar_t* siGeometryShaderFamily |
Geometry shader family
const wchar_t* siGroupFamily |
Group family
const wchar_t* siImageOperatorFamily |
const wchar_t* siImplicitGeometryFamily |
Implicit Geometry family
const wchar_t* siKineInfoFamily |
KineInfo property family
const wchar_t* siLatticeFamily |
Lattice family
const wchar_t* siLensShaderFamily |
Lens shader family
const wchar_t* siLightPhotonShaderFamily |
Light Photon shader family
const wchar_t* siLightPrimitiveFamily |
const wchar_t* siLightShaderFamily |
Light shader family
const wchar_t* siMarkerOperatorFamily |
Marker operator family (mainly the construction regions)
const wchar_t* siMaterialFamily |
Material property family
const wchar_t* siMaterialShaderFamily |
Material shader family
const wchar_t* siMeshFamily |
Mesh Geometry family
const wchar_t* siNullPrimitiveFamily |
const wchar_t* siNurbsCurveListFamily |
Nurbs CurveList Geometry family
const wchar_t* siNurbsSurfaceMeshFamily |
Nurbs Surface Mesh Geometry family
const wchar_t* siOperatorFamily |
Operator family
const wchar_t* siOutputShaderFamily |
Output shader family
const wchar_t* siParticleControlObjectFamily |
Particle Control Object family
const wchar_t* siParticleFamily |
Particle family
const wchar_t* siPassFamily |
Pass family
const wchar_t* siPatchNetworkFamily |
Patch Network family
const wchar_t* siPhotonShaderFamily |
Photon shader family
const wchar_t* siPlanarObjectFamily |
Planar Object family
const wchar_t* siPointCloudFamily |
const wchar_t* siPropertyFamily |
Property family
const wchar_t* siRealTimeShaderFamily |
RealTime shader family
const wchar_t* siShaderFamily |
Shader family
const wchar_t* siShadowShaderFamily |
Shadow shader family
const wchar_t* siSubComponentFamily |
SubComponent family
const wchar_t* siSurfaceCurveFamily |
Surface Curve Geometry family
const wchar_t* siSurfaceFamily |
Surface Geometry family
const wchar_t* siTextureShaderFamily |
Texture shader family
const wchar_t* siTopologyOperatorFamily |
Topology operator family
const wchar_t* siVirtualComponentFamily |
Virtual Component family
const wchar_t* siVirtualCurveFamily |
Virtual Curve family
const wchar_t* siVolumeShaderFamily |
Volume shader family
const wchar_t* si2PntCnsType |
Two Points Constraint type
const wchar_t* si3DObjectType |
3D Object type
const wchar_t* si3PntCnsType |
Three Points Constraint type
const wchar_t* siActionClipType |
Action Clip type (instanced action)
const wchar_t* siActionType |
Action type
const wchar_t* siAddEdgeOpType |
AddEdge Operator type (add an edge between an existing point and an existing edge)
const wchar_t* siAddMeshPntOpType |
Add Mesh Points Operator type
const wchar_t* siAddNurbsCrvPntOpType |
Add Nurbs Curve Points Operator type
const wchar_t* siAddNurbsSrfPntOpType |
Add Nurbs Surface Points Operator type
const wchar_t* siAddPntMiddleCrvType |
const wchar_t* siAddPntMiddleSrfOpType |
const wchar_t* siAmbientLightingType |
Ambient Lighting type
const wchar_t* siArcPrimType |
Implicit Arc Primitive type
const wchar_t* siAttractorCtrlType |
Attractor Control Object type (electric force)
const wchar_t* siAutoCageAssignOpType |
Automatic Cage Assignment Operator type
const wchar_t* siAutoEnvAssignOpType |
const wchar_t* siBallJointCnsType |
Ball Joint Constraint type
const wchar_t* siBasePathCnsType |
Base Path Constraint type
const wchar_t* siBendOpType |
Bend Operator type
const wchar_t* siBevelOpType |
Bevel Operator type (bevel geometry component)
const wchar_t* siBirail2GenOpType |
Birail2Generators Operator Type
const wchar_t* siBirailOpType |
Birail Operator type (generates a surface from 2 curves and a profile)
const wchar_t* siBlasterOpType |
Blaster Operator type
const wchar_t* siBlendCrvOpType |
Blend Curves Operator type (create a blended curve between two existing curves)
const wchar_t* siBlendSrfOpType |
Blend Surfaces Operator type (blend surfaces)
const wchar_t* siBooleanGenOpType |
Boolean Generator Operator type
const wchar_t* siBooleanSrfTopoOpType |
Boolean Surface Operator type
const wchar_t* siBPlaneCnsType |
Bounding Plane Constraint type
const wchar_t* siBridgeOpType |
Bridge Op Operator type (bridge polygon)
const wchar_t* siBrushPropertiesType |
Brush Properties type
const wchar_t* siBulgeOpType |
Bulge Op Operator type
const wchar_t* siBVolCnsType |
Bounding Volume Constraint type
const wchar_t* siCageDeformOpType |
Cage Deform Operator type
const wchar_t* siCamDispType |
Camera Display type
const wchar_t* siCameraLensFlareType |
Camera Lens Flare type
const wchar_t* siCameraPrimType |
const wchar_t* siCameraRootPrimType |
Camera Root primitive type
const wchar_t* siCameraTxtOpType |
CameraTxt Operator type (camera texture projection operator)
const wchar_t* siCamVisType |
Camera Visibility type
const wchar_t* siCapOpType |
CapOp type
const wchar_t* siCenterOpType |
Center Operator type (center manipulation)
const wchar_t* siChainBonePrimType |
Chain Bone Primitive type
const wchar_t* siChainEffPrimType |
Chain End Effector Primitive type
const wchar_t* siChainRootPrimType |
Chain Root Primitive type
const wchar_t* siCirclePrimType |
Implicit Circle Primitive type
const wchar_t* siCleanCrvOpType |
Clean Curve Operator type
const wchar_t* siCleanSrfOpType |
Clean Surface Operator type
const wchar_t* siClothOpType |
Cloth Operator type
const wchar_t* siClothPropType |
Cloth Property type
const wchar_t* siCloudPrimType |
Cloud Primitive type
const wchar_t* siClsColorType |
Cluster Color type
const wchar_t* siClsCtrOpType |
const wchar_t* siClsKeyType |
Cluster Key type
const wchar_t* siClsKeyWgtMapOpType |
const wchar_t* siClsPoseType |
Cluster Pose type
const wchar_t* siClsShapeCombinerOpType |
const wchar_t* siClsUVSpaceTxtType |
const wchar_t* siCoBBoxSclOpType |
CoBBoxSclOp type
const wchar_t* siCollapseOpType |
Collapse Operator type (collapse geometry component)
const wchar_t* siConePrimType |
Cone Primitive type
const wchar_t* siCoPoseFCrvOpType |
CoPoseFCurveOp type
const wchar_t* siCopyOpType |
Copy Operator type (geometry copy operator for instances)
const wchar_t* siCopyShapeOpType |
copyshape operator type
const wchar_t* siCopyUVWOpType |
CopyUVW Operator type
const wchar_t* siCreatePolyOpType |
Create Polygon Operator type
const wchar_t* siCrvCnsType |
Curve Constraint type
const wchar_t* siCrvCreationOpType |
Curve Creation Operator type
const wchar_t* siCrvCtrlOpType |
CrvControlOp type
const wchar_t* siCrvCutOpType |
CrvCutOp type
const wchar_t* siCrvDeformOpType |
Curve Deform Operator type
const wchar_t* siCrvListAggregatePrimType |
NURBS Curve List Aggregate Primitive type
const wchar_t* siCrvListPrimType |
NURBS Curve List Primitive type
const wchar_t* siCrvListToMeshOpType |
Curve To Mesh Converter Operator type (curve list to polygon mesh converter)
const wchar_t* siCrvNetOpType |
Curve Net Operator type
const wchar_t* siCrvOpenCloseOpType |
Open/Close Curve Operator type (open or close a curve)
const wchar_t* siCrvReparamOpType |
Reparameterize Curve Operator type
const wchar_t* siCrvShiftOpType |
Curve Shift Operator type
const wchar_t* siCubePrimType |
Cube Primitive type
const wchar_t* siCustomParamSet |
Custom Parameter Set type
const wchar_t* siCycleUVWType |
Cycleuvw Operator type
const wchar_t* siCylinderPrimType |
Cylinder Primitive type
const wchar_t* siDeformBySpineOp2Type |
Deform By Spine Operator type (alternate envelope by spine operator)
const wchar_t* siDeformBySpineOpType |
Deform by spine operator type (envelope by spine)
const wchar_t* siDeformOpType |
Base Deform Operator type
const wchar_t* siDeleteCompOpType |
Delete Component Operator type (delete geometry component)
const wchar_t* siDelPntCrvOpType |
const wchar_t* siDGlowType |
DGlow type
const wchar_t* siDirCnsType |
Direction Constraint type
const wchar_t* siDiscPrimType |
Disc Primitive type
const wchar_t* siDisplayType |
Display type
const wchar_t* siDissolveCompOpType |
Dissolve Component Operator type (dissolve geometry component)
const wchar_t* siDistanceOpType |
Distance Operator type
const wchar_t* siDistCnsType |
Distance Constraint type
const wchar_t* siDodecahedronPrimType |
Dodecahedron Primitive type
const wchar_t* siDragCtrlPrimType |
Drag Control Primitive type
const wchar_t* siEddyCtrlPrimType |
Eddy Control Primitive type
const wchar_t* siEditPolyOpType |
Edit Polygon Operator type
const wchar_t* siEmissionPropType |
Emission Property type
const wchar_t* siEnvelopOpType |
const wchar_t* siEnvSelClsOpType |
const wchar_t* siEnvWgtType |
Envelope Weights type
const wchar_t* siExplosionOpType |
Explosion Operator type
const wchar_t* siExtendCrv2PntOpType |
const wchar_t* siExtendToCrvOpType |
Extend To Curve Operator type (extend the surface to the selected curve)
const wchar_t* siExtractCrvOpType |
Extract Curve Operator type
const wchar_t* siExtractCrvSegOpType |
const wchar_t* siExtractPolyOpType |
Extract Polygons Operator type
const wchar_t* siExtractSubCrvOpType |
Extract Subcurve Operator type
const wchar_t* siExtrude2ProfsOpType |
Extrusion 2 Profiles Operator type (extrude 2 profiles)
const wchar_t* siExtrudeCompAxisOpType |
Extrude Component Axis Operator type (extrude geometry component)
const wchar_t* siExtrudeComponentOpType |
Extrude Component Operator type (extrude geometry component)
const wchar_t* siExtrusionOpType |
Extrusion Operator type (extrude a curve to create a surface)
const wchar_t* siFanType |
Fan Force Object type
const wchar_t* siFilletCrvOpType |
Fillet Curves Operator type (intersecting or not)
const wchar_t* siFilletSrfOpType |
Fillet Surfaces Operator type
const wchar_t* siFillHoleOpType |
Fill Hole Operator type
const wchar_t* siFilterEdgeOpType |
const wchar_t* siFilterPolyOpType |
const wchar_t* siFitCrvOpType |
Fit Curve Operator type (fit a new curve on to the selected curve)
const wchar_t* siFitSrfOpType |
Fit Surface Operator type (fit a new surface on to the selected surface)
const wchar_t* siFlipUVWOpType |
Flip UVW Operator type
const wchar_t* siFluidOpType |
Fluid Operator type
const wchar_t* siFoldOpType |
Fold Operator type
const wchar_t* siFourSidedOpType |
Four Sided Operator type
const wchar_t* siFurOpType |
Fur Operator type (fur generator operator)
const wchar_t* siFurPrimType |
Fur Primitive type
const wchar_t* siFurPropType |
Fur Property type
const wchar_t* siFurSimOpType |
Fur Simulation Operator type
const wchar_t* siGeneratorOpType |
Base Generator Operator type
const wchar_t* siGeomApproxType |
Geometry Approximation type (tesselation)
const wchar_t* siGeoShaderPrimType |
GeoShader Primitive Type
const wchar_t* siGeoTxtOpType |
GeoTxtOp type (copy geometry xyz to uvw texture operator)
const wchar_t* siGlobalType |
Global Transform type
const wchar_t* siGravityCtrlType |
Gravity Force Control Object type
const wchar_t* siGridPrimType |
Grid Primitive type
const wchar_t* siGroupType |
Group type
const wchar_t* siHealOpType |
Heal Operator type
const wchar_t* siHealUVWOpType |
Heal UVW Operator type
const wchar_t* siIcosahedronPrimType |
Icosahedron Primitive type
const wchar_t* siImageClipType |
const wchar_t* siImageCropOpType |
const wchar_t* siImageFXOpType |
const wchar_t* siImageObjectType |
Image Object type
const wchar_t* siImageSourceOpType |
const wchar_t* siImageSourceType |
const wchar_t* siInsertCrvKnotOpType |
Insert Curve Knot Operator type
const wchar_t* siInsSrfKnotOpType |
Insert Surface Knot Operator type (inserts a knot in a nurbs surface)
const wchar_t* siIntersectSrfOpType |
Intersect Surfaces Operator type (extract a curve from the intersection of two surfaces)
const wchar_t* siInvCrvOpType |
Inverse Curve Operator type (inverse curve direction)
const wchar_t* siInvertPolyOpType |
Invert Polygon Operator type
const wchar_t* siInvisiblePolygonsClusterName |
Name of the InvisiblePolygons cluster
const wchar_t* siInvSrfOpType |
Inverse Normals Operator type (inverse normals direction)
const wchar_t* siKineChainPropType |
Kinematic Chain Properties type
const wchar_t* siKineChainType |
Kinematic Chain type
const wchar_t* siKineCnsType |
Kinematic Constraint type
const wchar_t* siKineInfoType |
Kinematics Information type
const wchar_t* siKineJointType |
Kinematic Joint type
const wchar_t* siLatticeOpType |
Lattice Operator type
const wchar_t* siLatticePrimType |
Lattice Primitive type
const wchar_t* siLayersType |
Layers type
const wchar_t* siLightLensFlareType |
Light Lens Flare type
const wchar_t* siLightPrimType |
const wchar_t* siLineCnsType |
Line Constraint type
const wchar_t* siLocalType |
Local Transform type
const wchar_t* siLoftOpType |
Loft Generator Operator type
const wchar_t* siMapCompOpType |
Component Map Operator type
const wchar_t* siMarkHardEdgeVertexOpType |
Mark Hard Edge/Vertex Operator type
const wchar_t* siMaterialType |
Material type
const wchar_t* siMergeCrvOpType |
Merge Curves Operator type
const wchar_t* siMergeMeshOpType |
Merge Meshes Operator type
const wchar_t* siMergeSrfOpType |
Merge Surfaces Operator type
const wchar_t* siMeshLocalSubdivisionOpType |
Mesh Local Subdivision Operator type
const wchar_t* siMeshSubdivOpType |
Mesh Subdivision Operator type
const wchar_t* siMeshSubdivWithCenterOpType |
Mesh Subdivide With Center Operator type (mesh subdivision with center)
const wchar_t* siMixerAnimClipType |
const wchar_t* siMixerAnimTrackType |
const wchar_t* siMixerAudioClipType |
const wchar_t* siMixerAudioTrackType |
const wchar_t* siMixerPropType |
const wchar_t* siMixerShapeClipType |
const wchar_t* siMixerShapeTrackType |
const wchar_t* siMixerType |
Mixer type (property)
const wchar_t* siModelClipType |
const wchar_t* siModelNullPrimType |
const wchar_t* siModelType |
3D Model type
const wchar_t* siMotionBlurType |
Motion Blur type
const wchar_t* siMoveComponentOpType |
Move Component Operator type
const wchar_t* siNPntCnsType |
N Points Constraint type
const wchar_t* siNullPrimType |
const wchar_t* siNurbsToMeshOpType |
Nurbs To Mesh Operator type
const wchar_t* siObjClsCnsType |
Object To Cluster Constraint type
const wchar_t* siObstaclePropType |
Obstacle Property type
const wchar_t* siOctahedronPrimType |
Octahedron Primitive type
const wchar_t* siOffsetClsOpType |
const wchar_t* siOffsetCrvOpType |
Offset Curve Operator type
const wchar_t* siOffsetSrfOpType |
Offset Surface Operator type (offset a surface to create a new surface)
const wchar_t* siOpenCloseSrfOpType |
Open/Close Surface Operator type (open or close a surface)
const wchar_t* siOriCnsType |
Orientation Constraint type
const wchar_t* siOverrideType |
Override type
const wchar_t* siParDecayType |
Particle decay type
const wchar_t* siParObstExtSparksType |
ParObstExtSparks type
const wchar_t* siParticleEventType |
Particle Event type
const wchar_t* siParticlesOpType |
Particles Operator type
const wchar_t* siPathCnsType |
Path Constraint type
const wchar_t* siPinJointCnsType |
Pin Joint Constraint type
const wchar_t* siPlaneCnsType |
Plane Constraint type
const wchar_t* siPointCloudPrimType |
Point CloudPrimitive type
const wchar_t* siPolyMeshPNetOpType |
PolyMeshPNetOp type
const wchar_t* siPolyMeshType |
Polygon Mesh type
const wchar_t* siPosCnsType |
Position Constraint type
const wchar_t* siPoseCnsType |
Pose Constraint type
const wchar_t* siProjectCrvOpType |
const wchar_t* siProportionalOpType |
Proportional Modeling Operator type
const wchar_t* siPropVolumeOpType |
Proportional Volume Operator type
const wchar_t* siPushOpType |
Push Operator type
const wchar_t* siQStretchOpType |
QStretch Operator type (quick stretch)
const wchar_t* siRandomizeOpType |
Randomize Operator type
const wchar_t* siRefPlaneType |
Reference Plane type
const wchar_t* siRelaxUVWOpType |
Relax UVW Operator type
const wchar_t* siRemoveCrvKnotOpType |
Remove Curve Knot Operator type
const wchar_t* siRemSrfKnotOpType |
Remove Surface Knot Operator type (removes a knot from a nurbs surface)
const wchar_t* siRenderMapType |
Render Map type
const wchar_t* siRevolutionOpType |
Revolution Operator type
const wchar_t* siRotoscopeType |
Camera Rotoscopy type
const wchar_t* siSceneAmbienceType |
Scene Ambience type
const wchar_t* siSceneColorsType |
Scene Display Colors type
const wchar_t* siSclCnsType |
Scaling Constraint type
const wchar_t* siSCMFixerOpType |
SCM Fixer Operator type
const wchar_t* siSCMTopologyOpType |
SCM Topology Operator type
const wchar_t* siScriptedOpType |
Scripted Operator type (scripted operator host)
const wchar_t* siSetEdgeCreaseValueOpType |
const wchar_t* siShapeActionCompoundClipType |
Shape Action Compound Clip type (base compound clip)
const wchar_t* siShapeActionType |
Shape Action type
const wchar_t* siVisemeActionType |
Viseme Action type
const wchar_t* siShearOpType |
Shear Operator type
const wchar_t* siShrinkWrapOpType |
Shrink Wrap Operator type
const wchar_t* siSkelCtrlOpPropType |
Skeleton Controller Operator type
const wchar_t* siSmoothEnvelopeWgtOpType |
const wchar_t* siSnapBoundOpType |
Snap Boundary Operator type
const wchar_t* siSnapCrvOpType |
Snap To Curves Operator type
const wchar_t* siSnipSrfOpType |
Snip Surface Operator type
const wchar_t* siSoftBodyOpType |
SoftBody Operator type
const wchar_t* siSpherePrimType |
Sphere Primitive type
const wchar_t* siSpineDefOp2Type |
Deform by Spine Operator 2 type (alternate operator)
const wchar_t* siSpineDefOpType |
Deform by Spine Operator type
const wchar_t* siSpineWgtMapOp3Type |
Spine Weight Map Operator 3 type
const wchar_t* siSpineWgtMapOp4Type |
Deform by Spine Weight Map Operator 4 type
const wchar_t* siSpiralPrimType |
Implicit Spiral Primitive type
const wchar_t* siSplitEdgeOpType |
const wchar_t* siSplitPolyOpType |
Split Polygon Operator type (split some polygons)
const wchar_t* siSpotInterestPrimType |
Spot Interest Primitive type
const wchar_t* siSpotRootPrimType |
Spot Root Primitive type
const wchar_t* siSquarePrimType |
Implicit Square Primitive type
const wchar_t* siSrfCnsType |
Surface Constraint type
const wchar_t* siSrfCrvInverseOpType |
Surface Curve Inverse Operator type
const wchar_t* siSrfCrvShiftOpType |
Surface Curve Shift Operator type
const wchar_t* siSrfCtrlOpType |
SrfControlOp type
const wchar_t* siSrfDefOpType |
Surface Deform Operator type
const wchar_t* siSrfMeshPrimType |
NURBS Surface Mesh Primitive type
const wchar_t* siSrfPQOpType |
SurfacePQ Operator type
const wchar_t* siSrfReparamOpType |
Reparameterize Surface Operator type
const wchar_t* siSrfShiftOpType |
Surface Shift Operator type
const wchar_t* siSrfSubdivisionOpType |
Surface Subdivision Operator type
const wchar_t* siSrfUVCtrlOpType |
Surface UV Control Operator type (Nurbs UV control)
const wchar_t* siStandInPrimType |
Stand-in Primitive type
const wchar_t* siStartOffsetOpType |
Start Offset Operator type
const wchar_t* siStitchCrvToCrvOpType |
Stitch Curve To Curve Operator type (stitch curves together)
const wchar_t* siStitchCrvToSrfOpType |
Stitch Curve To Surface Operator type
const wchar_t* siStitchSrfOpType |
Stitch Surfaces Operator type (stitch surfaces and curves together)
const wchar_t* siStrokeOpType |
Gap Stroke Operator type
const wchar_t* siSubCompType |
Subcomponents type
const wchar_t* siSubdivEdgeOpType |
const wchar_t* siSubdivPolyOpType |
Subdivide Polygon Operator type
const wchar_t* siSwapSrfUVOpType |
Swap Surface UVs Operator type
const wchar_t* siSymmetrizePolygon |
Symmetrize Polygon Operator type
const wchar_t* siSymmetryCnsType |
Symmetry Constraint type
const wchar_t* siSymmetryMapOpType |
Symmetry Map Genrator Operator type
const wchar_t* siSymmetryMapType |
Symmetry Map type
const wchar_t* siSynopticViewType |
Synoptic View type
const wchar_t* siTaperOpType |
Taper Operator type
const wchar_t* siTetrahedronPrimType |
Tetrahedron Primitive type
const wchar_t* siTextToCrvListOpType |
Text To CurveList Operator type
const wchar_t* siTorusPrimType |
Torus Primitive type
const wchar_t* siTrajCnsType |
Trajectory Constraint type
const wchar_t* siTransformSetupType |
Transform Setup type
const wchar_t* siTurbulenceCtrlPrimType |
Turbulence Control Primitive type
const wchar_t* siTwistOpType |
Twist Operator type
const wchar_t* siTxtMapType |
Texture Map type
const wchar_t* siTxtOpType |
const wchar_t* siTxtSupportType |
Texture Support type
const wchar_t* siUpVctCnsType |
Up Vector Constraint type
const wchar_t* siUserMotionType |
User Motion Property type
const wchar_t* siUserNormalType |
User Normal Property type
const wchar_t* siUVProjDefType |
UV Projection Definition type (definition of how to perform a texture projection)
const wchar_t* siVertexcolorType |
Vertex Color type
const wchar_t* siVisibilityType |
Visibility type
const wchar_t* siVolumeDeformType |
Volume Deform type (implicit sphere volume)
const wchar_t* siVolumicLightSceneType |
const wchar_t* siVolumicLightType |
Volumic Light Effect type
const wchar_t* siVortexCtrlType |
Vortex Control Object type (magnetic force)
const wchar_t* siVtxColPainterOpType |
const wchar_t* siVtxColPropOpType |
const wchar_t* siWaveCtrlType |
Wave Control Object type
const wchar_t* siWaveOpType |
Wave Operator type
const wchar_t* siWeldEdgesOpType |
Weld Edges Operator type (weld pair of edges together)
const wchar_t* siWeldPntOpType |
Weld Points Operator type (weld two points together)
const wchar_t* siWgtMapCnxOpType |
Weight Map Connection Operator type
const wchar_t* siWgtMapOpType |
Weight Map Generator Operator type
const wchar_t* siWgtMapsMixOpType |
const wchar_t* siWgtMapType |
Weight Map type
const wchar_t* siWgtPainterOpType |
Weight Painter Operator type
const wchar_t* siWindType |
Wind Force Object type
const wchar_t* siWtStrokeOpType |
Weight Stroke Operator type
const wchar_t* siUIHelpID |
Reference to a topic in the Help file.Normally this is only used for internal objects.
const wchar_t* siUILanguage |
See <object idref="PPGLayout.Language">
const wchar_t* siUILogic |
See <object idref="PPGLayout.Logic">
const wchar_t* siFilter3DObjectType |
Represents the filter objects that can be used with 3D objects.
const wchar_t* siFilterPropertyType |
Represents the filter objects that can be used with property objects.
const wchar_t* siClipAnimationLayerType |
Represents clip objects which are instances of animation layers.
const wchar_t* siClipAudioType |
Represents clip objects which are instances of audio files.
const wchar_t* siClipCacheType |
Represents clip objects which are instances of cache files.
const wchar_t* siClipImageType |
Represents an <object idref="ImageClip"> object.
const wchar_t* siClipMixerType |
Represents clip objects which are the top-level container for all other clip objects.
const wchar_t* siTrackAnimationLayerType |
Represents the track objects which organize animation layer <object idref="Clip"> objects.
const wchar_t* siTrackAudioType |
Represents the track objects which organize audio <object idref="Clip"> objects.
const wchar_t* siTrackCacheType |
Represents the track objects which organize cache <object idref="Clip"> objects.
const wchar_t* siTrackShapeType |
Represents the track objects which organize shape <object idref="Clip"> objects.
const wchar_t* siAnimCompoundAnimItem |
Represents a compound animation source stored in an ActionSource.
const wchar_t* siConstraintAnimItem |
Represents an <object idref="Constraint"> stored in an ActionSource.
const wchar_t* siExpressionAnimItem |
Represents an <object idref="Expression"> stored in an ActionSource.
const wchar_t* siFCurveAnimItem |
Represents an <object idref="FCurve"> stored in an ActionSource.
const wchar_t* siShapeCompoundAnimItem |
Represents a shape compound source stored in an ActionSource.
const wchar_t* siShapeKeyAnimItem |
Represents an <object idref="ShapeKey"> stored in an ActionSource.
const wchar_t* siStaticValueAnimItem |
Represents an <object idref="StaticSource"> stored in an ActionSource.
const wchar_t* siCompoundMappedItem |
Represents a compound item in a compound clip.
const wchar_t* siShapeCompoundMappedItem |
Represents a shape compound item in a compound clip.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterActionNodes |
Show only Action nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterAllNodeTypes |
Show All Node types.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterAnimatableNodes |
Show only Animatable parameter nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterAnimatedNodes |
Show only Animated parameter nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterClusterNodes |
Show only Cluster nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterGroupNodes |
Show only Group nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterKeywordAll |
Show nodes with any keyword set.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterKeywordAnimation |
Show nodes with Animation keyword set.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterKeywordCustom |
Show nodes with Custom keyword set.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterKeywordGeneral |
Show nodes with General keyword set.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterKeywordKinematics |
Show nodes with Kinematics keyword set.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterKeywordModeling |
Show nodes with Modeling keyword set.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterKeywordRendering |
Show nodes with Rendering keyword set.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterKeywordViewing |
Show nodes with Viewing keyword set.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterMaterialNodes |
Show only Material nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterMiscellaneousNodes |
Show only Miscellaneous nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterModelNodes |
Show only Model nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterObjectNodes |
Show only Object nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterOperatorNodes |
Show only Operator nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterParameterNodes |
Show only regular Parameter (non-animatable) nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterPrimitiveNodes |
Show only Primitive nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterPropertyNodes |
Show only Property nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterSceneNodes |
Show only Scene nodes.
const wchar_t* siSEFilterShaderNodes |
Show only Shader nodes.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeRGBA |
Represents a four channel RGB color image, where the fourth channel is the alpha matte.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeRGB |
Represents a three channel, RGBA color image.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeRGBE |
Represents a four channel, RGB color image, where the fourth channel is an exponent. Used for HDR images.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeAlpha |
Represents a single channel, alpha matte image.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeIntensity |
Represents a single channel, grayscale intensity image.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeDepth |
Represents a single channel, depth value image.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeNormal |
Represents a three channel, vector image composed of normalized vectors.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeMotion |
Represents a three channel, motion vector image.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeVector |
Represents a three channel image composed of arbitrary vectors.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypePoint |
Represents a three channel image composed of arbitrary points in space.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeLabel |
Represents a single channel, object label image.
const wchar_t* siImageDataTypeBitMask |
Represents a single channel, single bit-mask image.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetAll |
Display all nodes for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetCustom |
Display any type of custom parameter set for the selected elements. This includes proxy parameter sets, marking sets, and annotation properties.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetGeneral |
Display only the general properties for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetModeling |
Display only the modeling properties for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetAnimation |
Display only the animation properties for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetKinematics |
Display only the kinematics properties for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetRendering |
Display only the rendering properties for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetViewing |
Display only the viewing properties for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetLocalTransform |
Display only the local transform parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetPosition |
Display only the position parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetPositionX |
Display only the position in X parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetPositionY |
Display only the position in Y parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetPositionZ |
Display only the position in Z parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetRotation |
Display only the rotation parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetRotationX |
Display only the rotation in X parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetRotationY |
Display only the rotation in Y parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetRotationZ |
Display only the rotation in Z parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetScaling |
Display only the scaling parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetScalingX |
Display only the scaling in X parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetScalingY |
Display only the scaling in Y parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetScalingZ |
Display only the scaling in Z parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterPresetColor |
Display only the color parameters for the selected elements.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTaggedAll |
Filter all tagged parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged1 |
Filter the tagged 1 parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged2 |
Filter the tagged 2 parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged3 |
Filter the tagged 3 parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged4 |
Filter the tagged 4 parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged5 |
Filter the tagged 5 parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged6 |
Filter the tagged 6 parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged7 |
Filter the tagged 7 parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged8 |
Filter the tagged 8 parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged9 |
Filter the tagged 9 parameters.
const wchar_t* siATFilterTagged10 |
Filter the tagged 10 parameters.
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyAttribute |
Type of filter for a shader's family.
const wchar_t* siWritableImageAttribute |
Type of filter for a writable image.
const wchar_t* siWritableImageTypeAttribute |
Type of filter for a writable image type.
const wchar_t* siRenderTreeNodeColorRAttribute |
Type of filter to match the Red color for a RenderTree node.
const wchar_t* siRenderTreeNodeColorGAttribute |
Type of filter to match the Green color for a RenderTree node.
const wchar_t* siRenderTreeNodeColorBAttribute |
Type of filter to match the Blue color for a RenderTree node.
const wchar_t* siUseRenderTreeLayoutPortDisplayNamesAttribute |
Controls which display name to use in the Render Tree layout when no layout is given. By default, the ports will use the script name. Set this attribute to true to use the display name from the PPG.
const wchar_t* siRecompileMetaSLOnValueChange |
When this attribute is set to true and the parameter value changes, the MetaSL viewport shader will be recompiled. This is needed when the number of light casting shadows changes or when switching light types.
const wchar_t* siCAVTangentsAttribute |
When this attribute is set to true, tangent data will be generated for this property for the MetaSL viewport shader.
const wchar_t* siCAVBinormalsAttribute |
When this attribute is set to true, binormal data will be generated for this property for the MetaSL viewport shader.
const wchar_t* siHWShaderVersionAttribute |
Attribute used for defining the version of a hardware shader.
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyCntContrast |
mental ray Contour Contrast Shader
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyCntMat |
mental ray Contour Material
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyCntStore |
mental ray Contour Store Shader
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyData |
mental ray Data Blob
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyEnvironment |
mental ray Environment Shader (environment phenomenon in a material or camera)
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyGeometry |
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyLens |
mental ray Lens Shader (lens phenomenon in a camera)
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyLight |
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyLightmap |
mental ray Lightmap Shader
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyOutput |
mental ray Output Shader (output phenomenon in a camera)
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyPhenomMat |
mental ray Material Phenomenon
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyPhotonLight |
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyPhotonMat |
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyPhotonVolume |
mental ray Photon Volume Shader (photon phenomenon in a material or camera)
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyShadowMat |
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyState |
mental ray State Shader
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilySurfaceMat |
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyTexture |
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyVolume |
mental ray Volume Shader (volume phenomenon in a material or camera)
const wchar_t* siShaderFamilyRTShader |
Realtime Shader
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexColor |
Default vertex color name.
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexTangent |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexBinormal |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexTexCoord |
Texture projection
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexWeightMap |
Weight map
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexPointVelocity |
Point velocity
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexOrientation |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexAge |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexRadius |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexID |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexFog |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexWeight |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexIndice |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexTessfactor |
Tesselation factor
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexDepth |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexSample |
const wchar_t* siHardwareVertexAuto |
Let Softimage handle the creation of the attribute (useful for tangents and binormals).
const wchar_t* siICERenderPropSuffixUWrap |
Constant Boolean ICE attribute to control texture U wrapping. Valid only when used on a texture space parameter.
const wchar_t* siICERenderPropSuffixVWrap |
Constant Boolean ICE attribute to control texture V wrapping. Valid only when used on a texture space parameter.
const wchar_t* siICERenderPropSuffixWWrap |
Constant Boolean ICE attribute to control texture W wrapping. Valid only when used on a texture space parameter.
const wchar_t* siICERenderPropSuffixTransform |
Constant Matrix44 ICE attribute to control texture matrix. Valid only when used on a texture space parameter.
const wchar_t* siICERenderPropSuffixIsHomogeneous |
Constant Boolean ICE attribute to control if coordinates are homogeneous. Valid only for rendering when used on a texture space parameter.
const wchar_t* siICERenderPropSuffixSmoothWhenSubd |
Constant Boolean ICE attribute to control if attributes are smoothed based on the subdivision ssurface algorithm. Valid only for rendering on subdivision surface meshes.