Public Member Functions
Geometry Class Reference

Detailed Description

The Geometry class gives access to a X3DObject's geometry. Geometry is the base class for specific geometry classes such as PolygonMesh and NurbsSurfaceMesh.

See also:
Cluster, ClusterProperty, Facet, Segment, Point, NurbsSurfaceMesh, NurbsSurface, PolygonMesh, PolygonFace, Edge, Vertex
        using namespace XSI;
        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        X3DObject myGrid;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Grid", L"MeshSurface", L"", myGrid );

        Geometry geom( myGrid.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry(0) );

        CPointRefArray points( geom.GetPoints() );

        app.LogMessage( L"Number of points: " +
                        CValue(points.GetCount()).GetAsText() );

#include <xsi_geometry.h>

Inheritance diagram for Geometry:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  Geometry ()
  ~Geometry ()
  Geometry (const CRef &in_ref)
  Geometry (const Geometry &in_obj)
bool  IsA (siClassID in_ClassID) const
siClassID  GetClassID () const
Geometry operator= (const Geometry &in_obj)
Geometry operator= (const CRef &in_ref)
CFacetRefArray  GetFacets () const
CSegmentRefArray  GetSegments () const
CPointRefArray  GetPoints () const
CSampleRefArray  GetSamples () const
CRefArray  GetClusters () const
CTriangleRefArray  GetTriangles () const
CStatus  AddCluster (const CString &in_type, const CString &in_name, const CLongArray &in_indices, Cluster &io_cluster)
CStatus  AddEmptyCluster (const CString &in_type, const CString &in_name, Cluster &io_cluster)
PointLocatorData  GetSurfacePointLocatorsFromPoints (LONG in_nbPoints=-1, const LONG *in_pPoints=NULL) const
PointLocatorData  GetClosestLocations (LONG in_nbPositions, const double *in_pPositions) const
PointLocatorData  GetRaycastIntersections (LONG in_nbPositions, const double *in_pPositions, const double *in_pRays, siLineIntersectionType in_eLineType=siSemiLineIntersection) const
PointLocatorData  GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius (const MATH::CVector3 &in_position, double in_radius, LONG in_nbToSearch=-1) const
CStatus  SetupPointLocatorQueries (siClosestLocationMethod in_method, MATH::CTransformation *in_pTransfo, LONG in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch, const LONG *in_pFacetsToRestrictSearch, LONG in_nbLocatorsToBeQueried)
CStatus  SetupClosestLocationQueries (siClosestLocationMethod in_method=siClosestSurface, MATH::CTransformation *in_pTransfo=NULL, LONG in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch=-1, const LONG *in_pFacetsToRestrictSearch=NULL)
CStatus  EvaluatePositions (const PointLocatorData &in_ptLocators, LONG in_nbPointLocatorsIndices, const LONG *in_pPointLocatorsIndices, double *out_pPositions) const
CStatus  EvaluateNormals (const PointLocatorData &in_ptLocators, siNormalComputationMethod in_ComputationMethod, LONG in_nbPointLocatorsIndices, const LONG *in_pPointLocatorsIndices, double *out_pNormals) const
CStatus  EvaluateClusterProperty (const PointLocatorData &in_ptLocators, LONG in_nbPointLocatorsIndices, const LONG *in_pPointLocatorsIndices, const Cluster &in_parentCluster, const ClusterProperty &in_clusterProperty, float *out_pData) const
CStatus  PutCache (CValue &in_Cache)
CValue  GetCache ()
CStatus  GetBoundingBox (double &out_centerx, double &out_centery, double &out_centerz, double &out_extentx, double &out_extenty, double &out_extentz, const MATH::CTransformation &in_XfoObjectToBBoxSpace) const
CStatus  GetBoundingSphere (double &out_centerx, double &out_centery, double &out_centerz, double &out_radius, siVolumeCenterMethod in_centerMethod, const MATH::CTransformation &in_XfoObjectToBSphereSpace)
CStatus  GetBoundingCapsule (double &out_centerx, double &out_centery, double &out_centerz, double &out_length, double &out_radius, siVolumeCenterMethod in_centerMethod, siBoundingCapsuleMethod in_axisMethod, const MATH::CTransformation &in_XfoObjectToBCapsuleSpace)
CRefArray  GetICEAttributes () const
ICEAttribute  GetICEAttributeFromName (const CString &in_name) const
ICEAttribute  AddICEAttribute (const CString &in_name, XSI::siICENodeDataType in_DataType, XSI::siICENodeStructureType in_StructureType, XSI::siICENodeContextType in_ContextType)
CStatus  RemoveICEAttribute (const CString &in_name)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Geometry ( )

Default constructor.

~Geometry ( )

Default destructor.

Geometry ( const CRef in_ref )


in_ref constant reference object.
Geometry ( const Geometry in_obj )

Copy constructor.

in_obj constant class object.

Member Function Documentation

bool IsA ( siClassID  in_ClassID ) const [virtual]

Returns true if a given class type is compatible with this API class.

in_ClassID class type.
true if the class is compatible, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from SIObject.

Reimplemented in NurbsCurveList, NurbsSurfaceMesh, and PolygonMesh.

siClassID GetClassID ( ) const [virtual]

Returns the type of the API class.

The class type.

Reimplemented from SIObject.

Reimplemented in NurbsCurveList, NurbsSurfaceMesh, and PolygonMesh.

Geometry& operator= ( const Geometry in_obj )

Creates an object from another object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input object is not compatible.

in_obj constant class object.
The new Geometry object.

Reimplemented in NurbsCurveList, NurbsSurfaceMesh, and PolygonMesh.

Geometry& operator= ( const CRef in_ref )

Creates an object from a reference object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input reference object is not compatible.

in_ref constant class object.
The new Geometry object.

Reimplemented from SIObject.

Reimplemented in NurbsCurveList, NurbsSurfaceMesh, and PolygonMesh.

CFacetRefArray GetFacets ( ) const

Returns an array of Facet objects on this geometry.

Array of references to Facet objects
See also:
Facet, Geometry::GetPoints, Geometry::GetSegments, Geometry
CSegmentRefArray GetSegments ( ) const

Returns an array of Segment objects on this geometry.

Array of references to Segment objects
See also:
Segment, Geometry::GetPoints, Geometry::GetFacets, Geometry
CPointRefArray GetPoints ( ) const

Returns an array of Point objects on this geometry.

Array of references to Point objects.
See also:
CSampleRefArray GetSamples ( ) const

Returns an array of Sample objects on this geometry.

Array of references to Sample objects.
See also:
Sample, Facet::GetSamples
CRefArray GetClusters ( ) const

Returns an array of Cluster objects on this geometry.

Array of references to Cluster objects.
See also:
CTriangleRefArray GetTriangles ( ) const

Returns an array of Triangle objects on this geometry.

Array of references to Triangle objects.
See also:
Facet, Geometry::GetPoints, Geometry::GetSegments, Geometry::GetFacets,
CStatus AddCluster ( const CString in_type,
const CString in_name,
const CLongArray in_indices,
Cluster io_cluster 

Creates and adds a partial or complete cluster to this geometry.

in_type Type of cluster, such as siVertexCluster, siEdgeCluster, etc. See the ::ClusterTypes enum for a complete list.
in_name Name of the new cluster
in_indices Array of cluster indices. If an empty array is sent then a complete cluster is created. A complete cluster represents all the elements of the geometry and will remain complete even as new elements are added to the geometry. It is not possible to remove elements from such a cluster.
io_cluster Newly created Cluster
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
::ClusterTypes, Cluster
CStatus AddEmptyCluster ( const CString in_type,
const CString in_name,
Cluster io_cluster 

Creates and adds an empty cluster to this geometry.

in_type Type of cluster
in_name Name of the new cluster
io_cluster Newly created Cluster
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
ClusterTypes, Cluster
PointLocatorData GetSurfacePointLocatorsFromPoints ( LONG  in_nbPoints = -1,
const LONG *  in_pPoints = NULL 
) const

Creates a PointLocatorData containing surface locations corresponding to the specified Points of the geometry (or all Points if not specified).

In the case of a NurbsSurfaceMesh, there is no direct relationship between the points (control vertices) and the surface. In that case, the returned point locators correspond to the surface locations most influenced by each input control vertex.

The returned point locators can be evaluated on any Geometry instance having the same topology.
in_nbPoints Number of points indices passed in in_pPoints. To specify all points in geometry, use -1. In that case, the in_pPoints argument will be ignored.
in_pPoints Point indices (not used if in_pPoints is -1)
A new PointLocatorData object (CRef::IsValid == false if failed)
See also:
PolygonMesh::ConstructPointLocators, NurbsSurfaceMesh::ConstructPointLocators
This example uses point locators to place a null positioned and oriented to a surface location corresponding to each control vertex of the NURBS sphere.
        void CreateNullsAtPointLocations( X3DObject& inObj, const PointLocatorData& inPointLocators )
            Geometry geom( inObj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry() );

            std::vector<double> posData, normData;

            geom.EvaluatePositions(inPointLocators, -1, 0, &posData.front());
            geom.EvaluateNormals(inPointLocators, siInterpolatedVertexGeometricNormals, -1, 0, &normData.front());

            MATH::CVector3 trans;
            MATH::CRotation rot;

            LONG i;
            for (i = 0; i < (LONG)posData.size(); i+=3)
                Null nullObj;

                trans.Set(posData[i], posData[i+1], posData[i+2]);

                trans.Set(normData[i], normData[i+1], normData[i+2]);
                rot.SetFromXYZAxes( trans, trans, trans );

        void main()
            Application app;
            Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

            X3DObject meshSphereObj;
            root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"MeshSurface", L"", meshSphereObj );
            PolygonMesh meshSphereGeom( meshSphereObj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry() );

            PointLocatorData pointLocatorsFromSpherePoints = meshSphereGeom.GetSurfacePointLocatorsFromPoints();

            CreateNullsAtPointLocations(meshSphereObj, pointLocatorsFromSpherePoints);
PointLocatorData GetClosestLocations ( LONG  in_nbPositions,
const double *  in_pPositions 
) const

Creates a PointLocatorData object containing the closest surface locations from the specified input positions. By default, input positions have to be defined in the object's local space reference.

Some aspects of the closest locations computation such as the reference pose or the method (closest surface, closest vertex or knot, ...) can be set up using Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries. This setup will affect all subsequent calls to Geometry::GetClosestLocations, Geometry::GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius or Geometry::GetRaycastIntersections.

When you call this function an acceleration cache is automatically created. See Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries for more information.

The "closest distance" relationship may change relative to the spatial reference of the geometry and the input positions. See Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries for more information.
The returned point locators can be evaluated on any Geometry instance having the same topology.
in_nbPositions Number of positions (XYZ triplets) specified in in_pPositions
in_pPositions Positions (packed XYZ) from which the spatial search will be initiated.
A new PointLocatorData object containing in_nbPositions point locators (CRef::IsValid == false if failed)
See also:
Geometry::GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius, Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries
Demonstrates using the PointLocatorData to find the closest mesh sphere vertex from a Null
        using namespace XSI;
        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();
        Null nullObj;
        root.AddNull( L"myNull", nullObj );

        CValueArray args(8);
        CValue outArg;
        args[0] = CValue(nullObj.GetRef());
        args[1] = CValue(L"-2.0");
        args[2] = CValue(L"8.0");
        args[3] = CValue(L"5.0");
        args[4] = CValue(L"siRelative");
        args[5] = CValue(L"siView");
        args[6] = CValue(L"siObj");
        args[7] = CValue(L"siXYZ");
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"Translate", args, outArg );

        X3DObject meshSphereObj;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"MeshSurface", L"", meshSphereObj );
        PolygonMesh meshSphereGeom( meshSphereObj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry() );

        PointLocatorData closestPointLocator = meshSphereGeom.GetClosestLocations(1, (double*)&(nullObj.GetKinematics().GetGlobal().GetTransform().GetTranslation()));

        double pos[3];
        LONG triVtx[3];
        float triWei[3];

        meshSphereGeom.EvaluatePositions(closestPointLocator, -1, 0, pos);
        meshSphereGeom.GetTriangleVertexIndexArray(closestPointLocator, -1, 0, triVtx);
        meshSphereGeom.GetTriangleWeightArray(closestPointLocator, -1, 0, triWei);

        app.LogMessage(CString(L"The closest position on the mesh sphere from the Null is (")
                + CString(CValue(pos[0])) + L", " + CString(CValue(pos[1])) + L", " + CString(CValue(pos[2])) + L")");
        app.LogMessage(CString(L"which corresponds to the triangle made of vertices (")
                + CString(CValue(triVtx[0])) + L", " + CString(CValue(triVtx[1])) + L", " + CString(CValue(triVtx[2])) + L").");
        app.LogMessage(CString(L"The barycentric weight relatively to each triangle vertex is (")
                + CString(CValue(triWei[0])) + L", " + CString(CValue(triWei[1])) + L", " + CString(CValue(triWei[2])) + L").");
        //INFO : The closest position on the mesh sphere from the Null is (-0.695969, 3.28837, 1.85179)
        //INFO : which corresponds to the triangle made of vertices (14, 21, 22).
        //INFO : The barycentric weight relatively to each triangle vertex is (0.347985, 0.121569, 0.530446).
Demonstrates using the PointLocatorData to shrink-wrap a sphere to a cube, and then push the sphere along the cube's normals.
        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        X3DObject meshCubeObj;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Cube", L"MeshSurface", L"", meshCubeObj );
        PolygonMesh meshCubeGeom( meshCubeObj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry() );

        X3DObject meshSphereObj;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"MeshSurface", L"", meshSphereObj );
        PolygonMesh meshSphereGeom( meshSphereObj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry() );

        meshSphereObj.PutParameterValue(L"subdivu", 24l);
        meshSphereObj.PutParameterValue(L"subdivv", 24l);

        // We must freeze it, otherwise setting its position array will be forbidden:
        CValueArray args(3);
        CValue outArg;
        args[0] = meshSphereObj.GetRef();
        app.ExecuteCommand(L"FreezeObj",args, outArg);

        MATH::CVector3Array posArray = meshSphereGeom.GetPoints().GetPositionArray();
        PointLocatorData sphereOnCubePointLocators = meshCubeGeom.GetClosestLocations(posArray.GetCount(), (double*)&posArray[0]);

        MATH::CVector3Array normArray;

        meshCubeGeom.EvaluatePositions(sphereOnCubePointLocators, -1, 0, (double*)&posArray[0]);
        meshCubeGeom.EvaluateNormals(sphereOnCubePointLocators, siInterpolatedVertexGeometricNormals, -1, 0, (double*)&normArray[0]);

        LONG i;
        for (i = 0; i < posArray.GetCount(); i++)
PointLocatorData GetRaycastIntersections ( LONG  in_nbPositions,
const double *  in_pPositions,
const double *  in_pRays,
siLineIntersectionType  in_eLineType = siSemiLineIntersection 
) const

Creates a PointLocatorData object containing the surface locations where the specified input rays intersect with the surface. By default, input positions and directions that define those rays have to be defined in the object's local space reference.

Although raycasting usually implies a semi line vs surface intersection, one can request an infinite line vs surface or finite line (segment) vs surface intersection by specifying siLineIntersection or siSegmentIntersection respectively for the argument in_eLineType (default = siSemiLineIntersection). In the case of siSegmentIntersection the length of each vector found in in_pRays will be used to determine where each segment ends.

Some aspects of the raycast intersection computation such as the reference pose for in_pPositions and in_pRays or the method (closest surface, closest vertex or knot, etc.) can be set up using Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries. This setup affects all subsequent calls to Geometry::GetClosestLocations, Geometry::GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius or Geometry::GetRaycastIntersections. The closest method is necessary in the case where you pass true for in_bClosestSurfaceOtherwise

The returned point locators can be evaluated on any Geometry instance having the same topology.
in_nbPositions Number of rays (XYZ triplets) specified in in_pPositions and in_pRays.
in_pPositions Rays' starting positions (packed XYZ).
in_pRays Rays' directions. The length of these vectors is important in the case of in_eLineType == siSegmentIntersection
in_eLineType The type of line. Possible values include:
  • siLineIntersection Infinite
  • siSemiLineIntersection Infinite in positive direction
  • siSegmentIntersection Finite in both directions
A new PointLocatorData object containing in_nbPositions point locators (CRef::IsValid == false if failed)
See also:
Demonstrates using the PointLocatorData to find the intersection of a sphere and a line segment starting at a null and ending at the sphere center.
        using namespace XSI;
        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();
        Null nullObj;
        root.AddNull( L"myNull", nullObj );

        CValueArray args(8);
        CValue outArg;
        args[0] = CValue(nullObj.GetRef());
        args[1] = CValue(L"-2.0");
        args[2] = CValue(L"8.0");
        args[3] = CValue(L"5.0");
        args[4] = CValue(L"siRelative");
        args[5] = CValue(L"siView");
        args[6] = CValue(L"siObj");
        args[7] = CValue(L"siXYZ");
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"Translate", args, outArg );

        X3DObject meshSphereObj;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"MeshSurface", L"", meshSphereObj );
        PolygonMesh meshSphereGeom( meshSphereObj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry() );

        CVector3 nullPos = nullObj.GetKinematics().GetGlobal().GetTransform().GetTranslation();
        CVector3 sphereCenter = meshSphereObj.GetKinematics().GetGlobal().GetTransform().GetTranslation();
        CVector3 ray;

        ray.Sub( sphereCenter, nullPos );

        PointLocatorData closestPointLocator = meshSphereGeom.GetRaycastIntersections( 1, (double*)&nullPos, (double*)&ray, siSegmentIntersection );

        double pos[3];
        LONG triVtx[3];
        float triWei[3];

        meshSphereGeom.EvaluatePositions(closestPointLocator, -1, 0, pos);
        meshSphereGeom.GetTriangleVertexIndexArray(closestPointLocator, -1, 0, triVtx);
        meshSphereGeom.GetTriangleWeightArray(closestPointLocator, -1, 0, triWei);

        app.LogMessage(CString(L"The mesh sphere intersects with the ray coming from the Null at (")
                + CString(CValue(pos[0])) + L", " + CString(CValue(pos[1])) + L", " + CString(CValue(pos[2])) + L")");
        app.LogMessage(CString(L"which corresponds to the triangle made of vertices (")
                + CString(CValue(triVtx[0])) + L", " + CString(CValue(triVtx[1])) + L", " + CString(CValue(triVtx[2])) + L").");
        app.LogMessage(CString(L"The barycentric weight relatively to each triangle vertex is (")
                + CString(CValue(triWei[0])) + L", " + CString(CValue(triWei[1])) + L", " + CString(CValue(triWei[2])) + L").");
        //INFO : The mesh sphere intersects with the ray coming from the NULL at (-0.695969, 3.28837, 1.85179)
        //INFO : which corresponds to the triangle made of vertices (14, 21, 22).
        //INFO : The barycentric weight relatively to each triangle vertex is (0.347985, 0.121569, 0.530446).
PointLocatorData GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius ( const MATH::CVector3 in_position,
double  in_radius,
LONG  in_nbToSearch = -1 
) const

Constructs a PointLocatorData containing closest surface locations from the input position within a search sphere of a specific radius. By default, the input positions have to be defined in the object's local space reference. Optionally, the search can be restricted to return a maximum number of locations. In order to avoid volumetric restrictions, simply specify a very large radius.

Some aspects of the closest locations's computation such as the reference pose or the method (closest surface, closest vertex or knot, ...) can be set up using Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries. This setup will affect all subsequent calls to GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius, Geometry::GetClosestLocations and to Geometry::GetRaycastIntersections.

If the search was set up with Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries to be a closest surface or smoothed closest surface search, then it returns one point locator per connected island for PolygonMeshes. Such connected islands are defined so that you cannot walk between 2 returned point locators without leaving the search radius (this walking is through polygon adjacency, not vertex adjacency). For NurbsSurfaceMesh geometries, it returns at most one point locator.

When you call this function an acceleration cache is automatically created. See Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries for more information.

The "closest distance" relationship may change relative to the spatial reference of the geometry and the input positions. See Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries for more information.
The returned point locators can be evaluated on any Geometry instance having the same topology.
in_position Position from which the spatial search will be initiated.
in_radius Maximum distance (cutoff) from in_PositionToSearchFrom
in_nbToSearch Maximum number of point locators to find (no maximum if -1)
A new PointLocatorData object containing a point locators (.IsValid() == false if failed)
See also:
Geometry::GetClosestLocations, Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries, Geometry::GetRaycastIntersections
For an example using this function, see PointLocatorData::GetCount.
CStatus SetupPointLocatorQueries ( siClosestLocationMethod  in_method,
MATH::CTransformation in_pTransfo,
LONG  in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch,
const LONG *  in_pFacetsToRestrictSearch,
LONG  in_nbLocatorsToBeQueried 

Sets up how subsequent calls to Geometry::GetClosestLocations, Geometry::GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius and Geometry::GetRaycastIntersections will operate.

An acceleration cache is built either on the first call to this function or to Geometry::GetClosestLocations, Geometry::GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius or Geometry::GetRaycastIntersections. The cache assumes that the geometry will not be deformed before any subsequent call to those functions. If that is not the case, you should get the geometry again or force a rebuild of the acceleration cache by calling this function, otherwise you may get wrong results.

If you want to reuse the same cache in subsequent calls to SetupPointLocatorQueries on the same geometry but with a different instance of the Geometry object (in an operator's update function for instance) make sure to call PutCache before calling this function.

In general setting up the closest location calls with the right transformation is important since the "closest distance" relationship may change relative to the spatial reference of the geometry and the input positions. For instance, if you copy closest locations of an object's points onto another one, you will generally have different results if you scale both of them non-uniformly or if you add some shearing to the pose. In such case, computing the closest locations in local space will lead to different results from computing the closest locations in global space.
Specifying a subset of facets as targets of the search allows faster searches and a lower memory usage for the acceleration cache.
in_method Method to use when searching the closest location (see siClosestLocationMethod for possible values).
in_pTransfo Reference transformation in which the input positions will be interpreted, and in which the search will be executed. Pass NULL if you dont have such a transformation.
in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch Number of facets on which the search will be restricted (or -1 for no restriction)
in_pFacetsToRestrictSearch Facet indices (size = in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch). Not used if in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch is set to -1.
in_nbLocatorsToBeQueried Approximate number of point locators that will be queried next, pass -1 if you dont know. This argument is useful to achieve better performance in the queries that will follow the setup.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
Geometry::GetClosestLocations, Geometry::GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius, Geometry::GetRaycastIntersections
Demonstrates using the PointLocatorData to shrink-wrap a sphere on only two faces of a cube
        using namespace XSI;
        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        X3DObject meshCubeObj;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Cube", L"MeshSurface", L"", meshCubeObj );
        PolygonMesh meshCubeGeom( meshCubeObj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry() );

        X3DObject meshSphereObj;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"MeshSurface", L"", meshSphereObj );
        PolygonMesh meshSphereGeom( meshSphereObj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry() );

        meshSphereObj.PutParameterValue(L"subdivu", 24l);
        meshSphereObj.PutParameterValue(L"subdivv", 24l);

        // We must freeze it, otherwise setting its position array will be forbidden:
        CValueArray args(3);
        CValue outArg;
        args[0] = meshSphereObj.GetRef();
        app.ExecuteCommand(L"FreezeObj",args, outArg);

        LONG facets[2] = {2,3};

        MATH::CVector3Array posArray = meshSphereGeom.GetPoints().GetPositionArray();
        PointLocatorData sphereOnCubePointLocators = meshCubeGeom.GetClosestLocations(posArray.GetCount(), (double*)&posArray[0]);
        meshCubeGeom.EvaluatePositions(sphereOnCubePointLocators, -1, 0, (double*)&posArray[0]);
CStatus SetupClosestLocationQueries ( siClosestLocationMethod  in_method = siClosestSurface,
MATH::CTransformation in_pTransfo = NULL,
LONG  in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch = -1,
const LONG *  in_pFacetsToRestrictSearch = NULL 
) [inline]

This function has been deprecated because it does not allow you to specify the approximate number of locators that will be queried next after the call. This number is important to achieve better performance.

in_method Method to use when searching the closest location (see siClosestLocationMethod for possible values).
in_pTransfo Reference transformation in which the input positions will be interpreted, and in which the search will be executed. Pass NULL if you dont have such a transformation.
in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch Number of facets on which the search will be restricted (or -1 for no restriction)
in_pFacetsToRestrictSearch Facet indices (size = in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch). Not used if in_nbFacetsToRestrictSearch is set to -1.
See also:
6.0 Use the other overloaded version of this function where the argument in_nbLocatorsToBeQueried is present.
CStatus EvaluatePositions ( const PointLocatorData in_ptLocators,
LONG  in_nbPointLocatorsIndices,
const LONG *  in_pPointLocatorsIndices,
double *  out_pPositions 
) const

Evaluates the positions at the surface locations defined by the input point locator data. The returned positions are in the geometry's local space reference.

in_ptLocators Contains the point locations to be evaluated.
in_nbPointLocatorsIndices Number of point locators to be evaluated (-1 if all)
in_pPointLocatorsIndices Point locator indices to be evaluated (not used if in_nbPointLocatorsIndices is -1)
Return values:
out_pPositions Returns evaluated positions' packed XYZ. Size must be in_ptLocators::GetCount()*3 if in_nbPointLocatorsIndices is set to -1; otherwise, size must be in_nbPointLocatorsIndices*3 .
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
Geometry::EvaluateNormals, Geometry::EvaluateClusterProperty
For an example using this function, see Geometry::GetClosestLocations or Geometry::GetRaycastIntersections
CStatus EvaluateNormals ( const PointLocatorData in_ptLocators,
siNormalComputationMethod  in_ComputationMethod,
LONG  in_nbPointLocatorsIndices,
const LONG *  in_pPointLocatorsIndices,
double *  out_pNormals 
) const

Evaluates the surface normals at the surface locations defined by the input point locator data. The returned normals are in the geometry's local space reference. In the case of PolygonMesh, various computation methods are available.

in_ptLocators Contains the point locations to be evaluated.
in_ComputationMethod Used method in order to compute the normals (only revelant to PolygonMesh geometries)
in_nbPointLocatorsIndices Number of point locators to be evaluated (-1 if all)
in_pPointLocatorsIndices Point locator indices to be evaluated (not used if in_nbPointLocatorsIndices is -1)
Return values:
out_pNormals Returns evaluated normals' packed XYZ. Size must be in_ptLocators::GetCount()*3 if in_nbPointLocatorsIndices is set to -1; otherwise, size must be in_nbPointLocatorsIndices*3
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
Geometry::EvaluatePositions, Geometry::EvaluateClusterProperty
For an example using this function, see Geometry::GetClosestLocations.
CStatus EvaluateClusterProperty ( const PointLocatorData in_ptLocators,
LONG  in_nbPointLocatorsIndices,
const LONG *  in_pPointLocatorsIndices,
const Cluster in_parentCluster,
const ClusterProperty in_clusterProperty,
float *  out_pData 
) const

Evaluates the cluster property data at the surface locations defined by the point locator data.

The size of the returned array depends on the cluster property type, which can be queried using ClusterProperty::GetValueSize.

If a point locator doesn't correspond exactly to a component defining a value for the cluster property (for example, sampled point for UVs), then the value will be interpolated between adjacent components. In the case of NurbsSurfaceMesh, the returned values will be smoothed according to the NURBS surface mathematical equation since some properties are defined on control vertices (for example, weight maps) while point locators are defined on the surface.

If a point locator corresponds to a discontinuity in property space, the returned value will be an arbitrary one among the many values corresponding to that location.

The parent cluster is required in addition to the cluster property even if it is unambiguous to get the parent cluster from the cluster property. The reason is that, in the context of a custom operator, both the cluster and the cluster property must come from the value of an input port, otherwise evaluation errors will occur.
in_ptLocators Contains the point locations to be evaluated.
in_nbPointLocatorsIndices Number of point locators to be evaluated (-1 if all)
in_pPointLocatorsIndices Point locator indices to be evaluated (not used if in_nbPointLocatorsIndices is -1)
in_parentCluster The parent cluster of the cluster property to be evaluated.
in_clusterProperty The cluster property to be evaluated.
Return values:
out_pData Returns evaluated cluster property's packed data. Size must be in_ptLocators::GetCount() * in_clusterProperty::GetValueSize() if in_nbPointLocatorsIndices is -1; otherwise, in_nbPointLocatorsIndices * in_clusterProperty::GetValueSize().
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
Geometry::EvaluatePositions, Geometry::EvaluateNormals
For an example using this function, see PointLocatorData.
CStatus PutCache ( CValue in_Cache )

Provides cache data for the geometry to use in various calls like SetupPointLocatorQueries, GetClosestLocations, and GetRaycastIntersections to speed up the execution time.

Usually this call is not necessary as the cache data is already stored in the Geometry instance and automatically reused in subsequent calls to functions like SetupPointLocatorQueries on the same Geometry.

But in some cases the instance of the Geometry object changes, like in subsequent calls to an operator's update function for instance, even though the geometry is the same. In those cases, a call to PutCache becomes necessary since the new instance of the Geometry object doesn't have the cache data that the old instance had. A call to GetCache should be made before the instance of the Geometry object is about to be released (for example, at the end of an operator's update function) so you can keep it around until you call PutCache again with a new instance of the Geometry object (for example, next time the operator's update function is called).

in_Cache The cache data
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
Geometry::SetupPointLocatorQueries, Geometry::GetCache
This example shows how to use PutCache and GetCache to have the ultimate speed in using the point locator API in an operator's update function. In this example not using the cache would mean having a big setup cost at every frame to rebuild the internal cache over and over. Just copy an paste the following C++ code, load the DLL as a plugin, and execute the ApplyMyCacheOp method in the plugin manager.
    // MyCacheOpPlugin
    // Initial code generated by XSI SDK Wizard
    // Executed Tue Sep 12 11:12:34 EDT 2006 by ecabot
    // Tip: You need to compile the generated code before you can load the plug-in.
    // After you compile the plug-in, you can load it by clicking Update All in the Plugin Manager.
    #include <xsi_application.h>
    #include <xsi_context.h>
    #include <xsi_pluginregistrar.h>
    #include <xsi_status.h>
    #include <xsi_customoperator.h>
    #include <xsi_operatorcontext.h>
    #include <xsi_ppglayout.h>
    #include <xsi_ppgeventcontext.h>
    #include <xsi_selection.h>
    #include <xsi_point.h>
    #include <xsi_primitive.h>
    #include <xsi_command.h>
    #include <xsi_factory.h>
    #include <xsi_geometry.h>
    #include <xsi_model.h>
    #include <xsi_x3dobject.h>
    #include <xsi_kinematics.h>
    #include <xsi_outputport.h>
    #include <xsi_transformation.h>
    using namespace XSI;
    using namespace MATH;

    XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus XSILoadPlugin( PluginRegistrar& in_reg )
        //RegistrationInsertionPoint - do not remove this line

        return CStatus::OK;

    XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus XSIUnloadPlugin( const PluginRegistrar& in_reg )
        CString strPluginName;
        strPluginName = in_reg.GetName();
        Application().LogMessage(strPluginName + L" has been unloaded.");
        return CStatus::OK;

    XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus ApplyMyCacheOp_Init( CRef& in_ctxt )
        Context ctxt( in_ctxt );
        Command oCmd;
        oCmd = ctxt.GetSource();
        oCmd.PutDescription(L"Create an instance of MyCacheOp operator");

        // TODO: You may want to add some arguments to this command so that the operator
        // can be applied to objects without depending on their specific names.
        // Tip: the Collection ArgumentHandler is very useful
        return CStatus::OK;

    XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus ApplyMyCacheOp_Execute( CRef& in_ctxt )
        Context ctxt( in_ctxt );

        using namespace XSI;
        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        // Let's create an arc curve that we will shrink wrap over a sphere
        X3DObject arcObj;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Arc", L"NurbsCurve", L"arc", arcObj );

        // Let's create a hires sphere that we will use for the shrink wrap target
        X3DObject meshSphereObj;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"MeshSurface", L"sphere", meshSphereObj );

        CValue outArg;

        // Let's make this sphere hires 200x200
        CValueArray args(3);
        args[0] = CValue(meshSphereObj.GetFullName() + L".polymsh.geom.subdivu" );
        args[1] = CValue(L"200");
        args[2] = CValue();
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"SetValue", args, outArg );
        args[0] = CValue(meshSphereObj.GetFullName() + L".polymsh.geom.subdivv" );
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"SetValue", args, outArg );

        // Note: The AddCustomOp command is an alternative way to build the operator
        CustomOperator newOp = Application().GetFactory().CreateObject(L"MyCacheOp");

        CRef obj;


        ctxt.PutAttribute( L"ReturnValue", newOp.GetRef() );

        // Now animate the Z position of the curve

        // frame 1, XYZ = 4,0,0
        args[0] = CValue(arcObj.GetFullName());
        args[1] = CValue(L"4.0");
        args[2] = CValue(L"0.0");
        args[3] = CValue(L"0.0");
        args[4] = CValue(L"siRelative");
        args[5] = CValue(L"siLocal");
        args[6] = CValue(L"siObj");
        args[7] = CValue(L"siXYZ");
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"Translate", args, outArg );

        // Save a key at frame 1
        args[0] = CValue(arcObj.GetFullName()+L".kine.local.posz");
        args[1] = CValue((LONG)1);
        args[2] = CValue();
        args[3] = CValue();
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"SaveKey", args, outArg );

        // frame 100, XYZ = 4,0,4
        args[0] = CValue(arcObj.GetFullName());
        args[1] = CValue(L"0.0");
        args[2] = CValue(L"0.0");
        args[3] = CValue(L"4.0");
        args[4] = CValue(L"siRelative");
        args[5] = CValue(L"siLocal");
        args[6] = CValue(L"siObj");
        args[7] = CValue(L"siXYZ");
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"Translate", args, outArg );

        // save a key at frame 100
        args[0] = CValue(arcObj.GetFullName()+L".kine.local.posz");
        args[1] = CValue((LONG)100);
        args[2] = CValue();
        args[3] = CValue();
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"SaveKey", args, outArg );

        Application().LogMessage(L"ApplyMyCacheOp_Execute called");

        return CStatus::OK;

    XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus MyCacheOp_Define( CRef& in_ctxt )
        Context ctxt( in_ctxt );
        CustomOperator oCustomOperator;
        Parameter oParam;
        CRef oPDef;
        Factory oFactory = Application().GetFactory();
        oCustomOperator = ctxt.GetSource();

        return CStatus::OK;

    XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus MyCacheOp_Init( CRef& in_ctxt )
        OperatorContext ctxt( in_ctxt );
        Application().LogMessage(L"MyCacheOp_Init called",siVerboseMsg);
        return CStatus::OK;

    XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus MyCacheOp_Term( CRef& in_ctxt )
        OperatorContext ctxt( in_ctxt );
        Application().LogMessage(L"MyCacheOp_Term called",siVerboseMsg);
        return CStatus::OK;

    XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus MyCacheOp_Update( CRef& in_ctxt )
        CStatus st;
        OperatorContext ctxt( in_ctxt );
        Primitive io_Curve = ctxt.GetInputValue(0);
        KinematicState in_CurveG = ctxt.GetInputValue(1);
        CTransformation xCurveG = in_CurveG.GetTransform();

        Primitive in_Target = ctxt.GetInputValue(2);
        KinematicState in_TargetG = ctxt.GetInputValue(3);
        CTransformation xTargetG = in_TargetG.GetTransform();

        Application().LogMessage(L"MyCacheOp_Update called",siVerboseMsg);

        // TODO: The Operator changes the Softimage scene by changing the state of this variable
        Primitive output = ctxt.GetOutputTarget();

        Geometry xTargetGeo = in_Target.GetGeometry();

        CValue CacheVal = ctxt.GetUserData();

        if( ! CacheVal.IsEmpty() )

        xTargetGeo.SetupPointLocatorQueries( siClosestSurface, &xTargetG, -1, NULL, -1 );

        Geometry xCurveGeo = io_Curve.GetGeometry();

        MATH::CVector3Array & xPoints = xCurveGeo.GetPoints().GetPositionArray();

        CDoubleArray WorldPoints;

        WorldPoints.Resize( 3*xPoints.GetCount(), false );

        LONG offset = 0;

        for( LONG i = 0; i < xPoints.GetCount(); ++i )
            CVector3 vPos = xPoints[i];

            WorldPoints[offset+0] = vPos.GetX();
            WorldPoints[offset+1] = vPos.GetY();
            WorldPoints[offset+2] = vPos.GetZ();

            offset += 3;

        PointLocatorData ptLocators = xTargetGeo.GetClosestLocations( xPoints.GetCount(), WorldPoints.GetArray() );

        double * PLoc = new double [ptLocators.GetCount()*3];

        xTargetGeo.EvaluatePositions( ptLocators, -1, NULL, PLoc );

        Geometry outGeo = output.GetGeometry();
        MATH::CVector3Array & xOutPoints = outGeo.GetPoints().GetPositionArray();

        CTransformation xCurveInvG;

        CTransformation xFromTargetToCurveG;

        for( i = 0; i < ptLocators.GetCount(); ++i )
            CVector3 vPos;
            vPos.Set( PLoc[3*i], PLoc[3*i+1], PLoc[3*i+2] );

            xOutPoints[i] = vPos;

        delete [] PLoc;


        // Let's keep the cache around for next time we are evaluated

        CacheVal = xTargetGeo.GetCache();

        if( ! CacheVal.IsEmpty() )

        return CStatus::OK;
CValue GetCache ( )

Returns the cache data currently used by the geometry.

The cache can be stored until a new instance of the same geometry is created at which time the new cache can be set using Geometry::PutCache. This saves the geometry from recreating all the internal data structures so that you don't lose any performance benefits.

The cache data
empty CValue if the call fails
See also:
CStatus GetBoundingBox ( double &  out_centerx,
double &  out_centery,
double &  out_centerz,
double &  out_extentx,
double &  out_extenty,
double &  out_extentz,
const MATH::CTransformation in_XfoObjectToBBoxSpace 
) const

Calculates and returns bounding box information

Return values:
out_centerx Returns the x coordinate of the center of the bounding box.
out_centery Returns the y coordinate of the center of the bounding box.
out_centerz Returns the z coordinate of the center of the bounding box.
out_extentx Returns the extent of the bounding box in the X axis.
out_extenty Returns the extent of the bounding box in the Y axis.
out_extentz Returns the extent of the bounding box in the Z axis.
in_XfoObjectToBBoxSpace Contains a transform (if desired) between the object and the global coordinate axes. This can be used to more tightly orient a bounding box around the object.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
Geometry::GetBoundingSphere, Geometry::GetBoundingCapsule, Geometry::PutCache
CStatus GetBoundingSphere ( double &  out_centerx,
double &  out_centery,
double &  out_centerz,
double &  out_radius,
siVolumeCenterMethod  in_centerMethod,
const MATH::CTransformation in_XfoObjectToBSphereSpace 

Calculates and returns bounding sphere information

Return values:
out_centerx Returns the x coordinate of the center of the bounding sphere.
out_centery Returns the y coordinate of the center of the bounding sphere.
out_centerz Returns the z coordinate of the center of the bounding sphere.
out_radius Returns the radius of the bounding sphere.
in_centerMethod Specifies the technique used to calculate the center of the bounding sphere
in_XfoObjectToBSphereSpace Contains a transform (if desired) between the object and the global coordinate axes. This can be used to more tightly orient a bounding sphere around the object.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
Geometry::GetBoundingBox, Geometry::GetBoundingCapsule
CStatus GetBoundingCapsule ( double &  out_centerx,
double &  out_centery,
double &  out_centerz,
double &  out_length,
double &  out_radius,
siVolumeCenterMethod  in_centerMethod,
siBoundingCapsuleMethod  in_axisMethod,
const MATH::CTransformation in_XfoObjectToBCapsuleSpace 

Calculates and returns bounding capsule (swept sphere) information

Return values:
out_centerx Returns the x coordinate of the center of the bounding capsule.
out_centery Returns the y coordinate of the center of the bounding capsule.
out_centerz Returns the z coordinate of the center of the bounding capsule.
out_length Returns the length of the bounding capsule (not including the radii of the capping hemispheres).
out_radius Returns the cylindrical radius of the bounding capsule.
in_centerMethod Specifies the technique used to calculate the center of the bounding capsule
in_axisMethod Specifies the technique used to calculate the long axis of the bounding capsule
in_XfoObjectToBCapsuleSpace Contains a transform (if desired) between the object and the global coordinate axes. This can be used to more tightly orient a bounding capsule around the object
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
Geometry::GetBoundingBox, Geometry::GetBoundingSphere
CRefArray GetICEAttributes ( ) const

Returns all attributes defined for this geometry.

Array of references to the ICEAttribute objects.
See also:
ICEAttribute GetICEAttributeFromName ( const CString in_name ) const

Returns the attribute data matching a specific name as an ICEAttribute object.

in_name Name of the attribute to find.
The new ICEAttribute object.
See also:
This example shows how to access the PointPosition attribute by name.
        CValue CreatePrim( const CString& in_presetobj, const CString& in_geometrytype, const CString& in_name, const CString& in_parent );

        template < class T >
        class CICEAttributeDataLogger
            static void Log( ICEAttribute& attr )
                CICEAttributeDataArray< T > data;
                attr.GetDataArray( data );

                Application xsi;
                for( ULONG i=0; i<data.GetCount( ); i++ )
                    xsi.LogMessage( CString( data[ i ] ) );

        Application xsi;

        X3DObject grid = CreatePrim( L"Grid", L"MeshSurface", L"", L"");

        ICEAttribute attr = grid.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().GetICEAttributeFromName( L"PointPosition" );

        xsi.LogMessage( L"*******************************************************************" );
        xsi.LogMessage( L"Name: " + attr.GetName() );
        xsi.LogMessage( L"DataType: " + CString(attr.GetDataType()) );
        xsi.LogMessage( L"StructType: " + CString(attr.GetStructureType()) );
        xsi.LogMessage( L"ContextType: " + CString(attr.GetContextType()) );
        xsi.LogMessage( L"IsConstant: " + CString(attr.IsConstant()) );
        xsi.LogMessage( L"Readonly: " + CString(attr.IsReadonly()) );
        xsi.LogMessage( L"Category: " + CString(attr.GetCategory()) );
        xsi.LogMessage( L"Element count: " + CString(attr.GetElementCount()) );

        CICEAttributeDataLogger<XSI::MATH::CVector3f>::Log( attr );

        // Helper
        CValue CreatePrim( const CString& in_presetobj, const CString& in_geometrytype, const CString& in_name, const CString& in_parent )
            CValueArray args(4);
            CValue retval;
            args[0]= in_presetobj;
            args[1]= in_geometrytype;
            args[2]= in_name;
            args[3]= in_parent;

            Application app;
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"CreatePrim", args, retval );
            return retval;
ICEAttribute AddICEAttribute ( const CString in_name,
XSI::siICENodeDataType  in_DataType,
XSI::siICENodeStructureType  in_StructureType,
XSI::siICENodeContextType  in_ContextType 

Adds a new <object idref="ICEAttribute"> object to this geometry and returns this object. If the attribute is already defined, this attribute is returned instead.

in_name Name of the attribute to create.
in_DataType The attribute data type.
in_StructureType The attribute structure type.
in_ContextType The attribute context type.
The newly created ICEAttribute object or the existing attribute if already defined.
See also:
11.0 (2013)
CStatus RemoveICEAttribute ( const CString in_name )

Removes the attribute identified with in_name from this geometry. The attribute is removed only if it is not a built-in attribute or not required by an ICETree.

in_name Name of the attribute to remove.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::False the attribute doesn't exist
CStatus::Fail failure
See also:
11.0 (2013)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: