Change the appearance of decals

Decals have material properties similar to all other materials, but they also have a decal texture (an image map) and a texture location (represented by the decal grip). Each of these properties affects the appearance of a decal on objects.

Change the decal texture

  1. Select the grip of the decal you want to change. The objects with that decal applied are highlighted in green, while the grip is highlighted in blue.

    NoteYou must select the grip for the decal to edit its properties. Selecting an object with a decal will not select the decal, and editing its material properties will change the underlying “base” material. (For more information, see Select and re-order decals.)
  2. Select Material > Material Properties (or press Ctrl+M).
    NoteThe Material Properties window appears.

  3. The first property is the Decal image map being used. (For new decals, this defaults to a star image.)
    NoteTo better see the decal as you update its properties, click on the Hide selection highlighting checkbox in the Material Properties window.
  4. Browse to the image you wish to use as your decal texture.

    Darker areas of the decal image map produce a transparent material, while brighter areas create a more opaque appearance. (White shows 100% of the decal material, and black shows the material below.)

    TipFor recommendations on the size, file type, and optimization of your decal texture image, see Decal texture image recommendations.
  5. If your texture image appears to be distorted or stretched on your objects, change the mapping type or press the Autofit button below the Mapping settings.

    For more information on mapping this texture on your object, see Apply image maps.

    NoteYou can select several decal grips with different materials and change the Decal texture for all of them at once.

Change common material properties

  1. Select the grip of the decal you want to change.
  2. Select Material > Material Properties (or press Ctrl+M).

    The Material Properties window appears.

    The controls available in this window are the same for all decals. As you adjust their values, you can see the decal material change in the scene.

    NoteFor information on the common material parameters in this window, see Introduction to material properties.

Replace common material properties

To replace the common material properties (Color, Highlight, Reflectivity, Transparency, and Bump) of a decal, but retain the current decal image map texture and placement, apply an existing material to the decal grip.

  1. Select the grip of the decal whose common material properties you wish to replace.

  2. Press the M key (or select Material > Materials).
  3. Click on the material or decal whose common properties you wish to use.

    The selected decals will now use the values of the replacement material for Color, Highlight, Reflectivity, Transparency, and Bump.

    TipYou can select multiple decals and replace the common material properties of all of them by selecting any material in the library or scene. They will retain their individual decals and placements, but have the same material properties.
See Also