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Assign decals
Apply decals
Hide or remove decals and grips
Select and re-order decals
can be selected in the scene using their grips, which also represent
the position and relative location of each decal in the scene.
a decal grip will only select the decal material in the scene. Any
objects with that decal and the base material of those objects are
not affected by any changes made to the decal material or decal
Decal selection highlighting
Click with the left mouse
button on the green star-shaped decal grip to select the decal.
The objects with that
decal applied are highlighted in green, while the grip is highlighted
in blue.
Select multiple decals
- Hold down the Shift key
and click with the left mouse button on the decal grips you wish
to select.
additional decal grip is highlighted in blue, and the objects they
are assigned to are highlighted in green.
- To deselect a grip, hold down the Ctrl key
and click on the grip with the left mouse button.
Select similar decals
Press and hold the right
mouse button over a decal grip and a menu will appear:
Choose one of the following Select options
to select similar decals:
- All decals with this material:
will select all decals that have the same common material properties
(Color, Highlight, Reflectivity, etc.), but may have different decal
- All decals with this texture:
will select all decals that have the same decal texture (the image
map that is used to mask the material), but may have different common
material properties and locations.
- All
decals with this texture location: will select all decals
that have the same location in the scene (by where the grips are
located), but may have different material properties and decal textures.
NoteThe currently selected decal
grip has a check next to its name in the list beneath the selection
Select decal grips
behind other grips
- Press and hold the right mouse button
over a decal grip and a menu will appear.
If there are other decal grips behind
the front grip, a new submenu will appear labeled Decal
grips behind.
- Select the Decal grips behind item, and
a list will appear of all the decals grips that are behind the current
- Select a decal by name from the list,
and your selection will change to that decal.
NoteThe list of Decal
grips behind can include decals that are very
far apart in the scene, but visually overlap in the current view.
Re-order decals on
decals can be assigned to a single object. As each decal is applied
to an object, it becomes the “top” decal and may obscure other decals
on the object. Re-order the decals to move them below or above each
other on the objects they are applied to.
- Select the decal you wish to re-order
by clicking on its grip in the scene.
- Select Material > Re-order
Decals and select the direction you wish to
move the decal within the layers:
- Move Decal to Top (or Ctrl
+ Shift + right bracket “]”): places the decal
on top of any other decals on the objects it is applied to.
- Move Decal Up (or Ctrl
+ right bracket “]”): moves the decal up in
the order of decals on the objects it is applied to.
- Move
Decal Down (or Ctrl + left bracket “[”): moves
the decal down in the order of decals on the objects it is applied
- Move Decal to Bottom (or
Ctrl + Shift + left bracket “[”): places the
decal below any other decals on the objects it is applied to.