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Select and re-order decals
Apply decals
Change the appearance of decals
Hide or remove decals and grips
Hide a decal
hide a decal on the objects it is applied to, but retain it in the scene:
- Select the decal to hide and press Ctrl-H (or
choose Select > Hide).
Unide a decal
To un-hide (show) all
hidden decals:
- Press Ctrl+J (or choose Select
> Un-hide All).
Hide all decal grips
To hide the 3D “grips”
of all decals, but keep the decals visible in the scene:
- Press Shift-D (or select Materials
> Show Decal Grips) to toggle visibility
in edit mode.
- Enter Presentation Mode (Tab).
Remove a decal
remove a decal from the objects it is assigned to:
- Select the decal grip and press the Delete key
(or select Edit > Delete)
Remove an unused decal
To remove an unused decal
from the scene:
- In the Materials in this Scene category,
right-click over the icon for the decal and select Delete from
the menu.
decal material will remain in the
Materials in
Scene category of the
Materials interface,
even if unused by any other objects. To remove it from this list,
Delete materials from the list.