
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //**************************************************************************/
00002 // Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Autodesk, Inc.
00003 // All rights reserved.
00004 // 
00005 // These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain
00006 // unpublished proprietary information written by Autodesk, Inc., and are
00007 // protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed to third
00008 // parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without
00009 // the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc.
00010 //**************************************************************************/
00011 // FILE:        patchobj.h
00012 // DESCRIPTION: Defines Patch Mesh Object
00013 // AUTHOR:      Tom Hudson
00014 // HISTORY:     created 21 June 1995
00015 //**************************************************************************/
00017 #pragma once
00018 #include "coreexp.h"
00019 #include "maxheap.h"
00020 #include "maxtypes.h"
00021 #include "mouseman.h"
00022 #include "bitarray.h"
00023 #include "maxapi.h"
00024 #include "objmode.h"
00025 #include "object.h"
00026 #include "istdplug.h"
00027 #include "sbmtlapi.h"
00028 #include "patch.h"
00029 // forward declarations
00030 class IObjParam;
00031 class HitRecord;
00034 extern CoreExport Class_ID patchObjectClassID;
00036 extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
00038 // Named selection set list types for PatchObject
00039 #define NS_PO_VERT 0
00040 #define NS_PO_EDGE 1
00041 #define NS_PO_PATCH 2
00043 // set the default pick box size
00044 #define DEF_PICKBOX_SIZE    4
00046 // These are values for selLevel.
00047 #define PO_OBJECT   0
00048 #define PO_VERTEX   1
00049 #define PO_EDGE     2
00050 #define PO_PATCH    3
00051 #define PO_ELEMENT  4
00052 #define PO_HANDLE   5
00053 #define PO_LEVELS   6
00055 #define CID_EP_BIND CID_USER + 203
00056 #define CID_EP_EXTRUDE  CID_USER + 204
00057 #define CID_EP_BEVEL    CID_USER + 205
00058 #define CID_EP_NORMAL_FLIP  CID_USER + 206
00059 #define CID_CREATE_VERT  CID_USER + 207
00060 #define CID_CREATE_PATCH CID_USER + 208
00061 #define CID_VERT_WELD CID_USER + 209
00062 // CAL-06/02/03: copy/paste tangent. (FID #827)
00063 #define CID_COPY_TANGENT CID_USER + 210
00064 #define CID_PASTE_TANGENT CID_USER + 211
00066 // Flags:
00067 // Disp Result keeps track of "Show End Result" button for this Editable Patch
00068 #define EP_DISP_RESULT 0x0100
00070 // References
00071 #define EP_MASTER_CONTROL_REF 0
00072 #define EP_VERT_BASE_REF 1
00074 class PatchObject;
00077 class EP_BindMouseProc : public MouseCallBack {
00078     private:
00079         PatchObject *pobj;
00080         IObjParam *ip;
00081         IPoint2 om;
00082         BitArray knotList;
00084     protected:
00085         HCURSOR GetTransformCursor();
00086         BOOL HitAKnot(ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int *vert);
00087         BOOL HitASegment(ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int *Seg);
00089         BOOL HitTest( ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int type, int flags, int subType );
00090         BOOL AnyHits( ViewExp *vpt ) { return vpt->NumSubObjHits(); }       
00092     public:
00093         EP_BindMouseProc(PatchObject* spl, IObjParam *i) { pobj=spl; ip=i; }
00094         int proc( 
00095             HWND hwnd, 
00096             int msg, 
00097             int point, 
00098             int flags, 
00099             IPoint2 m );
00100     };
00104 class EP_BindCMode : public CommandMode {
00105     private:
00106         ChangeFGObject fgProc;
00107         EP_BindMouseProc eproc;
00108         PatchObject* pobj;
00109 //      int type; // See above
00111     public:
00112         EP_BindCMode(PatchObject* spl, IObjParam *i) :
00113             fgProc((ReferenceTarget*)spl), eproc(spl,i) {pobj=spl;}
00115         int Class() { return MODIFY_COMMAND; }
00116         int ID() { return CID_EP_BIND; }
00117         MouseCallBack *MouseProc(int *numPoints) { *numPoints=2; return &eproc; }
00118         ChangeForegroundCallback *ChangeFGProc() { return &fgProc; }
00119         BOOL ChangeFG( CommandMode *oldMode ) { return oldMode->ChangeFGProc() != &fgProc; }
00120         void EnterMode();
00121         void ExitMode();
00122 //      void SetType(int type) { this->type = type; eproc.SetType(type); }
00123     };
00126 class EP_ExtrudeMouseProc : public MouseCallBack {
00127 private:
00128     MoveTransformer moveTrans;
00129     PatchObject *po;
00130     Interface *ip;
00131     IPoint2 om;
00132     Point3 ndir;
00133 public:
00134     EP_ExtrudeMouseProc(PatchObject* o, IObjParam *i) : moveTrans(i) {po=o;ip=i;}
00135     int proc(HWND hwnd, int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m);
00136 };
00139 class EP_ExtrudeSelectionProcessor : public GenModSelectionProcessor {
00140 protected:
00141     HCURSOR GetTransformCursor();
00142 public:
00143     EP_ExtrudeSelectionProcessor(EP_ExtrudeMouseProc *mc, PatchObject *o, IObjParam *i) 
00144         : GenModSelectionProcessor(mc,(BaseObject*) o,i) {}
00145 };
00148 class EP_ExtrudeCMode : public CommandMode {
00149 private:
00150     ChangeFGObject fgProc;
00151     EP_ExtrudeSelectionProcessor mouseProc;
00152     EP_ExtrudeMouseProc eproc;
00153     PatchObject* po;
00155 public:
00156     EP_ExtrudeCMode(PatchObject* o, IObjParam *i) :
00157         fgProc((ReferenceTarget *)o), mouseProc(&eproc,o,i), eproc(o,i) {po=o;}
00158     int Class() { return MODIFY_COMMAND; }
00159     int ID() { return CID_EP_EXTRUDE; }
00160     MouseCallBack *MouseProc(int *numPoints) { *numPoints=2; return &mouseProc; }
00161     ChangeForegroundCallback *ChangeFGProc() { return &fgProc; }
00162     BOOL ChangeFG( CommandMode *oldMode ) { return oldMode->ChangeFGProc() != &fgProc; }
00163     void EnterMode();
00164     void ExitMode();
00165 };
00167 class EP_NormalFlipMouseProc : public MouseCallBack {
00168 private:
00169     PatchObject *po;
00170     Interface *ip;
00171     IPoint2 om;
00172     Point3 ndir;
00173 public:
00174     EP_NormalFlipMouseProc(PatchObject* o, IObjParam *i) {po=o;ip=i;}
00175     BOOL HitTest( ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int type, int flags, int subType );
00176     BOOL HitAPatch(ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int *pix);
00177     int proc(HWND hwnd, int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m);
00178 };
00180 class EP_NormalFlipCMode : public CommandMode {
00181 private:
00182     ChangeFGObject fgProc;
00183     EP_NormalFlipMouseProc eproc;
00184     PatchObject* po;
00186 public:
00187     EP_NormalFlipCMode(PatchObject* o, IObjParam *i) :
00188         fgProc((ReferenceTarget *)o), eproc(o,i) {po=o;}
00189     int Class() { return MODIFY_COMMAND; }
00190     int ID() { return CID_EP_NORMAL_FLIP; }
00191     MouseCallBack *MouseProc(int *numPoints) { *numPoints=1; return &eproc; }
00192     ChangeForegroundCallback *ChangeFGProc() { return &fgProc; }
00193     BOOL ChangeFG( CommandMode *oldMode ) { return oldMode->ChangeFGProc() != &fgProc; }
00194     void EnterMode();
00195     void ExitMode();
00196 };
00199 class EP_BevelMouseProc : public MouseCallBack {
00200 private:
00201     MoveTransformer moveTrans;
00202     PatchObject *po;
00203     Interface *ip;
00204     IPoint2 om;
00206 public:
00207     EP_BevelMouseProc(PatchObject* o, IObjParam *i) : moveTrans(i) {po=o;ip=i;}
00208     int proc(HWND hwnd, int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m);
00209 };
00212 class EP_BevelSelectionProcessor : public GenModSelectionProcessor {
00213 protected:
00214     HCURSOR GetTransformCursor();
00215 public:
00216     EP_BevelSelectionProcessor(EP_BevelMouseProc *mc, PatchObject *o, IObjParam *i) 
00217         : GenModSelectionProcessor(mc,(BaseObject*) o,i) {}
00218 };
00221 class EP_BevelCMode : public CommandMode {
00222 private:
00223     ChangeFGObject fgProc;
00224     EP_BevelSelectionProcessor mouseProc;
00225     EP_BevelMouseProc eproc;
00226     PatchObject* po;
00228 public:
00229     EP_BevelCMode(PatchObject* o, IObjParam *i) :
00230         fgProc((ReferenceTarget *)o), mouseProc(&eproc,o,i), eproc(o,i) {po=o;}
00231     int Class() { return MODIFY_COMMAND; }
00232     int ID() { return CID_EP_BEVEL; }
00233     MouseCallBack *MouseProc(int *numPoints) { *numPoints=3; return &mouseProc; }
00234     ChangeForegroundCallback *ChangeFGProc() { return &fgProc; }
00235     BOOL ChangeFG( CommandMode *oldMode ) { return oldMode->ChangeFGProc() != &fgProc; }
00236     void EnterMode();
00237     void ExitMode();
00238 };
00241 class EP_CreateVertMouseProc : public MouseCallBack {
00242 private:        
00243     PatchObject *po;
00244     IObjParam *mpIP;        
00245 public:
00246     EP_CreateVertMouseProc(PatchObject* mod, IObjParam *i) {po=mod;mpIP=i;}
00247     int proc (HWND hwnd, int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m);
00248 };
00250 class EP_CreateVertCMode : public CommandMode {
00251 private:
00252     ChangeFGObject fgProc;      
00253     EP_CreateVertMouseProc proc;
00254     PatchObject *po;
00256 public:
00257     EP_CreateVertCMode(PatchObject* mod, IObjParam *i) : 
00258       fgProc((ReferenceTarget *)mod), proc(mod,i) {po=mod;}
00259     int Class() { return MODIFY_COMMAND; }
00260     int ID() { return CID_CREATE_VERT; }
00261     MouseCallBack *MouseProc(int *numPoints) {*numPoints=1; return &proc;}
00262     ChangeForegroundCallback *ChangeFGProc() {return &fgProc;}
00263     BOOL ChangeFG(CommandMode *oldMode) {return oldMode->ChangeFGProc()!= &fgProc;}
00264     void EnterMode();
00265     void ExitMode();
00266 };
00268 class EP_CreatePatchMouseProc : public MouseCallBack {
00269 public:
00270     PatchObject *po;
00271     IObjParam *mpIP;        
00272     int verts[4];
00273     IPoint2 anchor, lastPoint, startPoint;
00275     EP_CreatePatchMouseProc(PatchObject* mod, IObjParam *i);
00276     BOOL HitTest( ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int type, int flags, int subType );
00277     BOOL HitAVert(ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int& vert);
00279     int proc(HWND hwnd, int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m );
00280 };
00282 class EP_CreatePatchCMode : public CommandMode {
00283 public:
00284     ChangeFGObject fgProc;
00285     PatchObject *po;
00286     EP_CreatePatchMouseProc proc;
00288     EP_CreatePatchCMode(PatchObject* mod, IObjParam *i) : 
00289       fgProc((ReferenceTarget *)mod), proc(mod,i) {po=mod;}
00290     int Class() { return MODIFY_COMMAND; }
00291     int ID() { return CID_CREATE_PATCH; }
00292     MouseCallBack *MouseProc(int *numPoints) {*numPoints=5; return &proc;}
00293     ChangeForegroundCallback *ChangeFGProc() {return &fgProc;}
00294     BOOL ChangeFG(CommandMode *oldMode) {return oldMode->ChangeFGProc()!= &fgProc;}
00295     void EnterMode();
00296     void ExitMode();
00297 };
00300 class EP_VertWeldMouseProc : public MouseCallBack {
00301 public:
00302     PatchObject *po;
00303     IObjParam *mpIP;        
00304     int fromVert, toVert;
00305     IPoint2 anchor, lastPoint;
00307     EP_VertWeldMouseProc(PatchObject* mod, IObjParam *i){po=mod;mpIP=i;}
00308     BOOL HitTest( ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int type, int flags, int subType );
00309     BOOL HitAVert(ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int& vert);
00311     int proc(HWND hwnd, int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m );
00312 };
00314 class EP_VertWeldCMode : public CommandMode {
00315 public:
00316     ChangeFGObject fgProc;
00317     PatchObject *po;
00318     EP_VertWeldMouseProc proc;
00320     EP_VertWeldCMode(PatchObject* mod, IObjParam *i) : 
00321       fgProc((ReferenceTarget *)mod), proc(mod,i) {po=mod;}
00322     int Class() { return MODIFY_COMMAND; }
00323     int ID() { return CID_VERT_WELD; }
00324     MouseCallBack *MouseProc(int *numPoints) {*numPoints=2; return &proc;}
00325     ChangeForegroundCallback *ChangeFGProc() {return &fgProc;}
00326     BOOL ChangeFG(CommandMode *oldMode) {return oldMode->ChangeFGProc()!= &fgProc;}
00327     void EnterMode();
00328     void ExitMode();
00329 };
00332 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00333 // CAL-06/02/03: copy/paste tangent modes. (FID #827)
00335 class EP_CopyTangentMouseProc : public MouseCallBack {
00336     private:
00337         PatchObject *po;
00338         IObjParam *ip;
00340     protected:
00341         HCURSOR GetTransformCursor();
00342         HitRecord* HitTest( ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int type, int flags );
00344     public:
00345         EP_CopyTangentMouseProc(PatchObject* obj, IObjParam *i) { po=obj; ip=i; }
00346         int proc(
00347             HWND hwnd, 
00348             int msg, 
00349             int point, 
00350             int flags, 
00351             IPoint2 m );
00352     };
00354 class EP_CopyTangentCMode : public CommandMode {
00355     private:
00356         ChangeFGObject fgProc;
00357         EP_CopyTangentMouseProc eproc;
00358         PatchObject* po;
00360     public:
00361         EP_CopyTangentCMode(PatchObject* obj, IObjParam *i) :
00362             fgProc((ReferenceTarget*)obj), eproc(obj,i) {po=obj;}
00364         int Class() { return MODIFY_COMMAND; }
00365         int ID() { return CID_COPY_TANGENT; }
00366         MouseCallBack *MouseProc(int *numPoints) { *numPoints=1; return &eproc; }
00367         ChangeForegroundCallback *ChangeFGProc() { return &fgProc; }
00368         BOOL ChangeFG( CommandMode *oldMode ) { return oldMode->ChangeFGProc() != &fgProc; }
00369         void EnterMode();
00370         void ExitMode();
00371     };
00373 class EP_PasteTangentMouseProc : public MouseCallBack {
00374     private:
00375         PatchObject *po;
00376         IObjParam *ip;
00378     protected:
00379         HCURSOR GetTransformCursor();
00380         HitRecord* HitTest( ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *p, int type, int flags );
00382     public:
00383         EP_PasteTangentMouseProc(PatchObject* obj, IObjParam *i) { po=obj; ip=i; }
00384         int proc(
00385             HWND hwnd, 
00386             int msg, 
00387             int point, 
00388             int flags, 
00389             IPoint2 m );
00390     };
00392 class EP_PasteTangentCMode : public CommandMode {
00393     private:
00394         ChangeFGObject fgProc;
00395         EP_PasteTangentMouseProc eproc;
00396         PatchObject* po;
00398     public:
00399         EP_PasteTangentCMode(PatchObject* obj, IObjParam *i) :
00400             fgProc((ReferenceTarget*)obj), eproc(obj,i) {po=obj;}
00402         int Class() { return MODIFY_COMMAND; }
00403         int ID() { return CID_PASTE_TANGENT; }
00404         MouseCallBack *MouseProc(int *numPoints) { *numPoints=1; return &eproc; }
00405         ChangeForegroundCallback *ChangeFGProc() { return &fgProc; }
00406         BOOL ChangeFG( CommandMode *oldMode ) { return oldMode->ChangeFGProc() != &fgProc; }
00407         void EnterMode();
00408         void ExitMode();
00409     };
00412 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00414 class POPickPatchAttach : 
00415         public PickModeCallback,
00416         public PickNodeCallback {
00417     public:     
00418         PatchObject *po;
00420         POPickPatchAttach() {po=NULL;}
00422         BOOL HitTest(IObjParam *ip,HWND hWnd,ViewExp *vpt,IPoint2 m,int flags);
00423         BOOL Pick(IObjParam *ip,ViewExp *vpt);
00425         void EnterMode(IObjParam *ip);
00426         void ExitMode(IObjParam *ip);
00428         HCURSOR GetHitCursor(IObjParam *ip);
00430         BOOL Filter(INode *node);
00432         PickNodeCallback *GetFilter() {return this;}
00434         BOOL RightClick(IObjParam* ip,ViewExp* vpt) { UNUSED_PARAM(ip); UNUSED_PARAM(vpt); return TRUE;}
00435     };
00438 class SingleRefMakerPatchNode;
00439 class SingleRefMakerPatchMtl;
00441 #pragma warning(push)
00442 #pragma warning(disable:4239)
00444 // The Base Patch class
00482 class PatchObject: public GeomObject, IPatchOps, IPatchSelect, IPatchSelectData, ISubMtlAPI, AttachMatDlgUser {
00483     friend class PatchObjectRestore;
00484     friend class POXFormProc;
00485     friend class POPickPatchAttach;
00486     public:
00487         static HWND hSelectPanel, hOpsPanel, hSurfPanel, hSoftSelPanel;
00488         static BOOL rsSel, rsOps, rsSurf;   // rollup states (FALSE = rolled up)
00489         static MoveModBoxCMode *moveMode;
00490         static RotateModBoxCMode *rotMode;
00491         static UScaleModBoxCMode *uscaleMode;
00492         static NUScaleModBoxCMode *nuscaleMode;
00493         static SquashModBoxCMode *squashMode;
00494         static SelectModBoxCMode *selectMode;
00495 //watje command mode for the bind       
00496         static EP_BindCMode *bindMode;
00497 //watje command mode for the extrude        
00498         static EP_ExtrudeCMode *extrudeMode;
00499         static EP_NormalFlipCMode *normalFlipMode;
00500         static EP_BevelCMode *bevelMode;
00501         static EP_CreateVertCMode *createVertMode;
00502         static EP_CreatePatchCMode *createPatchMode;
00503         static EP_VertWeldCMode *vertWeldMode;
00504         // CAL-06/02/03: copy/paste tangent. (FID #827)
00505         static EP_CopyTangentCMode *copyTangentMode;
00506         static EP_PasteTangentCMode *pasteTangentMode;
00508         // for the tessellation controls
00509         static BOOL settingViewportTess;  // are we doing viewport or renderer
00510         static BOOL settingDisp;  // are we doing viewport or renderer
00511         static ISpinnerControl *uSpin;
00512         static ISpinnerControl *vSpin;
00513         static ISpinnerControl *edgeSpin;
00514         static ISpinnerControl *angSpin;
00515         static ISpinnerControl *distSpin;
00516         static ISpinnerControl *mergeSpin;
00517         static ISpinnerControl *matSpin;
00518         static ISpinnerControl *matSpinSel;
00519         // General rollup controls
00520         static ISpinnerControl *weldSpin;
00521         static ISpinnerControl *targetWeldSpin;
00522         static ISpinnerControl *stepsSpin;
00524         //3-18-99 watje to support render steps
00525         static ISpinnerControl *stepsRenderSpin;
00526 #endif // NO_OUTPUTRENDERER
00527 // 7/20/00 TH -- Relax controls
00528         static ISpinnerControl *relaxSpin;
00529         static ISpinnerControl *relaxIterSpin;
00531         static POPickPatchAttach pickCB;
00532         static BOOL patchUIValid;
00533         static BOOL opsUIValid;
00534         static int attachMat;
00535         static BOOL condenseMat;
00536         // selection box size 
00537         static int pickBoxSize;
00538         // selection box size for target weld 
00539         static int weldBoxSize;
00541         // Load reference version
00542         int loadRefVersion;
00544         Interval geomValid;
00545         Interval topoValid;
00546         Interval texmapValid;
00547         Interval selectValid;
00548         ChannelMask validBits; // for the remaining constant channels
00549         void CopyValidity(PatchObject *fromOb, ChannelMask channels);
00551         //  inherited virtual methods for Reference-management
00552         RefResult NotifyRefChanged(Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID& partID, RefMessage message );
00554         static IObjParam *ip;       
00555         static PatchObject *editObj;
00557         PatchMesh patch;
00558         int patchSelSubType;        // PO_PATCH or PO_ELEMENT
00560         MasterPointControl  *masterCont;        // Master track controller
00561         Tab<Control*> vertCont;
00562         Tab<Control*> vecCont;
00564         // Remembered info
00565         PatchMesh *rememberedPatch; // NULL if using all selected patches
00566         int rememberedIndex;
00567         int rememberedData;
00569         // Editing stuff:
00570         BOOL doingHandles;
00572         BOOL showMesh;
00573         BOOL propagate;
00575         BOOL inExtrude,inBevel, inPatchCreate;
00577         DWORD epFlags;
00579         // CAL-06/02/03: copy/paste tangent info. (FID #827)
00580         BOOL copyTanLength;
00581         BOOL tangentCopied;
00582         Point3 copiedTangent;
00584         // Named selection sets:
00585         GenericNamedSelSetList hselSet;  // Handle // CAL-06/10/03: (FID #1914)
00586         GenericNamedSelSetList vselSet;  // Vertex
00587         GenericNamedSelSetList eselSet;  // Edge
00588         GenericNamedSelSetList pselSet;  // Patch
00590         // additonal references
00591         SingleRefMakerPatchNode* noderef;                  
00592         SingleRefMakerPatchMtl* mtlref; 
00595         CoreExport PatchObject();
00596         CoreExport PatchObject(PatchObject &from);
00598         CoreExport void PatchObjectInit();  // Constructor helper
00601         CoreExport ~PatchObject();
00603         // display functions from BaseObject
00604         CoreExport virtual bool RequiresSupportForLegacyDisplayMode() const;
00605         CoreExport virtual bool UpdateDisplay(
00606             unsigned long renderItemCategories, 
00607             const MaxSDK::Graphics::MaterialRequiredStreams& materialRequiredStreams, 
00608             TimeValue t);
00610         CoreExport PatchObject &operator=(PatchObject &from);
00612         // Flag methods.
00622         void SetFlag (DWORD fl, BOOL val=TRUE) { if (val) epFlags |= fl; else epFlags &= ~fl; }
00630         void ClearFlag (DWORD fl) { epFlags &= (~fl); }
00639         bool GetFlag (DWORD fl) { return (epFlags&fl) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
00641         //  inherited virtual methods:
00643         // From BaseObject
00644         CoreExport int HitTest(TimeValue t, INode* inode, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt);
00645         CoreExport int HitTest(TimeValue t, INode* inode, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt, ModContext* mc);
00646         CoreExport int Display(TimeValue t, INode* inode, ViewExp *vpt, int flags);
00647         CoreExport void Snap(TimeValue t, INode* inode, SnapInfo *snap, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt);
00648         CoreExport CreateMouseCallBack* GetCreateMouseCallBack();
00649         CoreExport RefTargetHandle Clone(RemapDir& remap);
00651         // Gizmo versions:
00669         CoreExport int Display(TimeValue t, INode* inode, ViewExp *vpt, int flags, ModContext *mc);
00686         CoreExport void GetWorldBoundBox (TimeValue t, INode * inode, ViewExp* vp, Box3& box, ModContext *mc);
00688         // NS: New SubObjType API
00689         CoreExport int NumSubObjTypes();
00690         CoreExport ISubObjType *GetSubObjType(int i);
00692         // From Object           
00693         CoreExport Interval ObjectValidity(TimeValue t);
00694         CoreExport BOOL GetExtendedProperties(TimeValue t, MSTR &prop1Label, MSTR &prop1Data, MSTR &prop2Label, MSTR &prop2Data);
00695         CoreExport BOOL PolygonCount(TimeValue t, int& numFaces, int& numVerts);
00697         // get and set the validity interval for the nth channel
00698         CoreExport Interval ChannelValidity(TimeValue t, int nchan);
00699         CoreExport void SetChannelValidity(int i, Interval v);
00700         CoreExport void InvalidateChannels(ChannelMask channels);
00701         CoreExport void TopologyChanged(); // mjm - 5.6.99
00703         // Convert-to-type validity
00704         CoreExport Interval ConvertValidity(TimeValue t);
00706         // Deformable object procs  
00707         virtual int IsDeformable() { return 1; }  
00708         CoreExport int NumPoints();
00709         CoreExport Point3 GetPoint(int i);
00710         CoreExport void SetPoint(int i, const Point3& p);
00711         CoreExport BOOL IsPointSelected (int i);
00713         CoreExport void PointsWereChanged();
00714         CoreExport void GetDeformBBox(TimeValue t, Box3& box, Matrix3 *tm=NULL,BOOL useSel=FALSE );
00715         CoreExport void Deform(Deformer *defProc, int useSel);
00717         virtual BOOL IsParamSurface() {return TRUE;}
00718         CoreExport  Point3 GetSurfacePoint(TimeValue t, float u, float v,Interval &iv);
00720         // Mappable object procs
00721         virtual int IsMappable() { return 1; }
00722         virtual int NumMapChannels () { return patch.NumMapChannels (); }
00723         virtual int NumMapsUsed () { return patch.getNumMaps(); }
00724         virtual void ApplyUVWMap(int type, float utile, float vtile, float wtile,
00725             int uflip, int vflip, int wflip, int cap,const Matrix3 &tm,int channel=1) {
00726                 patch.ApplyUVWMap(type,utile,vtile,wtile,uflip,vflip,wflip,cap,tm,channel); }
00728         CoreExport int CanConvertToType(Class_ID obtype);
00729         CoreExport Object* ConvertToType(TimeValue t, Class_ID obtype);
00730         CoreExport void GetCollapseTypes(Tab<Class_ID> &clist,Tab<MSTR*> &nlist);
00731         CoreExport void FreeChannels(ChannelMask chan);
00732         CoreExport Object *MakeShallowCopy(ChannelMask channels);
00733         CoreExport void ShallowCopy(Object* fromOb, ChannelMask channels);
00734         CoreExport void NewAndCopyChannels(ChannelMask channels);
00736         CoreExport DWORD GetSubselState();
00738         // From GeomObject
00739         CoreExport int IntersectRay(TimeValue t, Ray& ray, float& at, Point3& norm);
00740         CoreExport void GetWorldBoundBox(TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp* vpt, Box3& box );
00741         CoreExport void GetLocalBoundBox(TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp* vpt, Box3& box );
00742         CoreExport int IsInstanceDependent();   // Not view-dependent (yet)
00743         CoreExport Mesh* GetRenderMesh(TimeValue t, INode *inode, View& view, BOOL& needDelete);
00745         CoreExport PatchMesh& GetPatchMesh(TimeValue t);
00746         CoreExport Mesh& GetMesh(TimeValue t);
00748         // Animatable methods
00750         CoreExport virtual void DeleteThis();
00751         virtual void FreeCaches() {patch.InvalidateGeomCache(); }
00752         virtual Class_ID ClassID() { return Class_ID(PATCHOBJ_CLASS_ID,0); }
00753         CoreExport BOOL IsSubClassOf(Class_ID classID);
00754         CoreExport virtual void GetClassName(MSTR& s);
00756         using GeomObject::GetInterface;
00757         CoreExport void* GetInterface(ULONG id);
00759         // This is the name that will appear in the history browser.
00760         CoreExport virtual MCHAR *GetObjectName();
00762         // Controller stuff for animatable points
00763         int NumSubs()  { return 1; }    // Just tell it about the master point controller
00764         CoreExport Animatable* SubAnim(int i);
00765         CoreExport MSTR SubAnimName(int i);
00766         CoreExport BOOL AssignController(Animatable *control,int subAnim);
00767         int SubNumToRefNum(int subNum) {return subNum;}
00768         CoreExport BOOL SelectSubAnim(int subNum);
00769         CoreExport BOOL HasControllers(BOOL assertCheck=TRUE);
00771         // Reference methods
00772         CoreExport void RescaleWorldUnits(float f);
00773         int NumRefs() {return vertCont.Count() + vecCont.Count() + 1;}  // vert conts + vec conts + master
00774         CoreExport RefTargetHandle GetReference(int i);
00775 protected:
00776         CoreExport virtual void SetReference(int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg);
00777 public:
00778         CoreExport int RemapRefOnLoad(int iref);
00779         CoreExport void PlugControllersSel(TimeValue t);
00780         CoreExport void AllocVertContArray(int count);
00781         CoreExport void AllocVecContArray(int count);
00782         CoreExport void AllocContArrays(int vertCount, int vecCount);
00783         CoreExport void ReplaceVertContArray(Tab<Control *> &nc);
00784         CoreExport void ReplaceVecContArray(Tab<Control *> &nc);
00785         CoreExport void ReplaceContArrays(Tab<Control *> &vertnc, Tab<Control *> &vecnc);
00786         CoreExport BOOL PlugVertControl(TimeValue t,int i);
00787         CoreExport BOOL PlugVecControl(TimeValue t,int i);
00788         CoreExport void SetVertAnim(TimeValue t, int point, Point3 pt);
00789         CoreExport void SetVecAnim(TimeValue t, int point, Point3 pt);
00790         CoreExport void SetVertCont(int i, Control *c);
00791         CoreExport void SetVecCont(int i, Control *c);
00793         // IO
00794         CoreExport IOResult Save(ISave *isave);
00795         CoreExport IOResult Load(ILoad *iload);
00797         // PatchObject-specific methods
00807         CoreExport virtual void UpdatePatchMesh(TimeValue t);
00814         CoreExport void PrepareMesh(TimeValue t);
00815         CoreExport Mesh& GetUnrelaxedMesh(TimeValue t); // Ignore relax!
00818         CoreExport BOOL ShowLattice() { return patch.GetDispFlag(DISP_LATTICE) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
00821         CoreExport BOOL ShowVerts() { return patch.GetDispFlag(DISP_VERTS) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
00826         CoreExport void SetShowLattice(BOOL sw) { if(sw) patch.SetDispFlag(DISP_LATTICE); else patch.ClearDispFlag(DISP_LATTICE); }
00831         CoreExport void SetShowVerts(BOOL sw) { if(sw) patch.SetDispFlag(DISP_VERTS); else patch.ClearDispFlag(DISP_VERTS); }
00836         CoreExport void SetMeshSteps(int steps);
00838         CoreExport int GetMeshSteps();
00840         //3-18-99 watje to support render steps
00847         CoreExport void SetMeshStepsRender(int steps);
00851         CoreExport int GetMeshStepsRender();
00852 #endif // NO_OUTPUTRENDERER
00853         CoreExport BOOL Relaxing();     // returns TRUE if Relax && RelaxValue != 0 && RelaxIter != 0
00854         CoreExport void SetRelax(BOOL v);
00855         CoreExport void SetRelaxViewports(BOOL v);
00856         CoreExport void SetRelaxValue(float v);
00857         CoreExport void SetRelaxIter(int v);
00858         CoreExport void SetRelaxBoundary(BOOL v);
00859         CoreExport void SetRelaxSaddle(BOOL v);
00860         BOOL GetRelax() { return patch.GetRelax(); }
00861         BOOL GetRelaxViewports() { return patch.GetRelaxViewports(); }
00862         float GetRelaxValue() { return patch.GetRelaxValue(); }
00863         int GetRelaxIter() { return patch.GetRelaxIter(); }
00864         BOOL GetRelaxBoundary() { return patch.GetRelaxBoundary(); }
00865         BOOL GetRelaxSaddle() { return patch.GetRelaxSaddle(); }
00873         CoreExport void SetShowInterior(BOOL si);
00877         CoreExport BOOL GetShowInterior();
00879         CoreExport void SetUsePatchNormals(BOOL usePatchNorm);
00880         CoreExport BOOL GetUsePatchNormals();
00886         CoreExport void SetAdaptive(BOOL sw);
00889         CoreExport BOOL GetAdaptive();
00896         CoreExport void SetViewTess(TessApprox tess);
00899         CoreExport TessApprox GetViewTess();
00906         CoreExport void SetProdTess(TessApprox tess);
00909         CoreExport TessApprox GetProdTess();
00915         CoreExport void SetDispTess(TessApprox tess);
00918         CoreExport TessApprox GetDispTess();
00921         CoreExport BOOL GetViewTessNormals();
00926         CoreExport void SetViewTessNormals(BOOL use);
00929         CoreExport BOOL GetProdTessNormals();
00935         CoreExport void SetProdTessNormals(BOOL use);
00938         CoreExport BOOL GetViewTessWeld();
00944         CoreExport void SetViewTessWeld(BOOL weld);
00947         CoreExport BOOL GetProdTessWeld();
00953         CoreExport void SetProdTessWeld(BOOL weld);
00955         CoreExport void InvalidateMesh();
00956         CoreExport void InvalidateRelaxedMesh();
00958         // Editable patch stuff follows...
00959         CoreExport virtual void BeginEditParams( IObjParam  *ip, ULONG flags,Animatable *prev);
00960         CoreExport virtual void EndEditParams( IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags,Animatable *next);
00961         CoreExport int GetSubobjectLevel();
00969         CoreExport int GetSubobjectType();  // returns PO_PATCH for PO_ELEMENT level
00970         CoreExport void SetSubobjectLevel(int level);
00971         CoreExport void ActivateSubobjSel(int level, XFormModes& modes );
00972         CoreExport int SubObjectIndex(HitRecord *hitRec);
00973         CoreExport void GetSubObjectTMs(SubObjAxisCallback *cb,TimeValue t,INode *node,ModContext *mc);
00984         CoreExport void ShowEndResultChanged (BOOL showEndResult);
00985         CoreExport void GetSubObjectCenters(SubObjAxisCallback *cb,TimeValue t,INode *node,ModContext *mc);
00986         int NeedUseSubselButton() { return 0; }
00987         CoreExport void SelectSubComponent( HitRecord *hitRec, BOOL selected, BOOL all, BOOL invert );
00988         CoreExport void ClearSelection(int selLevel);
00989         CoreExport void SelectAll(int selLevel);
00990         CoreExport void InvertSelection(int selLevel);
00992         CoreExport void PatchSelChanged();
00993         CoreExport void InvalidateSurfaceUI();
00994         CoreExport void InvalidateOpsUI();
00996         CoreExport void ChangeRememberedPatch(int type);
00997         CoreExport void ChangeSelPatches(int type);
00998         CoreExport int RememberPatchThere(HWND hWnd, IPoint2 m);
00999         CoreExport void SetRememberedPatchType(int type);
01000         CoreExport void ChangeRememberedVert(int type);
01001         CoreExport void ChangeSelVerts(int type);
01002         CoreExport int RememberVertThere(HWND hWnd, IPoint2 m);
01003         CoreExport void SetRememberedVertType(int type);
01005         // Generic xform procedure.
01006         CoreExport void XFormVerts( POXFormProc *xproc, TimeValue t, Matrix3& partm, Matrix3& tmAxis );
01008         // Specialized xform for bezier handles
01009         CoreExport void XFormHandles( POXFormProc *xproc, TimeValue t, Matrix3& partm, Matrix3& tmAxis, int handleIndex );
01011         // Affine transform methods     
01012         CoreExport void Move( TimeValue t, Matrix3& partm, Matrix3& tmAxis, Point3& val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE );
01013         CoreExport void Rotate( TimeValue t, Matrix3& partm, Matrix3& tmAxis, Quat& val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE );
01014         CoreExport void Scale( TimeValue t, Matrix3& partm, Matrix3& tmAxis, Point3& val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE );
01016         // The following is called before the first Move(), Rotate() or Scale() call
01017         CoreExport void TransformStart(TimeValue t);
01019         // The following is called after the user has completed the Move, Rotate or Scale operation and
01020         // the undo object has been accepted.
01021         CoreExport void TransformFinish(TimeValue t);       
01023         // The following is called when the transform operation is cancelled by a right-click and the undo
01024         // has been cancelled.
01025         CoreExport void TransformCancel(TimeValue t);       
01027         CoreExport ObjectState Eval(TimeValue t);
01029         BOOL SupportsNamedSubSels() {return TRUE;}
01030         CoreExport void ActivateSubSelSet(MSTR &setName);
01031         CoreExport void NewSetFromCurSel(MSTR &setName);
01032         CoreExport void RemoveSubSelSet(MSTR &setName);
01033         CoreExport void SetupNamedSelDropDown();
01034         CoreExport int NumNamedSelSets();
01035         CoreExport MSTR GetNamedSelSetName(int i);
01036         CoreExport void SetNamedSelSetName(int i,MSTR &newName);
01037         CoreExport void NewSetByOperator(MSTR &newName,Tab<int> &sets,int op);
01038         CoreExport BOOL GetUniqueSetName(MSTR &name);
01039         CoreExport int SelectNamedSet();
01040         CoreExport void NSCopy();
01041         CoreExport void NSPaste();
01042         CoreExport GenericNamedSelSetList &GetSelSet();
01044         CoreExport void RefreshSelType();
01045         CoreExport void SetNumSelLabel();
01046         CoreExport void SetSelDlgEnables();
01047         CoreExport void SetOpsDlgEnables();
01048         CoreExport void SetSurfDlgEnables();
01049         CoreExport void SetSoftSelDlgEnables( HWND hSoftSel = NULL );
01051         // from AttachMatDlgUser
01052         CoreExport int GetAttachMat();
01053         CoreExport void SetAttachMat(int value);
01054         CoreExport BOOL GetCondenseMat();
01055         CoreExport void SetCondenseMat(BOOL sw);
01057         CoreExport void DoAttach(INode *node, PatchMesh *attPatch, bool & canUndo);
01058         CoreExport void SetTessUI(HWND hDlg, TessApprox *tess);
01059         // 'interactive' in the following records Undo information, displays prompts, notifies
01060         // dependents and redraws when TRUE
01071         CoreExport void DoDeleteSelected(BOOL interactive=TRUE);
01090         CoreExport void DoBreak(BOOL interactive=TRUE);
01091         CoreExport void ResolveTopoChanges();
01092         CoreExport void DeletePatchParts(BitArray &delVerts, BitArray &delPatches);
01093         // Animated point stuff:
01094         CoreExport void CreateContArrays();
01095         CoreExport void SynchContArrays();
01096         // Materials
01097         CoreExport int GetSelMatIndex();
01098         CoreExport void SetSelMatIndex(int index);
01099         CoreExport void SelectByMat(int index,BOOL clear);
01100         // Smoothing
01101         CoreExport DWORD GetSelSmoothBits(DWORD &invalid);
01102         CoreExport DWORD GetUsedSmoothBits();
01103         CoreExport void SelectBySmoothGroup(DWORD bits,BOOL clear);
01104         CoreExport void SetSelSmoothBits(DWORD bits,DWORD which);
01105         // Subdivision / addition
01106         CoreExport void SetPropagate(BOOL sw);
01107         CoreExport BOOL GetPropagate();
01108         CoreExport void DoPatchAdd(int type);
01109         CoreExport void DoSubdivide(int level);
01110         CoreExport void DoPatchDetach(int copy, int reorient);
01111         // Welding
01112         CoreExport void DoVertWeld();
01113         CoreExport void DoVertWeld(int fromVert, int toVert);
01121         CoreExport void DoEdgeWeld();
01122         // CAL-06/02/03: copy/paste tangent. (FID #827)
01123         CoreExport void StartCopyTangentMode();
01124         CoreExport void StartPasteTangentMode();
01125         CoreExport void StartPasteTangent();
01126         CoreExport void EndPasteTangent();
01128         CoreExport BOOL CopyTangent(int vec);
01129         CoreExport BOOL PasteTangent(int vec);
01130 //watje
01131         //hide and unhide stuff
01132         CoreExport void DoHide(int type) ;
01133         CoreExport void DoUnHide();
01134         CoreExport void DoPatchHide();
01135         CoreExport void DoVertHide();
01136         CoreExport void DoEdgeHide();
01137 //watje hook stuff
01138         CoreExport void DoAddHook(int vert1, int seg1) ;
01139         CoreExport void DoRemoveHook() ;
01140 //watje bevel and extrusion stuff
01149         CoreExport void DoExtrude(TimeValue t) ;
01150         CoreExport void BeginExtrude(TimeValue t);  
01151         CoreExport void EndExtrude (TimeValue t, BOOL accept=TRUE);     
01152         CoreExport void Extrude( TimeValue t, float amount, BOOL useLocalNorm );
01169         CoreExport void DoFlipNormals(int patchIndex = -1);
01183         CoreExport void DoUnifyNormals();
01193         CoreExport void DoBevel(TimeValue t) ;
01194         CoreExport void BeginBevel(TimeValue t);    
01195         CoreExport void EndBevel (TimeValue t, BOOL accept=TRUE);       
01196         CoreExport void Bevel( TimeValue t, float amount, BOOL smoothStart, BOOL smoothEnd );
01198         // CAL-04/23/03: patch smooth (FID #1914)
01199         CoreExport void DoPatchSmooth(int type);
01201         // methods for creating new vertices and patches
01202         CoreExport void CreateVertex(Point3 pt, int& newIndex);
01203         CoreExport void CreatePatch(int vertIndx1,int vertIndx2,int vertIndx3);
01204         CoreExport void CreatePatch(int vertIndx1,int vertIndx2,int vertIndx3,int vertIndx4);
01206         // patch select and operations interfaces, JBW 2/2/99
01207         CoreExport void StartCommandMode(patchCommandMode mode);
01208         CoreExport void ButtonOp(patchButtonOp opcode);
01210 // LAM: added 9/3/00
01211     // UI controls access
01223         CoreExport void GetUIParam (patchUIParam uiCode, int & ret);
01235         CoreExport void SetUIParam (patchUIParam uiCode, int val);
01247         CoreExport void GetUIParam (patchUIParam uiCode, float & ret);
01259         CoreExport void SetUIParam (patchUIParam uiCode, float val);
01266         bool Editing () { return (ip && (editObj==this)) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
01268         CoreExport DWORD GetSelLevel();
01269         CoreExport void SetSelLevel(DWORD level);
01270         CoreExport void LocalDataChanged();
01272         CoreExport BitArray GetVecSel();
01273         CoreExport BitArray GetVertSel();
01274         CoreExport BitArray GetEdgeSel();
01275         CoreExport BitArray GetPatchSel();
01277         CoreExport void SetVecSel(BitArray &set, IPatchSelect *imod, TimeValue t);
01278         CoreExport void SetVertSel(BitArray &set, IPatchSelect *imod, TimeValue t);
01279         CoreExport void SetEdgeSel(BitArray &set, IPatchSelect *imod, TimeValue t);
01280         CoreExport void SetPatchSel(BitArray &set, IPatchSelect *imod, TimeValue t);
01282         CoreExport GenericNamedSelSetList& GetNamedVecSelList();
01283         CoreExport GenericNamedSelSetList& GetNamedVertSelList();
01284         CoreExport GenericNamedSelSetList& GetNamedEdgeSelList();
01285         CoreExport GenericNamedSelSetList& GetNamedPatchSelList();
01287         // Vertex Color Support...
01301         CoreExport Color GetVertColor(int mp=0, bool *differs=NULL);
01310         CoreExport void SetVertColor(Color clr, int mp=0);
01332         CoreExport void SelectVertByColor(VertColor clr, int deltaR, int deltaG, int deltaB, BOOL add, BOOL sub, int mp=0);
01333         // and patch-level vertex color support
01347         CoreExport Color GetPatchColor(int mp=0, bool *differs=NULL);
01356         CoreExport void SetPatchColor(Color clr, int mp=0);
01358         // ISubMtlAPI methods:
01359         CoreExport MtlID GetNextAvailMtlID(ModContext* mc);
01360         CoreExport BOOL HasFaceSelection(ModContext* mc);
01361         CoreExport void SetSelFaceMtlID(ModContext* mc, MtlID id, BOOL bResetUnsel = FALSE);
01362         CoreExport int GetSelFaceUniqueMtlID(ModContext* mc);
01363         CoreExport int GetSelFaceAnyMtlID(ModContext* mc);
01364         CoreExport int GetMaxMtlID(ModContext* mc);
01365 //watje new patch mapping
01374         CoreExport void ChangeMappingTypeLinear(BOOL linear);
01376         // CAL-04/23/03: Shrink/Grow, Edge Ring/Loop selection. (FID #1914)
01377         CoreExport void ShrinkSelection(int type);
01378         CoreExport void GrowSelection(int type);
01379         CoreExport void SelectEdgeRing();
01380         CoreExport void SelectEdgeLoop();
01386         CoreExport void SelectOpenEdges();
01393         CoreExport void DoCreateShape();
01395 // soft selection support
01396 //
01397         CoreExport int  UseEdgeDists();
01398         CoreExport void SetUseEdgeDists( int useSoftSelections );
01399         CoreExport int  UseSoftSelections();
01400         CoreExport void SetUseSoftSelections( int useSoftSelections );
01401         CoreExport void InvalidateVertexWeights();
01402         // CAL-05/06/03: toggle shaded faces display for soft selection. (FID #1914)
01403         CoreExport void ToggleShadedFaces();
01405         CoreExport void UpdateVertexDists();
01406         CoreExport void UpdateEdgeDists( );
01407         CoreExport void UpdateVertexWeights();
01409         CoreExport Point3 VertexNormal( int vIndex ); 
01411 };
01413 #pragma warning(pop)
01415 CoreExport ClassDesc* GetPatchObjDescriptor();
01417 // Helper classes used internally for undo operations
01419 class POModRecord: public MaxHeapOperators {
01420     public:
01421         virtual ~POModRecord(){}
01422         virtual BOOL Restore(PatchObject *po, BOOL isUndo)=0;
01423         virtual BOOL Redo(PatchObject *po)=0;
01424         virtual DWORD Parts()=0;                // Flags of parts modified by this
01425     };
01427 class PatchObjectRestore : public RestoreObj {
01428     public:
01429         POModRecord *rec;       // Modification record
01430         PatchObject  *po;
01432         PatchObjectRestore(PatchObject *po, POModRecord *rec);
01433         virtual ~PatchObjectRestore();
01435         void Restore(int isUndo);
01436         void Redo();
01437         int Size() { return 1; }
01438         void EndHold() {po->ClearAFlag(A_HELD);}
01439         MSTR Description() { return MSTR(_M("PatchObject restore")); }
01440     };
01442 class SingleRefMakerPatchNode : public SingleRefMaker{
01443     public:
01444         HWND hwnd;
01445         PatchObject *po;
01446         SingleRefMakerPatchNode() {hwnd = NULL; po = NULL;}
01447         ~SingleRefMakerPatchNode() { }
01448         RefResult NotifyRefChanged( Interval changeInt,RefTargetHandle hTarget, 
01449         PartID& partID, RefMessage message );
01450     };
01452 class SingleRefMakerPatchMtl : public SingleRefMaker{
01453     public: 
01454         HWND hwnd;
01455         PatchObject *po;
01456         SingleRefMakerPatchMtl() {hwnd = NULL; po = NULL;}
01457         ~SingleRefMakerPatchMtl() { }
01458         RefResult NotifyRefChanged( Interval changeInt,RefTargetHandle hTarget, 
01459         PartID& partID, RefMessage message );
01460 };
01462 // Command ID for the dynamic spline quad menu entry
01463 #define ID_PATCH_MENU 1333
01465 const DWORD kPatchActions = 0x34fe4c77;
01466 const DWORD kPatchActionsContext = 0x34fe4c77;