Getting the Nodes that Reference an Object

Every object is referenced by one or more INodes. To find the first INode in the dependency graph that references an object by sending a reference message REFMSG_GET_NODE_HANDLE to its dependents using ReferenceTarget::NotifyDependents(). This will retrieve a handle of the first node that references the object. Using the method Interface::GetINodeByHandle() a node can then be retrieved.

INode* GetNodeFromObject(BaseObject* obj) {
  ULONGhandle = 0;
  rm->NotifyDependents(FOREVER, (PartID)&handle, REFMSG_GET_NODE_HANDLE);
  INode *node = GetCOREInterface()->GetINodeByHandle(handle);

ITo find all of the nodes that reference an object use the instancemanager's IInstanceMgr::GetInstances() method passing it the INode thatyou have acquired. A pointer to a global instance of IInstanceMgr can be retrieved using the static member function: IInstanceMgr::GetInstanceMgr().

void GetAllReferencingNodes(BaseObject* obj, INodeTab& nodes) {
  INode* node = GetNodeFromObject(obj);
  DbgAssert(node != NULL); // should never be NULL
   IInstanceMgr::GetInstanceMgr()->GetInstamces(*node, nodes);