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Preparing polygon and subdivision surface models for fur

Creating and modifying fur

Use Fur Presets
Create fur
create fur by creating fur descriptions. A fur description defines
all the attributes for a particular type of fur. These attributes
include fur color, width, length, baldness, opacity, scraggle, curl,
density, and more. For details of fur attributes, see
Edit fur descriptions.
You can also use any of the Fur Presets to get started; see
Use Fur Presets.
You can attach a fur
description to any single or multi-surface NURBS, polygonal or subdivision
surface model. You can then style the fur, such as shorten or lengthen
the fur on some parts of the model, using attribute value maps, or
by painting fur attribute values directly on the model using Maya
Artisan. When you apply fur attribute value maps, or paint fur attribute
values, the global fur description attributes do not change. For
information on styling fur, see
Paint fur attribute values and
Map fur attribute values.
You can also style fur
and add dynamic movement to it using hair curves. Create hair curves
and attach the hair system to the fur description so the fur is
influenced by the shape and position of the hair curves. For more
information, see
Style fur using hair curves and
Add movement to fur.
put fur on a polygonal or subdivision surface, the surface must
have good UVs (non-overlapping and between 0 and 1 in the texture
space). By default, Fur uses UV set map1, but you can change this
in the
Relationship Editor. For details,
Select which UV set to use for Fur (polygons only).
There are four ways to
create fur descriptions:
- Create the fur description and automatically
attach it to a selected surface.
- Create a fur description without attaching
it to a surface.
- Duplicate an existing fur description.
- Apply a Fur Preset to the selected surface.
Use Fur Presets.)
create and attach a fur description
- Select the surface(s) to apply fur to.
- In the Rendering menu
set select
Fur > Attach Fur Description > New.
Maya Fur creates a fur
description and attaches it to the selected surfaces. Fur feedback
automatically displays on the selected surfaces, providing you with
a visual representation of the default fur attributes for the fur description.
For information about fur feedback, see
Preview fur using fur feedback.
- Change the name of the fur description
to something meaningful (for example, bodyFur or beardFur) and edit
the fur description attributes. For details, see
Edit fur descriptions.
create an unattached fur description
- In the Rendering menu
set select
Fur > Fur Description (more) > Create Unattached.
Maya Fur creates a fur description called FurDescription. The new
fur description is now available to attach to surfaces. For details,
Attach and detach fur.
- Change the name of the fur description
to something meaningful (for example, bodyFur or beardFur) and edit
the fur description attributes. For details, see
Edit fur descriptions.
NoteSelect the fur description
node in the Script Editor to make it available for
editing in the Channel Box or the Hypergraph.
duplicate a fur description
- In the Rendering menu
set select
Fur > Fur Description (more) > Duplicate > FurDescriptionName,
where FurDescriptionName is the name
of the fur description you are duplicating. Maya Fur creates an
identical fur description with the name FurDescriptionName1.
- Change the name of the fur description
to something meaningful (for example, bodyFur or beardFur) and edit
the fur description attributes. For details, see
Edit fur descriptions.