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Delete fur

Creating and modifying fur

Select the surfaces a fur description is attached to
Attach and detach fur
can attach fur to surfaces automatically when you create the fur
description or you can attach it manually after you create a description.
You can attach more than
one fur description to selected surfaces. You may want to do this
if, for example, your model requires fur with different lengths or
textures. For example, a horse’s body hair is shorter and stiffer
than the hair on its mane.
attach a fur description
- Select the surface(s) you want to attach
a fur description to.
- In the Rendering menu
set select
Fur > Attach Fur Description > FurDescriptionName,
where FurDescriptionName is the name
of the fur description you want to attach.
NoteIf you attach more
than one fur description to a surface, only the feedback for the
last assigned fur description displays. For details on switching
fur feedback, see
Hiding and showing fur feedback.
detach a fur description
- Select the surface you want to detach
a fur description from.
- In the Rendering menu
set select
Fur > Fur Description (more) > Detach > FurDescriptionName,
where FurDescriptionName is the name
of the fur description you want to detach.
NoteDetaching a fur description
does not delete it—it merely removes its association with
the selected surface.