So here I am, one of the biggest fans of AutoCAD,® writing a guide to Autodesk Inventor®. Why would I want to do that?
Well, I must admit I was skeptical at first that this 3D modeling product could really be as easy and powerful as everyone said it was, not to mention the fact that Autodesk Inventor isn’t even based on AutoCAD! What about all those years of AutoCAD knowledge I’ve acquired? How could I possibly draw faster in any other CAD package than I do in AutoCAD? In this overview, I hope to convince you that, believe it or not, it’s actually easier (and faster!) to draw in 3D Autodesk Inventor than it is in 2D AutoCAD. I’m a believer, and I hope to turn you into one as well.

This quick tour is intended to be an easy read and a friendly introduction to the world of Autodesk Inventor. Delivered in 10 easily digestible doses, it covers the basics in a way that I hope makes you feel comfortable taking your first steps into this robust and exciting 3D modeling package. You’ll even discover that if you aren’t ready for the world of three dimensions yet, Autodesk Inventor is an amazing 2D program as well. The parametric modeling capabilities in Autodesk Inventor kick the IQ of the program up so many notches you’ll find that it does much of the work for you! In fact, Autodesk Inventor is so smart and so easy to use that you’ll keep thinking there must be a catch (I certainly did!).There’s no catch—it’s just a remarkable program that’s built on tomorrow’s technology. And why shouldn’t it be? It’s written by the company you’ve trusted with your designs for over 20 years—Autodesk!

So let’s begin our journey into the world of Autodesk Inventor software…

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