
Inheritance diagram for KFbxGeometry:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Contains common properties for mesh, nurb, and patch node attributes.

A geometry node attribute has arrays of links, shapes, materials and textures. It also has arrays for control points, normals, material indices, texture indices, and texture UV coordinates. Some of these are only used in mesh node attributes.

Definition at line74of filekfbxgeometry.h.

Error Management

enum EError
 Error identifiers.More...
 Retrieve error object.
EError GetLastErrorID() const
 Get last error code.
const char * GetLastErrorString() const
 Get last error string.

Deformer Management

int AddDeformer(KFbxDeformer*pDeformer)
 Add a deformer.
int GetDeformerCount() const
 Get the number of deformers.
KFbxDeformerGetDeformer(int pIndex) const
 Get deformer at given index.
int GetDeformerCount(KFbxDeformer::EDeformerTypepType) const
 Get the number of deformers of a given type.
KFbxDeformerGetDeformer(int pIndex,KFbxDeformer::EDeformerTypepType) const
 Get deformer of a gieven type at given index.

Connected Geometry Weighted Map(s) Management

 Return the source geometry weighted map connected.
int GetDestinationGeometryWeightedMapCount()
 Get the number of destination geometry weighted map(s) connected.
KFbxGeometryWeightedMapGetDestinationGeometryWeightedMap(int pIndex)
 Get destination geometry weighted map at a given index.

Shape Management

virtual int AddShape(KFbxShape*pShape, char const *pShapeName)
 Add a shape and its associated name.
virtual void ClearShape()
 Removes all shapes without destroying them.
virtual int GetShapeCount() const
 Get the number of shapes.
virtualKFbxShapeGetShape(int pIndex)
 Get shape at given index.
virtualKFbxShapeconst * GetShape(int pIndex) const
 Get shape at given index.
virtual char const * GetShapeName(int pIndex) const
 Get shape name at given index.
virtualKFCurveGetShapeChannel(char const *pShapeName, bool pCreateAsNeeded=false, char const *pTakeName=NULL)
 Get a shape channel.
virtualKFCurveGetShapeChannel(int pIndex, bool pCreateAsNeeded=false, char const *pTakeName=NULL)
 Get a shape channel.

Pivot Management

The geometry pivot is used to specify additional translation, rotation, and scaling applied to all the control points when the model is exported.

KFbxXMatrixGetPivot(KFbxXMatrix&pXMatrix) const
 Get pivot matrix.
void SetPivot(KFbxXMatrix&pXMatrix)
 Set pivot matrix.
void ApplyPivot()
 Apply the pivot matrix to all vertices/normals of the geometry.

Default Animation Values

These functions provides direct access to default animation values specific to a geometry.

These functions only work if the geometry has been associated with a node.

void SetDefaultShape(int pIndex, double pPercent)
 Set default deformation for a given shape.
void SetDefaultShape(char const *pShapeName, double pPercent)
 Set default deformation for a given shape.
double GetDefaultShape(int pIndex)
 Get default deformation for a given shape.
double GetDefaultShape(char const *pShapeName)
 Get default deformation for a given shape.

Public Types

enum ESurfaceMode
 Surface modes This information is only used in nurbs and patches.More...

Public Member Functions

virtualEAttributeType GetAttributeType() const
 Return the type of node attribute.
virtualKFbxObjectClone(KFbxObject*pContainer,KFbxObject::ECloneTypepCloneType) const
 Creates a clone of this object.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Surface modes This information is only used in nurbs and patches.

Types of surfaces.

  • eRAW
  • eLOW
  • eHIGH

Definition at line237of filekfbxgeometry.h.


Error identifiers.


Reimplemented inKFbxNurbsCurve.

Definition at line337of filekfbxgeometry.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtualEAttributeTypeGetAttributeType( ) const[virtual]

Return the type of node attribute.

This class is pure virtual.

Reimplemented fromKFbxLayerContainer.

Reimplemented inKFbxMesh,KFbxNurb,KFbxNurbsCurve,KFbxNurbsSurface,KFbxPatch,KFbxBoundary, andKFbxTrimNurbsSurface.

int AddDeformer(KFbxDeformerpDeformer ) 

Add a deformer.

pDeformer Pointer to the deformer object to add.
Index of added deformer.

int GetDeformerCount( ) const

Get the number of deformers.

Number of deformers that have been added to this object.

KFbxDeformer* GetDeformer(int pIndex ) const

Get deformer at given index.

pIndex Index of deformer.
Pointer to deformer orNULLif pIndex is out of range. In this case,KFbxGeometry::GetLastErrorID()returns eINDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE.

int GetDeformerCount(KFbxDeformer::EDeformerType pType ) const

Get the number of deformers of a given type.

pType Type of deformer to count
Number of deformers that have been added to this object.

KFbxDeformer* GetDeformer(int pIndex,
KFbxDeformer::EDeformerType pType 

Get deformer of a gieven type at given index.

pIndex Index of deformer.
pType Type of deformer.
Pointer to deformer orNULLif pIndex is out of range. In this case,KFbxGeometry::GetLastErrorID()returns eINDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE.

KFbxGeometryWeightedMap* GetSourceGeometryWeightedMap( ) 

Return the source geometry weighted map connected.

Pointer to the source geometry weighted map connected to this object if any.

int GetDestinationGeometryWeightedMapCount( ) 

Get the number of destination geometry weighted map(s) connected.

Number of destination geometry weighted map(s) connected to this object.

KFbxGeometryWeightedMap* GetDestinationGeometryWeightedMap(int pIndex ) 

Get destination geometry weighted map at a given index.

pIndex Index of link.
Pointer to the destination geometry weighted map connected to this object if any.

virtual int AddShape(KFbxShapepShape,
char const * pShapeName 

Add a shape and its associated name.

pShape Pointer to the shape object.
pShapeName Name given to the shape.
Index of added shape, -1 if operation failed. If the operation fails,KFbxGeometry::GetLastErrorID()can return one of the following:
  • eNULL_PARAMETER: Pointer to shape isNULL.
  • eSHAPE_ALREADY_ADDED: Shape has already been added.
  • eSHAPE_INVALID_NAME: The provided name is empty.
  • eSHAPE_NAME_CLASH: The provided name is already used by another shape.
The provided name is stripped from surrounding whitespaces before being compared with other shape names. It is recommended not to prefix the shape name with its enclosing node name because MotionBuilder is known to strip this prefix and not save it back.

Reimplemented inKFbxTrimNurbsSurface.

virtual void ClearShape( ) [virtual]

Removes all shapes without destroying them.

If shapes aren't explicitly destroyed before calling this function, they will be destroyed along with the SDK manager.

Reimplemented inKFbxTrimNurbsSurface.

virtual int GetShapeCount( ) const[virtual]

Get the number of shapes.

Number of shapes that have been added to this object.

Reimplemented inKFbxTrimNurbsSurface.

virtualKFbxShape* GetShape(int pIndex ) [virtual]

Get shape at given index.

pIndex Index of shape.
Pointer to shape orNULLif pIndex is out of range. In this case,KFbxGeometry::GetLastErrorID()returns eINDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE.

Reimplemented inKFbxTrimNurbsSurface.

virtualKFbxShapeconst* GetShape(int pIndex ) const[virtual]

Get shape at given index.

pIndex Index of shape.
Pointer to shape orNULLif pIndex is out of range. In this case,KFbxGeometry::GetLastErrorID()returns eINDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE.

Reimplemented inKFbxTrimNurbsSurface.

virtual char const* GetShapeName(int pIndex ) const[virtual]

Get shape name at given index.

pIndex Index of shape.
Shape name orNULLif pIndex is out of range. In this case,KFbxGeometry::GetLastErrorID()returns eINDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE.

Reimplemented inKFbxTrimNurbsSurface.

virtualKFCurve* GetShapeChannel(char const * pShapeName,
bool pCreateAsNeeded=false,
char const * pTakeName=NULL 

Get a shape channel.

The shape channel property has a scale from 0 to 100, 100 meaning full shape deformation. The default value is 0.

pShapeName Shape Property name.
pCreateAsNeeded If true, the fcurve is created if not already present.
pTakeName Take from which we want the FCurve (if NULL, use the current take).
Animation curve or NULL if an error occurred. In this case,KFbxGeometry::GetLastErrorID()returns one of the following:
  • eINDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE: Shape index is out of range.
  • eSHAPE_NO_CURVE_FOUND: Shape curve could not be found.

virtualKFCurve* GetShapeChannel(int pIndex,
bool pCreateAsNeeded=false,
char const * pTakeName=NULL 

Get a shape channel.

The shape channel property has a scale from 0 to 100, 100 meaning full shape deformation. The default value is 0.

pIndex Shape index.
pCreateAsNeeded If true, the fcurve is created if not already present.
pTakeName Take from which we want the FCurve (if NULL, use the current take).
Animation curve or NULL if an error occurred. In this case,KFbxGeometry::GetLastErrorID()returns one of the following:
  • eINDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE: Shape index is out of range.
  • eSHAPE_NO_CURVE_FOUND: Shape curve could not be found.

Reimplemented inKFbxTrimNurbsSurface.

KFbxXMatrix&GetPivot(KFbxXMatrixpXMatrix ) const

Get pivot matrix.

pXMatrix Placeholder for the returned matrix.
Reference to the passed argument.

void SetPivot(KFbxXMatrixpXMatrix ) 

Set pivot matrix.

pXMatrix The Transformation matrix.

void ApplyPivot( ) 

Apply the pivot matrix to all vertices/normals of the geometry.

void SetDefaultShape(int pIndex,
double pPercent 

Set default deformation for a given shape.

The default shape property has a scale from 0 to 100, 100 meaning full shape deformation. The default value is 0.

pIndex Shape index.
pPercent Deformation percentage on a scale ranging from 0 to 100.
This function has no effect if pIndex is out of range.

void SetDefaultShape(char const * pShapeName,
double pPercent 

Set default deformation for a given shape.

The default shape property has a scale from 0 to 100, 100 meaning full shape deformation. The default value is 0.

pShapeName Shape name.
pPercent Deformation percentage on a scale ranging from 0 to 100.
This function has no effect if pShapeName is invalid.

double GetDefaultShape(int pIndex ) 

Get default deformation for a given shape.

The default shape property has a scale from 0 to 100, 100 meaning full shape deformation. The default value is 0.

pIndex Shape index.
The deformation value for the given shape, or 0 if pIndex is out of range.

double GetDefaultShape(char const * pShapeName ) 

Get default deformation for a given shape.

The default shape property has a scale from 0 to 100, 100 meaning full shape deformation. The default value is 0.

pShapeName Shape name.
The deformation value for the given shape, or 0 if pShapeName is invalid.

KError&GetError( ) 

Retrieve error object.

Reference to error object.

EErrorGetLastErrorID( ) const

Get last error code.

Last error code.

const char* GetLastErrorString( ) const

Get last error string.

Textual description of the last error.

virtualKFbxObject* Clone(KFbxObjectpContainer,
KFbxObject::ECloneType pCloneType 

Creates a clone of this object.

pContainer The object, typically a document or scene, that will contain the new clone. Can be NULL.
pCloneType The type of clone to create
The new clone, or NULL if the specified clone type is not supported.

Reimplemented fromKFbxNodeAttribute.

Reimplemented inKFbxNurbsCurve, andKFbxProceduralGeometry.