Object Hierarchy | Related C++ Class: Mixer
This object represents the Animation Mixer, which is nested
directly under the Model. The Mixer object
is a ClipContainer and so provides
access to the standard elements of a mixer: its Tracks, Transitions,
Clips, and ClipRelations.
You can check if an object has a mixer by calling the Model.HasMixer method. If it doesn't, you
can create one with the Model.AddMixer method.
The Mixer stores all of the Model's
high-level animation and audio clips, so when you call its base
property ClipContainer.Clips, you get a
collection of clips only on the current model (there is no
recursion). If any of these are compound clips, none of its
contents are returned, just the top level.
/* This example demonstrates how to find all sources in the scene when there are several levels of models all with their own sources. Something to note is that only ActionSources are returned from the Model. */ NewScene( null, false ); // Set up the scene (details are at the bottom of this example) var m1 = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel(); m1.Name = "Larry" var m2 = m1.AddModel(); m2.Name = "Curly" var m3 = m2.AddModel(); m3.Name = "Moe" CreateModelSource( ActiveSceneRoot ); CreateImageSource(m1); CreateShapeAction(m2); CreateAudioSource(m3); // Start with the top level model (the Scene_Root) and the use the Models property // to search recursively. Since all action sources are stored under the model, once // we've visited each model, we will have found each source in the scene. LogMessage( "RecursiveModelSearch results: " + RecursiveModelSearch(ActiveSceneRoot) ); // Expected Results: // INFO : MODEL: Scene_Root // INFO : MODEL: Larry // INFO : MODEL: Curly // INFO : MODEL: Moe // INFO : MODEL: Biped_Skeleton_Generated // INFO : RecursiveModelSearch results: Curly.Mixer.ShapeKey,Curly.Mixer.Shape_ClusterClip_source,Curly.Mixer.ShapeKey1,Curly.Mixer.ShapeKey2 function RecursiveModelSearch( in_model ) { LogMessage( "MODEL: " + in_model.FullName ); // Start with the top-level model // Get a comma-delimited string of all sources found under this model var foundsrcs = ( in_model.Sources ) ? in_model.Sources.GetAsText() : ""; // For every model nested within this scene, check it for sources var mdl = new Enumerator( in_model.Models(true) ); for ( ; ! mdl.atEnd(); mdl.moveNext() ) { LogMessage( "MODEL: " + mdl.item().FullName ); var results = in_model.Sources; if ( results ) { foundsrcs += "," + mdl.item().Sources.GetAsText(); } } // Correct any instances of a double or leading/trailing commas which may have // occurred when reading a model with no sources foundsrcs = foundsrcs.replace( /,,/g, "," ); foundsrcs = foundsrcs.replace( /^,/, "" ); foundsrcs = foundsrcs.replace( /,$/, "" ); // Return the string, which can be used by the caller to set an XSICollection, // populate a combo box, etc. return foundsrcs; } // This is an handy function to have around if you're going to create an action // source or clip on a parameter that is in a nested model (ie., not directly // under the Scene_Root) because AddClip will force a mapping template if your // parameter is not relative. function GetRelativeNameForTarget( in_param ) { var mdlname = in_param.Model.FullName; if ( mdlname == "Scene_Root" ) { return in_param.FullName; } else { var tmp = in_param.FullName; var re = new RegExp( mdlname + ".", "i" ); return tmp.replace( re, "" ); } } // Helper functions to create & instantiate sources function CreateShapeAction( in_model ) { var obj = in_model.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" ); var target = obj + ".pnt[0,2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23]" SetSelFilter( "Vertex" ); SelectGeometryComponents( target ); Translate( null, 0, -2, 0, siAbsolute, siPivot, siObj, siY, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 1 ); var clip = SaveShapeKey( target, null, null, 1, null, null, null, null, siShapeObjectReferenceMode ); Translate( null, 0, -1, 0, siAbsolute, siPivot, siObj, siY, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 1 ); SaveShapeKey( target, null, null, 36, null, null, null, null, siShapeObjectReferenceMode ); Translate( null, 0, 0, 0, siAbsolute, siPivot, siObj, siY, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 1 ); SaveShapeKey( target, null, null, 67, null, null, null, null, siShapeObjectReferenceMode ); } function CreateAudioSource( in_model ) { var mixmaster = ( in_model.HasMixer() ) ? in_model.Mixer : in_model.AddMixer(); var aud_track = AddTrack( in_model, mixmaster, 2 ); var aud_path = XSIUtils.BuildPath( Application.InstallationPath(siFactoryPath), "Data", "XSI_SAMPLES", "Audio", "Torefaction.wav" ); var aud_src = ImportAudio( in_model, aud_path ); AddAudioClip( in_model, aud_src, mixmaster, aud_track, 22 ); } function CreateImageSource( in_model ) { var cube = in_model.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" ); SelectObj( cube ); ApplyShader( null, null, null, siUnspecified, siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap ); CreateProjection( cube, siTxtSpherical, siTxtDefaultSpherical, "", "Texture_Projection", null, siRelDefault, "" ); BlendInTextureLayers( "Image", cube, 1, false, siReplaceAndBlendInPreset, true, true, false, false); } function CreateModelSource() { ImportModel( "S:\\Data\\XSI_SAMPLES\\Models\\Biped_Skeleton_Generated.emdl", null, true, null, null, null, null ); } |
# # This example demonstrates how to access every clip in the specified model. # In this case there are two clips in different models and only the top # model has been queried, so only the constraint action will be returned # def FindClipsUnderModel( in_model ) : # First make sure we have a mixer if in_model.HasMixer()==0 : return "" mixer = in_model.Mixer # We will return a comma-delimited string of all sources found foundclips = "" Application.LogMessage( "\n\tSearching " + mixer.FullName + " for clips...", c.siComment ); if mixer.Clips.Count > 0 : for clip in mixer.Clips : Application.LogMessage( "\t" + clip.FullName + " is a " + ClassName(clip) + "/" + clip.Type, c.siComment ) if foundclips == "" : foundclips = foundclips + clip.FullName else : foundclips = foundclips + "," + clip.FullName else : Application.LogMessage( "\tNo sources found on " + mixer.FullName, c.siComment ) return foundclips # Helper function to strip off model name for FullNames def GetRelativeNameForTarget( in_param ) : mdlname = in_param.Model.FullName if mdlname == "Scene_Root" : return in_param.FullName else : tmp = in_param.FullName return tmp.replace( mdlname + ".", "" ) # Helper function to create constraint-based action def CreateConstraintAction( in_model ) : # Build Orientation Constraint to null from cylinder a = in_model.AddNull() Application.SelectObj(a) Application.Translate("", 5.5173674053756, 2.96222253259053, -0.296222253259053, c.siRelative, c.siView, c.siObj, c.siXYZ, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 1) b = in_model.AddGeometry("Cylinder", "MeshSurface" ) Application.SetUserPref( "SI3D_CONSTRAINT_COMPENSATION_MODE", 1) Application.ApplyCns( "Orientation", b, a, 1 ) Application.SetUserPref( "SI3D_CONSTRAINT_COMPENSATION_MODE", 0 ) # Relative names (needed for AddClip under a nested model) relB = GetRelativeNameForTarget( b ) # Make it into an Action (constraints are always on global Kinematics) # Get list of parameters to mark params = relB + "*/.kine.global.ori.euler" Application.StoreAction( in_model, params, 4, "StoredAnimCnsAction", 1, 1, 100, 0, 0, 1, 1 ) # Helper function to create fcurve-based action def CreateFCurveAction( in_model ) : obj = in_model.AddNull() # Set FCurves on the null's scaling keys = [ 5, 1.2, 20, 1.7, 45, 2.0, 90, 2.5 ] obj.sclx.AddFCurve2( keys ) keyfactor = 0.66 posfactor = 0.54 i=0 while i < len(keys) : keys[i] = keys[i] + keyfactor keys[i+1] = keys[i+1] * posfactor i = i + 2 obj.scly.AddFCurve2( keys ) keyfactor = 0.27 posfactor = 0.44 while i < len(keys) : keys[i] = keys[i] - keyfactor keys[i+1] = keys[i+1] * posfactor i = i + 2 obj.sclz.AddFCurve2( keys ) # Get list of parameters to mark params = obj.sclx.FullName + "," + obj.scly.FullName + "," + obj.sclz.FullName # Make the FCurves into an Action src = Application.StoreAction( in_model, params, 2, "StoredAnimFCrvAction" ) clip = Application.AddClip( in_model, src ) # Add some clip effects to it toclip = clip.Name + ".ActionClip" rtn = Application.GetMappingRule( toclip, 0 ) fromclip = rtn.Value( "From" ) Application.SetMappingRule( toclip, fromclip, "this+5", 1 ) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # MAIN # Application.NewScene( "", 0) from win32com.client import constants as c # Set up some animation action nested inside models (see bottom for functions) CreateFCurveAction( Application.ActiveSceneRoot ) m1 = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel() m1.Name = "Sunshine" CreateConstraintAction( m1 ) # Get a collection of clips under every model results = FindClipsUnderModel( Application.ActiveSceneRoot ) if results != "" : cliplist = XSIFactory.CreateActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" ) cliplist.AddItems( results ) # Print out list for clip in cliplist : Application.LogMessage( clip.Name + " is a " + clip.Type ) # Expected results: # # Searching Mixer for clips... # Mixer.Mixer_Anim_Track.StoredAnimFCrvAction_Clip is a Clip/mixeranimclip #INFO : StoredAnimFCrvAction_Clip is a mixeranimclip |
' ' This example demonstrates how to crawl through the Mixer to try and extract ' all the interesting pieces of data, through clips, sources, tracks, etc. ' NewScene , false ' Set up some clips in the mixer CreateStaticAction( ActiveSceneRoot ) CreateShapeAction( ActiveSceneRoot ) CreateAudioSource( ActiveSceneRoot ) ' Traverse the mixer, finding as much info as we can ReadMixerContents ActiveSceneRoot.Mixer sub ReadMixerContents( in_mixer ) LogMessage vbTab & "Reading " & in_mixer.FullName & " in ReadMixerContents()" ' CLIPS LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found " & in_mixer.Clips.Count & " clip(s)." ReadClipsFromContainer in_mixer ' TRACKS LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found " & in_mixer.Tracks.Count & " track(s)." for each trk in in_mixer.Tracks ' TRACKS::CLIPS ReadClipsFromContainer trk next ' TRANSITIONS LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found " & in_mixer.Transitions.Count & " transition(s)." for each trns in in_mixer.Transitions LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Found the " & trns.FullName & _ " transition which starts at frame " & trns.StartClip & _ " and ends at frame " & trns.EndClip next ' NESTED RELATIONS LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found " & in_mixer.NestedRelations.Count & " nested relation(s)." if in_mixer.NestedRelations.Count > 0 then ReadRelations in_mixer.NestedRelations end if end sub sub ReadClipsFromContainer( in_can ) LogMessage vbTab & "Reading " & in_can.FullName & " in ReadClipsFromContainer()" for each clp in in_can.Clips ' MAPPEDITEMS if clp.Type <> siClipAudioType then if TypeName(clp.MappedItems) <> "Nothing" then LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found " & clp.MappedItems.Count & " mapped items(s)" for each mapping in clp.MappedItems LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & mapping.FullName & ": " & ClassName(mapping) ' MAPPEDITEMS::CLIPEFFECTITEM ReadClipEffectItem mapping.ClipEffectItem next end if end if ' TIMECONTROL if TypeName(clp.TimeControl) <> "Nothing" then LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found this clip's time control: " & clp.TimeControl.FullName set tc = clp.TimeControl LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Scaling Factor: " & tc.Scale LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Start Offset: " & tc.StartOffset LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "First Frame: " & tc.ClipIn LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Last Frame: " & tc.ClipOut LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "siTimeControlExtrapolationType before this clip: " _ & tc.ExtrapolationBeforeType & " (" & tc.ExtrapolationBeforeValue & ")" LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "siTimeControlExtrapolationType after this clip: " _ & tc.ExtrapolationAfterType & " (" & tc.ExtrapolationAfterValue & ")" else LogMessage vbTab & "TimeControl is not available on this clip." end if ' SOURCE LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found this clip's source: " & clp.Source.FullName & "(" & ClassName(clp.Source) & ")" ' EFFECT if TypeName(clp.Effect) <> "Nothing" then LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found this clip's effect: " & clp.Effect.FullName ReadClipEffect clp.Effect end if ' RELATIONS LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found " & clp.Relations.Count & " relation(s) on this clip." ReadRelations clp.Relations next end sub sub ReadClipEffect( in_clpeff ) LogMessage vbTab & "Reading " & in_clpeff.FullName & " in ReadClipEffect()" ' CLIPEFFECTITEMS LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found " & in_clpeff.Items.Count & " clip effect item(s)" for each thing in in_clpeff.Items ReadClipEffectItem thing next ' VARIABLES LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found " & in_clpeff.Variables.Count & " variables(s)" if in_clpeff.Variables.Count > 0 then for each var in in_clpeff.Variables LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Found this variable on the clip effect: " & var.FullName next end if ' TIMEREFERENCE if TypeName(in_clpeff.TimeReference) <> "Nothing" then dim trparams if in_clpeff.TimeReference then trparams = "spans over extrapolation (siExtrapolatedClip)" else trparams = "repeats itself over time (siOriginalClip)" end if LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found this time reference indicating that this clip effect item: " & trparams else LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "No time reference found on the clip effect" end if ' POSEEFFECT if TypeName(in_clpeff.PoseEffect) <> "Nothing" then LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Found this pose effect property on the clip effect: " _ & in_clpeff.PoseEffect.FullName & " containing " _ & in_clpeff.PoseEffect.Parameters.Count & " parameters...." set peparams = in_clpeff.PoseEffect.Parameters for each p in peparams LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Found this parameter on the pose effect property: " & p.FullName next else LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "No pose effect property found on the clip effect" end if ' ISACTIVE LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Is this clip effect active? -- " & in_clpeff.IsActive ' ISPOSEEFFECTACTIVE LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Is the pose effect on this clip effect active? -- " & in_clpeff.IsPoseEffectActive end sub sub ReadRelations( in_rels ) LogMessage vbTab & "Reading " & in_rels.GetAsText() & " in ReadRelations()" for each rel in in_rels LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Master: " & in_rels(r).MasterClip LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Slave: " & in_rels(r).SlaveClip next end sub sub ReadClipEffectItem( in_clpeffitm ) LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & "Reading " & in_clpeffitm.FullName & " in ReadClipEffectItem()" LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Value of " & in_clpeffitm.Parameter.FullName & " = " & in_clpeffitm.Parameter.Value dim str if in_clpeffitm.Expression = "" then str = "(no expression)" else str = in_clpeffitm.Expression end if LogMessage vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Value of ClipEffectItem.Expression = " & str end sub ' Expected Results: 'INFO : Reading Mixer in ReadMixerContents() 'INFO : Found 2 clip(s). 'INFO : Reading Mixer in ReadClipsFromContainer() 'INFO : Found 1 mapped items(s) 'INFO : MappedItem: MappedItem 'INFO : Reading in ReadClipEffectItem() 'INFO : Value of Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.param = 0 'INFO : Value of ClipEffectItem.Expression = (no expression) 'INFO : Found this clip's time control: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.timectrl 'INFO : Scaling Factor: 1 'INFO : Start Offset: 1 'INFO : First Frame: 1 'INFO : Last Frame: 100 'INFO : siTimeControlExtrapolationType before this clip: 0 (0) 'INFO : siTimeControlExtrapolationType after this clip: 0 (0) 'INFO : Found this clip's source: Mixer.Shape_ClusterClip_source(ActionSource) 'INFO : Found this clip's effect: 'INFO : Reading in ReadClipEffect() 'INFO : Found 1 clip effect item(s) 'INFO : Reading in ReadClipEffectItem() 'INFO : Value of Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.param = 0 'INFO : Value of ClipEffectItem.Expression = (no expression) 'INFO : Found 0 variables(s) 'INFO : Found this time reference indicating that this clip effect item: spans over extrapolation (siExtrapolatedClip) 'INFO : Found this pose effect property on the clip effect: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState containing 9 parameters.... 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.sclx 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.scly 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.sclz 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.posx 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.posy 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.posz 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.orix 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.oriy 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.oriz 'INFO : Is this clip effect active? -- True 'INFO : Is the pose effect on this clip effect active? -- False 'INFO : Found 0 relation(s) on this clip. 'INFO : Reading in ReadRelations() 'INFO : Found this clip's time control: Mixer.Mixer_Audio_Track.Clip.timectrl 'INFO : Scaling Factor: 1 'INFO : Start Offset: 22 'INFO : First Frame: 1 'INFO : Last Frame: 6.87475789516606 'INFO : siTimeControlExtrapolationType before this clip: 0 (0) 'INFO : siTimeControlExtrapolationType after this clip: 0 (0) 'INFO : Found this clip's source: Sources.NEWALERT_WAV(Source) 'INFO : Found 0 relation(s) on this clip. 'INFO : Reading in ReadRelations() 'INFO : Found 2 track(s). 'INFO : Reading Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track in ReadClipsFromContainer() 'INFO : Found 1 mapped items(s) 'INFO : MappedItem: MappedItem 'INFO : Reading in ReadClipEffectItem() 'INFO : Value of Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.param = 0 'INFO : Value of ClipEffectItem.Expression = (no expression) 'INFO : Found this clip's time control: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.timectrl 'INFO : Scaling Factor: 1 'INFO : Start Offset: 1 'INFO : First Frame: 1 'INFO : Last Frame: 100 'INFO : siTimeControlExtrapolationType before this clip: 0 (0) 'INFO : siTimeControlExtrapolationType after this clip: 0 (0) 'INFO : Found this clip's source: Mixer.Shape_ClusterClip_source(ActionSource) 'INFO : Found this clip's effect: 'INFO : Reading in ReadClipEffect() 'INFO : Found 1 clip effect item(s) 'INFO : Reading in ReadClipEffectItem() 'INFO : Value of Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.param = 0 'INFO : Value of ClipEffectItem.Expression = (no expression) 'INFO : Found 0 variables(s) 'INFO : Found this time reference indicating that this clip effect item: spans over extrapolation (siExtrapolatedClip) 'INFO : Found this pose effect property on the clip effect: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState containing 9 parameters.... 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.sclx 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.scly 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.sclz 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.posx 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.posy 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.posz 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.orix 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.oriy 'INFO : Found this parameter on the pose effect property: Mixer.Mixer_Shape_Track.Shape_ClusterClip.actionclip.StaticKineState.oriz 'INFO : Is this clip effect active? -- True 'INFO : Is the pose effect on this clip effect active? -- False 'INFO : Found 0 relation(s) on this clip. 'INFO : Reading in ReadRelations() 'INFO : Reading Mixer.Mixer_Audio_Track in ReadClipsFromContainer() 'INFO : Found this clip's time control: Mixer.Mixer_Audio_Track.Clip.timectrl 'INFO : Scaling Factor: 1 'INFO : Start Offset: 22 'INFO : First Frame: 1 'INFO : Last Frame: 6.87475789516606 'INFO : siTimeControlExtrapolationType before this clip: 0 (0) 'INFO : siTimeControlExtrapolationType after this clip: 0 (0) 'INFO : Found this clip's source: Sources.NEWALERT_WAV(Source) 'INFO : Found 0 relation(s) on this clip. 'INFO : Reading in ReadRelations() 'INFO : Found 0 transition(s). 'INFO : Found 0 nested relation(s). ' Helper routines to create the sources sub CreateStaticAction( in_model ) set obj = in_model.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" ) targets = Array( obj.rotx.FullName, obj.roty.FullName, obj.rotz.FullName ) statics = Array( 22.5, 90, 45 ) actives = Array( true, true, true ) in_model.AddActionSource "StoredAnimStaticAction", targets, statics, actives end sub sub CreateShapeAction( in_model ) set obj = in_model.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" ) target = obj & ".pnt[0,2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23]" SetSelFilter "Vertex" SelectGeometryComponents target Translate , 0, -2, 0, siAbsolute, siPivot, siObj, siY, , , , , , , , , , 1 set clip = SaveShapeKey( target, , , 1, , , , , siShapeObjectReferenceMode ) target = clip.Source.SourceItems(0).Target Translate , 0, -1, 0, siAbsolute, siPivot, siObj, siY, , , , , , , , , , 1 SaveShapeKey target, , , 36, , , , , siShapeObjectReferenceMode Translate , 0, 0, 0, siAbsolute, siPivot, siObj, siY, , , , , , , , , , 1 SaveShapeKey target, , , 67, , , , , siShapeObjectReferenceMode end sub sub CreateAudioSource( in_model ) if in_model.HasMixer() then set mixmaster = in_model.Mixer else set mixmaster = in_model.AddMixer() end if set aud_track = AddTrack( in_model, mixmaster, 2 ) var aud_src_path = XSIUtils.BuildPath( Application.InstallationPath( siFactoryPath ), "Data", "XSI_SAMPLES", "Audio", "Torefaction.wav" ); var aud_src = ImportAudio( mdl, aud_src_path ); AddAudioClip in_model, aud_src, mixmaster, aud_track, 22 end sub |