
ProjectItem.LockMasters operator




Returns the object that is master of the lock in an XSICollection. The lock master is the object that has been locked initially. Note that it returns an empty list when the object is not locked.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
CXSICollection rtn = ProjectItem.LockMasters;


JScript Example

        This example shows how to find the lock master
NewScene( null, false );
CreatePrim( "Cone", "MeshSurface" );
var oObj = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.FindChild( "Cone" );
oObj.SetLock( siLockLevelManipulation );
Application.LogMessage( "The cone's lock master is: " + oObj.LockMasters(0) );
oObj.UnSetLock( siLockLevelAll );
Application.LogMessage( "The cone's lock master is: " + oObj.LockMasters(0) );
// Expected result:
//INFO : The cone's lock master is: cone
//INFO : The cone's lock master is: undefined

See Also

ProjectItem.LockType ProjectItem.IsLocked ProjectItem.SetLock ProjectItem.UnSetLock Parameter.LockLevel Lock Unlock