Object Hierarchy | Related C++ Class: Cluster
A cluster represents a set of components on a Geometry. For example, the polygons of the left
arm of a human model might be grouped together by creating a
A cluster has a SIObject.Type
which corresponds to the component type that it contains, (pnt,
knot, poly). A geometry can have multiple clusters, including
clusters of different types. Any particular component might be
included in multiple clusters. The ClusterTypes that are supported on a
geometry depend on the type of object. For example only NurbsSurface or NurbsCurve can have a siKnotCluster.
Clusters can be created on the geometry of a ParticleCloud. These clusters are of type
siVertexCluster but they contain Particles.
A cluster that includes all the components of a particular type is
said to be "always complete", which you can verify with the
method. An always-complete cluster always covers all components of
the geometry, even when components are added by a modeling
operation; however, notice that a cluster which covers all
components of a geometry is not necessarily always-complete. Other
clusters may contain a subset of components. In all cases the
indices of the components in the cluster do not directly match the
indices of the component on the geometry. The mapping between
cluster indices and geometry indices is available through Cluster.Elements and Cluster.FindIndices.
Clusters are useful for storing per-component data with a ClusterProperty or UserDataMap. Clusters can also have their
own CustomProperty objects. All
these properties can be created with SceneItem.AddProperty and
enumerated with SceneItem.LocalProperties.
Notice that some types of ClusterProperty require the cluster to
be always complete.
Warning: Operations that change the geometry, for example adding an
edge to a mesh, can result in the cluster growing or
Note: As of v5.0, the base property SIObject.Parent called on a
Cluster object returns a Primitive
instead of an X3DObject.
' ' This example shows how to create many different cluster types. ' It also shows how to find all clusters in a scene ' NewScene ,false set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root set grid = oRoot.AddGeometry("Grid","MeshSurface") set gridGeometry = grid.ActivePrimitive.Geometry 'Only certain types makes sense on a MeshSurface 'This cluster we will create as a subset of the vertices gridGeometry.AddCluster siVertexCluster,"PntCluster",Array(1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22) 'The rest we will create as complete clusters gridGeometry.AddCluster siPolygonCluster,"PolygonC" gridGeometry.AddCluster siEdgeCluster gridGeometry.AddCluster siSampledPointCluster 'A different set makes sense with Nurbs set torus = oRoot.AddGeometry("Torus","NurbsSurface") set torusGeometry = torus.ActivePrimitive.Geometry torusGeometry.AddCluster siVertexCluster,"PntCluster" torusGeometry.AddCluster siSampledPointCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siSurfaceCurveCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siKnotCurveUCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siKnotCurveVCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siBoundaryCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siKnotCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siTrimCurveCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siIsoLineUCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siIsoLineVCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siSubSurfaceCluster set circle = oRoot.AddGeometry("Circle","NurbsCurve") set circleGeometry = circle.ActivePrimitive.Geometry circleGeometry.AddCluster siIsoPointCluster circleGeometry.AddCluster siVertexCluster,"PntCluster" circleGeometry.AddCluster siKnotCluster set particleCloud = CreateParticleCloud().Item(0) particleCloud.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster siVertexCluster, "MyParticles" ' Now traverse the scene finding all the clusters logmessage "Clusters in Scene......................" set oSceneObjs = ActiveSceneRoot.FindChildren() for each oItem in oSceneObjs 'Use error handling to skip over the objects that don't 'support clusters on error resume next set oClusters = oItem.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Clusters if ( err = 0 ) then logmessage oItem & " has " & oClusters.Count & " Clusters: " for each oCls in oClusters logmessage " " & oCls & " (type: " & oCls.Type & ")" next end if next 'The output of this script is: 'INFO : "Clusters in Scene......................" 'INFO : "grid has 4 Clusters: " 'INFO : " grid.polymsh.cls.PntCluster (type: pnt)" 'INFO : " grid.polymsh.cls.edge.clslist.Edge (type: edge)" 'INFO : " grid.polymsh.cls.PolygonC (type: poly)" 'INFO : " grid.polymsh.cls.sample.clslist.Sample (type: sample)" 'INFO : "torus has 11 Clusters: " 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.V_Knot_Curve (type: knotcrvv)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.U_Knot_Curve (type: knotcrvu)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.sample.clslist.Sample (type: sample)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.PntCluster (type: pnt)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.Surface_Curve (type: srfcrv)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.V_Isoline (type: isolinev)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.knot.clslist.Knot (type: knot)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.Boundary (type: bndry)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.Subsurface (type: subsrf)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.U_Isoline (type: isolineu)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.Trim_Curve (type: trimcrv)" 'INFO : "circle has 3 Clusters: " 'INFO : " circle.crvlist.cls.Isopoint (type: isopnt)" 'INFO : " circle.crvlist.cls.PntCluster (type: pnt)" 'INFO : " circle.crvlist.cls.knot.clslist.Knot (type: knot)" 'INFO : "cloud has 1 Clusters: " 'INFO : " cloud.cloud.cls.MyParticles (type: pnt)" |
//Step 1: Simulate the user creating a scene and selecting //some points on a grid var oGrid = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Grid", "MeshSurface" ) ; SelectObj( oGrid ) ; ActivateVertexSelTool(); AddToSelection( oGrid.Name + ".pnt[0-8]", null, true); //Step 2: Get the selected components using OM var oSubComponent = Selection(0).SubComponent ; //Expect that 9 components were selected logmessage( oSubComponent.ComponentCollection.Count ) ; //Step 3: it is simple to create a cluster var oCluster = oSubComponent.CreateCluster() ; logmessage( oCluster.FullName ) ; //Output of this example: //INFO : "9" //INFO : "grid.polymsh.cls.Point" |