Object Hierarchy | Related C++ Class: Clip
Clips are instances of animation and shape actions (ActionSource), audio and image sources
(Source) and compound clips (ClipContainer). You can check to see the
clip type (such as an audio clip) using the SIObject.Type property which returns one
of the values contained in the siClipType enum.
This object also provides access to clip features such as its
timing (TimeControl), any links to
other clips (ClipRelation), and any
applied effects (ClipEffect). In
addition, you can get the underlying source on which this clip is
instantiated (the Source object via
Clip.Source) or the elements of that
source (using either the MappedItem
object via Clip.MappedItems or
the AnimationSourceItem
object via ActionSource.SourceItems).
Important: While the Clip object represents compound, audio, and
image clips, not all Clip methods and properties are available for
these types. For example, the Clip.MappedItems property will fail and
report that it is not implemented for these clip types (ie.,
returns E_NOTIMPL).
Tip: There is no function in the object model to create clips from
sources, but you can use the AddClip command, which returns this
object. To access existing Clip objects, you can get the ClipCollection on the Mixer via the ClipContainer.Clips property.
# # This example demonstrates how to create a Clip containing the static # values of the local position of an object. # oRoot = Application.ActiveSceneRoot oCube = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" ) # Creating the first animation source sParams = "cube.kine.local.posx,cube.kine.local.posy,cube.kine.local.posz" oSource = Application.StoreAction( oRoot, sParams, 1, "StoredStaticPose", 1, 1, 5, 0, 0) # Creating the first clip oClip = Application.AddClip( oRoot, oSource ) Application.LogMessage( "First created clip " + oClip.FullName ) # Creating the second animation source oCube.Parameters("posx").Value = 3.0 oSource2 = Application.StoreAction( oRoot, sParams, 1, "StoredStaticPose", 1, 7, 9, 0, 0 ) # Creating the second clip oClip2 = Application.AddClip(oRoot, oSource2) Application.LogMessage("Second created clip " + oClip2.FullName) # Expected results: #INFO : First created clip Mixer.Mixer_Anim_Track.StoredStaticPose_Clip #INFO : Second created clip Mixer.Mixer_Anim_Track1.StoredStaticPose1_Clip |
/* This example demonstrates working with action and audio sources and clips */ NewScene( null, false ); // Do it on a nested model var mdl = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel(); mdl.Name = "TestModel"; // ---------------------- // Create an fcurve source and instantiate a clip in the mixer var obj = mdl.AddNull(); // Set FCurves on the null's scaling var keys = new Array( 5, 1.2, 20, 1.7, 45, 2.0, 90, 2.5 ); // X obj.sclx.AddFCurve2( keys ); var keyfactor = Math.random() * 10; // Y var posfactor = Math.random(); for ( var i=0; i<keys.length; i=i+2 ) { keys[i] = keys[i] + keyfactor; keys[i+1] = keys[i+1] * posfactor; } obj.scly.AddFCurve2( keys ); var keyfactor = Math.random() * 10; // Z var posfactor = Math.random(); for ( var i=0; i<keys.length; i=i+2 ) { keys[i] = keys[i] - keyfactor; keys[i+1] = keys[i+1] * posfactor; } obj.sclz.AddFCurve2( keys ); // Get list of parameters to mark var params = obj.sclx.FullName + ","; params += obj.scly.FullName + ","; params += obj.sclz.FullName; // Make the FCurves into an Action var src = StoreAction( mdl, params, 2, "StoredAnimFCrvAction" ); AddClip( mdl, src ); // ---------------------- // Add an audio clip to the mixer var mix; if ( mdl.HasMixer() ) { mix = mdl.Mixer; } else { mix = mdl.AddMixer(); } var aud_track = AddTrack( mdl, mix, 2 ); var aud_src = ImportAudio( mdl, "C:\\Program Files\\Messenger\\NEWALERT.WAV" ); AddAudioClip( mdl, aud_src ); // ---------------------- // Find the clips under the mixer var cliplist = mdl.Mixer.Clips; for ( var c=0; c<cliplist.Count; c++ ) { var clip = cliplist(c); LogMessage( "----------------------" ); LogMessage( "Found a clip of type " + clip.Type + " under " + mdl.Mixer ); // Get the underlying source items associated with this clip, but make sure // we skip the audio files if ( clip.Type == siClipAnimationType ) { LogMessage( "Found " + clip.MappedItems.Count + " mapped items on " + clip ); for ( var m=0; m<clip.MappedItems.Count; m++ ) { var itm = clip.MappedItems(m); LogMessage( "Found this mapped item: " + itm.Source2 + " (a " + ClassName(itm.Source2) + ")" ); } } } // Expected results: //INFO : ---------------------- //INFO : Found a clip of type mixeranimclip under TestModel.Mixer //INFO : Found 3 mapped items on TestModel.Mixer.Mixer_Anim_Track.StoredAnimFCrvAction_Clip //INFO : Found this mapped item: FCurve (a FCurve) //INFO : Found this mapped item: FCurve (a FCurve) //INFO : Found this mapped item: FCurve (a FCurve) //INFO : ---------------------- //INFO : Found a clip of type mixeraudioclip under TestModel.Mixer |