
Object Hierarchy









The TimeControl object represents the clip's Time Control property, which is used to specify the time reference for a given Clip object. For example, this property may be used to add extra clip effects like cycling, bouncing, or holding for fractions of the clip length. Like ClipEffects, the time control effects applied to a specific clip do not alter the original source, nor any other clip instantiated on that source.

This object provides convenience accessors to some of the time control parameters (under the General and Extrapolation tabs on the property page). However, there are certain clip types which do not nest a time control property under them: for example, the audio clip and the animation mixer. For these, the TimeControl object returned by the Clip disables the access to parameters.

All scripting properties of the TimeControl object are read-only; however, you can still use the pointer to the TimeControl object to write to its parameters by going via the ParameterCollection (since the TimeControl object is a specialized kind of Property object).


AddCustomOp AddScriptedOp AddScriptedOpFromFile AnimatedParameters2
BelongsTo operator EvaluateAt GetICEAttributeFromName IsA
IsAnimated2 IsClassOf operator IsEqualTo operator IsKindOf
IsLocked operator IsSelected operator LockOwners SetAsSelected operator
SetCapabilityFlag operator SetLock TaggedParameters UnSetLock


Application Branch operator BranchFlag operator Capabilities operator
Categories ClipIn ClipOut EvaluationID
ExtrapolationAfterType ExtrapolationAfterValue ExtrapolationBeforeType ExtrapolationBeforeValue
Families operator FullName operator Help HierarchicalEvaluationID
ICEAttributes LockLevel operator LockMasters operator LockType operator
Model Name operator NestedObjects ObjectID
Origin OriginPath Owners PPGLayout operator
Parameters operator Parent Parent3DObject Scale
Selected operator Singleton operator StartOffset Type operator


Python Example

# This example illustrates how to use the time control to trim an instantiated clip.
from win32com.client import constants as c
oRoot = Application.ActiveSceneRoot
oNull = oRoot.AddNull("myNull")
oPosX = oNull.Parameters("Posx")
# Create and connect a function curve to the position x
oFCurve = oPosX.AddFCurve2([1, 10, 50, 0, 100, 10], c.siUnknownFCurve)
# This value should be 10;
Application.LogMessage("The animated value at frame 1 is %f " % (oPosX.Value))
# Create the animation source
oSource = Application.StoreAction(oRoot,"myNull.kine.local.posx",2,"StoredFcvPose", 1, 1, 100, 0,0)
# Create the first clip
oClip = Application.AddClip(oRoot, oSource)
# Use the ClipIn read-only scripting property to print the inital ClipIn value
oTimeControl = oClip.TimeControl
Application.LogMessage("The clip in value is %f " % (oTimeControl.ClipIn))
# Now use access the ClipIn parameter via the ParameterCollection (Property.Parameters) to change 
# the ClipIn value and print the new value
oTimeControl.Parameters("ClipIn").Value = 50
Application.LogMessage("The clip in value is now %f " % (oTimeControl.ClipIn))
# Now the value should be 0.
Application.LogMessage("The value after the clip manipulation is %f " % (oPosX.Value))
# Expected results:
#INFO : The animated value at frame 1 is 10.000000 
#INFO : The clip in value is 1.000000 
#INFO : The clip in value is now 50.000000 
#INFO : The value after the clip manipulation is 0.000000

See Also

Clip Clip.TimeControl