Public Member Functions
ClipEffectItem Class Reference

Detailed Description

A ClipEffectItem is an expression which is bound to a MappedItem of a Clip.

You can get the ClipEffectItem from either ClipEffect::GetItems or MappedItem::GetClipEffectItem.

See also:
Clip, MappedItem, Model::GetMixer, Track, Transition, GetMappingRule, SetMappingRule
Demonstrates how to use a mapped item to look for a specific animation channel. Once this channel is found a clip effect is added onto it.
        using namespace XSI;
        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        X3DObject myCube;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Cube", L"MeshSurface", L"", myCube );

        //Creating the first animation source
        CValueArray args(9);
        CValue      outArg;
        args[0] = root;
        args[1] = L"cube.kine.local.posx,cube.kine.local.posy,cube.kine.local.posz";
        args[2] = 1l;
        args[3] = L"StoredStaticPose";
        args[4] = true;
        args[5] = 1l;
        args[6] = 5l;
        args[7] = false;
        args[8] = false;
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"StoreAction", args, outArg );

        Source mySource(outArg);

        //Creating the first clip
        CValueArray addClipArgs(6);
        addClipArgs[0] = root;
        addClipArgs[1] = mySource.GetFullName();
        addClipArgs[5] = L"MyClip1";
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"AddClip", addClipArgs, outArg );

        Clip myClip(outArg);
        CRefArray mappedItems = myClip.GetMappedItems();
        // Find the mapped item on which we wan't to add an effect.
        // We are looking for the local.posy parameter
        LONG i;
        MappedItem currItem;
        for(i = 0; i < mappedItems.GetCount(); ++i)
            currItem = mappedItems[i];
            Parameter param = currItem.GetDestination();
                CValueArray mappingRuleArgs(4);
                mappingRuleArgs[0] = myClip.GetFullName() + L".ActionClip";
                mappingRuleArgs[1] = param;
                mappingRuleArgs[2] = L"frame";
                mappingRuleArgs[3] = (LONG)(i + 1);

                app.ExecuteCommand(L"SetMappingRule", mappingRuleArgs, outArg);

        ClipEffectItem effectItem(currItem.GetClipEffectItem());
        app.LogMessage(L"The expression associated with the posy item is >> " +

#include <xsi_clipeffectitem.h>

Inheritance diagram for ClipEffectItem:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  ClipEffectItem ()
  ~ClipEffectItem ()
  ClipEffectItem (const CRef &in_ref)
  ClipEffectItem (const ClipEffectItem &in_obj)
bool  IsA (siClassID in_ClassID) const
siClassID  GetClassID () const
ClipEffectItem operator= (const ClipEffectItem &in_obj)
ClipEffectItem operator= (const CRef &in_ref)
Parameter  GetParameter () const
CString  GetExpression () const

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

Default destructor.

ClipEffectItem ( const CRef in_ref )


in_ref constant reference object.
ClipEffectItem ( const ClipEffectItem in_obj )

Copy constructor.

in_obj constant class object.

Member Function Documentation

bool IsA ( siClassID  in_ClassID ) const [virtual]

Returns true if a given class type is compatible with this API class.

in_ClassID class type.
true if the class is compatible, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from SIObject.

siClassID GetClassID ( ) const [virtual]

Returns the type of the API class.

The class type.

Reimplemented from SIObject.

ClipEffectItem& operator= ( const ClipEffectItem in_obj )

Creates an object from another object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input object is not compatible.

in_obj constant class object.
The new ClipEffectItem object.
ClipEffectItem& operator= ( const CRef in_ref )

Creates an object from a reference object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input reference object is not compatible.

in_ref constant class object.
The new ClipEffectItem object.

Reimplemented from SIObject.

Parameter GetParameter ( ) const

Returns the parameter which is specific to this ClipEffectItem object. You can use the value of this parameter within the ClipEffectItem expression by using the token "param".

The Parameter which is specific to this ClipEffectItem.
CString GetExpression ( ) const

Returns the string representation of the expression used by the ClipEffectItem. The valid tokens that can be used in the context of this expression can be found in the Animation guide under the clip effect expression section.

The expression value.
Demonstrates how to set and get the expression on the ClipEffectItem
        using namespace XSI;

        // Forward declarations
        CString GetRelativeNameForTarget( Parameter& in_param );
        void CreateStaticSource();

        Application app;

        // NewScene command
        CValueArray cargs; CValue oarg;
        cargs.Add( L"" ); cargs.Add( false );
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"NewScene", cargs, oarg );
        cargs.Clear(); oarg.Clear();

        // Set up the scene
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        // Get the first clip in the mixer
        Mixer mix = root.GetMixer();
        CRefArray cliplist = mix.GetClips();
        Clip clp( cliplist[0] );

        // Avoid the audio clips
        if ( clp.GetType() != siClipAudioType )
            CRefArray mappings = clp.GetMappedItems();
            if ( mappings.IsValid() )
                for ( LONG i=0; i<mappings.GetCount(); i++ )
                    MappedItem mapitem( mappings[i] );

                    // Get the driven parameter, looking for posy
                    Parameter driven( mapitem.GetDestination() );
                    if ( driven.GetFullName() == L"MyNull.kine.local.posy" )
                        // SetMappingRule command
                        CValueArray mapArgs; CValue mapOut;
                        mapArgs.Add( clp.GetFullName() + L".ActionClip" );
                        mapArgs.Add( driven.GetFullName() );
                        mapArgs.Add( L"frame" );
                        mapArgs.Add( CValue(i+1.0) );
                        app.ExecuteCommand( L"SetMappingRule", mapArgs, mapOut );

                        // If there is an expression on the clip effect item, display it
                        ClipEffectItem clpfxitm = mapitem.GetClipEffectItem();
                        if ( clpfxitm.GetExpression() != L"" )
                            app.LogMessage( L"The ClipEffectItem driving the " + driven.GetFullName()
                                + L" parameter has this expression: " + clpfxitm.GetExpression() );


        // Expected Results:
        //INFO : The ClipEffectItem driving the MyNull.kine.local.posy parameter has this expression: frame

        // This is a handy function to have around if you're going to create an action
        // source or clip on a parameter that is in a nested model (ie., not directly
        // under the Scene_Root) because AddClip will force a mapping template if your
        // parameter is not relative.
        CString GetRelativeNameForTarget( Parameter& in_param )
            Model mdl = in_param.GetModel();
            CString mdlname = mdl.GetFullName();
            if ( mdlname.IsEqualNoCase(L"Scene_Root") )
                return in_param.GetFullName();
            } else {
                CString tmp = in_param.GetFullName();
                CString lookfor = mdlname + L".";
                CString foundsofar = L"";
                CString relpath = L"";
                for ( ULONG i=0; i<tmp.Length(); ++i )
                    if ( foundsofar.IsEqualNoCase(lookfor) )
                        relpath += tmp[i];
                    } else {
                        foundsofar += tmp[i];
                return relpath;

        // Convenience function
        void CreateStaticSource()
            Application app;

            // Get the SceneRoot and create a cone in it
            Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();
            Null n; root.AddNull( L"MyNull", n );

            // Get the parameters to use as targets
            Parameter posx = n.GetParameter( L"posx" ); CString rposx = GetRelativeNameForTarget( posx );
            Parameter posy = n.GetParameter( L"posy" ); CString rposy = GetRelativeNameForTarget( posy );
            Parameter posz = n.GetParameter( L"posz" ); CString rposz = GetRelativeNameForTarget( posz );

            // Create a stored static pose
            ActionSource src = root.AddActionSource( L"StoredStaticPose" );
            src.AddSourceItem( rposx, 5.5743, true );
            src.AddSourceItem( rposy, 0.1953, true );
            src.AddSourceItem( rposy, -0.0195, true );

            // Instantiate it in the mixer
            CValueArray clpArgs(9); CValue clpOut;
            clpArgs[0] = root.GetFullName();
            clpArgs[1] = src.GetFullName();
            clpArgs[4] = CValue(4.0);                          // starts at frame 4
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"AddClip", clpArgs, clpOut );

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