Public Member Functions
AnimationSourceItem Class Reference

Detailed Description

An ActionSource contains a collection of animation source items, which you can get at using ActionSource::GetItems. The AnimationSourceItem class provides access to the animation DataSource (for example, an FCurve) and a target entity such as the Parameter or Cluster which the animation source drives.

One way to create action animation is to create an empty ActionSource and then populate it afterwards using ActionSource::AddSourceItem. In that case you can add a StaticSource as the animation source using AnimationSourceItem::SetAsStatic.

In order to know exactly which type of AnimationSourceItem you are dealing with you can use SIObject::GetType which returns one of the values contained in the ::siAnimationSourceItemType enum.

See also:
ActionSource::GetItems, FCurve, StaticSource, Expression, Constraint, ShapeKey, Model::AddActionSource, ActionSource::AddSourceItem, AnimationSourceItem::SetAsStatic
Illustrates creating a source and accessing the source items contained in it.
        using namespace XSI;

        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        X3DObject myCube;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Cube", L"MeshSurface", L"", myCube );

        //Creating the first animation source
        CValueArray args(9);
        CValue      outArg;
        args[0] = root;
        args[1] = L"cube.kine.local.posx,cube.kine.local.posy,cube.kine.local.posz";
        args[2] = 1l;
        args[3] = L"StoredStaticPose";
        args[4] = true;
        args[5] = 1l;
        args[6] = 5l;
        args[7] = false;
        args[8] = false;
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"StoreAction", args, outArg );

        ActionSource mySource(outArg);
        CRefArray aSourceItems = mySource.GetItems();

        for(LONG i = 0; i < aSourceItems.GetCount();++i)
            SourceItem currItem(aSourceItems[i]);
            app.LogMessage(L" The animated target is " + currItem.GetTarget());
            app.LogMessage(L" The type of animation is " + currItem.GetType());
            //In this case its a static value
            //you can switch on type.
            StaticValue myVal = currItem.GetSource();
            app.LogMessage(L" The value is " + myVal.GetValue().GetAsText());
Illustrates how to create an empty ActionSource using Model::AddActionSource, populate it with 2 static values and 1 fcurve using ActionSource::AddSourceItem, and then replace the fcurvesource with a static value for the 2nd and change the static value for the 3rd using AnimationSourceItem::SetAsStatic.
        using namespace XSI;

        // Forward declarations
        CString GetRelativeName( Parameter& in_param );
        FCurve MakeAnFCurve( Null& in_obj, CString in_param );

        Application app;

        // NewScene command
        CValueArray cargs; CValue oarg;
        cargs.Add( L"" ); cargs.Add( false );
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"NewScene", cargs, oarg );

        // Get the scene root
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        // Create a null and get pointers to the pos parameters
        Null n; root.AddNull( L"null", n );

        Parameter posx = n.GetParameter( L"posx" ); CString rposx = GetRelativeName(posx);
        Parameter posy = n.GetParameter( L"posy" ); CString rposy = GetRelativeName(posy);
        Parameter posz = n.GetParameter( L"posz" ); CString rposz = GetRelativeName(posz);

        // Create an empty actionsource and then populate it with static values
        ActionSource src = root.AddActionSource( L"StaticActionSource" );
        FCurve fc = MakeAnFCurve( n, L"posy" );
        src.AddSourceItem( rposx, 2.0 );    // static value
        src.AddSourceItem( rposy, fc );     // fcurve
        src.AddSourceItem( rposz );     // default static value = 0.0

        // Now change the value on the posz parameter using SetAsStatic and change
        // the posy parameter source to an fcurve
        CRefArray animsrcitems = src.GetItems();
        for ( LONG i=0; i<animsrcitems.GetCount(); ++i ) {
            AnimationSourceItem srcitem(animsrcitems[i]);

            // Get a pointer to the source item (it can be either a StaticSource or an FCurve)
            CRef ref = srcitem.GetSource();
            if ( ref.IsA(siFCurveID) ) {
                FCurve datasrc(ref);

                // Print the FCurve type
                app.LogMessage( L"AnimationSourceItem[" + CString(i) + L"] (" + srcitem.GetTarget()
                    + L") has " + CString(datasrc.GetNumKeys()) + L" keys" );

            if ( ref.IsA(siStaticSourceID) ) {
                StaticSource datasrc(ref);

                // Print the current value
                app.LogMessage( L"AnimationSourceItem[" + CString(i) + L"] (" + srcitem.GetTarget()
                    + L") has this static value: " + CString( datasrc.GetValue() ) );

            // AnimationSourceItem::GetTarget returns the \xl RelativeName
            if ( srcitem.GetTarget() == rposy ) {
                StaticSource staticvalue;
                srcitem.SetAsStatic( CValue(1.0), staticvalue );

                // Check for the new value (we know it's a StaticSource because we just set it)
                StaticSource datasrc( srcitem.GetSource() );    // refresh
                app.LogMessage( L"New static value = " + CString( datasrc.GetValue() ) );

            if ( srcitem.GetTarget() == rposz ) {
                StaticSource staticvalue;
                srcitem.SetAsStatic( CValue(1.5), staticvalue );

                // Check for the new value (we know it's a StaticSource because we just set it)
                StaticSource datasrc( srcitem.GetSource() );    // refresh
                app.LogMessage( L"New static value = " + CString( datasrc.GetValue() ) );

        //INFO : AnimationSourceItem[0] (null.kine.local.posx) has this static value: 2
        //INFO : AnimationSourceItem[1] (null.kine.local.posy) has 4 keys
        //INFO : New static value = 1
        //INFO : AnimationSourceItem[2] (null.kine.local.posz) has this static value: 0
        //INFO : New static value = 1.5

        // Function to remove the name of the model from the FullName of the specified parameter.
        // This is necessary when setting up a source that will later be used to instantiate a
        // clip when the parameter lives under a model other than the Scene_Root.
        CString GetRelativeName( Parameter& in_param )
            Model mdl = in_param.GetModel();
            CString mdlname = mdl.GetFullName();
            if ( mdlname.IsEqualNoCase(L"Scene_Root") ) {
                return in_param.GetFullName();
            } else {
                CString tmp = in_param.GetFullName();
                CString lookfor = mdlname + L".";
                CString foundsofar = L"";
                CString relpath = L"";
                for ( ULONG i=0; i<tmp.Length(); ++i ) {
                    if ( foundsofar.IsEqualNoCase(lookfor) ) {
                        relpath += tmp[i];
                    } else {
                        foundsofar += tmp[i];
                return relpath;

        // Convenience function
        FCurve MakeAnFCurve( Null& in_obj, CString in_param )
            Parameter p = in_obj.GetParameter( in_param );
            FCurve fc; p.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fc );
            fc.AddKey( CTime(1.0), CValue(1.25) );
            fc.AddKey( CTime(25.0), CValue(2.0) );
            fc.AddKey( CTime(40.0), CValue(2.75) );
            fc.AddKey( CTime(85.0), CValue(0.0) );

            return fc;

#include <xsi_animationsourceitem.h>

Inheritance diagram for AnimationSourceItem:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  AnimationSourceItem ()
  ~AnimationSourceItem ()
  AnimationSourceItem (const CRef &in_ref)
  AnimationSourceItem (const AnimationSourceItem &in_obj)
bool  IsA (siClassID in_ClassID) const
siClassID  GetClassID () const
AnimationSourceItem operator= (const AnimationSourceItem &in_obj)
AnimationSourceItem operator= (const CRef &in_ref)
bool  GetIsActive () const
CStatus  PutIsActive (bool in_bActiveState)
CRef  GetSource () const
CStatus  PutSource (CRef in_source)
CString  GetTarget () const
CStatus  PutTarget (CString &in_target)
CStatus  SetAsStatic (CValue &in_vValue, StaticSource &out_static)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

Default destructor.

AnimationSourceItem ( const CRef in_ref )


in_ref constant reference object.

Copy constructor.

in_obj constant class object.

Member Function Documentation

bool IsA ( siClassID  in_ClassID ) const [virtual]

Returns true if a given class type is compatible with this API class.

in_ClassID class type.
true if the class is compatible, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from SIObject.

siClassID GetClassID ( ) const [virtual]

Returns the type of the API class.

The class type.

Reimplemented from SIObject.

AnimationSourceItem& operator= ( const AnimationSourceItem in_obj )

Creates an object from another object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input object is not compatible.

in_obj constant class object.
The new AnimationSourceItem object.
AnimationSourceItem& operator= ( const CRef in_ref )

Creates an object from a reference object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input reference object is not compatible.

in_ref constant class object.
The new AnimationSourceItem object.

Reimplemented from SIObject.

bool GetIsActive ( ) const

Returns true if the animation source item is active.

true if the animation source item is active.
This example illustrates how to create a simple actionsource, access the actionsource from the model and mute one of the source items. The modified actionsource is then used to create an action clip.
        using namespace XSI;

        // Forward declaration
        void MakeFCActionSource( Null& in_null );

        Application app;

        // NewScene command
        CValueArray cargs; CValue oarg;
        cargs.Add( L"" ); cargs.Add( false );
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"NewScene", cargs, oarg );
        cargs.Clear(); oarg.Clear();

        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        // Create a simple actionsource from some animation on the null's position
        Null n; root.AddNull( L"null", n );
        MakeFCActionSource( n );

        // Get the actionsource from the model
        CRefArray sources = root.GetSources();
        app.LogMessage( L"Number of sources on " + root.GetFullName() + L": " + CString(sources.GetCount()) );
        ActionSource src( sources.GetItem(0) );

        // Find animation source item with posx and mute it
        CRefArray srcitems = src.GetItems();
        for ( LONG i=0; i<srcitems.GetCount(); ++i ) {
            AnimationSourceItem animsrcitm( srcitems[i] );

            // Find the right target by looking for 'posx' with the StringSearch command
            cargs.Add( animsrcitm.GetTarget() );
            cargs.Add( L"posx" );
            cargs.Add( false );
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"StringSearch", cargs, oarg );
            if ( oarg.GetAsText() != L"-1" ) {
                app.LogMessage( L"muting " + animsrcitm.GetTarget() );
                animsrcitm.PutIsActive( false );
                break;          // Quit looking once it's found
            cargs.Clear(); oarg.Clear();

        // Apply actionsource with muted posx
        CValueArray args; CValue outarg;
        args.Add( root.GetFullName() );
        args.Add( src.GetFullName() );
        args.Add( root.GetFullName() );         // Simple clips take the model as compound owner
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"AddClip", args, outarg );

        // Find the clip
        Mixer mxr = root.GetMixer();
        CRefArray cliplist = mxr.GetClips();
        Clip clp( cliplist[0] );

        // Test the source items
        src  = clp.GetSource();
        srcitems = src.GetItems();
        for ( i=0; i<srcitems.GetCount(); ++i ) {
            AnimationSourceItem animsrcitm( srcitems[i] );
            app.LogMessage( animsrcitm.GetFullName() + L" " + animsrcitm.GetTarget() + L" is active: "
                + CString(animsrcitm.GetIsActive()) );

        // Expected results:
        //INFO : Number of sources on Scene_Root: 1
        //INFO : muting null.kine.local.posx
        //INFO : AnimationSourceItem null.kine.local.posx is active: false
        //INFO : AnimationSourceItem null.kine.local.posy is active: true
        //INFO : AnimationSourceItem null.kine.local.posz is active: true

        // Function to remove the name of the model from the FullName of the specified parameter.
        // This is necessary when setting up a source that will later be used to instantiate a
        // clip when the parameter lives under a model other than the Scene_Root.
        CString GetRelativeName( Parameter& in_param )
            Model mdl = in_param.GetModel();
            CString mdlname = mdl.GetFullName();
            if ( mdlname.IsEqualNoCase(L"Scene_Root") ) {
                return in_param.GetFullName();
            } else {
                CString tmp = in_param.GetFullName();
                CString lookfor = mdlname + L".";
                CString foundsofar = L"";
                CString relpath = L"";
                for ( ULONG i=0; i<tmp.Length(); ++i ) {
                    if ( foundsofar.IsEqualNoCase(lookfor) ) {
                        relpath += tmp[i];
                    } else {
                        foundsofar += tmp[i];
                return relpath;

        // Create a simple actionsource from animation on the null's position
        void MakeFCActionSource( Null& in_null )
            Application app;

            CTimeArray time; time.Add( CTime(1.000) ); time.Add( CTime(50.000) ); time.Add( CTime(100.000) );
            CValueArray vals;

            // X
            Parameter posx = in_null.GetParameter( L"posx" ); CString rposx = GetRelativeName(posx);
            FCurve fcx; posx.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fcx );
            vals.Add( CValue(-8.153) ); vals.Add( CValue(0.197) ); vals.Add( CValue(9.413) );
            fcx.SetKeys( time, vals ); vals.Clear();

            // Y
            Parameter posy = in_null.GetParameter( L"posy" ); CString rposy = GetRelativeName(posy);
            FCurve fcy; posy.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fcy );
            vals.Add( CValue(7.015) ); vals.Add( CValue(-1.92) ); vals.Add( CValue(7.015) );
            fcy.SetKeys( time, vals ); vals.Clear();

            // Z
            Parameter posz = in_null.GetParameter( L"posz" ); CString rposz = GetRelativeName(posz);
            FCurve fcz; posz.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fcz );
            vals.Add( CValue(-0.702) ); vals.Add( CValue(0.192) ); vals.Add( CValue(-0.702) );
            fcz.SetKeys( time, vals );

            // StoreAction command
            CValueArray args; CValue outarg;
            args.Add( app.GetActiveSceneRoot().GetFullName() );
            args.Add( rposx + L"," + rposy + L"," + rposz );
            args.Add( CValue(2.0) );
            args.Add( L"StoredFcvAction" );
            args.Add( true );
            args.Add( CValue(1.0) );
            args.Add( CValue(100.0) );
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"StoreAction", args, outarg );
CStatus PutIsActive ( bool  in_bActiveState )

Sets the activeness of the animation source item (true = active; false = muted).

in_bActiveState activation state.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
See AnimationSourceItem::GetIsActive for an example of how to use the PutIsActive function.
CRef GetSource ( ) const

Returns the animation source (FCurve, StaticSource or ShapeKey).

The animation source reference.
See AnimationSourceItem::PutSource (under the PrintSourceInfo function) for an example of how to use the GetSource function
CStatus PutSource ( CRef  in_source )

Sets the animation source (FCurve or StaticSource).

in_source The animation source reference.
See also:
Demonstrates how to overwrite an existing FCurve animation source item with a new FCurve using the PutSource function.
        using namespace XSI;

        // Forward declarations
        CString GetRelativeName( Parameter& in_param );
        void MakeNewFCrvSource();
        void MakeNewFCrv( FCurve& out_fc );
        void PrintClipInfo( Clip& in_clip );
        void PrintSourceInfo( ActionSource& in_src );

        Application app;

        // NewScene command
        CValueArray cargs; CValue oarg;
        cargs.Add( L"" ); cargs.Add( false );
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"NewScene", cargs, oarg );
        cargs.Clear(); oarg.Clear();

        // Get the SceneRoot
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();
        CString rootName = root.GetFullName();

        // New fcurve ActionSource
        Null n = root.FindChild( L"", siNullPrimType, CStringArray() );

        // Get the ActionSource from the model & instantiate it as a clip
        CRefArray sources = root.GetSources();
        ActionSource src( sources.GetItem(0) );

        // AddClip command
        CValueArray clipArgs; CValue outClip;
        clipArgs.Add( rootName );
        clipArgs.Add( src.GetRef().GetAsText() );
        clipArgs.Add( rootName );                               // Simple clips take the model as compound owner
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"AddClip", clipArgs, outClip );

        // Set up another fc (external to a source)
        FCurve fc; MakeNewFCrv( fc );

        // Find the clip
        Mixer mxr = root.GetMixer();
        CRefArray cliplist = mxr.GetClips();
        Clip clp(cliplist[0]);
        app.LogMessage( L"BEFORE source modifications:" );
        PrintClipInfo( clp );

        // Copy the fc onto the fc-based source
        CRefArray srcitems = src.GetItems();
        AnimationSourceItem oldSrcItem( srcitems.GetItem(0) );
        oldSrcItem.PutSource( fc.GetRef() );

        // Print the values on the action source after modifications to the source
        // (the instanced action in the clip and its underlying source have the same values)
        app.LogMessage( L"AFTER source modifications:" );
        PrintClipInfo( clp );

        // Expected results:
        //INFO : BEFORE source modifications:
        //INFO : Reporting on Mixer.Mixer_Anim_Track.StoredFcvAction_Clip clip:
        //INFO :  - Source used = Sources.Scene_Root.StoredFcvAction
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #0 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posx and its datasource is a FCurve
        //INFO :             (evaluates to -2.84068 at frame 30)
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #1 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posy and its datasource is a FCurve
        //INFO :             (evaluates to 1.3305 at frame 30)
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #2 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posz and its datasource is a FCurve
        //INFO :             (evaluates to -0.133232 at frame 30)
        //INFO :
        //INFO : AFTER source modifications:
        //INFO : Reporting on Mixer.Mixer_Anim_Track.StoredFcvAction_Clip clip:
        //INFO :  - Source used = Sources.Scene_Root.StoredFcvAction
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #0 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posx and its datasource is a FCurve
        //INFO :             (evaluates to 2.84068 at frame 30)
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #1 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posy and its datasource is a FCurve
        //INFO :             (evaluates to 1.3305 at frame 30)
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #2 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posz and its datasource is a FCurve
        //INFO :             (evaluates to -0.133232 at frame 30)
        //INFO :

        // Function to remove the name of the model from the FullName of the specified parameter.
        // This is necessary when setting up a source that will later be used to instantiate a
        // clip when the parameter lives under a model other than the Scene_Root.
        CString GetRelativeName( Parameter& in_param )
            Model mdl = in_param.GetModel();
            CString mdlname = mdl.GetFullName();
            if ( mdlname.IsEqualNoCase(L"Scene_Root") ) {
                return in_param.GetFullName();
            } else {
                CString tmp = in_param.GetFullName();
                CString lookfor = mdlname + L".";
                CString foundsofar = L"";
                CString relpath = L"";
                for ( ULONG i=0; i<tmp.Length(); ++i ) {
                    if ( foundsofar.IsEqualNoCase(lookfor) ) {
                        relpath += tmp[i];
                    } else {
                        foundsofar += tmp[i];
                return relpath;

        // Create a simple (fcurve) actionsource based on a null's position
        void MakeNewFCrvSource()
            Application app;
            Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();
            Null n; root.AddNull( L"MyAnimatedNull", n );

            CTimeArray time; time.Add( CTime(1.000) ); time.Add( CTime(50.000) ); time.Add( CTime(100.000) );
            CValueArray vals;

            // X
            Parameter posx = n.GetParameter( L"posx" ); CString rposx = GetRelativeName(posx);
            FCurve fcx; posx.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fcx );
            vals.Add( CValue(-8.153) ); vals.Add( CValue(0.197) ); vals.Add( CValue(9.413) );
            fcx.SetKeys( time, vals ); vals.Clear();

            // Y
            Parameter posy = n.GetParameter( L"posy" ); CString rposy = GetRelativeName(posy);
            FCurve fcy; posy.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fcy );
            vals.Add( CValue(7.015) ); vals.Add( CValue(-1.92) ); vals.Add( CValue(7.015) );
            fcy.SetKeys( time, vals ); vals.Clear();

            // Z
            Parameter posz = n.GetParameter( L"posz" ); CString rposz = GetRelativeName(posz);
            FCurve fcz; posz.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fcz );
            vals.Add( CValue(-0.702) ); vals.Add( CValue(0.192) ); vals.Add( CValue(-0.702) );
            fcz.SetKeys( time, vals );

            // StoreAction command
            CValueArray args; CValue outArg;
            args.Add( CRef(root) );
            args.Add( rposx + L"," + rposy + L"," + rposz );
            args.Add( 2.0 );
            args.Add( L"StoredFcvAction" );
            args.Add( true );
            args.Add( 1.0 );
            args.Add( 100.0 );
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"StoreAction", args, outArg );

        // Convenience function to create an fcurve
        void MakeNewFCrv( FCurve& out_fc )
            Application app;
            Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();
            Null n; root.AddNull( L"MyDummyNull", n );
            CRefArray kids; kids.Add( n );
            Model m; root.AddModel( kids, L"MyDummyModel", m );

            CTimeArray time; time.Add( CTime(1.000) ); time.Add( CTime(50.000) ); time.Add( CTime(100.000) );
            CValueArray vals; vals.Add( CValue(8.153) ); vals.Add( CValue(-0.197) ); vals.Add( CValue(-9.413) );

            // X
            Parameter posx = n.GetParameter( L"posx" );
            posx.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, out_fc );
            out_fc.SetKeys( time, vals );

        // Convenience function to print out information about the clip's source
        void PrintClipInfo( Clip& in_clip )
            Application app;

            // Clip
            app.LogMessage( L"Reporting on " + in_clip.GetFullName() + L" clip:" );

            // Clip's source
            PrintSourceInfo( ActionSource(in_clip.GetSource()) );

        // Convenience function to print out information about the source
        void PrintSourceInfo( ActionSource& in_src )
            Application app;

            // Source
            app.LogMessage( L" - Source used = " + in_src.GetFullName() );

            // Source's items
            CRefArray itemsRef = in_src.GetItems();
            for ( LONG i=0; i<itemsRef.GetCount(); ++i ) {
                AnimationSourceItem animsrcitm( itemsRef[i] );
                app.LogMessage( L" --- SrcItem #" + CString(i) + L" target = " + animsrcitm.GetTarget()
                    + L" and its datasource is a " + animsrcitm.GetSource().GetClassIDName() );

                // Underlying data source is an FCurve
                if ( animsrcitm.GetSource().GetClassID() == siFCurveID ) {
                    FCurve fc( animsrcitm.GetSource() );
                    app.LogMessage( L"            (evaluates to " + fc.Eval( CTime(30.0) ).GetAsText() + L" at frame 30)" );

                // Underlying data source is a StaticSource
                if ( animsrcitm.GetSource().GetClassID() == siStaticSourceID ) {
                    StaticSource sv( animsrcitm.GetSource() );
                    app.LogMessage( L"            (evaluates to " + sv.GetValue().GetAsText() + L")" );

            // Extra blank line
            app.LogMessage( L"" );
CString GetTarget ( ) const

Returns the complete name of the animation target (the Parameter to which the animation has been applied) as a RelativeName.

ActionSources store the relative name instead of the FullName of a parameter so actions can be easily copied from one Model to another.
In the mixer, you can see this name ("Item Name") by opening the property page of the source (for example, Mixer > Sources > Shape > Point_ClusterClip_source. In the case of a shape source, you need to access Clip::GetMappedItems when you need a current cluster name changed by a designer, because this function returns the original cluster name stored in a Shape Source in the Mixer.
The RelativeName (SIObject::GetFullName without the modelname prefix).
This example illustrates how to create a simple actionsource from some position animation. AnimationSourceItem::Source property is used to get the fcurve source and modify the keys.
        using namespace XSI;

        // Forward declarations
        CString GetRelativeName( Parameter& in_param );
        void MakeNewFCrvSource( Null& in_null );
        void PrintClipInfo( Clip& in_clip );
        void PrintSourceInfo( ActionSource& in_src );

        Application app;

        // NewScene command
        CValueArray cargs; CValue oarg;
        cargs.Add( L"" ); cargs.Add( false );
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"NewScene", cargs, oarg );
        cargs.Clear(); oarg.Clear();

        // Get the SceneRoot
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        // Create a new model and add a null
        Model m; root.AddModel( CRefArray(), L"MyModel", m );
        Null n; m.AddNull( L"MyNull", n );

        // Add an fcurve ActionSource based on the new null
        MakeNewFCrvSource( n );

        // Get the ActionSource from the model
        CRefArray sources = m.GetSources();
        ActionSource src( sources.GetItem(0) );
        app.LogMessage( L"BEFORE source modifications:" );
        PrintSourceInfo( src );

        // Get the relative name for the posx parameter
        Parameter posx = n.GetParameter( L"posx" );
        CString rp = GetRelativeName( posx );

        // Find animation source item with posx
        CRefArray srcitems = src.GetItems();
        for ( LONG i=0; i<srcitems.GetCount(); ++i ) {
            AnimationSourceItem itm( srcitems.GetItem(i) );
            if ( itm.GetTarget() == rp ) {
                // Change the fcurve keys on the posx source
                FCurve fc( itm.GetSource() );
                CTimeArray t; t.Add( CTime(1) ); t.Add( CTime(50) ); t.Add( CTime(100) );
                CValueArray v; v.Add( CValue(-8.0) ); v.Add( CValue(8.0) ); v.Add( CValue(9.0) );
                fc.SetKeys( t, v );


        // Print modified info
        app.LogMessage( L"AFTER source modifications:" );
        PrintSourceInfo( src );

        // Expected results:
        //INFO : BEFORE source modifications:
        //INFO :  - Source used = Sources.MyModel.StoredFcvAction
        //INFO :    Underlying fc evaluates to -2.84068 at frame 30) on MyNull.kine.local.posx
        //INFO :
        //INFO : AFTER source modifications:
        //INFO :  - Source used = Sources.MyModel.StoredFcvAction
        //INFO :    Underlying fc evaluates to 2.1793 at frame 30) on MyNull.kine.local.posx
        //INFO :

        // Function to remove the name of the model from the FullName of the specified parameter.
        // This is necessary when setting up a source that will later be used to instantiate a
        // clip when the parameter lives under a model other than the Scene_Root.
        CString GetRelativeName( Parameter& in_param )
            Model mdl = in_param.GetModel();
            CString mdlname = mdl.GetFullName();
            if ( mdlname.IsEqualNoCase(L"Scene_Root") ) {
                return in_param.GetFullName();
            } else {
                CString tmp = in_param.GetFullName();
                CString lookfor = mdlname + L".";
                CString foundsofar = L"";
                CString relpath = L"";
                for ( ULONG i=0; i<tmp.Length(); ++i ) {
                    if ( foundsofar.IsEqualNoCase(lookfor) ) {
                        relpath += tmp[i];
                    } else {
                        foundsofar += tmp[i];
                return relpath;

        // Create a simple (fcurve) actionsource based on a null's position
        void MakeNewFCrvSource( Null& in_null )
            Application app;
            Model mdl = in_null.GetModel();

            CTimeArray time; time.Add( CTime(1.000) ); time.Add( CTime(50.000) ); time.Add( CTime(100.000) );
            CValueArray vals;

            // X
            Parameter posx = in_null.GetParameter( L"posx" ); CString rposx = GetRelativeName(posx);
            FCurve fcx; posx.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fcx );
            vals.Add( CValue(-8.153) ); vals.Add( CValue(0.197) ); vals.Add( CValue(9.413) );
            fcx.SetKeys( time, vals ); vals.Clear();

            // Y
            Parameter posy = in_null.GetParameter( L"posy" ); CString rposy = GetRelativeName(posy);
            FCurve fcy; posy.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fcy );
            vals.Add( CValue(7.015) ); vals.Add( CValue(-1.92) ); vals.Add( CValue(7.015) );
            fcy.SetKeys( time, vals ); vals.Clear();

            // Z
            Parameter posz = in_null.GetParameter( L"posz" ); CString rposz = GetRelativeName(posz);
            FCurve fcz; posz.AddFCurve( siStandardFCurve, fcz );
            vals.Add( CValue(-0.702) ); vals.Add( CValue(0.192) ); vals.Add( CValue(-0.702) );
            fcz.SetKeys( time, vals );

            // Build an action with the fcurves as source items
            ActionSource src = mdl.AddActionSource( L"StoredFcvAction" );
            src.AddSourceItem( rposx, fcx, true );
            src.AddSourceItem( rposy, fcy, true );
            src.AddSourceItem( rposz, fcz, true );

        // Convenience function to print out information about the source
        void PrintSourceInfo( ActionSource& in_src )
            Application app;
            app.LogMessage( L" - Source used = " + in_src.GetFullName() );

            // Get the Source's first item
            CRefArray itemsRef = in_src.GetItems();
            AnimationSourceItem animsrcitm( itemsRef[0] );

            // Get underlying fcurve
            FCurve fc( animsrcitm.GetSource() );
            app.LogMessage( L"   Underlying fc evaluates to " + fc.Eval( CTime(30.0) ).GetAsText()
                + L" at frame 30 on " + animsrcitm.GetTarget() );

            // Extra blank line
            app.LogMessage( L"" );
CStatus PutTarget ( CString in_target )

Sets the complete name of the object to be animated by this animation source item as a RelativeName.

ActionSources store the relative name instead of the FullName of a parameter so actions can be easily copied from one Model to another.
in_target The RelativeName (SIObject::GetFullName without the modelname prefix)
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
CStatus SetAsStatic ( CValue in_vValue,
StaticSource out_static 

Sets the source of the source item as a StaticSource (static value).

in_vValue The value of the AnimationSourceItem.
Return values:
out_static The newly created StaticSource.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail failure
Illustrates some of the different ways you can work with the value of an AnimationSourceItem's StaticSource, from creating using AddSourceItem and SetAsStaticValue to editing an existing static value using the GetSournce/PutSource combo.
        using namespace XSI;

        // Forward declarations
        CString GetRelativeName( Parameter& in_param );
        void MakeStaticActionSource();
        void PrintClipInfo( Clip& in_clip );
        void PrintSourceInfo( ActionSource& in_src );

        Application app;

        // NewScene command
        CValueArray cargs; CValue oarg;
        cargs.Add( L"" ); cargs.Add( false );
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"NewScene", cargs, oarg );
        cargs.Clear(); oarg.Clear();

        // Get the SceneRoot
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();
        CString rootName = root.GetFullName();

        // New static ActionSource
        Null n = root.FindChild( L"", siNullPrimType, CStringArray() );

        // Get the ActionSource from the model & instantiate it as a clip
        CRefArray sources = root.GetSources();
        ActionSource src( sources.GetItem(0) );

        // AddClip command
        CValueArray clipArgs; CValue outClip;
        clipArgs.Add( rootName );
        clipArgs.Add( src.GetRef().GetAsText() );
        clipArgs.Add( rootName );                               // Simple clips take the model as compound owner
        app.ExecuteCommand( L"AddClip", clipArgs, outClip );

        // Find the clip
        Mixer mxr = root.GetMixer();
        CRefArray cliplist = mxr.GetClips();
        Clip clp(cliplist[0]);
        app.LogMessage( L"BEFORE source modifications:" );
        PrintClipInfo( clp );

        // Get the AnimationSourceItem
        CRefArray srcitems = src.GetItems();
        AnimationSourceItem oldSrcItem( srcitems.GetItem(0) );

        // Use the AnimationSourceItem::GetSource function to get the StaticSource and then change its value
        StaticSource sv( oldSrcItem.GetSource() );
        sv.PutValue( CValue(2.5) );

        // Print the values on the action source after modifications to the source
        app.LogMessage( L"AFTER source modifications:" );
        PrintClipInfo( clp );

        // Expected results:
        //INFO : BEFORE source modifications:
        //INFO : Reporting on Mixer.Mixer_Anim_Track.Action_Clip clip:
        //INFO :  - Source used = Sources.Scene_Root.Action
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #0 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posx and its datasource is a StaticSource
        //INFO :             (evaluates to 0)
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #1 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posy and its datasource is a StaticSource
        //INFO :             (evaluates to 1)
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #2 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posz and its datasource is a StaticSource
        //INFO :             (evaluates to 2)
        //INFO :
        //INFO : AFTER source modifications:
        //INFO : Reporting on Mixer.Mixer_Anim_Track.Action_Clip clip:
        //INFO :  - Source used = Sources.Scene_Root.Action
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #0 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posx and its datasource is a StaticSource
        //INFO :             (evaluates to 2.5)
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #1 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posy and its datasource is a StaticSource
        //INFO :             (evaluates to 1)
        //INFO :  --- SrcItem #2 target = MyAnimatedNull.kine.local.posz and its datasource is a StaticSource
        //INFO :             (evaluates to 2)
        //INFO :

        // Function to remove the name of the model from the FullName of the specified parameter.
        // This is necessary when setting up a source that will later be used to instantiate a
        // clip when the parameter lives under a model other than the Scene_Root.
        CString GetRelativeName( Parameter& in_param )
            Model mdl = in_param.GetModel();
            CString mdlname = mdl.GetFullName();
            if ( mdlname.IsEqualNoCase(L"Scene_Root") ) {
                return in_param.GetFullName();
            } else {
                CString tmp = in_param.GetFullName();
                CString lookfor = mdlname + L".";
                CString foundsofar = L"";
                CString relpath = L"";
                for ( ULONG i=0; i<tmp.Length(); ++i ) {
                    if ( foundsofar.IsEqualNoCase(lookfor) ) {
                        relpath += tmp[i];
                    } else {
                        foundsofar += tmp[i];
                return relpath;

        // Create a simple actionsource based on static values
        void MakeStaticActionSource()
            Application app;
            Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();
            Null n; root.AddNull( L"MyAnimatedNull", n );

            // Get the relative names for the parameter targets
            Parameter posx = n.GetParameter( L"posx" ); CString rposx = GetRelativeName(posx);
            Parameter posy = n.GetParameter( L"posy" ); CString rposy = GetRelativeName(posy);
            Parameter posz = n.GetParameter( L"posz" ); CString rposz = GetRelativeName(posz);

            // Create an empty action source
            ActionSource src = root.AddActionSource();

            // Populate it with a static value using ActionSource::AddSourceItem (default=0.0)
            src.AddSourceItem( rposx );

            // Populate it with a specified static value using ActionSource::AddSourceItem
            src.AddSourceItem( rposy, double(1.0), true );

            // Populate it with the default static value, then set a real value later with AnimationSourceItem::SetAsStatic
            AnimationSourceItem animsrcitem = src.AddSourceItem( rposz );
            animsrcitem.SetAsStatic( CValue(2.0), StaticSource() );

        // Convenience function to print out information about the clip's source
        void PrintClipInfo( Clip& in_clip )
            Application app;

            // Clip
            app.LogMessage( L"Reporting on " + in_clip.GetFullName() + L" clip:" );

            // Clip's source
            PrintSourceInfo( ActionSource(in_clip.GetSource()) );

        // Convenience function to print out information about the source
        void PrintSourceInfo( ActionSource& in_src )
            Application app;

            // Source
            app.LogMessage( L" - Source used = " + in_src.GetFullName() );

            // Source's items
            CRefArray itemsRef = in_src.GetItems();
            for ( LONG i=0; i<itemsRef.GetCount(); ++i ) {
                AnimationSourceItem animsrcitm( itemsRef[i] );
                app.LogMessage( L" --- SrcItem #" + CString(i) + L" target = " + animsrcitm.GetTarget() + L" and its datasource is a " + animsrcitm.GetSource().GetClassIDName() );

                // Underlying data source is an FCurve
                if ( animsrcitm.GetSource().GetClassID() == siFCurveID ) {
                    FCurve fc( animsrcitm.GetSource() );
                    app.LogMessage( L"            (evaluates to " + fc.Eval( CTime(30.0) ).GetAsText() + L" at frame 30)" );

                // Underlying data source is a StaticSource
                if ( animsrcitm.GetSource().GetClassID() == siStaticSourceID ) {
                    StaticSource sv( animsrcitm.GetSource() );
                    app.LogMessage( L"            (evaluates to " + sv.GetValue().GetAsText() + L")" );

            // Extra blank line
            app.LogMessage( L"" );

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: