These steps are only required for models imported from Autodesk® Alias™ (previously known as AliasStudio or StudioTools). Models from other CAD formats can be imported directly.
Note on AliasStudio versions
AliasStudio Version 13 (and later) provides a SaveLayers plug-in that lets you automatically export separate files for each layer. With multiple files, you can use distinct tessellation settings for each file (for example, use finer tessellation for small parts and coarser tessellation for large surfaces).
This plug-in is not available for earlier versions of the AliasStudio software. In these versions, you must explicitly save each layer as a separate file if you want to use different tesselation settings.
Prepare AliasStudio models
Before importing a AliasStudio model, follow these steps to ensure that the model will display correctly in Autodesk® Showcase™.
In AliasStudio:
(This will speed up the workflow and the speed of interaction.)
This will make it easier for you to set up alternatives and assign materials to the model.
Select Delete > Delete constr history.
If you need to update the model often...
The Autodesk Showcase software allows you to show and reverse normals (Edit > Show Normals, Edit > Reverse Normals), but you may want to fix normals permanently in AliasStudio if you plan on updating the model often.
In AliasStudio:
Select Display Tgls > Shade.
Align the normals facing toward the camera (outward) by selecting groups of attached surfaces.
Create stitched and shelled surfaces
An autostitch script is used when creating APF files to shell (stitch) together all contiguous surfaces in the same layer sharing the same material.
The autostitch script can be turned off during import if you choose one of the default tessellation scripts identified as “Not Merged.” If you turn it off, you need to stitch together and shell these surfaces in AliasStudio. (Otherwise, the surfaces won’t show continuous textures.)
Use the correct import conversion settings
Save individual layer *.wire files
Save the components assigned to each layer as one individual .wire file.
(By creating several files for a model, you will be able to import particular parts of the model into Autodesk Showcase, keep track of your layers, and get better feedback while loading files.)
In AliasStudio: