Classes | Namespaces

mesh.h File Reference

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struct   Vertex
  Represents a vertex point on a Mesh with its associated data. More...
struct   TC
  Represents Texture Coordinates (UVs) in the mesh. More...
class   FaceEnumerator
  FaceEnumerator is a base class for operations that must be applied. More...
class   VertexEnumerator
  base class for operations that must be applied across mesh vertices. More...
class   AdjacentVertexEnumerator
  AdjacentVertexEnumerator is a base class for operations that must be. More...
class   Mesh
  A Mesh is a collection of vertices organized into faces, and optional. More...
class   MeshFreezer
  Generic base interface for classes implementing a freeze function. More...
class   MeshSelector
  Generic base interface for classes implementing a face based selection. More...
class   TangentGenerator
  TangentGenerator is a class that defines the tangent space used by. More...
struct   SurfacePoint
  Describes a location somewhere on the surface of a Mesh. More...
class   Picker
  Picker objects are used as part of the map extraction process, to find. More...
class   ScreenSpacePicker
  ScreenSpacePicker objects are used to translate the user action of. More...
class   MeshGrid
  The MeshGrid class is an interface for dividing the surface of a mesh. More...
class   SurfaceSmoother
  This is an interface for a SurfaceSmoother object, which is responsible. More...
class   MeshChange
  This class represents a change to a mesh, and is used when an operation. More...
struct   MeshChange::VertexChange
  This struct holds the change information about a single vertex. More...
class   MeshUnlocker
  This object is used to manage the lock on a mesh. More...


namespace   mudbox

Class: ConvolutionKernel.