UV Texture Editor menu bar


These are descriptions of the menu items in the UV Texture Editor.

Polygons menu

Polygons > Copy UVs

Copies the selected UVs for a selected face to the clipboard so they can be copied (pasted) to another face. See Mesh > Clipboard Actions > Copy Attributes.

Polygons > Paste UVs

Pastes UVs that were previously copied to the selected face. See Mesh > Clipboard Actions > Paste Attributes.

Polygons > Create Empty UV Set

Creates a new, empty UV set on the current object. You can then create the UVs in the set using one of the mapping/projection methods. See Create UVs > Create Empty UV Set.

Polygons > Copy UVs to UV Set

Use the items in this submenu to create a UV set based on an existing UV layout or transfer a UV layout from one set to another. See Create UVs > Copy UVs to UV Set.

Polygons > Set Current UV Set

Lets you select a specific UV set. See Create UVs > Set Current UV Set.

Polygons > Rename Current UV Set

Lets you rename the currently selected UV set. See Create UVs > Rename Current UV Set.

Polygons > Delete Current UV Set

Deletes the currently selected UV set. See Create UVs > Delete Current UV Set.

Polygons > Normalize

Scales the UVs of the selected faces to within the 0 to 1 texture space. See Edit UVs > Normalize.

Polygons > Unitize

Places the UVs of the selected faces on the boundary of the 0 to 1 texture space. See Edit UVs > Unitize.

Polygons > Flip

Flips the positions of the selected UVs. See Edit UVs > Flip.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Rotate

Rotates the positions of the selected UVs by a specified number of degrees. See Edit UVs > Rotate.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Layout rectangle

Creates an evenly distributed UV rectangle from a selection of two vertices. The selected verties define the top left (0,1) and bottom right (1,0) corners of a rectangular patch of geometry.

The UVs contained in the selection area are laid out evently starting at the top left corner and ending at the bottom right corner.

Polygons > Cycle UVs

Rotates the U and V values of the selected polygon.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Best Plane Texturing Tool

Assigns UVs to the faces you select based on a plane computed from vertices you specify. See Create UVs > Best Plane Texturing Tool.

Polygons > Grid

Moves every selected UV to its nearest grid intersection in texture space. See Edit UVs > Grid.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Align

Aligns the positions of the selected UVs. See Edit UVs > Align.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Warp Image

Modifies a texture image by comparing two UV sets on a single polygonal mesh and produces a new bitmap image. See Edit UVs > Warp Image.

Polygons > Map UV Border

Moves UV borders to the edges of 0 to +1 texture space. See Edit UVs > Map UV Border.

Polygons > Straighten UV Border

Untangles the border of a UV texture shell, such as an edge that loops around itself. See Edit UVs > Straighten UV Border.

Polygons > Relax

Spreads out all UVs to make them easier to work with. See Edit UVs > Relax.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Unfold

Lets you unwrap the UV mesh for a polygonal object while the feature attempts to ensure that the UVs do not overlap. See Edit UVs > Unfold.

Polygons > Layout

Attempts to rearrange the UV shells into a cleaner layout, based on the settings in the Layout UVs option box. See Edit UVs > Layout.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Cut UV Edges

Separates UVs along the selected edges, creating borders. See Edit UVs > Cut UV Edges.

Polygons > Split UVs

Separates UVs from each other along the edges connected to the selected UV points, creating borders. Shortcut for the texture editor’s Edit UVs > Split UVs.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Sew UV Edges

Attaches UVs along the selected borders, but does not move them together in the texture editor view. See Edit UVs > Sew UV Edges.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Move and Sew UV Edges

Attaches UVs along the selected borders, and moves them together in the texture editor view. See Edit UVs > Move and Sew UV Edges.

This item is also found on the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Polygons > Merge UVs

Merges together separate UV shells. See Edit UVs > Merge UVs.

Polygons > Delete UVs

Removes the selected UVs from the mesh. You will need to re-map or re-project the UVs in order to map textures onto the affected areas. See Edit UVs > Delete UVs.

Polygons > UV Snapshot

Saves an image file of the current UV layout. You can then paint on this image in a painting program or use this image as a background reference layer for texture work in an image editor such as Adobe® Photoshop®. See Save an image of the UV layout. An option window appears with the following controls:

File Name

You can save the file anywhere inside or outside of your project. Maya automatically assigns the file extension based on the image format you select.

Size X, Size Y

Sets the dimensions of the exported image. Use the same dimensions you want for the file texture you are about to create. If you are not sure, use the default size; you can scale the exported image later in your paint program.

Keep Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio is the ratio of Size X to Size Y. With it turned on, you can change one size slider and Maya automatically adjusts the other size value to keep the same ratio. If you need to change the aspect ratio, turn off this option temporarily and adjust one of the sizes.

Color Value

Sets the color of the UV patches in the exported image. The background of the snapshot is black; therefore, the Color Value should be white or another contrasting color. You can click the box to open the Color Chooser.

Anti-alias Lines

Controls whether lines in the output image have anti-aliasing.

Image Format

Use an image format that your paint program can read. If you require an alpha channel while painting, use TIFF or a similar format.

UV Range

Normal (0 to 1) specifies the range between 0 and 1. When this option is set (default), only the UVs appearing in the 0 to 1 area are included in the 2D image that gets output.

Entire Range specifies that a 2D image will be output that covers all displayed UVs regardless of their position within UV space. That is, if the UVs lie outside the 0 to 1 range, they will still be included in the UV snapshot image.

User Specified allows you to customize the UV range that will be output by specifying minimum and maximum values for U and V. This is useful when you need to output an image of a specific UV shell or a specific region within the UV Texture Editor.

Subdivs menu

The items in this menu are used for editing UVs on subdivision surfaces.

Subdivs > Cut UV Edges

Separates UVs along the selected edges, creating borders. See Edit UVs > Cut UV Edges.

Subdivs > Layout

Tries to move the UVs into a cleaner layout. See Edit UVs > Layout.

Subdivs > Move and Sew UV Edges

Attaches UVs along the selected borders, and moves them together in the texture editor view. See Edit UVs > Move and Sew UV Edges.

Subdivs > UV Snapshot

Saves an image file of the current UV layout. For more information see Polygons > UV Snapshot.

View menu

View > View Contained Faces

A UV selection filter that displays only the UV faces associated with the currently selected UVs in the UV Texture Editor.

View > View Connected Faces

A UV selection filter that displays the UV faces associated with the currently selected UVs as well as the UV faces immediately connected to those UV faces.

View > View Faces of Selected Images

A UV selection filter that displays the UV faces associated with the currently selected texture image in the UV Texture Editor (Textures > filename).

View > Isolate Select submenu

Lets you show only a subset of all UVs, with the ability to add to and subtract from the isolated subset. See Display a subset of UVs

View > Grid

Shows or hides the texture coordinate grid. Choose View > Grid > to set the grid options. See Use the UV Texture Editor grid


Length and Width

Controls the overall size of the grid, measured in UV coordinates. The Length and Width is set to 1 (one) by default, because you typically want UVs to fit within the 0 to 1 range and this setting clearly shows the 0 to 1 range.

Grid Lines Every

Sets the spacing between grid lines. Grid lines appear in increments based on the decimal value you specify. This setting affects where UVs snap if you use the Snap to Grid feature.


Sets the number of lines between each grid line. By default, subdivision lines do not show; you must turn on Subdivision Lines for them to appear.



Displays the axes at the origin.

Grid lines

Displays grid lines.

Subdivision lines

Subdivides each grid square into four identical pieces.


Draws a bold border at each 1 x 1 grid space.

Grid numbers

Displays numbers for reference either along the axes or along the left and bottom edge.

View > Toolbar

Shows or hides the texture editor toolbar. See the toolbar section below.

View > Frame All

Pans and zooms the texture editor view to show the entire UV set.

View > Frame Selection

Pans and zooms the texture editor to show the selected UVs.

Select menu

The items in this menu are also available on a marking menu when you are working in the UV Texture Editor. Press + to access them.

Select > Select Contained Faces

Selects the faces contained by the current selection of UVs, edges, or vertices.

Select > Select Connected Faces

Selects all faces that share the currently selected UVs, edges, or vertices.

Select > Select Shell

Selects the entire UV shell containing the current selection.

Select > Select Shell Border

Selects the UVs along the border of the UV shell containing the current selection.

Select > Select Shortest Edge Path Tool

Selects the shortest path of edges between two or more selection points (vertices or UVs). The Select Shortest Edge Path Tool determines the most direct path between any two selection points and selects the edges in between.

The Select Shortest Edge Path Tool is particularly well suited to selecting a long and possibly winding path of edges on a mesh when you need to subsequently perform a Cut UV Edges operation.

Select > Convert Selection to Faces, Edges, Vertices, UVs

Selects the component type connected to the current selection. For example, if you have faces selected and choose Convert to UVs, Maya will select all UVs connected to the selected faces.

Tool menu

The items in this menu are also available from the toolbar.

Tool > UV Lattice Tool

Manipulates the layout of UVs as a group by letting you create a lattice around the UVs for deformation purposes.

Lattice Settings


Specifies the number of columns for the current lattice manipulator. The minimum number of columns is 3 and maximum number is 8.


Specifies the number of rows for the current lattice manipulator. The minimum number of rows is 3 and the maximum number is 8.


Specifies the lattice manipulator's level of influence or falloff value.

Use Bounding Rectangle

When on, the current lattice manipulator cannot extend past the outer edge or boundary of the target geometry.

Snap Settings

The lattice snap settings are relative to each UV affected by the lattice. Pixel Snap (Image > Pixel Snap) needs to be on in the UV Texture Editor for the UV Lattice Tool Snap Settings to have any effect.


Select where control points snap to.

Snap Corner

When on, the UV lattice deformer’s control points snap to the corners of each UV.

Snap Center

When on, the UV lattice deformer’s control points snap to the centers of each UV.

Tool > UV Smudge Tool

Moves the position of selected UVs and their neighboring UVs to a diminishing extent that is user defined.

Smudge Settings

Effect Type

Select the way the UVs follow the brush tool.


Moves the selected UVs in the direction of the UV Smudge Tool brush’s movements. UVs appear to follow or move with the brush. This setting moves UVs similar to the way the Soft Modification Tool moves vertices.


Drags or smudges UVs in the direction of the UV Smudge Tool brush’s movements.

Falloff Type

Select the way that the UV movement falls off as the brush moves.


Moves UVs based on the distance they are from the UV Smudge Tool brush. A UV moves exponentially more the closer it is to the brush.


Moves UVs based on the distance they are from the UV Smudge Tool brush. A UV moves linearly more the closer it is to the brush.


Moves all UVs the same amount in the direction of the UV Smudge Tool brush’s movements.

Smudge Size

Sets the size of the UV Smudge Tool brush.

In the UV Texture Editor’s view, you can also press b + drag to resize the Smudge Tool brush.


Sets the magnitude of the smudge and specifies how much the UV Smudge Tool brush affects the selected UVs.

This is only available when the selected Effect Type is Smudge.

Middle Mouse Initiates

When on, -drag to smudge the layout of your UVs. When off, drag to smudge the layout of your UVs.

Tool > Move UV Shell Tool

Lets you select and reposition a UV shell in the 2D view of the UV Texture Editor by selecting a single UV on the shell. You can automatically prevent the repositioned UV shell from overlapping other UV shells. See also UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Prevent Overlap

The Prevent Overlap setting restricts a UV shell from being accidentally moved to a position where it would overlap existing UV shells in the UV Texture Editor view. It is on by default. For example, if you select and move a UV shell and reposition it to an area that is already occupied by an existing UV shell, the selected shell will do one of the following:

  • Snap back to its previous location (when the overlap is large).
  • Snap to the closest location possible based on the direction you dragged the UV shell (when the overlap is small).
    Shell Spacing

    Specifies the distance the repositioned UV shell will be separated from other existing UV shells as a percentage of the map size when Prevent overlap is turned on.

    Placement iterations

    Specifies the number of times the tool checks between the start and end positions when translating one or more UV shells in order to optimally achieve the Shell Spacing distance without snapping back to the original location. A higher number produces the closest result possible, but takes longer to complete the move. The number of selected UV shells also affects the time to complete the move. The default setting is 16.

Tool > Smooth UV Tool

Let’s you interactively unfold or relax UVs. To use this tool, you must first select a set of UVs. Then, you can adjust the unfold or relax of the UVs by the respective control to the right. For more information, see Relax and untangle UVs or Unfold a UV mesh.

Pin Borders

When on, the border UVs of the selected UV set will not move when the Unfold or Relax controls are moved.


Allows you to adjust whether you Unfold or Relax the UVs in UV space or World space.

Image menu

For more information on using the features in this menu see Display a texture behind the UVs.

Image > Display Image

Shows or hides the texture image. This item can also be found in the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Image > Dim Image

Reduces the brightness of the currently displayed background image. Dimming the background image lets you more easily view and select components in the UV Texture Editor’s view. Selecting the item toggles it on or off depending on its current state.

Image > Display Unfiltered

Turns off pixel blurring to show exact pixel boundaries. This item can also be found in the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Image > Shade UVs

Shades active UV shells in a semitransparent way.

Using Shade UVs you can:

  • Display areas where UVs and UV shells overlap within the 2D view of the UV Texture Editor. Regions where UVs and UV shells overlap are shaded with more opacity when compared to the default shading. See also Display overlapping UVs.
  • Displays the UV winding order for UV shells as they appear within the 2D view of the UV Texture Editor. UV shells that are front facing (that is have a clockwise winding order), are shaded blue. UV shells that are back facing (that is have a counterclockwise winding order), are shaded red. See also Display UV winding order.
    Front facing color

    Specifies the shaded color for UV shells with a clockwise winding order. The default color is blue.

    Front facing alpha

    Specifies the transparency value for the front-facing shaded UV shells. A value of 0 is fully transparent while a value of 1 is fully opaque. The default is 0.25.

    Back facing color

    Specifies the shaded color for UV shells with a counterclockwise winding order. The default color is red.

    Back facing alpha

    Specifies the transparency value for the back-facing shaded UV shells. A value of 0 is fully transparent while a value of 1 is fully opaque. The default is 0.25.

Image > Display RGB Channels, Display Alpha Channel

Switch between displaying the texture image and its alpha (transparency) channel. These items can also be found in the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Image > Pixel Snap

Determines whether or not to automatically snap UVs to pixels. Snapping is to pixel corners or centers. This item can also be found in the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.


Select where Pixels snap to.

Snap Corner

When on, the selected UVs snap to the corners of other UVs.

Snap to Center

When on, the selected UVs snap to the centers of other UVs.

Image > Image Range

Use these settings to change how much of the texture appears in the texture editor.

Minimum U/V and Maximum U/V

You can explicitly set the size of the image by setting these options, or you can select one of the presets.


Select one of the preset image ranges and click Apply.


The texture space is defined by the Minimum and Maximum U and V values.

Grid Size

The texture fills the extent of the grid (defined in the Grid Options window).

Unit Size

The texture fills the 0 to 1 (or unit) texture space.

Image > Use Image Ratio

Switches between showing square texture space and texture space with the same ratio of width to height as the image. This item can also be found in the UV Texture Editor toolbar for quick access. See UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Image > UV Texture Editor Baking

Bakes the texture and stores it in memory. See also UV Texture Editor toolbar.

Baked Texture Resolution

The resolution used when baking the texture.

Image > Create PSD Network

Creates an Adobe® Photoshop® texture you can use as a texture map. When this feature is used, a PSD layer of the UVs can be explicitly created to aid painting of the texture. For more information, see Use PSD Networks as textures in Maya and Create a PSD file with layer sets from within Maya.

Image > Update PSD Networks

When you modify a PSD file in Adobe® Photoshop® that is connected to a Maya PSD node, you can update (refresh) the image in Maya to show the modifications immediately. All PSD networks in the scene are updated. See Update PSD Networks.

Textures menu

Select which image texture to show in the UV Texture Editor. Select an image from the drop-down list that appears. If no texture images are assigned the list appears empty.

UV Sets menu

Select the UV set you want to edit in the UV Texture Editor by selecting the name of the UV set from the drop-down list that appears. See UV sets.

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