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Sculpt Layers window

Sculpt Layer menu

Items available from the Sculpt Layers ( ) menu:

New Layer

Creates a new layer directly above the selected layer.

Delete Selected

Deletes the selected layer.

Duplicate Selected

Makes a copy of the selected layer. The duplicate layer is inserted directly above the selected layer.

Freeze from Selected

Opens the Freeze From Sculpt Layer window, letting you set the following values:


Controls the sharpness of the transition from frozen to unfrozen areas. Higher values make a sharper transition, lower values spread the freezing out. Ranges from 0 to 1, default is 0.5.


Defines the center point of the transition (the point at which the gradient is at 50% freeze). Lower values spread the frozen areas wider, and higher values bring it tighter. Ranges from 0 to 1, default is 0.5.

See also Freeze mesh based on a sculpt layer.

Merge Visible

Combines the sculpting information on all visible layers into a single layer and deletes all merged layers.


Moves the information on all layers (for a particular layer type) onto the base (bottom) layer and deletes all layers above the base layer.

Import Layer

Lets you import a polygonal model from disk and apply it to a layer. For a description of options, see Import As Layer.


Reflects the sculpt detail on a selected layer from one side of an object to its opposite side. Mirroring requires that the model be topologically symmetrical, even though its shape may be asymmetrical. See Set a topological axis.


Swaps the sculpt detail of a layer across the topological axis of the model. Flipping detail on a layer requires that the model be topologically symmetrical, even though its shape may be asymmetrical. See Set a topological axis.

Related topics

Sculpt layers overview

Create a sculpt layer

Sculpt on a layer

Delete a sculpt layer

Merge two or more sculpt layers

Combine all layers onto the base level

Mask sculpting on a layer

Erase sculpting on a layer

Sculpt using layer symmetry

Mirror a sculpt layer on a symmetrical model

Mirror a sculpt layer on an asymmetrical model

Troubleshoot sculpt layers