

Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:Texture









Texture オブジェクトは、OGLハードウェアディスプレイ設定によって指定された現在のテクスチャを表します。シェーダツリーには多くのテクスチャシェーダがあるため、Texture オブジェクトは現在のテクスチャを示します。Material.CurrentTexture を使用して現在のテクスチャを取得できます。

Texture.GetTransformValues から取得した UVW 値は、現在のイメージクリップ(Material.CurrentImageClip)と現在の UVW テクスチャプロパティ(Material.CurrentUV)に基づいています。


AddCustomOp AddICEAttribute AddProperty AddScriptedOp
AddScriptedOpFromFile AddSharedTextureLayer AnimatedParameters2 BelongsToオペレータ
CodePath CodeText CreateTextureLayer EvaluateAt
GetAllShaders GetICEAttributeFromName GetPortDisplayName GetShaderContainer
GetShaderInputType GetShaderParameterTargets GetShaderParameterType GetTransformValues
HasRenderer IsA IsAnimated2 IsClassOfオペレータ
IsEqualToオペレータ IsKindOf IsLockedオペレータ IsSelectedオペレータ
LockOwners PutPortDisplayName RemoveICEAttribute RemoveTextureLayer
RendererOptionValue SetAsSelectedオペレータ SetCapabilityFlagオペレータ SetLock
SymbolName TaggedParameters UnSetLock  


AllImageClips Application BranchFlagオペレータ Capabilitiesオペレータ
Categories EvaluationID Familiesオペレータ FullNameオペレータ
Help HierarchicalEvaluationID ICEAttributes ImageClips
LockLevelオペレータ LockMastersオペレータ LockTypeオペレータ Model
Nameオペレータ NestedObjects ObjectID Origin
OriginPath OutputType Owners PPGLayoutオペレータ
Parametersオペレータ Parent Parent3DObject ProgID
Properties Root Selectedオペレータ ShaderDefオペレータ
ShaderType Shaders TextureLayers Typeオペレータ

1. VBScript の例


' This example demonstrates how to get the Texture from the object's

' Material once a texture projection has been applied to the object.


' Create scene content

NewScene , false

set oGrid = CreatePrim( "Grid", "MeshSurface" )

SetValue oGrid & ".polymsh.geom.subdivu", 2

SetValue oGrid & ".polymsh.geom.subdivv", 1

' Put a text projection of the default image on the grid

ApplyShader ,,,, siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap

BlendInPresetsInsp ,,, True, True

CreateProjection oGrid, siTxtPlanarXZ, siTxtDefaultSpherical, "Texture_Support", "Texture_Projection"

SetInstanceDataValue , oGrid & ".Material.Phong.ambient_blend.Image.tspace_id", "Texture_Projection"

' You can get the texture via Material.CurrentTexture on the object

set oMaterial = oGrid.Material

set oTexture = oMaterial.CurrentTexture

Application.LogMessage oTexture.FullName & " (" & TypeName(oTexture) & ")"

' Expected results:

'INFO : grid.Material.Phong.ambient_blend.Image (Texture)

2. VBScript の例

'This example demonstrates how to create image textures nodes and

'how information about them can be discovered using the Object Model.

'In particular it shows how information about the current texture can be

'discovered easily, but also how it is possible to find information about

'other textures in the render tree.  The code is structures into functions

'which can be reused in other contexts.

set oObj = BuildDemoScene

'There are 2 projections, 2 texture image shaders, and 2 image clips

'But only one set acts as "current"

logmessage "Current texture: " & oObj.Material.CurrentTexture.FullName

logmessage "Current UV: " & oObj.Material.CurrentUV.FullName

logmessage "Current Image Clip: " & oObj.Material.CurrentImageClip.FullName

set oTextureShaders = FindImageTextureNodes( oObj )

for each oTexture in oTextureShaders 

	PrintImageTextureInfo oTexture, oObj


SetDisplayMode "Camera", "texturedecal"

function BuildDemoScene

	'Creates a scene with a sphere whose material has two image textures nodes.

	'One drives the ambient of the phong and the other drives 

	'the diffuse parameter.  They use two separate projections.

	ImageFile1 = XSIUtils.BuildPath( Application.InstallationPath(siFactoryPath), _

				"Data", _



				"jaiqua_face.jpg" )			

	ImageFile2 = XSIUtils.BuildPath( Application.InstallationPath(siFactoryPath), _

				"Data", _



				"ehair_08.jpg" )			

	set oObj = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )

	oObj.AddMaterial "Phong" 

	dim oPhongShader, oAmbientParam, oDiffuseParam, oShinyParam

	set oPhongShader = oObj.Material.Shaders(0)

	set oAmbientParam = oPhongShader.Parameters( "ambient" )

	set oDiffuseParam = oPhongShader.Parameters( "diffuse" )	

	dim oImageClip1, oImageClip2

	SICreateImageClip ImageFile1, ,oImageClip1	

	SICreateImageClip ImageFile2, ,oImageClip2

	dim oImageNode1,oImageNode2

	set oImageNode1 = oAmbientParam.connectfrompreset("Image", siTextureShaderFamily)

	oImageNode1.Parameters( "tex" ).Connect( oImageClip1 )

	oImageNode1.Name = "Texture1" 

	set oImageNode2 = oDiffuseParam.connectfrompreset("Image", siTextureShaderFamily)

	oImageNode2.Parameters( "tex" ).Connect( oImageClip2 )

	oImageNode2.Name = "Texture2" 

	' Connect a projection

	sProjectionName1 = "MyProjection1"

	sProjectionName2 = "MyProjection2"

	CreateProjection oObj, 	siTxtSpherical, siTxtDefaultSpherical, _

		"Texture_Support", sProjectionName1 

	CreateProjection oObj, 	siTxtSpherical, siTxtDefaultSpherical, _

		"Texture_Support", sProjectionName2  

	oImageNode1.Parameters("tspace_id").SetInstanceValue oObj,sProjectionName1 

	oImageNode2.Parameters("tspace_id").SetInstanceValue oObj,sProjectionName2 

	set BuildDemoScene = oObj

end function

sub PrintImageTextureInfo( oTexture, oObjectWithMaterial )

	'Display useful information about a Texture Shader node.

	'This code works even if the texture is not "current"

	logmessage "Texture:        " & oTexture

	strProjection = oTexture.Parameters("tspace_id").GetInstanceValue(oObjectWithMaterial)

	logmessage "    Projection: " & strProjection 

	set oImageclip = oTexture.Parameters("tex").Source

	logmessage "    Image: " & oImageclip.FullName 

	logmessage "    IsTexture: " & IsTexture( oTexture )

	bIsCurrentTexture = ( oObjectWithMaterial.Material.CurrentTexture.Name = _

						  oTexture.Name )	

	logmessage "    Current: " & bIsCurrentTexture			

	set oUVClusterProp = FindProjectionClusterProperty( oObjectWithMaterial, strProjection )

	if  typename( oUVClusterProp ) <> "Nothing" then

		logmessage "    Projection UV Data: " & oUVClusterProp.FullName

	end if			

	set oSupport = FindSupport( oObjectWithMaterial, strProjection )

	if  typename( oUVClusterProp ) <> "Nothing" then

		logmessage "    Support: " & oSupport.FullName

	end if	

end sub

function IsTexture(oShader)

	'Test whether an shader is a "Texture" shader

	'Note: This test returns True for Image textures, but also

	'      for procedural shaders like the fractal shader

	IsTexture = InStr( 1, oShader.Families, "Texture Shaders", 0 ) > 0

end function

function IsImageTexture(oShader)

	'Test more specifically whether this is an Image Shader

	'e.g. txt2d-image-explicit

	IsImageTexture= InStr( 1, oShader.ProgID, "-image", 0 ) > 0

end function

function FindImageTextureNodes(oObj)

	'Populate a XSICollection with all the Image Texture

	'shader nodes in the Material of the oObj argument

	'Limitations: This test only finds image nodes that are driven by an ImageClip

	'If the image is being generated (e.g. by a bumpmap generator) then

	'it will not be found.	

	'Also the returned collection does not include other shaders such as Real-time shaders

	'and lens flares that might be driven by an imageclip	

	set oColl = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection" )

	oColl.Unique = true

	set oImageClips = oObj.Material.ImageClips

	for each oImageClip in oImageClips

		'The Parent property would return the Shader that uses the ImageClip

		'However a single image clip can drive multiple Shaders.

		'Therefore we use the Owners property.  

		'We filter out the Scene.Clips collection which is an owner

		'of every single ImageClip.  We also filter out non-Image Textures.

		for each oOwner in oImageClip.Owners			

			if oOwner.Type = "Shader" then

				if IsImageTexture( oOwner ) then

					oColl.Add oOwner 

				end if

			end if			



	set FindImageTextureNodes= oColl

end function

function FindProjectionClusterProperty( oX3DObject, strProjectionName )

	'Find the ClusterProperty associated with

	'a particular Projection used by the Material

	'of the oX3DObject argument.

	'Note: This method does not depend on Material.CurrentUV

	'so it works for any Projection

	'Normally UV data will be underneath 

	'a cluster called "Texture_Coordinates_AUTO"	

	'but this code searches all sample clusters

	'because the cluster might have a different name

	set oCls = oX3DObject.ActivePrimitive.Geometry._

				Clusters.Filter( "sample" )

	for each oCluster in oCls

		for each oProp in oCluster.Properties				

			if oProp.Name = strProjectionName then

				set FindProjectionClusterProperty = oProp

				exit function

			end if			



end function

function FindSupport( oX3DObject, strProjectionName )

	'Find the support object associated with a 

	'particular projection for the provided X3DObject

	'It works based on the knowledge that the support

	'is nested underneath the Projection Def object,

	'which in turn is nested underneath the Projection

	'UV Data ClusterProperty

	set oUVCluster = FindProjectionClusterProperty( oX3DObject, strProjectionName )

	for each oNested in oUVCluster.NestedObjects

		if oNested.Type = "uvprojdef" then

			'Found the Projection Def object

			for each oDefNested in oNested.NestedObjects		

				if oDefNested.Type = "Texture Support" then

					set FindSupport = oDefNested

					exit function

				end if		


		end if	


end function

'Output of this example:

'INFO : Current texture: sphere.Material.Phong.Texture2

'INFO : Current UV: sphere.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.MyProjection2

'INFO : Current Image Clip: Clips.ehair_08_jpg

'INFO : Texture:        Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.Texture1

'INFO :     Projection: MyProjection1

'INFO :     Image: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.Texture1.jaiqua_face_jpg

'INFO :     IsTexture: True

'INFO :     Current: False

'INFO :     Projection UV Data: sphere.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.MyProjection1

'INFO :     Support: Texture_Support

'INFO : Texture:        Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.Texture2

'INFO :     Projection: MyProjection2

'INFO :     Image: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.Texture2.ehair_08_jpg

'INFO :     IsTexture: True

'INFO :     Current: True

'INFO :     Projection UV Data: sphere.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.MyProjection2

'INFO :     Support: Texture_Support1

