
Object Hierarchy | Related C++ Class: CMatrix4


A double precision floating point 4 by 4 matrix. Where the translation values are found in m12, m13, m14, m15.

| m0 m1 m2 m3 |

| m4 m5 m6 m7 |

| m8 m9 m10 m11 |

| m12 m13 m14 m15 |


Get Get2 Invert InvertInPlace
Mul MulInPlace Set SetIdentity
Transpose TransposeInPlace TransposeInverse TransposeInverseInPlace




1. JScript Example

	Demonstration of the Matrix4 object used to 
	print the contents of a Transformation
var oNull = ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull() ;
var oSITransformation = oNull.Kinematics.Local.Transform ;
Application.LogMessage( "Default Transformation Matrix" ) ;
PrintTransformationAsMatrix( oSITransformation ) ; 
oSITransformation.SetTranslationFromValues( 5, 6, 7) ;
oSITransformation.SetScalingFromValues( 1, 4, 1) ;
Application.LogMessage( "Transformation with scaling and translation" ) ;
PrintTransformationAsMatrix( oSITransformation ) ; 
function PrintTransformationAsMatrix( in_Transform )
	var oMatrix4 = XSIMath.CreateMatrix4(); 
	oSITransformation.GetMatrix4(oMatrix4) ;
	for ( var row = 0 ; row < 4 ; row++ )
		strLine = "" ;
		for( var col = 0 ; col < 4 ; col++ )
			strLine += oMatrix4.Value( row, col ) + "\t\t";
		Application.LogMessage( strLine ) ;
//INFO : Default Transformation Matrix
//INFO : 1		0		0		0		
//INFO : 0		1		0		0		
//INFO : 0		0		1		0		
//INFO : 0		0		0		1		
//INFO : Transformation with scaling and translation
//INFO : 1		0		0		0		
//INFO : 0		4		0		0		
//INFO : 0		0		1		0		
//INFO : 5		6		7		1

2. VBScript Example

' This illustrates how to convert a position from local coordinates
' to global coordinates
set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
if Selection.Count = 0 then
	' create a sample scene
	set oModel = oRoot.AddModel
	oModel.posx.value = 5
	set oObject = oModel.AddNull
	oObject.posx.value = 5
	set oObject = Selection(0)
end if
' Create transformation matrix4 from global transform
set oGlobalParameters =
Set globalScl = XSIMath.CreateVector3
call globalScl.Set( _
	oGlobalParameters("sclx").value, _
	oGlobalParameters("scly").value, _
	oGlobalParameters("sclz").value )
Set globalRot = XSIMath.CreateVector3
call globalRot.Set( _
	oGlobalParameters("rotx").value, _
	oGlobalParameters("roty").value, _
	oGlobalParameters("rotz").value )
Set globalTrs = XSIMath.CreateVector3
call globalTrs.Set( _
	oGlobalParameters("posx").value, _
	oGlobalParameters("posy").value, _
	oGlobalParameters("posz").value )
set m4Global = CreateMatrix4(globalScl,globalRot,globalTrs)
' get local position
Set v3Pos = XSIMath.CreateVector3
call v3Pos.Set( oObject.posx.value, oObject.posy.value, oObject.posz.value )
Application.LogMessage "local position = " & v3Pos.x & ", " & v3Pos.y & ", " & v3Pos.z
' transform local to global position
Set v3Pos = XSIMath.CreateVector3
call v3Pos.MulByMatrix4( v3Pos, m4Global )
Application.LogMessage "global position = " & v3Pos.x & ", " & v3Pos.y & ", " & v3Pos.z
' Create and initialize SIMatrix4 using from the scaling, rotation and
' translation values (SIVector3)
Function CreateMatrix4( inv3Scl, inv3Rot, inv3Pos )
	Dim l_Rot, l_Trs, l_Matrix, l_RadToDeg, l_DegToRad
	Set l_Rot = XSIMath.CreateVector3
	Set l_Trs = XSIMath.CreateTransform
	Set l_Matrix = XSIMath.CreateMatrix4
	l_RadToDeg = 180.0 / 3.1415926535897932
	l_DegToRad = 3.1415926535897932 / 180.0
	'Conversion of the rotation angles into radians
	l_Rot.Copy inv3Rot
	l_Rot.ScaleInPlace l_DegToRad
	'Create an SI Transform first.
	l_Trs.SetScaling inv3Scl
	l_Trs.SetTranslation inv3Pos
	l_Trs.SetRotationFromXYZAngles l_Rot
	'Extract a Matrix from that transform.
	l_Trs.GetMatrix4 l_Matrix
	Set CreateMatrix4 = l_Matrix
End Function

See Also

SIMatrix4.Set SIVector3 SIMatrix3 SIMatrix4 SIRotation SITransformation.GetMatrix4 SIQuaternion