

Deformer names are sorted alpha-numerically in the weight editor and weight paint panel. Now bone2 is listed before bone10.

Bone Primitive

The bone primitive (Get > Primitive > Implicit > Bone) now has shadow icons like regular skeleton (chain) bones.

Fcurve Editor

The fcurve editor has undergone a facelift and now offers a new working mode and new icons on the toolbar. But don't worry, all the fcurve editor's previous commands and functions are still there!

Suite vs. Classic Mode

There are now two different modes in which you can work in the fcurve editor:

  • Suite mode: This mode is on by default and is designed to be used if you're running the Suite version of Softimage. If you're used to working with other Autodesk 3D applications, you may feel most comfortable in this mode. It displays a simplified set of icons on the toolbar, and provides the same context (right-click) menu no matter what you click on in the fcurve graph.

  • Classic mode: This mode provides all tools that you are used to as a seasoned Softimage user. It is the same as in previous versions of Softimage, although most of the icons look different.

    For a list of all the icons available in the fcurve editor toolbar, see the Icon Reference.

To switch between the two modes, do any of the following:

  • Toggle the View Classic Mode command from the fcurve editor toolbar.
  • Right-click in the fcurve graph area and toggle the View Classic Mode option (if you're in Classic mode).
  • Open the Fcurve Editor Preferences property editor and toggle the Classic Mode option on the Editor tab.
NoteThe profile curve editor (see The Profile Curve Editor) is available only in Classic Mode.

The following commands are new and only in Suite mode, matching the equivalent functions in Classic mode - see Editing a Function Curve's Slope for more information:

  • Keys Lock Tangent Orientation and Free Tangent Orientation
  • Keys Lock Tangent Weight and Free Tangent Weight
  • Keys Break Tangents and Unify Tangents
  • Curves Weighted Tangents and Non-Weighted Tangents

Isolate Curve Command

The new View Isolate Curve command and icon isolate only the selected curves in the graph. This lets you keep your general filtering option, but focus on just one curve (or a few curves) at a time that you're editing. If you select other parameters in the animation explorer on the left, their curves are also isolated and then displayed in the graph - see Isolating Selected Curves

Snapshots are Now Called Buffer Curves

The View Snapshot Curve option is now called View Buffer Curves. There are also new commands called Edit Save Buffer and Swap Buffer that have new icons in the toolbar - see Editing Safely with Function Curve Buffers.

Constant Interpolation is Now Called Stepped

The Curves Constant command for the curve interpolation type is now called Curves Stepped - see Choosing a Function Curve Interpolation Type.