

Returns the last frame of the source that is used by the clip as a Double. Decrease this value to trim a clip so that it ends part way through the duration of the source.

On the Time Control property editor, this appears on the General tab under Source Clipping.


JScript Example

        This example illustrates how to use the time control to clip the source.
NewScene( null, false );
var oRoot = Application.ActiveSceneRoot;
var oNull = oRoot.AddNull( "myNull");
SelectObj("myNull", "", 1);
var oPosX = oNull.Parameters("Posx");
// Create and connect an function curve to the position x
var oFCurve = oPosX.AddFCurve2([1, 5, 50, 0, 100, 5], siUnknownFCurve);
// This value should be 5
SetValue("PlayControl.Current", 100);
LogMessage("The animated value at frame 100 is " + oPosX.Value);
// Create the animation source
SetValue("PlayControl.Current", 1);
var oSource = StoreAction(oRoot,"myNull.kine.local.posx",2,"StoredFcvPose", 1, 1, 100, 0,0);
// Create the first clip
var oClip = AddClip(oRoot, oSource);
oTimeControl = oClip.TimeControl;
oTimeControl.Parameters("extrapaft_type").Value = siTimeControlExtrapolationHold;
oTimeControl.Parameters("extrapaft_timehold").Value = 55;
oTimeControl.Parameters("ClipOut").Value = 50;
SetValue("PlayControl.Current", 100);
LogMessage("The clip in value is " + oTimeControl.ClipOut)
// Now the value should be 0.
LogMessage("The value after the clip manipulation is " + Selection(0).Parameters("Posx").Value);
// Expected results:
//INFO : The animated value at frame 100 is 5
//INFO : The clip in value is 50
//INFO : The value after the clip manipulation is 0