Primitives attributes define properties and appearance of the geometry that is being generated on a patch. Use thewindow to edit the , , , and attributes.
Controls the kind of primitive that the description generates.
primitives are curves made up of two or more segments. Use Splines for fur and other simple stiff shapes to more complex
ribbon shapes like long or curly hair.
primitives define a sphere with controllable length, width, and depth.
primitives define a NURBS patch that is attached to the patch at the center.
primitive uses the generic attributes to define a bounding box that is filled with a specified read archive file. Your archive
file should define a piece of geometry that fits within a unit cube with its base centered at the origin. For Primitives, the X values range from -0.5 to 0.5, the Z values range from -0.5 to 0.5, and the Y values range from 0 to 1.
Sets whether Attributes or control the grooming of this description. Groomable Splines are controlled by Attributes and image maps created by the grooming
When selected, guides control the placement and shape of the primitives. Guides use an interpolation algorithm to calculate
the placement and shape of associated primitives. See Guides .
Controls the length of each card along one of its dimensions.
When is set to , this value sets the primitive length. When is set to , scales primitive length based on the guide length.
Controls the width of each card along one of its dimensions.
When is set to , this value sets the primitive width. When is set to , scales primitive width based on the guide width.
Tilts primitives away from the surface normal. 0 is no tilt, and 1.0 is a 90-degree tilt.
Tilts primitives away from the surface normal, but at right angles to .
Controls how much each card is bent in the U direction. 0 is no bend, and 1.0 is a 90-degree bend. Cards bend in two places.
Controls how much each card is bent in the V direction. 0 is no bend, and 1.0 is a 90-degree bend.
Controls where the card bends in the U direction. 0 is at the center of the card, and 1 is at the edges.
Controls where the card bends in the V direction. 0 is at the center of the card, and 1 is at the edges.
Rotates the card around its local normal vector. This vector is affected by , , or .
Magnifies how much the primitive tilts away from the surface normal by and . If and are 0, then has no effect.
Rotates the primitive orientation around the surface normal. This vector is not affected by , and .
This has no apparent effect until the splines are bent or tilted with , , or.
Turn on to make each card rotate so their flat side faces towards the camera as much as possible.
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