The FBX SDK lets you access, create, or modify the following elements of a scene (KFbxScene):
- Mesh - KFbxMesh
- Level of detail (LOD) groups - KFbxLodGroup
- Cameras (including stereo cameras for 3D) - KFbxCamera
- Lights and gobos - KFbxLight, KFbxGobo
- NURBS - KFbxNurb, KFbxNurbsCurve, KFbxNurbsSurface, KFbxTrimNurbsSurface
- Texture mapping over a geometry - KFbxTexture
- Material mapping over a geometry - KFbxSurfaceMaterial
- Constraints - KFbxConstraint
- Vertex cache animation on the control points of a geometry - KFbxDeformer
- Scene settings that provide Up-Axis (X/Y/Z) and scene scaling (units) - KFbxGlobalSettings, KFbxAxisSystem
- Transformation data including position, rotation, scale, parent - KFbxNode
- Markers - KFbxMarker
- Skeleton segments (root, limb, and limb node) - KFbxSkeleton
- Animation curves - KFbxAnimCurve
- Rest and bind poses for a list of nodes (bones and geometry) - KFbxPose