Evaluate a track point

The best way to check the accuracy of a track point is to play the track sequence from a point-centered view. By default, Live creates a Pointblast movie when it finishes tracking, but you can create it at any time by clicking Pointblast on the Track control panel. You can also use the pointCenteredCamera panel and scrub through the Time Slider, provided you have enough system memory allocated in the Setup Cache control panel

When evaluating the movie, look for points that jump or drift. Generally, to get a fairly accurate solution, the track point cross-hair should not jump more than a pixel.

Do not rely too heavily on the Track Summary to evaluate track quality. Use it only as a general guide to problem areas in the track; it does not necessarily indicate the success of a track point. For more information, see Review the Track Summary.

Trace lines

You can also look at trace lines to evaluate the track. Trace lines appear as red and blue lines moving out from the track box. They depict the 2D movement of the track box from the current frame. The red line is backward and the blue line is forward. (For information on controlling the display of trace lines, see Use the Track Display panel.)

Use trace lines to evaluate smoothness of track movement and to verify that points in the same area follow a similar movement.