KFbxNodeAttribute Class Reference

#include <kfbxnodeattribute.h>

Inherits KFbxObject.

Inherited by KFbxCamera, KFbxCameraSwitcher, KFbxLayerContainer, KFbxLight, KFbxMarker, KFbxNull, KFbxOpticalReference, and KFbxSkeleton.

Inheritance diagram for KFbxNodeAttribute:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class is the base class to all types of node attributes.

A node attribute is the content of a node. A NULL node attribute is set by calling function KFbxNode::SetNodeAttribute() with a NULL pointer.

Definition at line 70 of file kfbxnodeattribute.h.


void SetColor (KFbxColor pColor)
 Set color.
KFbxColor GetColor ()
 Get marker color.

Public Types

enum  EAttributeType

Public Member Functions

virtual EAttributeType GetAttributeType () const
 Return the type of node attribute.
KFbxNodeGetNode ()
 Return the node this attribute is set to.

Member Function Documentation

virtual EAttributeType GetAttributeType (  )  const [inline, virtual]

KFbxNode* GetNode (  ) 

Return the node this attribute is set to.

Pointer to the node, or NULL if the current attribute is not set to a node.

void SetColor ( KFbxColor  pColor  ) 

Set color.

pColor The color used to draw the node attribute.
This property can be used by the node attribute for its wireframe representation or to define its color if there are no materials connected. Only the node attribute of type eMARKER use this property. This value persists in the FBX file so third party plug-ins may use it for their specific needs.

Reimplemented in KFbxMarker.

KFbxColor GetColor (  ) 

Get marker color.

The node attribute color property. The default value, if no call to SetColor has been made, is RGB(0.8, 0.8, 0.8).
This property can be used by the node attribute for its wireframe representation or to define its color in the case that no materials are connected to it. For now, only the node attribute of type eMARKER use this property. This value is persisten in the FBX file so third party plug-ins can use it for their specific needs.