KFbxCamera Class Reference

#include <kfbxcamera.h>

Inherits KFbxNodeAttribute.

Inheritance diagram for KFbxCamera:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

This node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a camera.

A camera can be set to automatically point at and follow another node in the hierarchy. To do this, the focus source must be set to ECameraFocusSource::eCAMERA_INTEREST and the followed node associated with function KFbxNode::SetTarget().

Definition at line 74 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Camera Position and Orientation Functions

enum  ECameraProjectionType
 Camera projection types. More...
void SetPosition (const KFbxVector4 &pPosition)
 Set the default XYZ camera position.
KFbxVector4 GetPosition () const
 Get the default position of the camera.
void SetUpVector (const KFbxVector4 &pVector)
 Set the camera's Up vector.
KFbxVector4 GetUpVector () const
 Get the current Up vector.
void SetDefaultCameraInterestPosition (const KFbxVector4 &pPosition)
 Set the default point the camera is looking at.
KFbxVector4 GetDefaultCameraInterestPosition () const
 Return the camera interest to default coordinates.
void SetRoll (double pRoll)
 Set the camera roll angle.
double GetRoll () const
 Get the camera roll angle.
void SetTurnTable (double pTurnTable)
 Set the camera turntable angle.
double GetTurnTable () const
 Get the camera turntable angle.
void SetProjectionType (ECameraProjectionType pProjectionType)
 Set the camera projection type.
ECameraProjectionType GetProjectionType () const
 Get the camera projection type.

Viewing Area Functions

enum  ECameraFormat
 Camera formats. More...
enum  ECameraAspectRatioMode
 Camera aspect ratio modes. More...
void SetFormat (ECameraFormat pFormat)
 Set the camera format.
ECameraFormat GetFormat () const
 Get the camera format.
void SetAspect (ECameraAspectRatioMode pRatioMode, double pWidth, double pHeight)
 Set the camera aspect.
ECameraAspectRatioMode GetAspectRatioMode () const
 Get the camera aspect ratio mode.
double GetAspectWidth () const
 Get the aspect width.
double GetAspectHeight () const
 Get the aspect height.
void SetPixelRatio (double pRatio)
 Set the pixel ratio.
double GetPixelRatio () const
 Get the pixel ratio.
void SetNearPlane (double pDistance)
 Set the near plane distance from the camera.
double GetNearPlane () const
 Get the near plane distance from the camera.
void SetFarPlane (double pDistance)
 Set the far plane distance from camera.
double GetFarPlane () const
 Get the far plane distance from camera.
void SetMouseLock (bool pMouseLock)
 Set interactive camera lock flag.
bool GetMouseLock () const
 Get the camera lock flag.

Aperture and Film Functions

The aperture mode determines which values drive the camera aperture.

When the aperture mode is eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL, eHORIZONTAL or eVERTICAL, the field of view is used. When the aperture mode is eFOCAL_LENGTH, the focal length is used.

It is possible to convert the aperture mode into field of view or vice versa using functions ComputeFieldOfView and ComputeFocalLength. These functions use the camera aperture width and height for their computation.

enum  ECameraApertureFormat
 Camera aperture formats. More...
enum  ECameraApertureMode
 Camera aperture modes. More...
enum  ECameraGateFit
 Camera gate fit modes. More...
void SetApertureFormat (ECameraApertureFormat pFormat)
 Set the camera aperture format.
ECameraApertureFormat GetApertureFormat () const
 Get the camera aperture format.
void SetApertureMode (ECameraApertureMode pMode)
 Set the camera aperture mode.
ECameraApertureMode GetApertureMode () const
 Get the camera aperture mode.
void SetApertureWidth (double pWidth)
 Set the camera aperture width in inches.
double GetApertureWidth () const
 Get the camera aperture width in inches.
void SetApertureHeight (double pHeight)
 Set the camera aperture height in inches.
double GetApertureHeight () const
 Get the camera aperture height in inches.
void SetSqueezeRatio (double pRatio)
 Set the squeeze ratio.
double GetSqueezeRatio () const
 Get the camera squeeze ratio.
void SetOrthoZoom (const double &pOrthoZoom)
 Set the camera ortographic zoom.
double GetOrthoZoom () const
 Get the camera ortographic zoom.
void SetGateFit (const ECameraGateFit pGateFit)
 Set the camera gate fit.
ECameraGateFit GetGateFit () const
 Get the camera gate fit.
double ComputeFieldOfView (double pFocalLength) const
 Compute the angle of view based on the given focal length, the aperture width, and aperture height.
double ComputeFocalLength (double pAngleOfView)
 Compute the focal length based on the given angle of view, the aperture width, and aperture height.

Background Functions

enum  ECameraBackgroundDisplayMode
 Background display modes. More...
enum  ECameraBackgroundDrawingMode
 Background drawing modes. More...
enum  ECameraBackgroundPlacementOptions
 Background placement options. More...
enum  ECameraBackgroundDistanceMode
 ECamerabackgroundDistanceMode Background distance modes. More...
void SetBackgroundFileName (char *pFileName)
 Set the associated background image file.
char const * GetBackgroundFileName () const
 Get the background image file name.
void SetBackgroundMediaName (char *pFileName)
 Set the media name associated to the background image file.
char const * GetBackgroundMediaName () const
 Get the media name associated to the background image file.
void SetBackgroundDisplayMode (ECameraBackgroundDisplayMode pMode)
 Set the background display mode.
ECameraBackgroundDisplayMode GetBackgroundDisplayMode () const
 Get the background display mode.
void SetBackgroundDrawingMode (ECameraBackgroundDrawingMode pMode)
 Set the background drawing mode.
ECameraBackgroundDrawingMode GetBackgroundDrawingMode () const
 Get the background drawing mode.
void SetForegroundMatteThresholdEnable (bool pEnable)
 Set the foreground matte threshold flag.
bool GetForegroundMatteThresholdEnable () const
 Get the foreground matte threshold flag.
void SetForegroundMatteThreshold (double pThreshold)
 Set foreground matte threshold.
double GetForegroundMatteThreshold () const
 Get foreground matte threshold.
void SetBackgroundPlacementOptions (kUInt pOptions)
 Set background placement options.
kUInt GetBackgroundPlacementOptions () const
 Get background placement options.
void SetBackgroundDistanceMode (ECameraBackgroundDistanceMode pMode)
 Set the background distance mode.
ECameraBackgroundDistanceMode GetBackgroundDistanceMode () const
 Get the background distance mode.
void SetBackgroundDistance (double pDistance)
 Set the background distance.
double GetBackgroundDistance () const
 Get the background distance.

Camera View Functions

It is the responsibility of the client application to perform the required tasks according to the state of the options that are either set or returned by these methods.

enum  ECameraSafeAreaStyle
 Camera safe area display styles. More...
void SetViewCameraInterest (bool pEnable)
 Change the camera interest visibility flag.
bool GetViewCameraInterest () const
 Get current visibility state of the camera interest.
void SetViewNearFarPlanes (bool pEnable)
 Change the camera near and far planes visibility flag.
bool GetViewNearFarPlanes () const
 Get current visibility state of the camera near and far planes.
void SetShowGrid (bool pEnable)
 Change the draw floor grid flag.
bool GetShowGrid () const
 Get current floor grid draw state.
void SetShowAxis (bool pEnable)
 Change the draw system axis flag.
bool GetShowAxis () const
 Get current system axis draw state.
void SetShowName (bool pEnable)
 Change the show camera name flag.
bool GetShowName () const
 Get current camera name show state.
void SetShowInfoOnMoving (bool pEnable)
 Change the show info on moving flag.
bool GetShowInfoOnMoving () const
 Get current info on moving show state.
void SetShowTimeCode (bool pEnable)
 Change the timecode show flag.
bool GetShowTimeCode () const
 Get current timecode show state.
void SetDisplaySafeArea (bool pEnable)
 Change the display camera safe area flag.
bool GetDisplaySafeArea () const
 Get current safe area display state.
void SetDisplaySafeAreaOnRender (bool pEnable)
 Change the display of the camera's safe area on render flag.
bool GetDisplaySafeAreaOnRender () const
 Get current safe area on render display state.
void SetSafeAreaStyle (ECameraSafeAreaStyle pStyle)
 Set the safe area style.
ECameraSafeAreaStyle GetSafeAreaStyle () const
 Get the currently set safe area style.
void SetShowAudio (bool pEnable)
 Change the show audio flag.
bool GetShowAudio () const
 Get current audio show state.
void SetAudioColor (const KFbxColor &pColor)
 Set audio color.
KFbxColor GetAudioColor () const
 Get audio color.
void SetUseFrameColor (bool pEnable)
 Change the use frame color flag.
bool GetUseFrameColor () const
 Get the use frame color state.
void SetFrameColor (const KFbxColor &pColor)
 Set frame color.
KFbxColor GetFrameColor () const
 Get frame color.

Render Functions

It is the responsibility of the client application to perform the required tasks according to the state of the options that are either set or returned by these methods.

enum  ECameraRenderOptionsUsageTime
 Render options usage time. More...
enum  ECameraAntialiasingMethod
 Antialiasing methods. More...
enum  ECameraSamplingType
 Oversampling types. More...
enum  ECameraFocusDistanceSource
 Camera focus sources. More...
void SetRenderOptionsUsageTime (ECameraRenderOptionsUsageTime pUsageTime)
 Set the render options usage time.
ECameraRenderOptionsUsageTime GetRenderOptionsUsageTime () const
 Get the render options usage time.
void SetUseAntialiasing (bool pEnable)
 Change the use antialiasing flag.
bool GetUseAntialiasing () const
 Get the use antialiasing state.
void SetAntialiasingIntensity (double pIntensity)
 Set antialiasing intensity.
double GetAntialiasingIntensity () const
 Get the antialiasing intensity.
void SetAntialiasingMethod (ECameraAntialiasingMethod pMethod)
 Set antialiasing method.
ECameraAntialiasingMethod GetAntialiasingMethod () const
 Get antialiasing method.
void SetNumberOfSamples (int pNumberOfSamples)
 Set the number of samples used to process oversampling.
int GetNumberOfSamples () const
 Get the number of samples used to process oversampling.
void SetSamplingType (ECameraSamplingType pType)
 Set sampling type.
ECameraSamplingType GetSamplingType () const
 Get sampling type.
void SetUseAccumulationBuffer (bool pUseAccumulationBuffer)
 Change the use accumulation buffer flag.
bool GetUseAccumulationBuffer () const
 Get the state of the use accumulation buffer flag.
void SetUseDepthOfField (bool pUseDepthOfField)
 Change use depth of field flag.
bool GetUseDepthOfField () const
 Get use depth of field state.
void SetFocusDistanceSource (ECameraFocusDistanceSource pSource)
 Set source of camera focus distance.
ECameraFocusDistanceSource GetFocusDistanceSource () const
 Get source of camera focus distance.
void SetSpecificDistance (double pDistance)
 Set the focus distance of the lens in millimiters.
double GetSpecificDistance () const
 Get the focus distance of the lens in millimiters.
void SetFocusAngle (double pAngle)
 Set the focus angle in degrees.
double GetFocusAngle () const
 Get the focus angle in degrees.

Default Animation Values

These functions provide direct access to default animation values specific to a camera.

Since the default animation values are found in the default take node of the associated node, these functions only work if the camera has been associated with a node.

void SetDefaultFieldOfView (double pFieldOfView)
 Set default field of view in degrees.
double GetDefaultFieldOfView () const
 Get default field of view.
void SetDefaultFieldOfViewX (double pFieldOfViewX)
 Set default field of view X.
double GetDefaultFieldOfViewX () const
 Get default field of view X.
void SetDefaultFieldOfViewY (double pFieldOfViewY)
 Set default field of view Y.
double GetDefaultFieldOfViewY () const
 Get default field of view Y.
void SetDefaultOpticalCenterX (double pOpticalCenterX)
 Set default optical center X.
double GetDefaultOpticalCenterX () const
 Get default optical center X.
void SetDefaultOpticalCenterY (double pOpticalCenterY)
 Set default optical center Y.
double GetDefaultOpticalCenterY () const
 Get default optical center Y.
void SetDefaultFocalLength (double pFocalLength)
 Set default focal length Use this function to set the default focal length when the camera aperture mode is set to eFOCAL_LENGTH.
double GetDefaultFocalLength () const
 Get default focal length Use this function to get the default focal length when the camera aperture mode is set to eFOCAL_LENGTH.
void SetDefaultRoll (double pRoll)
 Set default camera roll in degrees.
double GetDefaultRoll () const
 Get default camera roll in degrees.
void SetDefaultTurnTable (double pTurnTable)
 Set default turntable value in degrees.
double GetDefaultTurnTable () const
 Get default turntable in degrees.
void SetDefaultBackgroundColor (const KFbxColor &pColor)
 Set default background color.
KFbxColor GetDefaultBackgroundColor () const
 Get default background color.

Obsolete Functions

These functions are obsolete since animated background color, animated field of view, and animated focal length are now supported.

K_DEPRECATED void SetBackgroundColor (const KFbxColor &pColor)
 Set background color.
K_DEPRECATED KFbxColor GetBackgroundColor () const
 Get background color.
K_DEPRECATED void SetAngleOfView (double pAngleOfView)
 Set the camera angle of view in degrees.
K_DEPRECATED double GetAngleOfView () const
 Get the camera angle of view in degrees.
K_DEPRECATED void SetFocalLength (double pFocalLength)
 Set the focal length of the camera in millimeters.
K_DEPRECATED double GetFocalLength () const
 Get the camera focal length in millimeters.

Public Member Functions

virtual EAttributeType GetAttributeType () const
 Return the type of node attribute which is EAttributeType::eCAMERA.
void Reset ()
 Reset the camera to default values.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Camera projection types.


Definition at line 163 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Camera formats.

  • eD1_NTSC
  • eNTSC
  • ePAL
  • eD1_PAL
  • eHD
  • e640x480
  • e320x200
  • e320x240
  • e128x128

Definition at line 199 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Camera aspect ratio modes.


Definition at line 234 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Camera aperture formats.

  • eSUPER_16MM
  • e35MM_185_PROJECTION
  • eIMAX

Definition at line 351 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Camera aperture modes.

The aperture mode determines which values drive the camera aperture. If the aperture mode is eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL, eHORIZONTAL, or eVERTICAL, then the field of view is used. If the aperture mode is eFOCAL_LENGTH, then the focal length is used.


Definition at line 386 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Camera gate fit modes.

  • eNO_FIT No resoluton gate fit.
  • eVERTICAL_FIT Fit the resolution gate vertically within the film gate.
  • eHORIZONTAL_FIT Fit the resolution gate horizontally within the film gate.
  • eFILL_FIT Fit the resolution gate within the film gate.
  • eOVERSCAN_FIT Fit the film gate within the resolution gate.
  • eSTRETCH_FIT Fit the resolution gate to the film gate.

Definition at line 460 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Background display modes.


Definition at line 537 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Background drawing modes.

  • eBACKGROUND Image is drawn behind models.
  • eFOREGROUND Image is drawn in front of models based on alpha channel.
  • eBACKGROUND_AND_FOREGROUND Image is drawn behind and in front of models depending on alpha channel.

Definition at line 559 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Background placement options.

  • eFIT
  • eCROP

Definition at line 608 of file kfbxcamera.h.

ECamerabackgroundDistanceMode Background distance modes.


Definition at line 630 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Camera safe area display styles.

  • eROUND

Definition at line 760 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Render options usage time.


Definition at line 829 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Antialiasing methods.


Definition at line 869 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Oversampling types.


Definition at line 901 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Camera focus sources.


Definition at line 943 of file kfbxcamera.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual EAttributeType GetAttributeType (  )  const [virtual]

Return the type of node attribute which is EAttributeType::eCAMERA.

Reimplemented from KFbxNodeAttribute.

void Reset (  ) 

Reset the camera to default values.

void SetPosition ( const KFbxVector4 pPosition  ) 

Set the default XYZ camera position.

pPosition X, Y and Z values of the camera position, expressed as a vector.
If this attribute is not yet attached to a node, this method does nothing.

KFbxVector4 GetPosition (  )  const

Get the default position of the camera.

The X, Y and Z values of the default position of the camera.
If this attribute is not attached to a node yet, this method will return 0,0,0.

void SetUpVector ( const KFbxVector4 pVector  ) 

Set the camera's Up vector.

pVector The X, Y and Z values for the Up vector.

KFbxVector4 GetUpVector (  )  const

Get the current Up vector.

The X, Y and Z values of the currently set Up vector.

void SetDefaultCameraInterestPosition ( const KFbxVector4 pPosition  ) 

Set the default point the camera is looking at.

pPosition X, Y and Z values of the camera interest point.
During the computations of the camera position and orientation, the default camera interest position is overridden by the position of a valid target in the parent node.

KFbxVector4 GetDefaultCameraInterestPosition (  )  const

Return the camera interest to default coordinates.

The X,Y and Z values of the default interest point.
During the computations of the camera position and orientation, the default camera interest position is overridden by the position of a valid target in the parent node.

void SetRoll ( double  pRoll  ) 

Set the camera roll angle.

pRoll The roll angle in degrees.

double GetRoll (  )  const

Get the camera roll angle.

The roll angle in degrees.

void SetTurnTable ( double  pTurnTable  ) 

Set the camera turntable angle.

pTurnTable The turntable angle in degrees.

double GetTurnTable (  )  const

Get the camera turntable angle.

The turntable angle in degrees.

void SetProjectionType ( ECameraProjectionType  pProjectionType  ) 

Set the camera projection type.

pProjectionType The camera projection identifier.

ECameraProjectionType GetProjectionType (  )  const

Get the camera projection type.

The camera's current projection identifier.

void SetFormat ( ECameraFormat  pFormat  ) 

Set the camera format.

pFormat The camera format identifier.
Changing the camera format sets the camera aspect ratio mode to eFIXED_RESOLUTION and modifies the aspect width size, height size, and pixel ratio accordingly.

ECameraFormat GetFormat (  )  const

Get the camera format.

The current camera format identifier.

void SetAspect ( ECameraAspectRatioMode  pRatioMode,
double  pWidth,
double  pHeight 

Set the camera aspect.

pRatioMode Camera aspect ratio mode.
pWidth Camera aspect width, must be a positive value.
pHeight Camera aspect height, must be a positive value.
Changing the camera aspect sets the camera format to eCustom.
  • If the ratio mode is eWINDOW_SIZE, both width and height values aren't relevant.
  • If the ratio mode is eFIXED_RATIO, the height value is set to 1.0 and the width value is relative to the height value.
  • If the ratio mode is eFIXED_RESOLUTION, both width and height values are in pixels.
  • If the ratio mode is eFIXED_WIDTH, the width value is in pixels and the height value is relative to the width value.
  • If the ratio mode is eFIXED_HEIGHT, the height value is in pixels and the width value is relative to the height value.

ECameraAspectRatioMode GetAspectRatioMode (  )  const

Get the camera aspect ratio mode.

The current aspect ratio identifier.

double GetAspectWidth (  )  const

Get the aspect width.

The aspect width value or an undefined value if aspect ratio mode is set to eWINDOW_SIZE.

double GetAspectHeight (  )  const

Get the aspect height.

The aspect height value or an undefined value if aspect ratio mode is set to eWINDOW_SIZE.

void SetPixelRatio ( double  pRatio  ) 

Set the pixel ratio.

pRatio The pixel ratio value.
The value must be a positive number. Comprised between 0.05 and 20.0. Values outside these limits will be clamped. Changing the pixel ratio sets the camera format to eCUSTOM_FORMAT.

double GetPixelRatio (  )  const

Get the pixel ratio.

The current camera's pixel ratio value.

void SetNearPlane ( double  pDistance  ) 

Set the near plane distance from the camera.

The near plane is the minimum distance to render a scene on the camera display.

pDistance The near plane distance value.
The near plane value is limited to the range [0.001, 600000.0] and must be inferior to the far plane value.

double GetNearPlane (  )  const

Get the near plane distance from the camera.

The near plane is the minimum distance to render a scene on the camera display.

The near plane value.

void SetFarPlane ( double  pDistance  ) 

Set the far plane distance from camera.

The far plane is the maximum distance to render a scene on the camera display.

pDistance The far plane distance value.
The far plane value is limited to the range [0.001, 600000.0] and must be superior to the near plane value.

double GetFarPlane (  )  const

Get the far plane distance from camera.

The far plane is the maximum distance to render a scene on the camera display.

The far plane value.

void SetMouseLock ( bool  pMouseLock  ) 

Set interactive camera lock flag.

pMouseLock If true, disable modifications of the view area controls using mouse and keyboard commands.
It is the responsibility of the client application to perform the required tasks according to the state of this flag.

bool GetMouseLock (  )  const

Get the camera lock flag.

true If modifications of the view area controls using mouse and keyboard commands are disabled.
It is the responsibility of the client application to perform the required tasks according to the state of this flag.

void SetApertureFormat ( ECameraApertureFormat  pFormat  ) 

Set the camera aperture format.

pFormat The camera aperture format identifier.
Changing the aperture format modifies the aperture width, height, and squeeze ratio accordingly.

ECameraApertureFormat GetApertureFormat (  )  const

Get the camera aperture format.

The camera's current aperture format identifier.

void SetApertureMode ( ECameraApertureMode  pMode  ) 

Set the camera aperture mode.

pMode The camera aperture mode identifier.

ECameraApertureMode GetApertureMode (  )  const

Get the camera aperture mode.

The camera's current aperture mode identifier.

void SetApertureWidth ( double  pWidth  ) 

Set the camera aperture width in inches.

pWidth The aperture width value.
Must be a positive value. The minimum accepted value is 0.0001. Changing the aperture width sets the camera aperture format to eCUSTOM_FORMAT.

double GetApertureWidth (  )  const

Get the camera aperture width in inches.

The camera's current aperture width value in inches.

void SetApertureHeight ( double  pHeight  ) 

Set the camera aperture height in inches.

pHeight The aperture height value.
Must be a positive value. The minimum accepted value is 0.0001. Changing the aperture height sets the camera aperture format to eCUSTOM_FORMAT.

double GetApertureHeight (  )  const

Get the camera aperture height in inches.

The camera's current aperture height value in inches.

void SetSqueezeRatio ( double  pRatio  ) 

Set the squeeze ratio.

pRation The sqeeze ratio value.
Must be a positive value. The minimum accepted value is 0.0001. Changing the squeeze ratio sets the camera aperture format to eCUSTOM_FORMAT.

double GetSqueezeRatio (  )  const

Get the camera squeeze ratio.

The camera's current squeeze ratio value.

void SetOrthoZoom ( const double &  pOrthoZoom  ) 

Set the camera ortographic zoom.

pOrthoZoom This parameter's default value is 1.0.
This parameter is not used if the camera is not orthographic.

double GetOrthoZoom (  )  const

Get the camera ortographic zoom.

The camera's current orthographic zoom.

void SetGateFit ( const ECameraGateFit  pGateFit  ) 

Set the camera gate fit.

pGateFit This parameter's default value is eNO_FIT.

ECameraGateFit GetGateFit (  )  const

Get the camera gate fit.

The camera's current gate fit.

double ComputeFieldOfView ( double  pFocalLength  )  const

Compute the angle of view based on the given focal length, the aperture width, and aperture height.

pFocalLength The focal length in millimeters
The computed angle of view in degrees

double ComputeFocalLength ( double  pAngleOfView  ) 

Compute the focal length based on the given angle of view, the aperture width, and aperture height.

pAngleOfView The angle of view in degrees
The computed focal length in millimeters

void SetBackgroundFileName ( char *  pFileName  ) 

Set the associated background image file.

pFileName The path of the background image file.
The background image file name must be valid.

char const* GetBackgroundFileName (  )  const

Get the background image file name.

Pointer to the background filename string or NULL if not set.

void SetBackgroundMediaName ( char *  pFileName  ) 

Set the media name associated to the background image file.

pFileName The media name of the background image file.
The media name is a unique name used to identify the background image file.

char const* GetBackgroundMediaName (  )  const

Get the media name associated to the background image file.

Pointer to the media name string or NULL if not set.

void SetBackgroundDisplayMode ( ECameraBackgroundDisplayMode  pMode  ) 

Set the background display mode.

pMode The background display mode identifier.

ECameraBackgroundDisplayMode GetBackgroundDisplayMode (  )  const

Get the background display mode.

The currently set background display mode identifier.

void SetBackgroundDrawingMode ( ECameraBackgroundDrawingMode  pMode  ) 

Set the background drawing mode.

pMode The background drawing mode identifier.

ECameraBackgroundDrawingMode GetBackgroundDrawingMode (  )  const

Get the background drawing mode.

The currently set background drawing mode identifier.

void SetForegroundMatteThresholdEnable ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Set the foreground matte threshold flag.

pEnable If true enable foreground matte threshold.
It is the responsibility of the client application to perform the required tasks according to the state of this flag.

bool GetForegroundMatteThresholdEnable (  )  const

Get the foreground matte threshold flag.

true if foreground matte threshold is enabled, otherwise false.
It is the responsibility of the client application to perform the required tasks according to the state of this flag.

void SetForegroundMatteThreshold ( double  pThreshold  ) 

Set foreground matte threshold.

pThreshold Threshold value on a range from 0.0 to 1.0.
This option is only relevant if the background drawing mode is set to eFOREGROUND or eBACKGROUND_AND_FOREGROUND.

double GetForegroundMatteThreshold (  )  const

Get foreground matte threshold.

Threshold value on a range from 0.0 to 1.0.
This option is only relevant if the background drawing mode is set to eFOREGROUND or eBACKGROUND_AND_FOREGROUND.

void SetBackgroundPlacementOptions ( kUInt  pOptions  ) 

Set background placement options.

pOptions Bitwise concatenation of one or more background placement options.

kUInt GetBackgroundPlacementOptions (  )  const

Get background placement options.

The bitwise concatenation of the currently set background placement options.

void SetBackgroundDistanceMode ( ECameraBackgroundDistanceMode  pMode  ) 

Set the background distance mode.

pMode The background distance mode identifier.

ECameraBackgroundDistanceMode GetBackgroundDistanceMode (  )  const

Get the background distance mode.

Return the background distance mode identifier.

void SetBackgroundDistance ( double  pDistance  ) 

Set the background distance.

pDistance Distance of the background plane. This value can be either relative to the camera interest point or absolute from the camera position.

double GetBackgroundDistance (  )  const

Get the background distance.

The distance of the background plane.

void SetViewCameraInterest ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the camera interest visibility flag.

pEnable Set to true if the camera interest is shown.

bool GetViewCameraInterest (  )  const

Get current visibility state of the camera interest.

true if the camera interest is shown, or false if hidden.

void SetViewNearFarPlanes ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the camera near and far planes visibility flag.

pEnable Set to true if the near and far planes are shown.

bool GetViewNearFarPlanes (  )  const

Get current visibility state of the camera near and far planes.

true if the near and far planes are shown.

void SetShowGrid ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the draw floor grid flag.

pEnable Set to true if the floor grid is shown.

bool GetShowGrid (  )  const

Get current floor grid draw state.

true if the floor grid is shown, or false if hidden.

void SetShowAxis ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the draw system axis flag.

pEnable Set to true if the system axis is shown.

bool GetShowAxis (  )  const

Get current system axis draw state.

true if the system axis is shown, or false if hidden.

void SetShowName ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the show camera name flag.

pEnable Set to true if the camera name is shown.

bool GetShowName (  )  const

Get current camera name show state.

true if the camera name is shown, or false if hidden.

void SetShowInfoOnMoving ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the show info on moving flag.

pEnable Set to true if info on moving is shown.

bool GetShowInfoOnMoving (  )  const

Get current info on moving show state.

true if info on moving is shown, or false if hidden.

void SetShowTimeCode ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the timecode show flag.

pEnable Set to true if the timecode is shown.

bool GetShowTimeCode (  )  const

Get current timecode show state.

true if the timecode is shown, or false if hidden.

void SetDisplaySafeArea ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the display camera safe area flag.

pEnable Set to true if the safe area is shown.

bool GetDisplaySafeArea (  )  const

Get current safe area display state.

true if safe area is shown, or false if hidden.

void SetDisplaySafeAreaOnRender ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the display of the camera's safe area on render flag.

pEnable Set to true if safe area is shown on render.

bool GetDisplaySafeAreaOnRender (  )  const

Get current safe area on render display state.

true if the safe area is shown on render, or false if it is hidden on render.

void SetSafeAreaStyle ( ECameraSafeAreaStyle  pStyle  ) 

Set the safe area style.

pStyle Safe area style identifier.

ECameraSafeAreaStyle GetSafeAreaStyle (  )  const

Get the currently set safe area style.

Safe area style identifier.

void SetShowAudio ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the show audio flag.

pEnable Set to true if audio waveform is shown.

bool GetShowAudio (  )  const

Get current audio show state.

true if audio is shown, or false if hidden.

void SetAudioColor ( const KFbxColor pColor  ) 

Set audio color.

pColor RGB values for the audio waveform color.

KFbxColor GetAudioColor (  )  const

Get audio color.

Currently set audio waveform color.

void SetUseFrameColor ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the use frame color flag.

pEnable Set to true if the frame color is used.

bool GetUseFrameColor (  )  const

Get the use frame color state.

true if the frame color is used, or false otherwise.

void SetFrameColor ( const KFbxColor pColor  ) 

Set frame color.

pColor RGB values for the frame color.

KFbxColor GetFrameColor (  )  const

Get frame color.

Currently set frame color.

void SetRenderOptionsUsageTime ( ECameraRenderOptionsUsageTime  pUsageTime  ) 

Set the render options usage time.

pUsageTime The render options usage time identifier.

ECameraRenderOptionsUsageTime GetRenderOptionsUsageTime (  )  const

Get the render options usage time.

Render options usage time identifier.

void SetUseAntialiasing ( bool  pEnable  ) 

Change the use antialiasing flag.

Set to true if antialiasing is enabled.

bool GetUseAntialiasing (  )  const

Get the use antialiasing state.

true if antialiasing is enabled, or false if disabled.

void SetAntialiasingIntensity ( double  pIntensity  ) 

Set antialiasing intensity.

pIntensity Antialiasing intensity value.

double GetAntialiasingIntensity (  )  const

Get the antialiasing intensity.

Return the current antialiasing intensity value.

void SetAntialiasingMethod ( ECameraAntialiasingMethod  pMethod  ) 

Set antialiasing method.

pMethod The antialiasing method identifier.

ECameraAntialiasingMethod GetAntialiasingMethod (  )  const

Get antialiasing method.

The current antialiasing method identifier.

void SetNumberOfSamples ( int  pNumberOfSamples  ) 

Set the number of samples used to process oversampling.

pNumberOfSamples Number of samples used to process oversampling.
This option is only relevant if antialiasing method is set to eOVERSAMPLING_ANTIALIASING.

int GetNumberOfSamples (  )  const

Get the number of samples used to process oversampling.

The current number of samples used to process oversampling.
This option is only relevant if antialiasing method is set to eOVERSAMPLING_ANTIALIASING.

void SetSamplingType ( ECameraSamplingType  pType  ) 

Set sampling type.

pType Sampling type identifier.
This option is only relevant if antialiasing type is set to eOVERSAMPLING_ANTIALIASING.

ECameraSamplingType GetSamplingType (  )  const

Get sampling type.

The current sampling type identifier.
This option is only relevant if antialiasing type is set to eOVERSAMPLING_ANTIALIASING.

void SetUseAccumulationBuffer ( bool  pUseAccumulationBuffer  ) 

Change the use accumulation buffer flag.

pUseAccumulationBuffer Set to true to enable use of the accumulation buffer.

bool GetUseAccumulationBuffer (  )  const

Get the state of the use accumulation buffer flag.

true if the use accumulation buffer flag is enabled, false otherwise.

void SetUseDepthOfField ( bool  pUseDepthOfField  ) 

Change use depth of field flag.

pUseDepthOfField Set to true if depth of field is used.

bool GetUseDepthOfField (  )  const

Get use depth of field state.

true if depth of field is used, false otherwise.

void SetFocusDistanceSource ( ECameraFocusDistanceSource  pSource  ) 

Set source of camera focus distance.

pSource Focus distance source identifier.

ECameraFocusDistanceSource GetFocusDistanceSource (  )  const

Get source of camera focus distance.

Focus distance source identifier.

void SetSpecificDistance ( double  pDistance  ) 

Set the focus distance of the lens in millimiters.

pDistance Focus distance value.
This option is only relevant if focus distance source is set to eSPECIFIC_DISTANCE.

double GetSpecificDistance (  )  const

Get the focus distance of the lens in millimiters.

Focus distance value.
This option is only relevant if focus distance source is set to eSPECIFIC_DISTANCE.

void SetFocusAngle ( double  pAngle  ) 

Set the focus angle in degrees.

pAngle Focus angle value.

double GetFocusAngle (  )  const

Get the focus angle in degrees.

Focus angle value.

void SetDefaultFieldOfView ( double  pFieldOfView  ) 

Set default field of view in degrees.

Use this function to set the default field of view value when the camera aperture mode is set to either eHORIZONTAL or eVERTICAL. When the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, this function sets the horizontal field of view in degrees and the vertical field of view is adjusted accordingly. When the camera aperture mode is set to eVERTICAL, this function sets the vertical field of view in degrees and the horizontal field of view is adjusted accordingly.

pFieldOfView Field of view value.
This function has no effect when the camera aperture mode is set to either eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL or eFOCAL_LENGTH. The default field of view value is 25.115.

double GetDefaultFieldOfView (  )  const

Get default field of view.

Use this function to get the default field of view value when the camera aperture mode is set to either eHORIZONTAL or eVERTICAL.

If the camera aperture mode is set to either eHORIZONTAL or eVERTICAL, this function returns either the horizontal or vertical field of view value in degrees. If the camera aperture mode is set to either eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL or eFOCAL_LENGTH, this function has no effect and returns 0.
The default field of view value is 25.115.

void SetDefaultFieldOfViewX ( double  pFieldOfViewX  ) 

Set default field of view X.

Use this function to set the default field of view horizontal value when the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL. This function sets the horizontal field of view in degrees.

pFieldOfViewX Field of view value.
This function has no effect if the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eFOCAL_LENGTH. The default field of view horizontal value is 40.

double GetDefaultFieldOfViewX (  )  const

Get default field of view X.

Use this function to get the default field of view horizontal value when the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL.

If the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL, return the current field of view horizontal value in degrees. If the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eFOCAL_LENGTH, this function has no effect and returns 0.
The default field of view X value is 40 degrees.

void SetDefaultFieldOfViewY ( double  pFieldOfViewY  ) 

Set default field of view Y.

Use this function to set the default field of view vertical value when the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL.

pFieldOfViewY Field of view value.
This function has no effect if the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eFOCAL_LENGTH. The default field of view horizontal value is 40.

double GetDefaultFieldOfViewY (  )  const

Get default field of view Y.

Use this function to get the default field of view vertical value when the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL.

If the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL, return the current field of view vertical value in degrees. If the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eFOCAL_LENGTH, this function has no effect and returns 0.
The default field of view Y value is 40 degrees.

void SetDefaultOpticalCenterX ( double  pOpticalCenterX  ) 

Set default optical center X.

Use this function to set the default optical center horizontal value when the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL.

pOpticalCenterX Optical center offset.
This function has no effect if the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eFOCAL_LENGTH. The default optical center horizontal offset is 0.

double GetDefaultOpticalCenterX (  )  const

Get default optical center X.

Use this function to get the default optical center horizontal offset when the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL.

If the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL, return the current optical center horizontal offset. If the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eFOCAL_LENGTH, this function has no effect and returns 0.
The default optical center X offset is 0.

void SetDefaultOpticalCenterY ( double  pOpticalCenterY  ) 

Set default optical center Y.

Use this function to set the default optical center vertical offset when the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL.

pOpticalCenterY Optical center offset.
This function has no effect if the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eFOCAL_LENGTH. The default optical center vertical offset is 0.

double GetDefaultOpticalCenterY (  )  const

Get default optical center Y.

Use this function to get the default optical center vertical offset when the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL.

If the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL, return the current optical center vertical offset. If the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eFOCAL_LENGTH, this function has no effect and returns 0.
The default optical center X offset is 0.

void SetDefaultFocalLength ( double  pFocalLength  ) 

Set default focal length Use this function to set the default focal length when the camera aperture mode is set to eFOCAL_LENGTH.

pFocalLength Focal length value.
This function has no effect if the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL. The default focal length is 0.

double GetDefaultFocalLength (  )  const

Get default focal length Use this function to get the default focal length when the camera aperture mode is set to eFOCAL_LENGTH.

If the camera aperture mode is set to eFOCAL_LENGTH, return the current default focal length. If the camera aperture mode is set to eHORIZONTAL, eVERTICAL, or eHORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL, this function has no effect and returns 0.
The default focal length is 0.

void SetDefaultRoll ( double  pRoll  ) 

Set default camera roll in degrees.

pRoll Roll value.
The default roll value is 0.

double GetDefaultRoll (  )  const

Get default camera roll in degrees.

Current roll value.
The default roll value is 0.

void SetDefaultTurnTable ( double  pTurnTable  ) 

Set default turntable value in degrees.

pTurnTable Turntable value.
The default turntable value is 0.

double GetDefaultTurnTable (  )  const

Get default turntable in degrees.

Current turntable value.
The default turntable value is 0.

void SetDefaultBackgroundColor ( const KFbxColor pColor  ) 

Set default background color.

pColor RGB values of the background color.
The default background color is black.

KFbxColor GetDefaultBackgroundColor (  )  const

Get default background color.

Current background color.
The default background color is black.

K_DEPRECATED void SetBackgroundColor ( const KFbxColor pColor  ) 

Set background color.

This method is replaced by the SetDefaultBackgroundColor when setting a non-animated value. For animated values, the client application must access the BackgroundColor fcurves in the take.

Deprecated: use SetDefaultBackgroundColor(pColor) instead.

K_DEPRECATED KFbxColor GetBackgroundColor (  )  const

Get background color.

This method is replaced by the GetDefaultBackgroundColor when getting a non-animated value. For animated values, the client application must access the BackgroundColor fcurves in the take.

Deprecated: use GetDefaultBackgroundColor() instead.

K_DEPRECATED void SetAngleOfView ( double  pAngleOfView  ) 

Set the camera angle of view in degrees.

pAngleOfView The camera angle of view value in degrees. This value is limited to the range [1.0, 179.0].
Deprecated: use SetDefaultFieldOfView, SetDefaultFieldOfViewX, or SetDefaultFieldOfViewY instead.
Modifying the angle of view will automatically change the focal length.

K_DEPRECATED double GetAngleOfView (  )  const

Get the camera angle of view in degrees.

The camera's current angle of view value in degrees.
Deprecated; use GetDefaultFieldOfView(), GetDefaultFieldOfViewX() GetDefaultFieldOfViewY() instead.

K_DEPRECATED void SetFocalLength ( double  pFocalLength  ) 

Set the focal length of the camera in millimeters.

pFocalLength The focal length in mm.
Deprecated: use SetDefaultFocalLength(pFocalLength) instead.
Modifying the focal length will automatically change the angle of view.

K_DEPRECATED double GetFocalLength (  )  const

Get the camera focal length in millimeters.

The camera's current focal length value.
Deprecated: use GetDefaultFocalLength() instead.