
Inheritance diagram for KFbxSurfaceMaterial:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Material settings.

A material is attached to an instance of classKFbxGeometryby calling KFbxGeometry::AddMaterial(). Materials can be shared among many instances of classKFbxGeometry.

Definition at line61of filekfbxsurfacematerial.h.

Standard Material Property Names

static char const * sShadingModel
static char const * sMultiLayer
static char const * sEmissive
static char const * sEmissiveFactor
static char const * sAmbient
static char const * sAmbientFactor
static char const * sDiffuse
static char const * sDiffuseFactor
static char const * sSpecular
static char const * sSpecularFactor
static char const * sShininess
static char const * sBump
static char const * sNormalMap
static char const * sBumpFactor
static char const * sTransparentColor
static char const * sTransparencyFactor
static char const * sReflection
static char const * sReflectionFactor

Material Properties

void Reset()
 Reset the material to default values.
KFbxPropertyString GetShadingModel() const
 Get material shading model.
KFbxPropertyBool1 GetMultiLayer() const
 Get multilayer state.

Member Function Documentation

void Reset( ) 

Reset the material to default values.

KFbxPropertyString GetShadingModel( ) const

Get material shading model.

The shading model type string.

KFbxPropertyBool1 GetMultiLayer( ) const

Get multilayer state.

The state of the multi-layer flag.