
Inheritance diagram for KFbxSurfacePhong:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Material settings.

A material is attached to an instance of classKFbxGeometryby calling KFbxGeometry::AddMaterial(). Materials can be shared among many instances of classKFbxGeometry.

Definition at line59of filekfbxsurfacephong.h.

Material properties

KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetSpecularColor() const
 Get the specular color property.
KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetSpecularFactor() const
 Get the specular factor property.
KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetShininess() const
 Get the shininess property.
KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetReflectionColor() const
 Get the reflection color property.
KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetReflectionFactor() const
 Get the reflection factor property.

Member Function Documentation

KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetSpecularColor( ) const

Get the specular color property.

KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetSpecularFactor( ) const

Get the specular factor property.

This factor is used to attenuate the specular color.

KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetShininess( ) const

Get the shininess property.

This property controls the aspect of the shiny spot. It is the specular exponent in the Phong illumination model.

KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetReflectionColor( ) const

Get the reflection color property.

This property is used to implement reflection mapping.

KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetReflectionFactor( ) const

Get the reflection factor property.

This property is used to attenuate the reflection color.