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Integrate digitized clay model data with modeled surfaces
Modify geometry
Delete objects
How to...
Modify geometry
Edit objects
Describes how to delete, convert, reverse, or change the internal structure of curves and surfaces.
Topics in this section
Delete objects
Change the tangent direction at a blend point
Change the direction type of a blend curve constraint
Change the continuity at a blend point
Change the degree or parameterization of a blend curve
Insert additional edit points or isoparametric curves into a curve or surface
Slice (section) a group of curves
Change an object’s degree or number of spans
Simplify objects
Convert rational to non-rational geometry
Reverse the direction of a curve or surface
Change the orientation of surfaces
Unify the orientation of a number of surfaces
Make an object open or closed
Automatically add spans to a curve with high curvature
Convert a curve to uniform parameterization
Convert surfaces to and from shells (stitch and unstitch)
Use boolean operations on shells