Footstep Mode Rollouts

These topics describe the Motion panel rollouts that are open and active while a biped is in Footstep mode.

  • Footstep Mode

    When Footstep mode is active, you can create or edit footsteps to generate a walk, run, and jump footstep pattern. You also edit selected footsteps in space and append footsteps using parameters available in Footstep mode.

  • Footstep Creation Rollout

    The Footstep Creation rollout, available on the Motion panel when Footstep mode is on, provides controls for creating and editing footsteps. Create a walk, run, or jump footstep pattern using these controls.

  • Footstep Operations Rollout

    Once footsteps are created on the Footstep Creation rollout, use parameters on the Footstep Operations rollout to activate and deactivate footsteps, and to adjust the footstep path.

  • Convert to Freeform or Footsteps Dialogs

    When you click Convert on the Biped rollout of the Motion panel, a Convert To dialog displays: Convert to Freeform or Convert to Footsteps, depending on the animation method of the currently loaded motion. Use Convert To Freeform for unrestricted key editing or Convert To Footsteps to take advatage of footsteps.

  • Footstep Mode Dialog

    Right-click anywhere in the Footstep track in Track View (Dope Sheet) to display the Footstep Mode dialog. This is a modeless dialog and can remain visible while you continue to work in Track View.