Command entry:Main toolbar

(Render Setup)

Render Setup dialog

Common panel

Common Parameters rollout

Render Output group

Click Files.

Render Output File
Command entry:Rendering menu

Render Setup

Render Setup dialog

Common panel

Common Parameters rollout

Render Output group

Click Files.

Render Output File
The Render Output File dialog lets you assign a name to the file that the rendering will output. You can also determine the
type of file to render. Depending on your choice of file type, you can also set up options such as compression, and color
depth and quality.
To name the render output file:
Choose Rendering
Render Setup, and then in the Render Output group of the Common Parameters rollout, click Files.
This opens the Render Output File dialog.
- Use the Save In field near the top of the dialog to choose the directory in which to save the rendered file.
- In the File Name field, enter the name for the file to be rendered.
TipIf you enter a filename extension as well (for instance: myimage.bmp) and then press Tab, the Setup button activates and you can click it to change the file settings.
- Choose the type of file you want to render from the Save As Type drop-down list.
TipIf you entered the filename extension as part of the file name, you can skip this step.
- Click Save to close the Render Output File dialog.
Clicking Save also opens a dialog that lets you set the options for the file format you chose. Adjust these settings (or leave
them at their defaults), and then click OK.
- On the Render Setup dialog, click the Render button to render the scene and save the file.
NoteIf a file of the same name already exists, a dialog opens to let you confirm overwriting it. This dialog also provides a check
box for automatically overwriting render-output files without being prompted for the duration of the session.
To set up options for the render-output file:
- Choose Rendering
Render and then in the Render Output group of the Common Parameters rollout, click Files.
The Render Output File dialog opens.
- In the File Name field, enter the name for the file to be rendered.
- Navigate the Save In field to choose the directory where you want the rendered file to be saved.
- Choose the type of file you want to render from the Save As Type drop-down list, then click Save.
A dialog is displayed that lets you set the options for the file format you chose. Adjust these settings (or leave them at
their defaults), and then click OK.
NoteYou can also view the setup dialog by clicking Setup, if this button is available.
WarningMake sure the file name extension in the File Name field matches the file type in the Save As Type field. Changing the file
does not update
the file name automatically. The file options dialog depends on the type indicated by the file name,
the type indicated by Save As Type.
- If the Render Output File dialog is still open, click Save.
- History
Displays a list of the most recent directories searched. Whenever an image is selected, the path used is added to the top
of the history list as the most recently used path.
The history information is saved in the
- Save In
Opens a navigation window to browse other directories or drives.
Go to Last Folder Visited
Click to return to the folder you previously browsed to.
Up One Level
Moves you up a level in the directory structure.
Create New Folder
Lets you create a new folder while in this dialog.
View Menu
Provides several options for how information is displayed in the list window:
- Thumbnails: Displays the contents of a directory as thumbnails, without the details.
- Tiles: Displays the contents of a directory as large icons, without the details. If you widen the dialog, these tile across the
- Small Icons: Displays the contents of a directory as small icons, tiled across the width, without the details.
- List: Displays the contents of a directory without the details.
- Details: Displays the contents of a directory with full details such as size and date.
- List of files
Lists the contents of the directory, in the format specified by the View menu.
TipWhen the active display format is Details, the contents of the directory are displayed with Name, Size, Type, Date Modified,
and Attributes. You can sort the list according to a column's contents by clicking that column's label.
- File name
Displays the file name of the file selected in the list.
- Save as type
Displays all the file types that can be saved. This serves as a filter for the list.
NoteThe choice in this field determines the file type saved, regardless of the file name extension entered in the File Name field.
- Save
Sets the file information for saving upon rendering. Closes the dialog if you haven't changed the output file type.
If you've changed the file type, clicking Save opens the Setup dialog for the specified file type. Change the settings as
necessary, and then click OK to close both the Setup and the Output dialogs, or click Cancel to return to the Output dialog.
- Cancel
Cancels the file save and closes the dialog.
- Devices
Lets you choose the hardware output device, for example, a digital video recorder. To use the device, the device, its driver,
and its 3ds Max plug-in must all be installed on your system.
- Setup
Displays controls for the selected file type. These vary with each different file format. Change the settings as necessary,
and then click OK or Cancel.
- Info
If you highlight an existing file in the list, clicking Info displays expanded information about the file such as frame rate,
compression quality, file size, and resolution. The information here depends on the type of information saved with the file
- View
If you highlight an existing file in the list, clicking View displays the file at its actual resolution. If the file is a
movie, the Media Player is opened so the file can be played.
Gamma group
To set up gamma options for the output file, Enable Gamma Correction must be on in the Gamma panel of the Preferences dialog (Customize
Gamma). Otherwise, the Gamma controls are unavailable in the Render Output File dialog.
- Sequence
This is not available in the Render Output File dialog.
NoteTo render a sequence of still images, choose the Active Time Segment or define a range of frames in the Common Parameters
rollout of the Render Setup dialog. If you have selected a still image file type, each frame will append a four-digit number
to the name you have selected, incremented with each frame.
- Preview
When on, enables display of the image as a thumbnail.
- Image thumbnail
Displays a thumbnail of the selected file. Preview must be turned on.
- Statistics
Displays the resolution, color depth, file type, and number of frames of the selected file.
- Location
Displays the full path for the file.