The main controls for the Physique modifier include the Physique and Floating Bones rollouts for attaching the mesh to the biped, splines, or bones. Additional controls in the Physique Level Of Detail rollout are for troubleshooting envelopes, bulges, and tendons. The sub-object controls are for fine-tuning envelopes, creating and adjusting tendons and bulges, and for vertex editing.
You use the buttons on the Physique rollout to link a mesh to a biped, a bones hierarchy, or a spline; to reinitialize the Physique parameters on a mesh; to open the Bulge Editor; and to load or save Physique (PHY) files.
Controls in the Physique Level Of Detail rollout not only optimize the viewports, but also affect the rendered result. The primary purpose of this rollout is for troubleshooting.
“Floating” bones provide a way to use Physique without using a biped character. The Floating Bones rollout specifies the splines, bones hierarchy, or unattached bones you are using to deform a mesh. For example, Physique lets you animate a mesh by animating spline vertices or a bones system. When you attach the spline or parent bone to Physique, it creates envelopes for the selected spline or bones.
This topic summarizes the keyboard shortcuts for Physique.
The topics in this section describe the support dialogs for Physique.
The Physique modifier has five different sub-object levels. Each kind of sub-object has various controls.