Command entry:Rendering menu

Video Post

Video Post toolbar

(Add Image Filter Event)

Choose Lens Effects Flare from Filter Plug-In list.


Streak tab
A streak is a wide horizontal band that runs through the center of the source object. In real camera work, it is produced
when using anamorphic lenses to film a scene. You set streak options on the Streak panel of the Lens Effects Flare dialog.
- Size
Specifies the overall size of the streak, as a percentage of the overall frame. This parameter can be animated.
- Angle
Specifies the angle for the streak. You can enter both positive and negative values so, when animated, the streak rotates
in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. This parameter can be animated.
- Axial Align
Forces the streak to align itself to the axis of the secondary flares and the lens flare itself.
- Width
Specifies the width of the streak, as a percentage of the frame. This parameter can be animated.
- Auto Rotate
Adds the angle specified in the Angle spinner on the Streak panel to the angle set in Angle spinner under Lens Flare Properties.
Auto Rotate also ensures that the stars maintain their relative position to the flare as it is being animated.
- Hue
Specifies the gradation of the color of the streak. This parameter can be animated.
- Sharp
Specifies the overall sharpness of the streak. Higher numbers produce crisp, clean, and clear streaks. Lower numbers produce
more of a secondary glow look. Valid values are from 0 to 10. This parameter can be animated.
- Taper
Controls the taper of the individual spokes of the streak. Taper widens or narrows the tips of the individual streak points.
Low numbers create a sharp point, while high numbers flare the points. Default = 0. This parameter can be animated.
- Gradients
The gradients are the same for the Streak effect as for others, except for two gradients: Section Color and Section Transparency. These options are useful when you want to create a "soft" look to the streak spokes. Both gradients work from the center
of each spoke to the outer edge of the spoke.