Bitmap/Photometric Path Editor Utility
Command entry: Utilities panel Utilities rollout More button Utilities dialog Bitmap/Photometric Path Editor

The Bitmap/Photometric Path Editor lets you change or remove the paths of bitmaps and photometric distribution files (IES) used in the scene. It also lets you see which objects use a resource in question.

By default, 3ds Max stores a path with the name of the files it references. This can be a problem when you share scenes among different users. Another user might have the same scene and resources, in the same directory structure, but on a different disk drive; this will cause the scene to "lose" the resources.

Removing paths from resource references eliminates this problem. When paths are not saved with the resource file, they are searched for in these directories:

  1. The directory of the current scene.
  2. The paths listed in the External Files panel, starting at the top of the list.

Removing paths from bitmap and photometric references can be useful for network rendering as well.


Edit Resources

Click to display the Bitmap/Photometric Path Editor dialog. Most of this utility's functionality is provided by this dialog.

Include Materials Editor

When on, the Bitmap Path Editor dialog shows materials in the Material Editor, as well as those assigned to objects in the scene. Default=on.

Include Material Library

When on, the Bitmap Path Editor dialog shows materials in the current material library, as well as those assigned to objects in the scene. Default=off.


Click to close this utility.

See Also