3ds Max Provides two character-animation systems: CAT and character studio. The first section of this chapter demonstrates how to use CAT tools to skin a character. The second section demonstrates how to use character studio for skinning and animating characters, and how to manage various kinds of character motion including walk cycles.
This tutorial shows how to skin a character. In the first brief part you use the Skin modifier to apply a character skeleton from CAT to a mesh-based character model. After that you fine-tune the relationship between the two with the ability of the Skin modifier to set weights on a per-vertex basis. If this subject is new to you, rest assured: All of the puzzling terminology in this introductory paragraph will be explained.
These tutorials introduce you to the fundamentals of character animation using the 3ds Max Biped and Physique components. You will learn how to create and control a virtual skeleton, which will drive the motion of your character.