' This example creates a cone and a sphere, creates a new layer
' for each, and then creates a new pass based on the layers.
' Create a new scene
NewScene , false
' Create a cone and make a layer with it
Set oCone = GetPrim( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )
CreateLayer , "Wizard_Hat", , oHat
' Do the same with a sphere
Set oSphere = GetPrim( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )
CreateLayer , "Magic_Ball", , oBall
' Create a pass based on these layers
CreatePassFromLayers "Wizard", oPass
' Print partition info
Application.LogMessage "Info on " & oPass.Name & ":"
Application.LogMessage "--------------------------------"
' Create an XSICollection with the partition info
set oParts = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection" )
oParts.SetAsText( oPass & ".Partitions.*" )
For Each p In oParts
Application.LogMessage p
' Output of the above script:
'INFO : "Info on Wizard:"
'INFO : "--------------------------------"
'INFO : "Passes.Wizard.Background_Objects_Partition"
'INFO : "Passes.Wizard.Background_Lights_Partition"
'INFO : "Passes.Wizard.Layer_Default"
'INFO : "Passes.Wizard.Layer_Default1"
'INFO : "Passes.Wizard.Wizard_Hat"
'INFO : "Passes.Wizard.Magic_Ball" |