Get Transforms at Frame


Returns the array of deformer transformations per actor for the specified animation cycle at the specified frame (plus the Initial Frame set in the Initialize Locomotion Data or Initialize Stadium Data compound) in a CrowdFX simulation. Values between whole frames are interpolated linearly.

This compound can be used only in an ICE tree on the crowd simulation Point_Cloud object.

Tasks: Crowds/Getters

Output Ports: Result


Controls how to specify the frame:

  • Current Frame in Timeline uses the scene's current frame, modulo the animation's duration.
  • Current Frame in Cycle uses CrowdFX_Actor_CurrentFrameInCycle.
  • Frame Input uses the value set by Frame below.

Cycle Index

The ID of the animation cycle to show, where 0 is the first imported action source, 1 is the second, and so on.


The frame to use, when Mode is Frame Input.

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