Initialize Collision Avoidance


Sets initial values used by the collision avoidance algorithm in CrowdFX pedestrian simulations.

This compound should be used in the Modeling region on the Point_Cloud object of a CrowdFX simulation, after particles are emitted.

Tasks: Crowds/Initialize

Output Ports: Execute

Actor Thickness

Sets CrowdFX_Actor_Size.

For more information, see Setting Up How Actors Avoid Collisions.


For more information, see Collision Avoidance Behavior for Actors.

Horizontal FOV

The actors' horizontal field of view in degrees. This value is used to calculate and set CrowdFX_Actor_HorizontalFOV.

Far Interaction Limit

Sets CrowdFX_Actor_InteractionRadius.

Walls Interaction Limit

Sets CrowdFX_Wall_InteractionDistance.

Actor Direction

Use Emitter Orientation

Uses the forward vector of directional emitters as the base value of CrowdFX_Actor_Forward, instead of the Forward vector specified below. Actors from non-directional emitters have a random direction.


The base value of CrowdFX_Actor_Forward when Use Emitter Orientation is off.

Randomize Factor

The variance of the actors' forward direction from the base value in degrees.


Goal Group Index

The index of each actors' goal group for use with the Goal Sequencer compound.

See Creating Groups of Goals.

Goal Position

The actors' initial goal, if not using any of the Goal compounds to control locomotion.

Go Forward

Ignores Goal Position above. Actors move in their forward direction.


For more information, see Setting Up How Actors Avoid Collisions.

Max Deceleration

Sets CrowdFX_Actor_MaxDeceleration.

Max Acceleration

Sets CrowdFX_Actor_MaxAcceleration.

Angular Velocity at Slow Speed

Sets CrowdFX_Actor_MaxAngularVelocity.

Angular Velocity at Target Speed

Sets CrowdFX_Actor_MinAngularVelocity.

Social Group

Social Group Index

The index of each actor's social group. You can use Ignore Neighbors in Same Social Group to make actors ignore others in their own social group for the purpose of collision avoidance, allowing them to move together in groups without turning to avoid each other.

See Creating Social Groups.

On Init

Connect execute-type ports to perform further operations when actors are initialized.