Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:UserDataMap
UserDataMap は、任意のクラスタに割り当てることができるPropertyです。UserDataMap
UserDataMap には、バイナリデータ用に使用する用途とテンプレートデータ用に使用する用途の
2通りがあります。バイナリUserDataMap を使用すると、ユーザデータの構造は完全にプラグイン次第となります。これは C++
UserDataMaps オブジェクトは、CreateUserDataMapまたはSceneItem.AddPropertyを使用して作成できます。
UserDataMap は、クラスタの個々のコンポーネントに対して個別にデータを保存し、この点でCustomPropertyオブジェクトやUserDataBlobオブジェクトとは異なります。たとえば、10個のポリゴンを持つクラスタは、10個の異なるUserDataItemオブジェクトを持ちます。UserDataItem
に列挙する方法、VBScript の"for each"ループを作成する方法、およびJScript の Enumerator
コンポーネント別のデータを保存する点で、UserDataMap はClusterPropertyに似ています。ただし、ClusterProperty
は各コンポーネントにおいて常に倍精度の定数を保存し、UserDataMap は可変長データを使用できる点で異なります。
この User Data Map は、SAAPHIRE SAA_subelement* UserData 関数で使用できる User
Data Map
'example giving an overview of accessing per-component 'user data on a cluster dim oObj, oCluster, oUDProp, i, oUserDataAtIndex2 set oObj = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" ) SetValue oObj & ".polymsh.geom.subdivu", 1 SetValue oObj & ".polymsh.geom.subdivv", 1 'Create a cluster covering all edges on the geometry set oCluster = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( siEdgeCluster,"UserDataCls" ) set oUDProp = oCluster.AddProperty( "UserDataMap",,"UserDataExample" ) 'UserDataMap logmessage oUDProp.Type 'Assign user data to a particular index oUDProp.ItemValue(2) = "Some String Data" 'Another way to do the same thing is to use a UserDataItem object oUDProp.Item(3).Value = "String data for index 3" 'Erase the data we just placed at 3 oUDProp.ClearItem(3) 'Now look at all the user data in the property looking for non-empty content for i = 0 to oUDProp.Count if ( not oUDProp.IsEmpty(i) ) then logmessage "Found data with size " & oUDProp.ItemSize(i) & " at cluster index " & i end if next 'Output of this script is: 'INFO : "UserDataMap" 'INFO : "Found data with size 32 at cluster index 2" |
//example giving an overview of accessing per-component //user data on a cluster var oObj = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" ) ; SetValue( oObj + ".polymsh.geom.subdivu", 1 ) ; SetValue( oObj + ".polymsh.geom.subdivv", 1 ) ; //Create a cluster covering all edges on the geometry var oCluster = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( siEdgeCluster, "UserDataCls" ) ; var oUDProp = oCluster.AddProperty( "UserDataMap",false,"UserDataExample" ) ; //UserDataMap logmessage( oUDProp.Type ) ; //Assign user data to a particular index oUDProp.ItemValue(2) = "Some String Data" //Or we can use a UserDataItem object as another way to set data oUDProp.Item(3).Value = "String data for index 3" //Erase the data we just placed at 3 oUDProp.ClearItem(3) //Now look at all the user data in the property looking for non-empty content for( var i = 0 ; i < oUDProp.Count ; i++ ) { if ( !oUDProp.IsEmpty(i) ) { logmessage( "Found data with size " + oUDProp.ItemSize(i) + " at cluster index " + i ) ; } } //Output of this script is: //INFO : "UserDataMap" //INFO : "Found data with size 32 at cluster index 2" |
'example demonstrating the how to display the entire contents 'of a binary user data map in the command history window. '(For an example showing how to show the contents of a templated user data map 'see the Info OM Netview page that is part of XSI Local\Tools) dim oObj, oCluster, oUDProp, i 'First set up a little demo scenario set oObj = CreatePrim( "Arc", "NurbsCurve" ) set oCluster = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( siVertexCluster,"PntCluster",Array(1,4,7,10,13,16) ) set oUDProp = oCluster.AddProperty( "UserDataMap",,"UserDataExample" ) 'Fill in the user data with the string version of the index for i = 0 to oUDProp.Count - 1 oUDProp.Item( i ).Value = CStr( i ) next SelectObj oUDProp 'Then dump out all the content that was added TraceSelectedUserDataMap 'Output of this script will look approximately like this: 'INFO : "User Data Map: arc.crvlist.cls.PntCluster.UserDataExample" 'INFO : "Size of User Data Map 6- Size of Cluster 6" 'INFO : "Property was created on little-endian computer" 'INFO : "Contents:" 'INFO : "Item 0 pnt(1): 0 " 'INFO : "Item 1 pnt(4): 1 " 'INFO : "Item 2 pnt(7): 2 " 'INFO : "Item 3 pnt(10): 3 " 'INFO : "Item 4 pnt(13): 4 " 'INFO : "Item 5 pnt(16): 5 " 'The number of components with user data could get huge so this constant 'constrains the size of the output to reasonable proportions const g_MapItemsDisplay = 256 const g_ShowEmptyItems = false sub TraceSelectedUserDataMap 'This example could easily to enhanced to loop through multiple selections 'but for the sake of simplicity it only looks at the first item if ( selection.Count > 0 ) then if ( typename( selection( 0 ) ) = "UserDataMap" ) then TraceUserDataMap( selection( 0 ) ) else logmessage "Please select a user data map and try again" end if else logmessage "Please select a user data map and try again" end if end sub sub TraceUserDataMap( in_oUDM ) dim i, oItem, cntCluster, byteString, j, str, val cntCluster = in_oUDM.Parent.Elements.Count Logmessage "User Data Map: " & in_oUDM.FullName Logmessage "Size of User Data Map " & in_oUDM.Count & "- Size of Cluster " & cntCluster Logmessage "Contents:" dim oCluster, oClusterElementsCollection, aElements set oCluster = in_oUDM.Parent set oClusterElementsCollection = oCluster.Elements aElements = oClusterElementsCollection.Array dim iElementInCluster, strItemDesc dim cntItems cntItems = in_oUDM.Count dim cntDisplayedItems cntDisplayedItems = 0 for i = 0 to ( cntItems - 1) if ( i < cntCluster ) then iElementInCluster = aElements(i) strItemDesc = "Item " & i & " " & oCluster.type & "(" & iElementInCluster & "): " else strItemDesc = "Item " & i & " " & oCluster.type & "(INVALID INDEX): " end if set oItem = in_oUDM.Item( i ) if ( not oItem.IsEmpty ) then 'We convert the contents into a byte by byte description 'because we don't know if this is a safe to display unicode string strItemDesc = strItemDesc & GetUserDataContentsString( oItem ) logmessage strItemDesc cntDisplayedItems = cntDisplayedItems + 1 if ( cntDisplayedItems = g_MapItemsDisplay ) then exit for end if elseif ( g_ShowEmptyItems ) then logmessage strItemDesc & " is empty" end if next end sub 'Produces a string representation of the user data function GetUserDataContentsString( in_UserDataItem ) dim strValue strValue = in_UserDataItem.Value dim j 'Also attempt to produce a string representation dim strAsString for j = 1 to Len( strValue ) val = Asc( Mid( strValue, j, 1 ) ) 'We only accept the basic ascii values - other content is 'not necessary safe to print. For supporting non-English 'characters, line breaks and tabs this logic would need 'to be more sophisticated if (( val < 127 ) AND ( val > 31 )) then strAsString = strAsString & Chr( val ) else 'we assume that there is binary content strAsString = strAsString & "." end if next GetUserDataContentsString = strAsString end function |
'example of how to access a templated UserDataMap from from scripting. 'In this example we create user data for an imaginary game on the vertices of 'a sphere. ' 'The user data template is designed to match an associated structure in the game engine, 'and consists of 5 parameters ("ImagePath", "AttachmentPoint", "FixedPoint", "ZetaFactor", 'and "Friction") ' 'This example creates the object and sets some example values on a few points. (A user could also 'add and edit these values from the user interface using the InspectUserData command) ' 'When you run this example this is the output in the log window: ' 'INFO : "User data on sphere.polymsh.cls.AllVertices.GameData" 'INFO : "pnt[12]: ZetaFactor:0.2 Friction:64 AttachmentPoint Image: image12.tif" 'INFO : "pnt[31]: ZetaFactor:0.9 Friction:12 AttachmentPoint FixedPoint Image: unknown" 'INFO : "pnt[44]: ZetaFactor:0.5 Friction:28 FixedPoint Image: image1.jpg" option explicit const g_ClusterName = "AllVertices" const g_UserDataMapName = "GameData" const g_TemplateName = "VertexInfoTemplate" newscene ,false dim oSphere, oUserDataMap set oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" ) 'Create templated user data map - currently it is has no user data set oUserDataMap = SetupObject( oSphere ) 'Set these user data values on vertex 44 call AddUserData( oUserDataMap , 44, "image1.jpg", false, true, 0.5, 28 ) 'Set different values on points 12 call AddUserData( oUserDataMap , 12, "background14.tif", true, false, 0.1, 39 ) 'Change our minds about point 12 call AddUserData( oUserDataMap , 12, "image12.tif", true, false, 0.2, 64 ) call AddUserData( oUserDataMap , 31, "unknown", true, true, 0.9, 12 ) call LogUserData( oUserDataMap ) 'On the given object create a UserDataMap for the game data function SetupObject( in_oObj ) dim oCluster, oPSet, oUserDataMap 'Test if we have already setup this object on error resume next set oUserDataMap = in_oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry._ Clusters( g_ClusterName ).Properties( g_UserDataMapName ) on error goto 0 if typename( oUserDataMap ) = "UserDataMap" then 'Our user data map already exists set SetupObject = oUserDataMap exit function end if set oCluster = in_oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( siVertexCluster, g_ClusterName ) set oPSet = CreateTemplate( oCluster ) set oUserDataMap = oCluster.AddProperty( "UserDataMap",,g_UserDataMapName ) 'Associate the template with our user data map set oUserDataMap.Template = oPSet 'Return the newly created User Data Map set SetupObject = oUserDataMap end function 'This function creates the template that defines the format of the data inside our UserDataMap 'The new template is returned. 'Note: this function does not associate the template with any user data map, or set any values on 'the user data map. function CreateTemplate( in_oParentObject ) dim oPSet set oPSet = in_oParentObject.AddProperty( "Custom_parameter_list",, g_TemplateName ) oPSet.AddParameter "ImagePath", siString oPSet.AddParameter "AttachmentPoint", siBool, , , ,, , false oPSet.AddParameter "FixedPoint", siBool, , , ,, , false oPSet.AddParameter "ZetaFactor", siDouble, , , , , , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 oPSet.AddParameter "Friction", siUByte, , , , , , 64, 0, 128 set CreateTemplate = oPSet end function 'Given specific game parameter values, this routine will save those values 'on the specified vertex of the UserDataMap sub AddUserData( in_oUDM, in_CompIndex, in_ImagePath, in_AttachPoint, in_FixedPoint, in_ZetaFactor, in_Friction ) 'Get access to the Template for this user data map dim oTemplate set oTemplate = in_oUDM.Template 'Fill in the parameters on the template oTemplate.Parameters( "ImagePath" ).Value = in_ImagePath oTemplate.Parameters( "AttachmentPoint" ).Value = in_AttachPoint oTemplate.Parameters( "FixedPoint" ).Value = in_FixedPoint oTemplate.Parameters( "ZetaFactor" ).Value = in_ZetaFactor oTemplate.Parameters( "Friction" ).Value = in_Friction 'Now that the parameters are specified we need to associated 'these values with the specified vertex in_oUDM.ItemValue(in_CompIndex) = oTemplate.BinaryData end sub 'This routine prints out the contents of our user data map sub LogUserData( in_oUDM ) dim oTemplate, i, strAttachPnt, strFixedPnt Logmessage "User data on " & in_oUDM set oTemplate = in_oUDM.Template for i = 0 to in_oUDM.count 'We can only print out non-empty user data items if ( NOT in_oUDM.IsEmpty( i ) ) then 'Take the values from the user data and put them in the template 'so that we can read them oTemplate.BinaryData = in_oUDM.ItemValue( i ) 'Look at the boolean values to convert into readable strings if ( oTemplate.Parameters("AttachmentPoint").Value ) then strAttachPnt = "AttachmentPoint " else strAttachPnt = "" end if if ( oTemplate.Parameters("FixedPoint").Value ) then strFixedPnt = "FixedPoint " else strFixedPnt = "" end if 'Print a 1 line representation of all the values on this particular point logmessage "pnt[" & i & "]: " & _ " ZetaFactor:" & oTemplate.Parameters("ZetaFactor").Value & _ " Friction:" & oTemplate.Parameters("Friction").Value & _ " " & strAttachPnt & strFixedPnt & _ "Image: " & oTemplate.Parameters("ImagePath").Value end if next end sub |