Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:Expression
Expression オブジェクトは、Parameter.AddExpressionによって作成できるパラメータ上のアニメーションソースを表すOperatorの一種です。Softimage
の Expression
パラメータの値を Expression により取得する場合、Expression はParameter.Sourceプロパティを使用して呼び込むことができます。
詳細については、Softimage ユーザ ガイドの「エクスプレッション リファレンス」を参照してください。
// This example illustrates how to apply an expression and access it. NewScene( null, false ); var oNull = ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull(); var oAnotherNull = ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull("AnotherNull"); strExpr = oAnotherNull.posy.FullName + " + 2"; var oExpr = oNull.posx.AddExpression(strExpr); //You can access the parameter to which an expression is connected by using the output port. Application.LogMessage("Parameter owner of the expression " + oExpr.OutputPorts(0).Target2.FullName); //You can access the parameter which are used inside an expression by using the input ports of //the expression operator. var oInputPorts = oExpr.InputPorts for(i = 0; i < oInputPorts.Count; i++) { Application.LogMessage("Parameter client of the expression " + oInputPorts(i).Target2.FullName); } // Formula that defines the expression is available as a Parameter value oDefinitionParam = oExpr.Parameters( "Definition" ) Application.LogMessage( "Expression definition :" + oDefinitionParam.Value) ; // Expression can be changed strNewExpr = oAnotherNull .posy.FullName + " - " + oAnotherNull .posx.FullName ; oDefinitionParam.Value = strNewExpr ; Application.LogMessage( "New expression definition : " + oDefinitionParam.Value ) ; // Show the new expression formula in action oAnotherNull.posy = 10 ; oAnotherNull.posx = 4 ; // Value should be 10 - 4 = 6 Application.LogMessage( "With new expression posx is " + oNull.posx.value ) ; // Remove the expression oNull.posx.Disconnect() ; //INFO : Parameter owner of the expression null.kine.local.posx //INFO : Parameter client of the expression AnotherNull.kine.local.posy //INFO : Expression definition :AnotherNull.kine.local.posy + 2 //INFO : New expression definition : AnotherNull.kine.local.posy - AnotherNull.kine.local.posx //INFO : With new expression posx is 6 |