




スクリプト 構文

Operator.DisconnectGroup( Group, Instance, [Force] );


パラメータ タイプ 詳細
Group Long 接続解除するポートグループ
Instance Long オブジェクトが接続されているポートグループのインデックス
フォース Boolean ポートがオプションでない場合でも、オブジェクトの接続を解除します。

デフォルト値: False

JScript の例

        This example demonstrates how to disconnect an object from a group in a runtime custom operator.
NewScene( null, false );
var null1 = GetPrim( "null" );
var null2 = GetPrim( "null" );
var sop = XSIFactory.CreateScriptedOp( "myexpr", myexpr_Update.toString(), "JScript" );
sop.Debug = 1;
var group1 = sop.AddPortGroup( "MainGroup" );
sop.AddIOPort( null1.Kinematics.Local,"", group1.Index );
// Add a second group with an optional port
var group2 = sop.AddPortGroup( "SecondGroup", 0, 1 );
sop.AddInputPort( null2.Kinematics.Local, "", group2.Index, -1, siOptionalInputPort );
// Connect operator
sop.Connect( null1 + ";" + null2 );
// null2 will rotate with null1
Rotate( null2, 90 );
// Disconnect null2 from second port group
sop.DisconnectGroup( group2.Index, 0 );
// null1 is no longer constrained
Rotate( null2, 180 );
// This operator constrains the rotation of the connected (target) object to the
// rotation of the object connected through the second portgroup.
function myexpr_Update( ctx, out, inlocal1, inlocal2 )
        Application.LogMessage( "myexpr_Update: " + out.Name );
        Application.LogMessage( ""+(inlocal2) );
        var transfo = inlocal1.Value.Transform;
        // Is an object connected to this group?
        if ( ctx.Operator.GetNumInstancesInGroup( 1 ) )
                var inlocal2 = ctx.Operator.PortAt( 0, 1, 0 );
                // Is the port connected?
                if ( inlocal2.IsConnected )
                        var rot = XSIMath.CreateRotation();
                        transfo.SetRotation( rot );
        out.Value.Transform = transfo;
// Expected results:
//INFO : 4000 - myexpr<238> Evaluate frame(sec)=0.033367, Outlocal(null.kine.local)
//INFO : myexpr_Update: Outlocal
//INFO : undefined

