Material Node Property Editor

Acts as a placeholder for any shaders that are applied to an object. The material node also lets you define how textures will be displayed in the Textured OGL view of a viewport.

To Display: Click a material node's icon in an explorer, or double-click the (orange) material node in the render tree.


Defines the material's name. When saving the material as a preset, the material node will adopt the preset's name.

OpenGL Display

Texture Selection:

Lets you define what to display on the object in the textured OGL view.

No OGL Texture: No texture is displayed on the object.

Track render tree: Displays the output of the render tree.

Track Shader: Displays the output of a specific shader. Select the shader from the Tracked Shader drop-down menu.

Use specific Image/UV Pair: Displays a specific image, projected by a specific texture projection. Use the Image Clip and UV Property drop-down menus to specify the image and UV property respectively.


Lets you define which image shader will be displayed in the textured OGL view.

Image Clip

Lets you define which image clip will be displayed in the textured OGL view. This option is available only when Texture Selection is set to Use specific Image/UV Pair.

UV Property

Lets you define a texture projection to use when viewing a texture in the textured OGL view. This option is available only when Texture Selection is set to Use specific Image/UV Pair. See Specifying a Texture Projection [Texturing].

Inspect Current Image Clip

Opens the tracked image clip's property editor.

Texture Display Mode

Shaded (Modulate): Displays textures as they are affected by a scene's lights.

Constant (Decal): Displays textures in a bright, constant illumination, unaffected by light and shadows.

Wrap U, V

Clamp: Places the texture on an object in a single application. If the texture is smaller than the object, the texture is not repeated across the object.

Repeat: Unlike Clamp mode, Repeat mode tiles the texture until the object is covered.

Use Alpha Mask

Displays objects as being fully transparent where the texture image is fully transparent. Use Alpha Mask performs pixel sorting on alpha-masked textured objects for proper display in the OpenGL views. This option is particularly useful If your scene uses alpha-masked intersecting planes to represent grass, hair, trees, and other such sprites.

Vertex Color Display Property

Specifies the color at vertices property to display on the object in the textured OGL view. See Specifying Parameter Maps or Vertex Colors in Property Editors [Scene Elements].

Polygon clusters with local materials always display the CAV property of their local material. However, the CAV property that is active for painting is still the one specified in the object's material.