Material Library Property Editor

To Display: Open an explorer, set the scope to Materials, and click a material library's icon.


The name of the material library, as displayed in the explorer.

Export Library

Exports the library as a dotXSI text file. By default, the library is exported to the project's MatLib directory, but you can specify any location from the browser that opens.

Exporting a material library does not change whether it is stored internally or externally.


Specifies whether the library is stored internally or externally. Choose one of the following options.

Internal: the library is stored within the scene.

External (dotXSI binary): the library is stored externally as a binary dotXSI file. Its location is specifies by the File Name option.

External (dotXSI text): the library is stored externally as a binary dotXSI file. Its location is specifies by the File Name option

File Name

When the Storage option is set to External (dotXSI binary or text), this option specifies the library's file name and path. By default, external libraries are stored in the project's MatLib directory, but you can specify any location.

If Usr is on, the path is displayed as you entered it. If Res is on, the resolved path is displayed. You can type a different path or use the Browse (...) button to change locations. Valid names are displayed in white, invalid names are red, and read-only files are gray.